CHOLLERTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on Wednesday 30th November 2016 at 7.30 pm in St Christopher’s Church, Gunnerton Present: Cllr Edward Heslop (Chairman); Cllr Jennifer Dover (Vice Chairman); Cllr Steven Campbell; Cllr Fiona Charlton; Cllr Alan Gibson; Cllr Maud Jupp Miss Linda Pinkham (Clerk) Cllr Rupert Gibson (Northumberland County Council) In Attendance: Mrs D Phillips, Gunnerton resident 11/16-01 Welcome and Apologies for Absence The Chairman confirmed that, following the recent selection process to fill the casual vacancy, Cllr Mrs Fiona Charlton, had been co-opted to Chollerton Parish Council. Cllr Charlton was welcomed to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cllr Browell and Cllr Buckingham. 11/16-02 Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to Raise Matters a) Mrs D Philips raised serious concerns about the speed of traffic approaching the Gunnerton 30mph limit from the Barrasford Park direction. This was close to the playing field entrance and there was a lack of functional signage or traffic calming measures. A complaint had also been received from Mrs M Tarbit about speeding traffic in Barrasford. Further comments raised at the meeting: Traffic using the road through Gunnerton had increased, particularly delivery and waterworks vehicles. Current SatNav directions send traffic for Barrasford from the A68 through Gunnerton. Rumble strips had been installed on the approach to Acomb. Councillors considered that these were very effective. County Councillor Gibson had commissioned a survey from NCC into traffic speed in three areas in the ward (Hardheugh Cottages, Beukley Bank, Colwell T-junction), using his Councillor’s fund at a cost of £700 each. The Parish Council would look at the results of the survey when available. The Parish Clerk and County Cllr Gibson to seek guidance on options for signage and traffic calming, including the costs of larger ‘Children Playing’ signs. b) Mrs Philips reported a problem regarding school transport for pupils from Gunnerton who attend St Joseph’s RC Middle School, Hexham. There are no places available on school buses for pupils not attending the catchment school (Hexham Middle School) and families have to make alternative transport arrangements for St Joseph’s pupils. This means that local families with no car are discriminated against and do not have a choice of school. The Parish Council indicated its support for choice. County Councillor Gibson agreed to follow this up with Mrs Philips. 11/16-03 Declarations of Interest from Members None 11/16-04a Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18th September 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman. 11/16-04b Matters Arising from the above minutes Post Office services – Postal services in Barrasford were withdrawn in 2009 and the Post Office has no plans to restore services. Gunnerton Post Office is open 9am – 3pm on Mondays and Thursdays and the mobile van service visits Colwell on Tuesdays from Minutes of meeting held on 30th November 2016 Page 1 of 5 These minutes were ratified at the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 25th January 2017 CHOLLERTON PARISH COUNCIL 10.30am – 11.50am. However it was noted that it was no longer possible to access these post office services from Barrasford by public transport and also that with the expected future increase in population for Barrasford from the proposed new development, demand for services is likely to increase. The Parish Clerk to make further enquiries. Colwell footpath – No clearance had taken place yet and the condition was getting worse. Further request to be resubmitted to NCC, acknowledging however that the Parish Council was aware that there were other requests being received by NCC. The horse chestnut tree, at the entrance to Woodbine Terrace, Barrasford has not yet been cut back but operatives from NCC had visited the site on 29th November 2016. Broadband – the current work by BT, installing ‘green boxes’ at Barrasford, Gunnerton and Colwell, was welcomed. Cabling was being installed by Avonline Networks. However it was noted that the restoration of the road surface after the cabling work was not being done very well and this would need monitoring. Japanese Knotweed - the site at Tip Corner, Gunnerton had been reported to the Chipchase Estate’s agents, Smiths Gore. No response had yet been received back. There was also suspected to be Japanese Knotweed growing on the roadside on Dalla Bank, Barrasford. The Parish Clerk to contact NCC as this might be their responsibility. The parked vehicles at the entrance to Woodbine Terrace, Barrasford had been moved. The hedge at the junction at the top of Dalla Bank had been removed. Cllr Campbell was thanked for arranging this work, which had improved the use of the junction. 