* · TODAY: ~ EW'S NIGERIA"TRI'P IN ~ PEaSPECTIVE !. B . RITISH. ~,. ~ ... ,..~, Et:ECTIONS :- SUPER.. ._. WEEK..... END ' SPORT~ _ t! . n •• __ • __ '" .~ ___ .... __ .... ",. __ ",, __ • __ • _~. • " .. ,0.4, 1 • • ., i .... ~ ... '~ R1.00 (GST Inc.) Monday April 13 1992 Speculation rife as Herrigel quits FINANCE Minister Otto Herrigel has resigned, only weeks before presenting his third budget to the nation. President Sam Nujoma told a press conference on Friday that the minister had asked to quit ,"for personal reasons". The ~ove ~s prompted the President: ~ se~nd,,~?p,i!:; t l'C- ,.'; shuffle smce mdepent;ience. .' _ "" ,~ , Former Agriculture, Water and Rural Development Minister :~ ' (' Gert Hanekom takes over as Finance Minister inunediately. / 'Unita men · NAMIBIA'S NEW Finance Mi~ter is to spend still armed' his first day at a brainstorming and consulta­ hon session between Goverriment, businesses LISBON: Two general who defected from Unita said in and community leaders on the ecoIlomy. an interview published here The two-day meeting, which up a special economic advi­ yesterday that the movement starts today, aims to think up sory panel for the Prime Min­ still has 20 000 armed men new directions for Namibia's ister made up of three or five in south-eastern Angola. economic development and to people. Nzau Puna and Costa Fer­ provide the Prime Minister with These would meet to give nandes also charged in the economic advisers and back­ the benefit of their various interview with the Portuguese up. economic ideas and advicefot daily Publico that Uoita head New Finance Minister Gert Government. Jonas Savimbi ordered the Hanekom is to be one of six This morning session in- execution last August of the speakers this morning. cludes: . group's former represen.a­ The seminar wiH be opened * Director-General· of the tives in Washington and Lis­ by Prime Minister Hage Gein­ National Plarining Commission bon, Tito Chinguji and Wilson gob this morning. His office Dr Zed Ngavirue giving an Santos. overall view of Namibia's organised the meeting as a The 20 000 rebels who es­ chance for the Government and economy. caped the notice ofa body set the private sector to share ideas * The new Minister of Fi­ up to monitor the peace ac­ and hopes for the future of nance, Gert Hanekom, on the SCOOP! ... Deadlines were forgotten on Saturday as journalists Kate Burling of The cords ending the civil war, Namibia. national cake and income dis­ were located some six hours Much of the two-day pro­ tribution. Namibian (right) and Bruno Nebe, who edits the German section of Tempo, wrote their own story and 'made the headlines'. Windhoek's Heynitz Castle provided a. by road ,from Unila's head­ gramme is set to feature dis­ * Trade and Industry Minis- quarters at Jamba, Fernan- cussions {In the economy and romantic setting for their wedding, with family, friends and colleagues helping Bruno' the meeting may resolve to'set continued on page 2 and Kate to celebrate. Photograph: Erich Boois continued on page 2 Land dispute at Liideritz A FIERCE dispute has of the boiler house on August 3 TOM MINNEY MBATJIUA NGAVIRUE erupted between the 1990. Namib Development Pro­ However, the lease expired A BRAND new fishing research an interest in expanding its making Project and the Auto zoning in Benguela township boat could be checking vital fishing interests in Namibia. gramme Trust'(NDPT) and onAugust311991,andNDPT Repair and Metalwork Proj­ in any case. fish stocks following an agree­ as are nearly every other coun­ the Peri Urban Develop­ had made no effort to renew ect. He alleged there are no zoning the lease. ment signed last Friday. try in the world, say officials. ment Board over a piece The fight over the land comes maps for the township, and In addition, V oges said, Japan has agreed to prelimi­ Now Japan only does crab of land and buildings leased as a particularly hard blow to . that the board just arbitrarily NDPT was far in lUTears with nary studies in preparation for fishing here and buys most of by NDPT at Liideritz. the brickmaking project which declares a site either residen­ payments for rent and services building a R30 million ship for the rock lobster production in Things came to a head at the only recently got on its feet tial or for business pUIposes. on the building. Namibia which will be a gift . good years. Oelofse stressed beginning of last week when again after facing near collapse. The NDPT has spent large The agreed rent was R74,70 and part of Japan's aid pro­ there are no strings attached to officials from the Peri Urban The project faced almost sums of money on improving a month, but the NDPT cur­ granune. the aid and that fishing agree­ Board tried to evict the NDPT certain closure when it was the old municipal boiler house rently owed the board RI 269,90 Fisheries and Marine Re­ ments are completely separate