Area Profiles Wolverhampton Wards This profile has been produced by: Insight and Performance Team Wolverhampton City Council. Tel: 01902 554103 or 01902 554043. [email protected] www.wolverhamptoninprofile.org.uk Wolverhampton's wards Area Profile of : BILSTON EAST ward Total Resident Population : 14,308*** POPULATION HOUSEHOLDS Age Groups*** (MYE 2015) Total % W'ton Households (Hhs) Total % W'ton 0-4 1,169 6.5 7.1 Couple only 742 13.1 13.0 5-15 2,152 6.3 13.3 Lone parent + dependent children 679 12.0 9.4 16-24 1,642 5.5 11.7 Other hhs + dependent children 1,176 20.7 21.8 25-44 4,110 6.0 27.0 Hhs + non dependent children 650 11.5 11.6 45-59 2,482 5.1 19.1 Multi person households aged 65+ 360 6.4 7.6 60-74 1,818 5.3 13.5 Lone pensioner (65+) 775 13.7 12.9 75+ 935 4.4 8.3 Student only 1 0.0 0.3 *Total residents 14,308 100.0 100.0 All other lone person hhs 1,127 19.9 19.3 Other 160 2.8 4.0 Sex*** (MYE 2015) Total % W'ton *Total occupied households 5,670 100.0 100.0 Males 7,050 49.3 49.4 Females 7,258 50.7 50.6 Marital Status Total % W'ton *Total residents 14,308 100.0 100.0 Never married (single & cohabit) 4,015 38.8 37.1 Married 4,105 39.6 43.6 Ethnic Composition Total % W'ton Same-sex civil partnership 20 0.2 0.2 White: British 10,265 76.8 64.5 Separated 319 3.1 2.7 Irish 45 0.3 0.6 Divorced 1,051 10.1 8.5 Gypsy/Irish Traveller 47 0.4 0.1 Widowed 847 8.2 7.9 Other 270 2.0 2.8 *Total residents 16+ 10,357 100.0 100.0 Mixed: White & Black Caribbean 419 3.1 3.4 White & Black African 18 0.1 0.2 Communal Establishments Total % W'ton White & Asian 103 0.8 0.9 Total number of residents 27 0.2 1.6 Other 60 0.4 0.6 Asian: Indian 1,185 8.9 12.9 Tenure Total % W'ton Pakistani 53 0.4 1.8 Owner occupied 2,329 41.1 56.6 Bangladeshi 6 0.0 0.2 Shared ownership 34 0.6 0.4 Chinese 43 0.3 0.6 Social rented - Council 2,082 36.7 22.3 Other 117 0.9 2.6 Social rented - other 415 7.3 5.7 Black: African 156 1.2 1.6 Private rented 677 11.9 13.2 Caribbean 337 2.5 3.8 Rent free 133 2.3 1.8 Other 139 1.0 1.5 *Total occupied households 5,670 100.0 100.0 Other ethnic group: 100 0.8 1.9 *Total residents 13,363 100.0 100.0 Cars Total % W'ton No cars or vans in household 2,402 42.4 33.6 Religion Total % W'ton 1 car or van in household 2,268 40.0 41.1 Christian 7,962 59.6 55.5 2 cars or vans in household 827 14.6 19.5 Buddhist 33 0.2 0.4 3 cars or vans in household 133 2.3 4.4 Hindu 428 3.2 3.7 4 or more cars or vans in household 40 0.7 1.3 Jewish 5 0.0 0.0 *Total occupied households 5,670 100.0 100.0 Muslim 130 1.0 3.6 Sikh 666 5.0 9.1 Other 115 0.9 1.2 HEALTH No religion 3,196 23.9 20.0 Not stated 828 6.2 6.4 General Health Total % W'ton *Total residents 13,363 100.0 100.0 Very good 5,357 40.1 41.8 Good 4,548 34.0 35.3 English as main language Total % W'ton Fair 2,204 16.5 15.7 All adults (16+) in household 5,254 92.7 87.2 Bad 953 7.1 5.5 At least one person in household 218 3.9 6.7 Very bad 301 2.3 1.7 No people in household 198 3.5 6.1 *Total residents 13,363 100.0 100.0 *Total occupied households 5,670 100.0 100.0 This profile has been produced by the Insight and Performance Team, Wolverhampton City Council. Tel: 01902 550101/553217. *Please note that some percentages may not equal exactly 100% due to rounding up of figures. Dependent children: aged 0-15 years, and 16-18s in education. 