2019-20 Wonny Song, Artistic Director GREAT MUSIC FOR ALL mooredaleconcerts.com KrisTine Bogyo (1946-2007), Founder AnTon KuerTi, Artistic Director (2007-14), Emeritus 2015- mooredaleconcerTs.com 146 CrescenT Rd., ToronTo, ON, M4W 1V2 (416) 922-3714 x103 [email protected] Wonny Song, Artistic Director ChrisTina Cavanagh, Managing Director Yvonne Ivicevic, Front of House Bowman Media, Publicity & Branding Alison Bennie, Graphic Design Alex KoriTTko, Website & Ticket Manager Mooredale House Participants Paul Buksner, Executive Director Susan Li, CGA Accounting Joanna Ingram CaTherine Loeffler Special Thanks to Special Friends CaTherine BerThiaume, CaiTlin Boyle, Maria Ivicevic, Valerie Li, PeTer Olsen, Shaun Pearson, Ysak Seo Cover photo: Max Skwarna 1 Bennewitz Quartet Formed in 1998, The QuarTeT is named for The 19Th cenTury violinisT AnTonín BennewiTz, a seminal figure in The creaTion of The Czech violin school. BennewiTz received Their professional Training from chamber illuminaries: Milan Kampa (SmeTana QuarTeT), Rainer SchmidT (Hagen QuarTeT), and WalTer Levin (LaSalle QuarTeT). While The ensemble are acTive parTicipanTs on The Czech domesTic music scene, iT is also considered one of The Top inTernaTional chamber ensembles, winners of Two presTigious compeTiTions – Osaka (2005), Pre mio Paolo Borciani (2008). In 2019 The ensemble won The Classic Prague Aẃ ard for The BesT Chamber Music Performance of The Year. BennewiTz has garnered a repuTaTion for iTs exciTing and eclecTic programming. The quarTeT performs aT major venues: Wigmore Hall London, Musikverein Wien, KonzerThaus Berlin, ThéâTre des Champs-Elysées Paris, The Frick CollecTion New York, Seoul ArT CenTer, Rudolfinum, and is regularly inviTed To prominenT fesTivals such as The Salzburger FesTspiele, Luzerne FesTival, Rheingau Musik FesTival, KammermusikfesT Lockenhaus, and The Prague Spring. The group has worked wiTh arTisTs: Jean-Yves ThibaudeT, Alexander Melnikov, Vadim Gluzman, Isabel Charisius, PieTro de Maria, ReTo Bieri, Danjulo Ishizaka and oThers. Their discography includes Janá ek’s Two sTring quarTeTs and BarTók’s fourTh, SmeTana’s quarTeTs, and Dvo ák’s cčompleTe Cypresses cycle, on The Hänssler Classic label, followed by recordingř of Op. 51, 106 on The SWR music label. In 2019, The group will presenT Absolute Jest by John Adams wiTh The Prague Symphony OrchesTra, and in collaboraTion wiTh PeTer HolTslag, They will premiere a new work for a recorder and sTring quarTeT by Willem Wander van Nieuwkerk in Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. 2 This concert is sponsored by Sunday October 20, 2019, 3: 15 pm Walter Hall Bennewitz Quartet Jakub Fišer, violin Štěpán Ježek, violin Jiří Pinkas, viola Štěpán Doležal, cello J.S. Bach The Art of the Fugue, BWV 1080 (1685-1750) SelecTion of fugues and canons Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy String Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 13 (1809-1847) Adagio - Allegro vivace Adagio non lenTo InTermezzo. AllegreTTo con moTo – Allegro di molTo PresTo – Adagio non lenTo INTerMISSION Ludwig van Beethoven String Quartet No. 15 in A minor, Op. 132 (1770-1827) Assai sosTenuTo - Allegro Allegro ma non TanTo MolTo adagio Alla marcia, assai vivace Allegro appassionaTo 3 Wallis Giunta, mezzo-soprano The Irish-Canadian mezzo has been named “Young Singer of The Year” 2018 InTernaTional Opera Awards, “Young ArTisT of The Year” by The ArTs Desk, and “BreakThrough ArTisT in UK