European science review № 9–10 2014 September-October «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH Vienna 2014 European Sciences review Scientific journal № 9–10 2014 (September-October) ISSN 2310-5577 Editor-in-chief Lucas Koenig, Austria Consulting editors Uwe Eisenberg, Austria Minik Olsen, Sweden International editorial board Melinda Boros, Hungary Miroslavka Murkovič, Slovenia Jana Ilyna, Russia Wu Pan, China Dragan Novak, Croatia Dirk Eggers, Germany Proofreading Kristin Theissen Cover design Andreas Vogel Additional design Stephan Friedman Editorial office European Science Review “East West” Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Am Gestade 1 1010 Vienna, Austria Email: [email protected] Homepage: www.ew-a.org European Science Review is an international, German/English/Russian language, peer-reviewed journal. It is published bimonthly with circulation of 1000 copies. The decisive criterion for accepting a manuscript for publication is scientific quality. All research articles published in this journal have undergone a rigorous peer review. Based on initial screening by the editors, each paper is anonymized and reviewed by at least two anonymous referees. Recommending the articles for publishing, the reviewers confirm that in their opinion the submitted article contains important or new scientific results. Instructions for authors Full instructions for manuscript preparation and submission can be found through the “East West” Association GmbH home page at: http://www.ew-a.org. Material disclaimer The opinions expressed in the conference proceedings do not necessarily reflect those of the «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, the editor, the editorial board, or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. © «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Publisher. Typeset in Berling by Ziegler Buchdruckerei, Linz, Austria. Printed by «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, Austria on acid-free paper. Soil-ecological condition of the tailings OJSC “Abagurskaya agglomeration factory” Section 1. Biology Berlyakova Olga Gennadyevna, Federal state budget institution of science, The Institute of Soil science and Agrochemistry of Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences postgraduate student, the laboratory of recultivation of soil E mail: [email protected] Ermak Natalia Borisovna, Novokuznetsk Institute (branch) of Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Kemerovo state University”, candidate of biological Sciences, professor of the Department of ecology and technosphere safety, head of the Department of ecology and technosphere safety E mail: [email protected] Potokina Marina Vladimirovna, Novokuznetsk Institute (branch) of Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Kemerovo state University”, Senior lecturer of the Department of ecology and technosphere safety E mail: [email protected] Soil-ecological condition of the tailings OJSC “Abagurskaya agglomeration factory” Abstract: The article is about the possibilities of application of waste treatment facilities of municipal sew- age as non-traditional soil conditioner for the process of restoration of disturbed lands in Novokuznetsk indus- trial hub. This study represents a characteristic of sewage sludge as a potential nitrogen-phosphoric fertilizer for the remediation of toxic and sterile substrates, which compose storage of industrial waste. In 1996, a group of scientists launched a demonstrational project of sanitary erosion-preventive recultivation on the tailing dump of Abagurskaya agglomeration factory. Using comparative-geographical and comparative-genetic methods of research, the authors give the characteristics of the soil-ecological condition of key areas of the tailing dump. The study reveals, the features of structure of the reference soil profiles and characteristics of their main physical and chemical indicators (humus content, caution-exchange capacity, the value of pH and granulometric composition). Also it represents data of correlation of different groups of plants in the structure of phytocenoses on key areas. The species composition of the vegetation is largely determined by the soil-ecological conditions of those areas. So, introduction of sewage sludge on the surface of the tailing dump caused considerable artificial improvement of edaphic state, good soil-ecological condition of technogenic soil and increase of species diversity of plant groups on recultivated site as compared to self-growing area. Keywords: disturbed land, man-made landscape, tailing dump, sewage sludge, non-traditional soil conditioner, soil-ecological condition, embrysoils, technogenic soils. The introduction soil and environmental properties, including with the use of According to expert estimates of scientists, the total area non-traditional soil conditioner (improvers), in particular, of disturbed lands in the Kemerovo region is about 91,7 thou- wastewater sludge (WWS) [2], which forms as a byproduct sand hectares [1]. The natural landscape of the southern Kuz- of sewage’s treatment. bass was significantly transformed because of the influence Brown flocculent mass of activated sludge with a very large of more than 500 mining and processing enterprises. The area of the active surface of particles what is about of 100 m 2 substrate of dumps is often phytotoxic and has adverse agro- per 1 g. of dry matter, moisture in the range of 96–99,2 % and physical properties and inhibits the processes of self-growing. ash content of 25–30 %, contains 15–20 % of connections lig- Improving phytocenoses recovery conditions in this case is nohumate complex, prevails in the composition of WWS. Ac- possible by forming a root layer with potentially favorable tive sludge is rich in N, P2O5 and trace elements, such as: Cu, 3 Section 1. Biology Mo, Zn. Forms of N, P, K, which are absorb by plants, are this, the authors of the article on the surface of the first tailing contained in concentrations close to the characteristics of dump was carried out soil-environmental large-scale shooting, + – nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers: NH4 3,5–12,3, NO3 59–111, laid soil profiles, selected samples of soils and described the K2O 13,7, 20–40 mg. P2O5/100 g. Also, there are gradually composition of plant communities key areas [10]. deposited enough humic substances [3, 4]. The organic part In their study, the authors adhere to profile-genetic soil of the activated sludge is presented by a microbiocenosis, classification of technogenic landscapes (Kurachev, Andro- compounds of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, lignohumate hanov, 2002). There is a class of embrysoils — young soils, substances and other. which were formed in terms of anthropogenic landscape, but WWS have a high rate of accumulation in the sludge by elementary soil processes, typical for zonal soils. When beds and at the same time they contain harmful substances, the weak differentiation of the mineral part of the profile, em- in particular, organic poisons, chemicals, salts of heavy met- brysoils differ in the morphology and genesis of organogenic als, pathogenic microorganisms, eggs of helminthes, etc. horizons. So, organo-accumulative type of embrysoils has a This requires the development of special approaches to the leaf litterA 0 , sod type of embrysoils — horizon As , humus-ac- utilization of wastewater sludge. The demonstration project, cumulative type of embrysoils — horizon A1 [8]. In contrast, which was carried out on the tailing dump of Abagurskaya ag- the class of technogenic soils includes reclaimed land, with glomeration factory, has a double aim: the disposal of sewage the creation of artificial substrates, which similar on soil, with sludge and remediation of toxic waste of iron ore enrichment, favorable root zone layer, whose development of soil-forming which are located in the residential part of Novokuznetsk [2]. processes play rather profile transforming role [5, 7]. Detailed The object of the research mapping of soil surface tailing dump was conducted in accor- The tailing dump has area is about of 350 hectares and dance with the technology of mapping along transects length there was reclaimed over 100 million tonnes of wastes from of 10 m. (Greig-Smith, 1967; Androhanov, Kurachev, 2010). wet magnetic separation of iron ore. In the composition of The main physico-chemical characteristics of soils de- the tailings is dominated by iron-bearing minerals, such as: fined using standard analytical methods of analysis (content of magnetite 6–11 %, pyrite 9–13 %, limonite 4–8 %, hematite organic carbon Corg and humus on method I. V. Tyurin; cation 0,8–1,1 %, among non-metallic minerals — garnet, amphi- exchange capacity by Bobko-Askinazi-Aleshin in modification bole, pyroxene, epidote, serpentinite. Great level of phyto- of Grabarova and Uvarova; granulometric composition ac- toxicity and very high density rocks (3,19–3,44 g/cm 3) de- cording to the method of N. A. Kaczynski; the pH of the soil termine the long-term existence of man-made deserts on the extract — potentiometrically). surface of the hydraulic dump. Such standard methods of geobotanical and floristic
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