16-18s are non-dependents if not in education or employment. # Demographic data in this document has been sourced from the 2011 Census unless otherwise stated. V1 Area Profile of : BILSTON EAST ward Total Resident Population : 14,308*** ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Male % Female % Total % Total no. of people aged 16-74 4,642 49.2 4,787 50.8 9,429 100.0 Economically Active Male % Female % Total % W'ton Full-time employees 1,974 42.5 1,148 24.0 3,122 33.1 35.5 Part-time employees 256 5.5 942 19.7 1,198 12.7 13.5 Self-employed 364 7.8 125 2.6 489 5.2 6.3 Unemployed 553 11.9 373 7.8 926 9.8 7.8 (% of economically active who are unemployed) 17.1 13.7 15.5 11.7 Full-time student 93 2.0 127 2.7 220 2.3 3.6 *Total economically active 16-74 3,240 69.7 2,715 56.8 5,955 63.1 66.7 Economically Inactive Male % Female % Total % W'ton Retired 550 11.8 722 15.1 1,272 13.5 13.2 Looking after home 109 2.3 552 11.5 661 7.0 5.3 Permanently sick/disabled 397 8.6 355 7.4 752 8.0 5.4 Full-time student 196 4.2 240 5.0 436 4.6 6.1 Other 150 3.2 203 4.2 353 3.7 3.1 *Total economically inactive 16-74 1,402 30.1 2,072 43.2 3,474 36.8 33.1 EMPLOYMENT Male % Female % Total % Employed residents 16-74 2,659 53.6 2,303 46.4 4,962 100.0 Occupation Male % Female % Total % W'ton Managers/Senior Officials 213 8.0 130 5.6 343 6.9 8.2 Professionals 209 7.9 241 10.5 450 9.1 13.7 Assoc. Professional/Technical 243 9.1 159 6.9 402 8.1 9.9 Admin/Secretarial 110 4.1 419 18.2 529 10.7 11.3 Skilled Trades 636 23.9 75 3.3 711 14.3 11.8 Personal Services e.g care assts 69 2.6 423 18.4 492 9.9 10.3 hairdressing, caretaking etc Sales/Customer Services 152 5.7 353 15.3 505 10.2 9.2 Plant & Machine Operatives 557 20.9 118 5.1 675 13.6 10.9 Elementary e.g. foundary, postal, 470 17.7 385 16.7 855 17.2 14.7 workers, kitchen assts etc *Total employed residents 16-74 2,659 100.0 2,303 100.0 4,962 100.0 100.0 Hours worked per week Male % Female % Total % W'ton Part-time (up to 30 hrs per week) 396 14.9 1,069 46.4 1,465 29.5 29.8 Full-time (over 30 hrs per week) 2,263 85.1 1,234 53.6 3,497 70.5 70.2 *Total employed residents 16-74 2,659 100.0 2,303 100.0 4,962 100.0 100.0 QUALIFICATIONS (People aged 16+, highest level achieved) Total % W'ton None 4,457 43 31.2 Level 1 (e.g. 1+GCSEs) 1,572 15.2 14.1 Level 2 (e.g. 5+ GCSEs) 1,512 14.6 14.9 Level 3 (e.g. 2+ A Levels) 907 8.8 10.6 Levels 4/5 (e.g. Degree & above) 1,135 11 19.5 Apprenticeships 233 2.2 2.7 Other 541 5.2 6.9 *Total residents 16+ 10,357 100.0 100.0 ** Please note that the part time and full time figures for hours worked per week differ from those in the economically active section as the former includes all people in work and the latter includes employees only, and does not include unemployed full-time students *** Please note that these figures are estimated based on