Opera.” She is a rising sTar, in demand inTernaTionally for her exquisiTe sound, efforTless skill, and inTelligenT musicaliTy. Her versaTiliTy exTends from operaTic MozarT To KurT Weill cabareT, music TheaTre To The MeTropoliTan Opera. Opera News has praised her for her “delectably rich, silver-toned mezzo-soprano, with a beautiful sense of line and effortless, rapid runs.” Her 2018/19 season included UK debuTs wiTh The BBC Proms and The Grange FesTival as MozarT’s Cherubino, wiTh The MDR SinfonieorchesTer as Haydn’s Berenice, and wiTh The Royal Opera House, MuscaT in La Traviata . She also debuTed The TiTle roles in Carmen and Der Rosenkavalier , for Oper Leipzig, and MozarT’s IdamanTe for ToronTo’s Opera ATelier. Wallis is a passionaTe reciTalisT, having performed aT Aspen, Caramoor, Banff, LuminaTo, Music & Beyond, and OTTawa Chamber Music fesTivals. In December, she will perform in AusTralia. Wallis is a 2013 graduaTe of boTh The MeTropoliTan Opera Lindemann Young ArTisT DevelopmenT Program & The Juilliard School’s ArTisT Diploma in Opera STudies, and a 2011 graduaTe of The Canadian Opera Company Ensemble STudio. She has sTudied aT The Glenn Gould School, The Ravinia FesTival’s STeans Music InsTiTuTe, and The InTernaTional MeisTersinger Akademie in Germany, and conTinues her privaTe sTudies wiTh EdiTh Wiens. Steven Philcox, piano STeven is AssociaTe Professor aT The UniversiTy of ToronTo where he leads The CollaboraTive Piano Program. One of Canada's finesT collaboraTors, he is a frequenT parTner of Canada's vocal eliTe and conTinues To perform in leading concerT halls across NorTh America. From 1999-2010, he was répéTiTeur, assisTanT conducTor, and orchesTral conTinuo player wiTh The Canadian Opera Company where he had The privilege of working on more Than 35 producTions. 4 Sunday November 24, 2019, 3: 15 pm Walter Hall Wmaelzlzios- sGopiruanno ta Steven Philcox, piano Patty Griffin Mary (1998) * (b. 1964) Samuel Barber Hermit songs (1953) (1910-1981) ST. ITa’s Vision The Crucifixion Amilcare Ponchielli La Gioconda, Op. 9 (1834-1886) Voce di donna Johannes Brahms Gesänge, Op. 91 (1833-1897) GesTillTe SehnsuchT GeisTliches Wiegenlied robert J.B. Fleming The Confession Stone (The Songs of Mary) (1921-1976) (1966) INTerMISSION Joni Mitchell Little Green (1971) * (b. 1943) Xavier Montsalvatge Cincos Canciones Negras (1945) (1912-2002) Canción de cuna para dormir un negriTo Benjamin Britten A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41 (1947) (1913-1976) SephesTia’s Lullaby A Charm robert Schumann Frauenliebe und –leben, Op. 42 (1810-1856) Süsser Freund, du blickesT An meinem Herzen Manuel de Falla Siete canciones populares españolas (1922) (1876-1946) Nana Stephen Flaherty ragtime (1998) (b. 1960) Your Daddy’s Son Stephen Sondheim Into the Woods (1986) (b. 1930) STay wiTh Me (AcT I) LamenT (AcT II) Finale : Children Will LisTen * guiTar accompanisT Marley GiunTa 5 Summerhill Market Groceries Produce Bakery Aged Meats 446 Summerhill Avenue Open 7 days a week Customer Parking 6 Five one-hour concerts: Same dates and artists as the regular concerts, starting at 1:15 pm. Music and Truffles KIDS is designed for young people ages 6-11. BuT iT is also a greaT series for adulTs jusT sTarTing To explore The mysTeries and ecsTasies of greaT music – you are noT required To bring a child, and you will geT a Truffle anyway! IT is enTerTaining, inTeracTive, and a wonderful opporTuniTy To expose your children To classical music. VisiT