Swead SoIm, V«L XXII—N*. m a§di llov«a^c*« ifjt LOK SABHA DEBATES (Sixth Scniot) (JTc/. XXII contains Nos . j — 70) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT MEW DBLHI «2 il P (imiand) Th h m Sh i u n c * ( m m ) COttrKNtS Ctunnift Ontf Answers to Questions— •Starred Questions N or . 328 to 339 - ..................................... 3011— 46 Short Notice Question No. 3 ......................................................... 2046— 52 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 340 to 3 9 1 ............................................... 2 0 53 -8 4 Unstarred Questions Nos. 533 to 547, 549 to 581 and 583 5 9 4 ........................................ .......... 2084—2121 Statement re : fire at Lunej Oil W e ll ..................................... 2 T2I—23 Papers laid on the T a b le .................................................................. 2123— 25 Calling attention to matter of urgent public importance— Implementation of Agreement between Prime Ministars o f India and P a k ista n .......................................................................... 2125— 29 Business of the H o u s e ................................................................. 2130 Motion re :investment policy of Life Insurance Corporation . 2131—9 4 Shn Braj Raj S in g h ................................................................. 2131—37 Shri D a n g e .......................................................................... 2 1 3 7 -5 5 Shri B. R. B h a g a t........................................................ 2155—61 Shri Mahanty ■ 2 l6 l—67 Shn Nathwani . 2167—74 Shri A jit Singh Sarhadi 2174— 78 Shri Radha R a m a n ................................................................. 2178—84 Shri Morarji D e s a i................................................................. 2184—94 Discussion re report on the working and administration o f Com- panies Ac».. 2194—2254 Shn Ram Krishan 2195—2204 Shri Bimal Ghose 2205—12 Shri Narayanankutty Menon 2212—30 Shri Achar 2230—35 Shri P R. Patel 2236— 40 Shri A. C. Guha 2240-45 Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri 2245—4* Shri Satish Chandra . 2248—54 Daily Digest .... 2255—60 Consolidated Contents (17th November to 29th November, 1958) (1— VI) + " S S f 1z f b0VCJ *»«»* jndkatea that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House fay that Member. LOK SABHA DEBATES 30 I I 2012 LOK SABHA Corporation which deal mamiy with the procedural matters relating to Saturday, 29th November, 1958 the administration of the Company were formulated in 1956. Some practical difficulties have been ex- perienced since then Therefore, cer- T h e Lok Sabha m et at E lev en of th e tain provisions are proposed to be C lo ck . added [M r Speaker m the Chatr] Shri V C Shukla: Sir, my question O&AL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS has not been answered I want to know the precise reasons because of State Trading Corporation which the examination of the Articles of Association of STC has been + necessitated In the last Session it f Shri V. C. Sknkla: was answered that the STC wants •3St J Shri S B. Muokmmr- to expand its activities by undertak- (^Shri NaashJr Bharucha. ing export and import of various Will the Minister of Commerce ither articles I want to know why 11 has been found necessary to take up aad badnstry be pleased to refer to the question of amending the Articles the reply given to Starred Question of Association No 585 on the 27th August, 1958 and state Shn Satish Chandra. Sir, the hon (a) whether the examination of Member is referring to the objects question of amending the Articles of which aie contained m the Memoran- Association of the State Trading Cor- dum of Association and not the Arti- poration has bincc been completed, cles of Association which deal with and the detailed administration of the company The reason for proposed (b) if >>o, the nature and scope of amendment is that, for example, m the amendments proposed to be made tl>e original Articles of Association and the decisions taken thereon’ there is no provision relating to the borrowing powers of the Board of The Deputy Minister of Commerce Directors There are similar other and Industry (Shri Sattah Chandra) difficulties which have been experienc- (a) No, Sir ed Therefore, the Articles of Asso- <b) Does not arise ciation are being examined afresh n order to fill up gaps as aie now Shri V C. Shukla: May I know, the considered necessary precise reasons why it has been con- sidered necessary to examine the Shri N R. Monisamy. May I know amendments in the Articles of Asso whether it is a fact that the Articles nation of the State Trading Corpo- of Association