TCOPYRIGHT, 1S38, BYHE THE SPORTINO LIFK PUBLIRHISQ Co. SPORTING LIFE.ESTERED AT PlIILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOND CtASS MATTER. VOLUME 11, NO. 17. PHILADELPHIA, PA., AUGUST 1, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Smith; vice president, Frank Pitzer; secretary, Fred­ home umpire officiated, and yet Hamilton defeated eric S. Webster; treasurer. I). W. Oyster; bot»rd of Buffalo with greatest ease, umpire or no umpire. In one Hamilton game and in two with fcchester Young governors, C. H. Offut, Edward Go<iey, S. W. Steine- umpired ihrte nice games, excepting THE ASSOCIATION. LATE'NEWS. mtitz, John WoQStall, Joseph H. Hunter, James M. officiated and Greeu, William Boanoan, E. L. Mills, K. W. Duttou, that he made, aa all umpires do, occasional mistakes Harry Bohrer, William K. Traver. on bnlla and strikes. But they all do that from Giff- ney down to Kalnmazoo Jeuning*. The next day Movements of Ball Clubs Chapman, to save his own head, swore Youn; would Meeting to be Plttsburg to Sell Maul. be re'eased If bis iufliit-nee could do it, and it just did, A Special Special to SPORTING LIFE. for Young win supplanted by our old captain, Jack PiTT8BURo, Pa., July 28. The Plttebnrg Club Kemsen. Jack did well the first day, and was pro­ and Players. has decided to accept an offer from an ou tside nounced a decided success by his Buffalo friends, espe­ Held. club for the sale of Al Maul. Telegrams cially so since tho Bisons batted out ten run-; in ihe asking the. names of League clubs to waive claim very first inning and won the game. But the m-xt Rowing Matters in the North­ "%» aent out late la-it nijibt. In somo way the day the Syracuse Srars wore on their mettle and did -sage waa intercepted" and the matter be­ some battine of their own and easily defewtfld Buffalo. The Recent Club Disputes to came public. Tho club management thinks this But the audience at ouce jumped onto umpire Item- west News for Wheelmen fact may prevent the consummation of the deal. sen, and then Manager Chapman, no doubt In the be Investigated and The telojziaph officials havo been asked to investigate heat of passion, met Bemsen, aud before the angry the matter. The club claims to havo lost several multitude openly dononuced Mm. The crowd, thus General Intelligence. thousand dollars through premature anuouncemes's. stimulated by Chapman, threatened to mob Mr. Rein- Adjudged. One telegraph operator gave »way the McCormtckdeal son, throwing cushions and pop bottk-a at him pro­ before complete'!, and it cost the club 3500 more. The miscuously. The police finally broke through the AQUATIC NEWS. operator was discharged. CIRCLE. crowd and rescued the umpire from the moh. And thus it ia. Tho crowds want to aee good ball, but hnvo The report that a special meeting of the Board Results of tho Annual Meeting of the Another Shake-Up at Buffalo. eo (.ften been disappointed that they want to see the of Directors of the American Association would North we stern Rowing Association. Special to SPORTING LIFK. hi me club win, no matter how 'tis done, and thus it w bo held at the Continental Ilste!, Philadelphia, Special to SPORTING LIFE. BUFFALO, July 28. Ed Silch was released yesterday, that Buffalo is one of the hardest losing towns !n the Monday, July 30, to settle the controversy be­ GKAND RAPIDS, Mich., July 28. At the an­ AS his fielding and running were not up to the murk. country. Still tbe attendance is pood, notwithstiuid- tween the Brooklyn find Kansas City clubs, Hurt will be permanently p'accd at right field in order Ing defeat. But put a winning club in this city, and all nual meeting of the Northwestern Rowing As­ will be bright, aiid Buffalo will cutsome figure. umon£ caused by the former taking exception to the toobt>»in the beinftt of hit batting. We will have n umpiring in a recent game and leaving the sociation, Geo. H. Lesher, of Detroit, was re- new pitcher from the West soon. The recent pood th« candidates for tho Kansia City franchise in the electeil president; M. J. Buck, Lansing, vice wurlc by the team is due to a lecture by Manager American Association. Otherwise it will not, and base field, ns alleged, before the contest was fin­ president, and C. W. Chauncey, of this city, Chapmau. Jack Fanning*!