mooredaleconcerts.com , Music & Truffles KIDS page To access our You Tube playlisT. OCT 20 | Bennewitz Quartet From The lovely land of Czechia! They will perform music from EasTern Europe and a liTTle of J.S. Bach’s Art of the Fugue . NOV 24 | Wallis Giunta, mezzo-soprano A beauTiful, happy voice, glamorous charisma plus STeven Philcox aT The piano. MerrimenT guaranTeed! MAr 22 | Andrew Wan & Charles richard-Hamelin Violin & Piano – all BeeThoven! Come prepared for our version of The AusTrian salon. APr 19 | Dalí String Quartet swiTch iT up wiTh Latin Soul, Classical Roots . You will be clapping and dancing To The rhyThms! Bring energy! MAY 24 | Paul Huang, violin and Helen Huang, piano Making beauTiful music TogeTher again! AusTria (Mendelssohn, Brahms) vs. Belgium (Ysaÿe, Franck) – you choose The winner. Our concerts are hosted by Joanna Kellam. everyone gets a chocolate truffle at the end! 7 Andrew Wan & Charles richard-Hamelin Andrew Wan, violin ConcerTmasTer of The MonTreal Symphony OrchesTra (MSO) since 2008, Andrew Wan is also AssisTanT Professor of Violin aT The Schulich School of Music aT McGill UniversiTy, ArTisTic DirecTor of Les SolisTes de l’OSM, and member of The Juno and Opus award-winning New Orford STring QuarTeT. For The 2017-18 season, he served as The ArTisTic ParTner of The EdmonTon Symphony OrchesTra. Mr. Wan has concerTized exTensively ThroughouT The world, appearing aT Carnegie Hall, The Kennedy CenTer, Taipei’s NaTional TheaTre and Paris’ Salle Gaveau in chamber music performances wiTh Juilliard QuarTeT, Daniil Trifonov, Vadim Repin, Emanuel Ax, Gil Shaham, Marc-André Hamelin, Jörg Widmann, and Cho-Liang Lin. His discography includes Grammy-nominaTed and JUNO Award-winning releases wiTh The SeaTTle Chamber Music SocieTy, The MeTropolis Ensemble, and a live recording of SainT-Saëns Three violin concerTos wiTh The OSM and KenT Nagano. Andrew Wan performs on a 1744 Michel'Angelo Bergonzi violin, and graTefully acknowledges iTs loan from The David Sela CollecTion. Charles richard-Hamelin, piano Silver medalisT and laureaTe of The KrysTian Zimerman prize aT The 2015 InTernaTional Chopin Piano CompeTiTion, Quebec’s Charles Richard-Hamelin sTands ouT as an imporTanT pianisT of his generaTion. He has appeared aT presTigious fesTivals including La Roque d’AnThéron (France), Prague Spring, “Chopin and his Europe” (Warsaw), and The Lanaudière. He has played under The baTon of renowned conducTors KenT Nagano, AnToni WiT, Vasily PeTrenko, Alexander Prior, Giancarlo Guerrero, ChrisToph CampesTrini, Lan Shui and Jean- Marie ZeiTouni. Charles is a graduaTe from McGill UniversiTy, The Yale School of Music, The ConservaToire de Musique de MonTréal. As a soloisT, he has performed wiTh The main symphony orchesTras of Canada as well as The Warsaw Philharmonic, Sinfonia Varsovia, Singapore and Korean Symphony OrchesTras. His firsT solo recording of Chopin laTe works received criTical acclaim from Diapason & BBC Music Magazine. The firsT volume of The compleTe BeeThoven violin sonaTas wiTh Andrew Wan was released in The fall of 2018. 8 Sunday March 22, 2020, 3: 15 pm Walter Hall Andrew Wan , violin Charles Richard-Hamelin , piano Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Sonata No. 4 in A minor, Op. 23 (1770-1827) PresTo (A minor) AndanTe scherzoso, più AllegreTTo (A major) Allegro molTo (A minor) Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Sonata No.
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