COIN HOARDS Thompson, M., O. Mørkholm, and C.M. Kraay. “An inventory of Greek coin hoards: a discussion” in AIIN 23-24 (1976-7). Kraay, C.M. “Hoards, Small Change, and the Origin of Coinage” in JHS LXXXIV (1964). [under Greek, General, History & Theory] Meadows, A. “The Chian Revolution: Changing Patterns of Hoarding in 4th-century BC Western Asia Minor” in BCH Suppl. 53 (2011). [under Greek, General, Weight Standards] Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH) [IGCH 1] [c. 550-525 BC] Matala evirons, near Phaestus, Greece, 1943 Aigina (staters), Thera? (stater) Holloway, R.R. “An archaic hoard from Crete and the early Aeginetan coinage” in ANSMN 17 (1971). [IGCH 2 = CH 8, 13] [c. 515 BC] Athens, Greece, before 1785 Eretreia (fr), Athens (Wappen. 4dr, 2dr) Nicolet-Pierre, H. “Monnaies Archaïques d’Athènes sous Pisistrate et les Pisistratides (c. 545-510)” in RN 1983. [IGCH 6 = CH 9, 1] [c. 500 BC] Cyclades ?, c. 1889 Aigina, Andros/Keos, Paros, Siphnos, Thera?, Dardanos?, Miletos?, Chios, Kos (all staters) Greenwell, W. “On a find of archaic Greek coins, principally of the islands of the Aegian Sea” in NC 1890. [IGCH 7 = CH 9, 3] [c. 500-490 BC] Santorin (Thera), Greece, 1821 Aegina, Andros/Keos, Naxos, Paros, Siphnos, Thera?, Kyzikos, Dardanos?, Miletos?, Unc. Caria?, Unc. mint (boar’s head fractions) (all else, staters) Wroth, W. “The Santorin find of 1821” in NC 1884. Sheedy, K. “The Dolphins, the crab, the sphinx and ‘Aphrodite’” in Studies Price. [IGCH 12 = CH 10, 9] [c. 480 BC] Athens, Greece, 1886 Athens (Wappenm. [dr, ob, hemiob], & early owls [4dr, dr, ob]) Svoronos, J.N. “Nomismatika héuråemata, A, Ek tåon anaskaphåon tåes Akropoleåos Athåenåon” (Numismatic finds. Excavations on the Akropolis at Athens) in JIAN 1 (1898), Svoronos, J.N. “Hoard found on the Acropolis” in J.N. Svoronos, Corpus of the Ancient Coins of Athens (Chicago: Ares Publishers, 1975). Flament, C. Le monnayage en argent d’Athènes. Louvain-la-Neuve. 2007. Pp. 173-4. [IGCH 21] [c. 450 BC] Kourmares, Thessaly, 1936 Aegina (staters) Caramessini-Oeconomides, M. “Deux tresors de stateres eginetes du cabinet des medailles d’Athenes” in SM 120 (November 1980). [IGCH 27] [c. 416 BC] Melos, 1907 Milos (staters) Jameson, R. “Une trouvaille de Statères de Mélos” in RN 1908. Jameson, R. “La trouvaille de Milo” in RN 1909. Milne, J.G. The Melos Hoard of 1907. ANSNNM 62. American Numismatic Society. New York. 1934. [IGCH 28] [c. 450-400 BC] Chavari, Elis, before 1933 Aegina, Thebes (all staters) Caramessini-Oeconomides, M. “Deux tresors de stateres eginetes du cabinet des medailles d’Athenes” in SM 120 (November 1980). [under IGCH 21] [IGCH 32 = CH 9, 20] [c. 400-370 BC] Athens, Greece, 1929 Achaemenid kings (darics) Nicolet-Pierre, H. “Or Perse en Grèce: Deux trésors de dariques conservés à Athènes” in Essays Oeconomides. [IGCH 35 = CH 9, 8] [c. 470-450 BC] Lappa, 1939 Phokis (3ob), Elis (staters, drachms, triobols), Aigina (staters, drachm) Oeconomides-Caramessini, M. “A propos du trésor de Lappa IGCH 35” in Kraay-Mørkholm Essays. [IGCH 43 = CH 9, 22] [c. 400-370 BC] Elis, Greece, 1918 Kyzikos (EL), Achaemenid kings (darics) Nicolet-Pierre, H. “Or Perse en Grèce: Deux trésors de dariques conservés à Athènes” in Essays Oeconomides. [IGCH 46 = CH 7, 22 = CH 9, 19] [c. 406-394 