* great work this week is ball will soon bo a Ion art in thU city. TBAVELKB. ished was rather premuture. No dato has yet secretary and treasurer. Commodore. B. J. tho talk of the t .wo. The club ia daily receiving been fixed for sueli a meeting, but one will cer­ offers for Grant's release, but has accepted none as FOR BASE BALL, CLUBS. tainly be held, as President Wikoff on Saturday Leathers, city; vice commodore, A. V. Pantlind, yet _____ OLYMPIC. this city. Every Member Liable for Debts of the wired President Von der Ahe at Baltimore aa Six clubs were dropped from membership, Almost Another Disgrace. Organization. follows- 'COLUMBUS, July 28. I have not being considered defunct, as follows: Bay City, Special to SPORTING LIFE. MIDDLETOWX, N. Y., July 26. A decision haa called a meeting for Monday. If you think a, Bay Side, TV>runt>, Ont.; Centennial. Detroit; Galves- BBOOHLTS, July 28. When Burdock attempted to just been rendered in a litigated case of interest meeting should be held get Barnie and Cleve­ ton, Gdivtbton. Texas, and Wah-wah-tah-eee, Ecorae, make third base iu yesterday's game at Brooklyn, to base ball associations everywhere. There ex­ land and others to join in a call for satisfactory Mich. flavi-, of Kansas City, hit him a vicious poke with the isted during the een^on of 188G in tho village of date, and all wire.'1 W. C. AYi.*?^" Whoa Secretary Channco.v reported a membership remain­ b*H, sending him clean over tho bag. Burdock epofre ing of 21 clnlt, and tbe treasurer's report showed that hi* mind to Da vis, and the latter rau out of the dia­ Norwich an association known as the Norwich the meeting is held it is quite likely that the finances were in excellent condition. mond, ready for fight. Captain Barkley and Umpire Base Ball Club, composed of seventy-one mem­ in addition to the Kan?as City controversy Amendments to articlyg 3 and 5 of tho constitution McQuaide interfered, and no bairn was done. bers, among whom wore included a quota of action will be taken on Mr. Von der IT ere mode and a<1oj>teil; players, together with a number of business and Ahe's charges against Merrss. Byrno and Fer- Firet to «rticle 3: "The executive board shall have Vinton Signs With Lowell. power to nil by ballot any vacancy that may exist in professional men of the town, who joined the club for guson, and protests of the Athletic and Cincin­ tbeir numter ttutl the i>er*on so elected shall bold o flic a Special to SPOUTING LIFS. The Father of Base Ball and Brooklyn Corres­ the purpose of encouraging a manly outdoor sport, in nati clubs against paying the wholesale fines in­ for th*» balance of the >>ar." BOSTON, July '28. William Vintou has been signed which they took delight as lookers-on. At the end of flicted on their players by Umpire Dooscher. Of Second to article 5: "We further consider an ama­ bv the Lowell management and will commence work pondent of The Sporting Life. thetoason the club weut to pieces, leaving coitaiu bills format te«m at onco. When he was at Philips' An- tbat had been incurred by the officers in its name un­ the Kansas City ^"aoble our Cleveland correa-r teur to be oue who rows for pleasure and recreation pendent writes us: only during hia leisure hours." dovor Academy his twirling was tho talk of th« sur­ paid. Among these was a Mil of £91.89, due to The Association votod to meet at the ROM ell house, rounding country, and ho maintained bis n-putstioii CHICAGO GOSSIP. YORK NEWS. S*muel Hodges, hotel keeper, for boarding two pUyers "When Hie Association Board of Directors m^etc, the Detroit, January, 24, 1S89. afterwards at Yale College and with the Philadelphia belonging to the club. Kansas City-Brooklyn knot will bo un'angled and League team. ___ __ MVGWUMP. The creditor assigned the claim to one Charles H. Kansas City will b* found iu the wroup. lo ilie first "Editor" Pfeflfer's Conduct in Indianapolis The Giants Doing Great Work All Well Hudson, who (selected six of the well-to-do businora LOCISVILLE LINES. place Donohue r< versed the oider of the umpires' work Wrestler tewls Challenged. Not Endorsed by Chicaffoan'a A. G. as Long aa the Big- Three Hold Out men of tho town Uarrison Clark, J. K. Spalding, D. under the tubstitnto resolution ami made ba«e deci­ Out £319 for Chicago What ts the Matter With Brooklyn? The B. Fitch, A. J. PI i el |», t\ W. Itogen and W. P. Chap­ Hub Collins Ready for Work Kamsey's Special to SPORTING Lire. Spalding Pitches sion* for the other club and called balls and stiikes on Charities Bryiian's Release Other Men­ Giants* New Grounds Weidman Out- man whose names were included in the roll of mem­ his own pitchers. It will also be Aund, when papers Complete Humiliation. BUFFALO, N. Y., July 28. DennU Gnllagher, the Court wrtatler, jesterday ported a forfeit with the Aeurs and tion.
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