the Mid-Year Estimates (MYE) 2015 # Demographic data in this document has been sourced from the 2011 Census unless otherwise stated. V1 Area Profile of : BILSTON NORTH ward Total Resident Population : 12,295*** POPULATION HOUSEHOLDS Age Groups*** (MYE 2015) Total % W'ton Households (Hhs) Total % W'ton 0-4 806 4.5 7.1 Couple only 645 13.4 13.0 5-15 1,663 4.9 13.3 Lone parent + dependent children 421 8.7 9.4 16-24 1,432 4.8 11.7 Other hhs + dependent children 1,149 23.9 21.8 25-44 3,080 4.5 27.0 Hhs + non dependent children 713 14.8 11.6 45-59 2,411 5.0 19.1 Multi person households aged 65+ 410 8.5 7.6 60-74 1,885 5.5 13.5 Lone pensioner (65+) 629 13.0 12.9 75+ 1,018 4.8 8.3 Student only 3 0.1 0.3 *Total residents 12,295 100.0 100.0 All other lone person hhs 698 14.5 19.3 Other 153 3.2 4.0 Sex*** (MYE 2015) Total % W'ton *Total occupied households 4,821 100.0 100.0 Males 6,061 49.3 49.4 Females 6,234 50.7 50.6 Marital Status Total % W'ton *Total residents 12,295 100.0 100.0 Never married (single & cohabit) 3,474 35.5 37.1 Married 4,511 46.1 43.6 Ethnic Composition Total % W'ton Same-sex civil partnership 10 0.1 0.2 White: British 8,727 71.5 64.5 Separated 270 2.8 2.7 Irish 35 0.3 0.6 Divorced 741 7.6 8.5 Gypsy/Irish Traveller 9 0.1 0.1 Widowed 773 7.9 7.9 Other 165 1.4 2.8 *Total residents 16+ 9,779 100.0 100.0 Mixed: White & Black Caribbean 426 3.5 3.4 White & Black African 17 0.1 0.2 Communal Establishments Total % W'ton White & Asian 88 0.7 0.9 Total number of residents 55 0.5 1.6 Other 47 0.4 0.6 Asian: Indian 1,676 13.7 12.9 Tenure Total % W'ton Pakistani 63 0.5 1.8 Owner occupied 2,964 61.5 56.6 Bangladeshi 0 0.0 0.2 Shared ownership 9 0.2 0.4 Chinese 17 0.1 0.6 Social rented - Council 1,182 24.5 22.3 Other 194 1.6 2.6 Social rented - other 135 2.8 5.7 Black: African 92 0.8 1.6 Private rented 446 9.2 13.2 Caribbean 320 2.6 3.8 Rent free 85 1.8 1.8 Other 189 1.5 1.5 *Total occupied households 4,821 100.0 100.0 Other ethnic group: 148 1.2 1.9 *Total residents 12,213 100.0 100.0 Cars Total % W'ton No cars or vans in household 1,531 31.8 33.6 Religion Total % W'ton 1 car or van in household 2,073 43.0 41.1 Christian 6,952 56.9 55.5 2 cars or vans in household 932 19.3 19.5 Buddhist 17 0.1 0.4 3 cars or vans in household 215 4.5 4.4 Hindu 542 4.4 3.7 4 or more cars or vans in household 70 1.5 1.3 Jewish 2 0.0 0.0 *Total occupied households 4,821 100.0 100.0 Muslim 108 0.9 3.6 Sikh 1,066 8.7 9.1 Other 222 1.8 1.2 HEALTH No religion 2,512 20.6 20.0 Not stated 792 6.5 6.4 General Health Total % W'ton *Total residents 12,213 100.0 100.0 Very good 4,853 39.7 41.8 Good 4,450 36.4 35.3 English as main language Total % W'ton Fair 1,953 16.0 15.7 All adults (16+) in household 4,373 90.7 87.2 Bad 736 6.0 5.5 At least one person in household 289 6.0 6.7 Very bad 221 1.8 1.7 No people in household 159 3.3 6.1 *Total residents 12,213 100.0 100.0 *Total occupied households 4,821 100.0 100.0 This profile has been produced by the Insight and Performance Team, Wolverhampton City Council.
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