of the STC is being ration’ amended so that it will enable the Shri Satteh Chandra.' The Articles STC not only to have the export and of Association of the State Trading import of various commodities that 254 (A i) L S D —1 a rc* O r«i A * tm r » » M o y a c m * 0*4 » may be prescribed by tbe Govern- uf Association would they try to ment but alio acquire • portion or the examine the w ay in which the B.T.C. whale interest in business concerns? has wotted till new? Shri Sattah Chaadnu The S.T.C. has Shrl gatiWh ( t a t n : That matter is many business associates. constantly under review. The Aftaual Report of the S.T.C. is placed before Mr. Speaker: The question waa, is tpe House, If the hen. Member wants the amendment intended to enable the he can ask for a discussion. State Trading Corporation to acquire interest in business concerns? Shri Ansar Harvani: Xs there any proposal to have a non-I.C.S. officer as 8hri Satish Chandra: The S.T.C., Chairman o f the S.T.C. instead o f just like any other company may pro- paving an I.C.3. Officer? mote subsidiary companies in which it may have an interest. But all these Mr. Speaker: That does not arise matters are under consideration, and 0ut of this question. the final form of the Articles of Asso- ciation has not been decided yet. Shri N. R. MmUsany: Is it not a fjict that after giving due considera- ^BkA N. *. On toe T ttn tion to the question of amending the August also the hon. Deputy Minister Articles of Association the complete gave an answer that the amendments scope and functions of the S.T.C. were under consideration. I have vfould be changed from what it is gone through the Articles of Associa- now? tion. I would like to know what are the specific points on which considera- Shri Satish Chandra: There is no tion has been taking place for more intention to change the scope of work than 4 to S months. 0f the S.T.C. In fact, that cannot be Shri Satixb Chandra: The entire done by changing the Articles of text of the Articles of Association has Association; that can only be done by been examined and a new draft is an amendment of the Memorandum of ready. We are consulting other Association. The question relates to Ministries of the Government of India, the Articles of Association which deals and as soon as their opinion is re- V^ith administrative details of the ceived it shall be finalised. company. Shrl Ranga: Before this amending Shri Ramaaathan Chetttar: May I Bill is finalised, do Government pro- Know whether the proposed Handloom pose to examine the way in which the gxport Corporation will be a division S.T.C. has been working as far as its 0f the S.T.C. or a subsidiary corpora- relation with producers, exporters and tion limited under the Indian Com- other traders with whom it has been panies Act. dealing till now is concerned, so that Mr. Speaker: Has that anything to by the time they bring in the amend- Jo with the Articles of Association of ing Bill they would be able to satisfy the ST.C.? themselves that the S.T.C. would be able to work properly? Shri Raman*than Chettlar: Yes, Sir. Shri Satish Chandra; There is no Mr. Speaker; The hon. Minister question of bringing forward any inay answer. amending Bill. The State Trading The Minister of Industry (Shri Corporation is a company registered irtanuMiai 8hah): There is no ques- under the Company Law and it can tion of this arising out of the main itself change its Articles of Asso- question; but I may say that the es- ciation. tablishment of a subsidiary of the Shri Baaga: Sir, what I had in mind jj.T.C. to deal with handloom export was, before they change their Articles is under consideration. MSS Oral A n tu ttrt A NOVEMBER1896 Oral Answer* 2016 M F nHut Kar: May Z know (b) The Pakistan Government have whether it is to limit the activities of stated that Indo-Pakistan agreements S.T.C. or to expand the scope of ac- in the matter do not cover* propaganda tivities that the Article* at Association about Kashmir issue. This contention is being sought to be amended? is, however, baseless, and has been pointed out to the Pakistan Govern- A t Minister of Commerce aad Ib - ment. Propaganda for 'Jehad’ contra- 4aetrjr (Shri Lai Bahadur Shestri); venes n o t only the indo-Pakistan Sir, 1 shall not go Into the details, agreements but also violates the but I find that we have been mixing Security Council Resolution of Janu- up the two things—-Memorandum of ary 17, 1948, and Section V of Part I Association and Articles of Associa- o f the U.N.C.I.P. Resolution o f August tion. The Memorandum of Associa- 13, 1948. tion 'will mainly deal with the objec- tives and scope o f the S.T.C.
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