11/16-05 Northumberland County Councillor Report Update from the County Councillor for Humshaugh Ward: Cllr R Gibson a) Area Committee West had discussed the provision of wild flower areas. It was noted that this might be an option for Chishillways Play Area. b) NCC were looking into the situation regarding flooding and drainage problems in Gunnerton outside Mr Bullock’s yard. c) The Local Transport Programme (LTP) 2017/18 had been published. Large scale projects in the Humshaugh Ward included: - Surface treatment: Steel Rigg – Little Swinburne - Carriageway repairs: A68 Errington Burn – Bingfield - Surface dressing: A6079 Chollerton edge It was noted that a car and a waggon had recently left the A68 road because of the camber. 11/16-06 ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION a) Playing Fields i) Chishillways. The Parish Council had sent a survey letter to the 20 residents in Chishillways seeking their views on the future of the play area. Eight responses had been received, the majority of which raised no objection to removing the equipment but did support keeping the area as a safe space for young children to play in. The Parish Council were reminded that the play area was currently still the responsibility of NCC as no arrangement had yet been made to transfer the asset. The possible options (which could include asking NCC to remove the play equipment and reduction of the hedge adjoining Cllr A Gibson’s property) needed further consideration. The Chairman suggested that the future management of Chishillways play area could be considered at the start of the next meeting. ii) Barrasford – work has started on the installation of the new play equipment on 21st November 2016. Cllr Campbell reported that Barrasford’s annual inspection had already been carried out so it had not been possible to share the costs (£270) with Gunnerton. However RoSPA’s details had been passed to James Feeley. County Councillor Gibson to follow up a suggestion that several parishes could join together for inspection visits to reduce costs. Minutes of meeting held on 30th November 2016 Page 2 of 5 These minutes were ratified at the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 25th January 2017 CHOLLERTON PARISH COUNCIL iii) Gunnerton Cllr Dover reported that the secretary of the playing field group committee was Carol Orrick. The other committee members, Sheila Maurice, Charles and Deb McGowan, were stepping back from their involvement. James Feeley and Charles McGowan had agreed to carry out the repairs to the boundary wall but the repairs were still outstanding. The Parish Councillors were again concerned at the lack of an annual safety inspection at Gunnerton and therefore who would be responsible if there were problems with the equipment or an accident took place. The Parish Council’s insurance cover could also be affected. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Gunnerton playing field committee reminding them about the lack of inspection. iv) Colwell. Nothing to report. b) Transport Hexham’s new bus station opened on 29th November 2016 c) Highways See Minute 11/16-02a. d) Maintenance Litter/Dog Waste Bin at Old Station building, Barrasford. Northumberland County Council were proposing to pay to replace the old style heavy litter bin after the winter months with a new wheelie bin for operational reasons and the NCC Recycling Officer, Adam Keen, had asked the Parish Council to contribute £100 for a locking post. The Chairman had visited the site, noting that the bin was used, but considered that the cost was too high and that as there were other bins at the same location it was not necessary to use a locking post. However the Parish Council did support the proposal to replace the bin and suggested that the replacement could be marked ‘parish council community bin’ and/or ‘dog waste bin’. The Recycling Officer had been in contact again to report that unfortunately the heavy litter bin had fallen into the bin lorry and been destroyed so a replacement bin would now be provided. e) Grasscutting The Parish Clerk to seek a quote from James Dickinson for additional cuts at Chishillways, Barrasford Play area and Colwell, including a separate price for Chishillways. There was still one year of the current contract to run (2017/18). f) Website It had not been possible to view the website layout on-line at the meeting because of a lack of mobile signal in Gunnerton. However sample pages were circulated and the proposed layout was accepted. It was agreed that all enquiries should be channelled via the Parish Clerk so individual contact details would not be included on the site. 1st January 2017 was agreed as the launch date for the new website. g) Broadband – see minute 11/16-04b. 11/16-07 Correspondence a) Consultations i) Northumberland County Council Local Plan Core Strategy: Pre-Submission Draft Proposed Further Major Modifications Consultation Most of the amendments were of less relevance to the Chollerton Parish Council, however possible road alterations on the A69 which may follow housing developments in the west end of Hexham, could close the right turn to Acomb at the B6531 junction.
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