from the site in the face of saved by a generous cash infu­ from which the Auto Repair for rent and RI 929,72 for sources Ministry official Dr from the new boat. resistance from around 200 sion from the Furnish Interna­ and Metalwork Project oper­ services. Burger Oelofse said Japan had Exactly what sort of boat is hostile NDPT supporters. tional Development Agency ates. With regard to the zoning been asked because it "is the needed will now be studicd The Peri Urban Board wants (Finnida). This includes installing elec­ question, Voges said Titus foremost fishing nation in the carefully and it is set to be to evict NDPT from the site in The project is aimed at alle­ tricity and plumbing, and Ti­ simply had to follow the right world. It is only natural that we completed in two years' time. Benguela township beacuse it viating the serious housing crisis tus estimates the total costs of procedures. should go to the nation with MoriyaMiyamotooftheJapa­ is in a residential area and not at Liideritz by providing by improvements at R35 000. The NDPT had applied for the best technology. They have nese International Co-opera­ zoned for business. providing low-cost bricks to He questioned why the Peri land and the allocation of an a great interest in fishing re­ tion Agency signed the agrecd Furthermore, the board the local community while at UrbanBoard waited until now, alternative site for the organ­ sources world wide and they minutes of discussions about claims NDPT's lease has ex­ the same time creating em­ when the site is fully devel­ isation would be considered at realise the value of research". the boat and will help head the pired and that it is in arrears ployment. oped to start questioning their a meeting of the Benguela The new boat is to be fitted design and buildulg. A basic with rent. According to NDPT presi­ right to occupy it . ." They just Advisory Commitee tomorrow. with the latest "state of the art" design team is to visit in May At one point tempers reached dent Abed Titus, the move by don't want us to live as well as "We can't just allow anyone equipment, he said. or June. sucha pitch thatthePeri Urban the 'mwucipality is a deliber­ they do, which is why they are to do anything wherever he It would replace the Ben­ Signing for Nanubia was Development Board was forced ate attempt by to sabotage the putting up obstacles," he wants. The problem is that he guela which is becoming out­ deputy pemlment secretary Dr to call in two local Swapo two projects. charged. just doesn '( want to go through dated and is for instance too Raimo Kankondi who said the representatives to mediate. Titus dismissed Peri Urban According to Secretary of the laid down procedure," Vages noisy to do proper sUlveys as agreement came at the right The disputed land houses two Board claims that the land is the Peri Urban Board, F Voges, said. fish hear it coming and tcnd to time as the present boat is "being development projects run by not zoned for business pur­ NDPT entered into an agree­ avoid it. the NDPT: the Liideritz Brick- poses arguing that there is no ment to lease a certain section Japan is reportcdly taking continued on page 2 ... - .. ~ - " , - - - ~ . ~ MRnd~¥ &irAI ~~ht~~ II ~&t ~fflJ~@ i UNITY i ! tl ll1Wi~t ;I I I ' 11r~ ~ ---- .... Insurance Brokers (Ply) Ltd ter Ben Amathila on invest­ 7 Ailke Street ment, trade and industrializa­ Academia, Windhoek tion. "'Information and Broad­ casting Minister Hidipo Ha­ Estelle Small mutenya on employment op­ portunities, the lack' of job DIRECTOR chances and ways of creating more employment. PO BOX 30464 Ploneerspark '" Leading business figure, WINDHOEK Tel: 41288 Harold Pupkewitz on the role Fax: 41288 of the private sector in eco­ nomic development. '" Former United N ations under secretary general, assis­ SHAKING ON IT ... Namibian President Sam Nujoma congratulates Gert Hanekom tant secrl':tary general of the on his appointment as new Finance Minister at State House on Friday afternoon. UN Economic Commission fOT Africa and chair of the senate of the former UN Institute for Namibia will close the morn­ R6ssing Uranium Limited employs a large number of qualified . Herrigel myster y artisans in a variety of workshops and technical areas to ing. maintain machinery and equipment. This afternoon and tomor­ row will be taken up in discus­ that I have complied with his ration and the Land Bank. We require suitably qualified applicants for th e followi ng sions with the speakers. 1\ FA6M~ili H n l request." He had warm words This had effectively paraly­ positions: The seminar starts at 09hOO of praise for Herrigel whom he sed them from using their At a time of national emer­ at the Prime Minister's offices called "an able and competent considerable funds to stimu­ gency due to dro~ght;' into the Fitters in Windhoek.
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