BC] Piraeus, Greece, 1902 Athens (plated AR 4dr, dr) Oeconomides-Caramessini, M. “Note on the Piraeus Hoard of 1902 of Athenian Plated Coins” in CH 7. Kroll, J.H. “The Piraeus 1902 hoard of plated drachms and tetradrachms (IGCH 64)” in Essays Oeconomides. [IGCH 47 = CH 9, 102] [c. 322-300 BC] Piraeus, 1882 Alexander III (AV staters), Kyzikos (EL) Touratsoglou, I. “Statères d’Alexandre et statères de Cyzique: le trésor de Pirée, 1882 (IGCH 47)” in Travaux Le Rider. [IGCH 48 = CH 7, 29 = CH 8, 92] [c. 380 BC] Andritsaena, Elis, Greece, 1948 Thebes (stater), Sikyon (stater), Elis (stater, fr) Seltman, C. “The Katoché Hoard of Elean Coins” in NC 1951. [IGCH 67] [c. 350-325 BC] Moulki, near Sicyon, 1958 Locris Opuntii (3ob), Phokis (3ob), Tanagra (dr, 3ob), Thebes (stater, 3ob), Thespiai (3ob), Aigina (dr), Phlious (3ob), Sikyon (dr, 3ob, ob), Aigai in Achaia (3ob), Elis (3ob), Argos (3ob), Stymphalos (3ob), Tegea (3ob) Varoucha-Christodoulopoulou, I. “Acquisitions du Musée numismatique d’Athènes” in BCH LXXXIV.2 (1960). [IGCH 72] [c. 350-325 BC] Palaiomanina Xiromero, Aetolia, 1961 Ambrakeia, Anaktorion, Leukas, Corinth (all Pegasi staters) Varoucha-Christodoulopoulou, I. “Acquisitions du Musée numismatique d’Athènes” in BCH LXXXVI.2 (1962). [IGCH 85] [c. 304/3 BC] Chiliomodi, near Corinth, Greece, 1932 Ptolemy I (4dr, dr), Leukas (staters), Corinth (staters), Ravel, O.E. “Corinthian Hoard from Chiliomodi” in TINC. Jenkins, G.K. “An Early Ptolemaic Hoard from Phacous” in ANSMN IX (1960). [pp. 32-4] (offprint) Lorber, C. “A revised chronology for the coinage of Ptolemy I” in NC 165 (2005), p. 54 & 56 [date of deposit] [IGCH 101 = CH 9, 100] [c. 325 BC] Tripolis, Arcadia, Greece, 1914 Aigina (stater, dr, 3ob) Oeconomides, M. “The IGCH 101 Hoard and the Circulation of the Tortoise in the Peloponnesus” in Essays Westermark. [IGCH 109 = CH 7, 70] [c. 270 BC] Charakas, Crete, 1963 Aigina, Stymphalos, Aptera, Chersonesos, Knossos, Kydonia, Etheutherna, Gortyna, Itanos, Lyttos, Phaistos, Phalasarna, Polyrhenion, Praisos, Priansos, Rhaukos, Tylisos (all AR staters) Oeconomides, M. “Trésor de Statères Crétois Trouvés à Charakas (IGCH 109)” in QT 1981. [offprint] [IGCH 127] [c. 315-295 BC] Piraeus, Greece, 1956 Athens (dr, 3ob, 2ob, ob, tritartem., hemiob) Thompson, M. “A Hoard of Athenian Fractions” in MN VII (1957). (offprint) [IGCH 128] [before 295 BC] Kaki Thalassa, Attica, Greece, 1968 Athens (4dr, dr, fr) Picard, O. “Le trésor de Kaki Thalassa” in BCH XCIII.2 (1969). [IGCH 134 = CH 2, 62] [c. 295 BC] Thorikos, Attica, Greece, 1969 Philip II (staters), Alexander III (staters), Philip III (stater), Athens (stater, 4dr, 3ob) Bingen, J. “Le tresor monetaire Thorikos 1969” in Thorikos VI (Brussels, 1969). [IGCH 137] [c. 295-280 BC] Megara, 1904 Lysimachos (dr), Alexander III (dr), Philip III (dr), Tegea (hemidr) Dreni, S. “The Hoard IGCH 137 (Megara 1904)” in Festschrift Furtwängler. [IGCH 147] [c. 280 BC] Arta (anc. Ambracia), Epirus, Greece, c. 1929 Philip II (1/5th tetra), Akarnania (stater, dr), Anaktorion (stater), Leukas (stater), Corinth (staters, dr) Ravel, O. Corinthian Hoards (Corinth and Arta). ANSNNM 52. American Numismatic Society. New York. 1932. [IGCH 149] [c. 280 BC] Epidauros, Argolis, Greece, 1933 Epidauros, Hermione (all Æ) Newell, E.T. Five Greek Bronze Coin