dnnnwttrut iatlu dampiw w Serving Storrs Since 1896 T1 &torrs. CCannrrttrut TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1967 Vol. LXXD No. 13 2 elections 68: Target Change in Vietnam Advocated; The Democrats: A Status Report Goldwater Advises No Other Escalation by Dick Fil icld they are to have a clear road. BY REED IDE The war in Vietnam will also "If you call changing of bomb- The Democratic Party, as the be an issue which the Democrats ing targets in Vietnam escalation, party In power, has none of the will find a hard one to field, as It then I do believe that In that sense problems of choosing a candidate is one which has already split the the war in Vietnam should be es- which plague the Republicans as party and promises to continue calated," said former senator the 1968 elections approach. Bar- to do so, at least below the sur- Barry Goldwater in an address in ring a collapse In the President's face. In 1964 the President ran Jorgenson auditorium last even- health or his withdrawal from the on a platform of non-escalation ing. race, the Democrats can be ex- In Vietnam, and In the interven- Goldwater, speaking to a pected to renomlnate Lyndon ing years he has escalated It standing room only crowd, con- Johnson and Hubert Humphrey greatly, causing liberal Demo- tinued, "I don't really know how next August. crats to split with the party even much more we can escalate the The apparent ease of choosing to threaten to challenge the Pre- war in terms of manpower and a candidate, however, masks to sident directly In the primaries. munitions; we are already drop- some extent the very real prob- While the fact of the war will pro- ping more munitions than we did lems confronting the party. Be- bably not be a major Issue with In World War IL This Is the ing the "In" party has definite the majority of Democrats, the longest war we have yet been In- advantages, but invariably It President's conduct of the war volved In. makes that party the target of a will doubtless be and this will "We are in Vietnam because great deal of abuse, the target stand to hurt the party. we are fighting a philosophy. I of many of the "out" party is- The Johnson administration recognize only one enemy in this sues. This is the position of the has been recognized as the great- world tonight, and that is the Democratic party as it faces the est promoter of civil rights and philosophy of Communism. By beginning of the campaign. Not solutions to problems of urban fighting in Vietnam, we are ful- since 1948 has the party In power living in recent history, yet these filling an obligation which we un- been subjected to so much cross- years have been characterized dertook In our agreements with fire. by mass riots in the cities such South Vietnam. If we lose, there Perhaps the most difficult Is- as Watts in 1965 and both Newark will be world-wide attacks on es- sue for the Democrats to answer and Detroit in 1967. These urban tablished governments. When we is the almost certain one of the riots will not reflect well on the win, Communists will think twice "credibility gap", which cannot party, and any similar outbursts for a long time to come. be passed off onto the opposition. In 1968 will make the President's "We can win the war faster, Wherther justified or not, many battle for re-election a very dif- he said, by changing the bomb- people In the United States be- ficult one. Rioting has hardened ing targets. Haiphong harbor lieve that the President has been the public attitude towa id the ghe- should be hit." deliberately misleading them on ttoes and will make It very dif- In his speech, which lasted various matters, most notably the ficult to sell massive urban aid approximately 45 minutes, Gold- Vietnam war. to the people, who feel that it is water covered topics including This issue will be one that the tantamount to rewarding rioters. federal aid to education, Amer- Republicans will attempt to ex- On the other hand, the Presi- ican foreign policy, and the Con- A determined group of sixty or seventy students continued to ploit during the course of the dent has several lsssues which he servative philosophy. press Barry Goldwater for answers to their queries long after campaign, and the Democrats will his speech was formally over. The former senator also gave out have to roll back this attitude if see page four The one statement which Mr. Goldwater emphasized In ex- many autographs to his admirers. One young lady, when asked plaining the reasons behind his what she thought of Mr. Goldwater's political views said, 'He's Student Complaints To Be Heard; ideas was that "History Is vital so handsome.' (Photopool photo by Slmonson) If w e are to form solutions to our problems. We do not want to ceeded to apply his conservative omy, and have been since 1938." Committee To Hold 'Bitch-In' go back In our progress, but we Ideas to problems which face the Concerning the role of the must have an understanding of nation today. Federal government In urban The Student Senate Commun- tlcipate actively or passively on the past events to move forward." "The federal government's problems, Goldwater stated that ity Involvement Committee has the question of social problems Thus, the conservative believes attempt to control the American because of the amount of money announced a four point program will also be determined. In making progress founded on the economy strictly and artificially needed, It Is Indeed necessary aime d at better communications 4. Finally, the commute hop- solutions proved in the past. in order to avoid a depression that the federal government sup- of student complaints. es to Investigate the infirmary "One of our greatest pro- will never work. It has never ply funds to aid In the solving of 1. The committee will pub- in light of questions "raised by blems Is ourselves, our human worked In any country which has these problems. However, he lish a handbook designed to help various lnconsistancles that have nature. Until man learns to at- attempted It In the past; look at continued to say that there should students decide the proper stu- come to our attention." The com- tempt to work with and overcome Yemen and Sweden, for example. be no strings attached to any fed- dent, faculty or administrative mittee urges students with In- the more negative aspects of his The only reason we have been eral funds granted. agency to handle the problem. formation to write the Student nature, there will be nothing but doing as well as we have with "It was never intended that John Nlrenberg, the committee Senate Office. Names will be a repetition of past problems." the control we have Is because an all-knowing person or per- chairman said that the handbook withheld upon request. Senator Goldwater then pro- we are living on a war econ- sons In Washington be allowed will "facilitate better communi- to make all decisions. It was in- cations between the students and tended that the decisions He at the rest of the community". home with the local governing 2. The committee will send Goldwater's Press Conference— bodies." Senators to the dorms on campus His position on federal aid to soliclte gripes. This "bitch- BY SCOTT CHRBTIANSON to elementary education was in", it Is hoped, will allow the Sp<ecial to the CDC, WHUS much the same. He said there is a Senate to become more aware of The following are excerpts definite need, "but the govern- student problems. Senators Tim from a candid 50 minute Inter- Smith's show, but it was later ever If it means that we adjust ment should not attempt to ex- Jerman and Sue Halperin are in view with Barry Goldwater, which pointed out that I had not said our way of life to suit thelrs- ercise control over the local charge of this second program. was held Immediately before his this and I was given an apology no, I don't believe we can ever school boards simply because It 3. The third program will be speech In crowded Jorgensen Au- by the AP. I have repeatedly said, co-exist. So, I would say, let us is supplying funds." a survey of the student body con- ditorium last night. Mr. Gold- time and again, that the war in resist any push In that direction. Goldwater cited the fact that cerning their views on today's water kindly allowed four stu- Vietnam does not require the use Q - I get the feeling, and I am the government is attempting to social problems. Questions will dent representatives to attend, of atomic weapons. In order to sure many other people do also, standardize textbooks used in the Include abortion, drinking, drugs, two from the CDC and two from win a war there must be some- that the American government Is public schools. homosexuality, sex and other to- WHUS. Dressed smartly In a body there to plant the flag. I spoonfeeding the American peo- "I should like to have the pics. Student willingness to par- conservative blue suit and stri- am convinced that we can have ple with regard to Vietnam. There right to approach the school board ped tie and wearing black shoes a military victory in Vietnam. Is a genuine disbelief as a result. In my locale and have a say In Lerner Speaks that tended more towards the This is not the annhllation of a You have just said yourself that what books my grandchildren ar liberal, he spoke freely and in- country.
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