Hoards. ANSNNM 68. American Numismatic Society. New York. 1935. [IGCH 150 = (CH 1, 25) = CH 6, 23 = CH 7, 68] [c. 280-270 BC] Myron, Thessaly, Greece, 1970 Lysimachos (4dr), Alexander III (4dr), Demetrios Polior. (4dr), Athens (4dr), Aigina (stater) Huge Lysimachos hoard – to be published by C. Boehringer. Some photos in CH 6, fig. 3. [IGCH 168 = CH 7, 75 = CH 9, 172 and 193 (IGCH 141 incorporated)] [c. 260 BC] Pherai, Thessaly, Greece, 1938 Lysimachos (4dr, dr), Alexander III (4dr, dr), Philip III (dr), Antigonos Gon. (4dr), Eumenes I (4dr), Larissa (dr), Athens (4dr) Martin, T.R. “A third century BC hoard from Thessaly at the ANS (IGCH 168)” in MN 26 (1981). [IGCH 173] [c. 250-225 BC] Dokimion (Malamata-Kyparissia), Acarnania, 1955 Lysimachos (dr), Alexander III (4dr, dr), Ptolemy II (4dr), Aitolia (3ob), Lokris Op. (3ob), Boiotian League (dr), Chakis (dr), Aigina (stater, dr, 3ob), Sikyon (stater, dr, 3ob), Hermione (3ob), Arkadian League (3ob) Varoucha-Christodoulopoulou, I. “Chronique des Fouilles en Grèce en 1955. Musées et collections d’Athènes. Musée Numismatique. 1. Trouvailles” in BCH LXXX.1 (1956). [IGCH 174] [c. 250-225 BC] Naupactus, Locris, 1955 Aitolian League, Seleukos I, Antiochos I, Ptolemy II/III (all AV staters) Varoucha-Christodoulopoulou, I. “Chronique des Fouilles en Grèce en 1955. Musées et collections d’Athènes. Musée Numismatique. 1. Trouvailles” in BCH LXXX.1 (1956). [IGCH 176 = CH 9, 195] [c. 245 BC] Olympia, Elis, Greece, 1922 Lysimachos (4dr), Alexander III (4dr), Philip III (4dr), Ptolemy I? (4dr), Ptolemy II (4dr), Lokris Opontii (stater), Boeotian League (stater, drachm, 3ob), Chalkis (8dr), Athens (4dr), Aigina (stater, dr), Sikyon (stater), Olympia (stater, dr, 3ob) Newell, E.T. Alexander Hoards Olympia. ANSNNM 39. American Numismatic Society. New York. 1929. Troxell, H.A. “The Peloponnesian Alexanders” in ANSMN 17 (1971). [IGCH 180] [c. 225 BC] Megalopolis, Arcadia, Greece, 1947 Lysimachos (4dr), Alexander III (4dr), Philip III (4dr), Ptolemy II (4dr), Arsinoe (AR 8dr) Robinson, E.S.G. “The Alexander Hoard of Megalopolis” in MN IV (1950). Noe, S. “The Corinth Hoard of 1938” in MN X (1962). [IGCH 181] [c. 222 BC] Sparta, Laconia, Greece, 1908 Lysimachos, Alexander III, Demetrios Polior., Selekos I, Antiochos I, Antiochos II, Antiochos Hierax, Ptolemy I, Ptolemy II, Athens, Lakedaimon (Sparta) (all 4dr) Wace, A.J.B. “A Hoard of Hellenistic Coins” in Annual of the British School at Athens XIV (1907-8). [IGCH 186] [c. 218 BC] Patras, Achaea, Greece, c. 1850 Alexander III (4dr, dr), Philip III (4dr), Seleukos I (4dr), Aitolia (4dr), Athens (4dr), Sikyon (4dr) Vaux, W.S.W. “On a Hoard of Coins of Alexander the Great, found near Patras, by Mr. C.T. Newton in the year 1850” in NC 1854. Troxell, H.A. “The Peloponnesian Alexanders” in ANSMN 17 (1971). [IGCH 187] [c. 215 BC] Corinth, Greece, 1938 Lysimachos (dr), Alexander III (4dr, dr), Philip III (4dr, dr), Antigonos Gon. (dr), Seleukid kings (Seleukos I – Seleukos III) (4dr), Ptolemy I (4dr), Ptolemy II (4dr), Aitolian League (4dr), Athens (4dr, dr), Ephesos (4dr), Rhodes (2dr) Noe, S. “The Corinth Hoard of 1938” in MN X (1962). Varoucha-Christodoulopoulou, I. “Acquisitions du Musée numismatique d’Athènes” in BCH LXXXIV.2 (1960).
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