Natural convection above circular disks of evaporating liquids Benjamin Dollet1 and Fran¸coisBoulogne2 1Institut de Physique de Rennes, UMR 6251 CNRS and Universit´eRennes 1, Campus Beaulieu, B^atiment 11A, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France 2Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Universit´eParis-Saclay, Orsay 91405, France May 16, 2017 Abstract We investigate theoretically and experimentally the evaporation of liquid disks in the presence of natural convection due to a density difference between the vapor and the surrounding gas. From the analogy between thermal convection above a heated disk and our system, we derive scaling laws to describe the evaporation rate. The local evaporation rate depends on the presence of a boundary layer in the gas phase such that the total evaporation rate is given by a combination of different scaling contributions, which reflect the structure of the boundary layer. We compare our theoretical predictions to experiments performed with water in an environment controlled in humidity, which validate our approach. 1 Introduction where ρs and ρ are respectively the vapor density at saturation and at1 infinity, g the gravity constant, R the The evaporation of small liquid disks takes its roots in radius of the drop and ν the kinematic viscosity of air. botany, in particular with some studies on the transpi- For small Grashof numbers, evaporation is limited by dif- ration of plants published in the early twentieth century fusion while for large Grashof numbers, buoyancy creates [1, 2, 3, 4]. Beyond this original inspiration, evaporation a convective flow. is an ubiquitous phenomenon in nature as for the evapo- Additional experimental questioning [11] and evi- ration of liquids from water drops [5] to lakes or oceans [6] dences [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] of the importance of con- and in the industry, in particular for coating processes. vective effects have been reported more recently in the Indeed, the transport of solutes is often driven by evap- literature. Direct visualizations of evaporating drops oration and dictates the self-organization of particles at have been achieved by X-ray imaging method [12], IR micro and macroscopic lengthscales [7]. Therefore, a cor- absorption [14], Schlieren technique [18] or by interfer- rect modeling of the evaporation dynamics is crucial for ometric measurements [19] and these studies concluded understanding evaporation kinetics and colloidal deposi- that evaporation can be enhanced by convection. The tion. transition between diffusive and convective evaporation When the evaporation is limited by the diffusion in the regimes has been reported and the convective evapo- β vapor phase [8], the derivation of the evaporative flux ration rate can be captured as Gr with β 0:20 ≈ shows that the total evaporation rate is linear with the [13, 14, 15]. radius of the liquid surface [9]. In 2006, Shahidzadeh- As we expect from the definition of the Grashof num- Bonn et al. reported experimental observations of evap- ber (Eq. (1)), the threshold for convective evaporation orating drops of water and hexane [10]. They observed is a function of the radial lengthscale of the evaporating arXiv:1704.03243v2 [physics.flu-dyn] 14 May 2017 that while a drop of hexane evaporates as predicted by a surface. Recently, Carrier et al. investigated the mutual diffusive model, a drop of water has an anomalous evap- influence of closely deposited drops on the evaporation oration rate above a certain radius. They attributed this rate [20] as it can be encountered for a sprayed liquid. If different behavior to the natural convection that takes the drops are separated by a distance comparable to their place, as water vapor is less dense than air. The di- radius, they found that a cooperative effect induces con- mensionless number representing the balance between vective evaporation. In addition, they studied the evap- the buoyant forces in favor of convection and the vis- oration of circular evaporating surfaces of different radii cous forces in favor of diffusion, is the Grashof number and they concluded that for large Grashof numbers, con- defined as vection dominates with an evaporation rate that scales 3 as R2. ρs ρ gR Gr = − 1 ; (1) ρ ν2 From the point of view of the governing equations, the 1 1 evaporation of a liquid is similar to the dissolution of a z liquid into another. Recent attention has been devoted to the sessile drop dissolution [21, 22, 23] and bubble ~g Water growth in supersaturated solutions [24] with a combina- tion of experimental, numerical and theoretical investiga- R tions. These studies show that natural convection is also r observed above dissolving drops. The main difference Ring between evaporation and dissolution is the magnitude of the Schmidt number Sc = ν= defined as the ratio of the kinematic viscosity ν of theD surrounding phase and Figure 1: Sketch presenting the notations for the convec- the diffusivity of the molecules. For evaporation, the tive evaporation above a circular disk of volatile liquid. Schmidt numberD is close to unity as diffusivity and kine- matic viscosity are similar for gases. In contrast, the constant, except in the terms where it acts as a driving Schmidt number is large for dissolution [22]. This differ- force for the flow; in particular, the flow is considered ence of Schmidt number is important for the structure of incompressible. the boundary layer of the convective flow [25]. Under these conditions, the velocity field of the vapor In this paper, we propose to derive scaling laws for a above the drop writes u = u e + w e and depends only flat circular evaporating surface in a regime dominated r z on the cylindrical coordinates r and z, with origin at by convection. We base our analysis on an analogy be- the center of the drop interface (Fig. 1). The continuity tween convective evaporation of flat circular surfaces and equation is the thermal convection that takes place above a heated 1 @(ru) @w disk. We show that our prediction is in agreement with + = 0: (2) r @r @z our measurements and with some empirical predictions available in the literature. With p the pressure field, c the mass concentration field, ρ(c) the gas density field and µ its dynamic viscosity, the radial and vertical components of the Navier-Stokes 2 Model equation are respectively @u @u @p As stated in the introduction, the evaporation of the liq- ρ u + w = + uid changes the composition of the surrounding atmo- 1 @r @z − @r sphere and thus, its local density. Therefore, we con- @2u 1 @u u @2u µ + + ; sider the natural convection that can take place above @r2 r @r − r2 @z2 a circular disk of liquid. In this Section, we establish (3a) a scaling law between the evaporation flux and the ra- @w @w @p dius of the flat drop. By analogy between heat and mass ρ u + w = ρ(c)g + 1 @r @z − − @z transfer, this derivation closely follows that of the heat @2w 1 @w @2w transfer above a horizontal heated surface, which is a µ + + : (3b) classical problem [26, 27, 28, 29]. Dehaeck et al. have @r2 r @r @z2 also performed a detailed study of the role of natural In these equations, according to the Boussinesq approx- convection on an evaporating pendant droplet, see the imation, the gas density is taken as constant and equal Supporting Information of [19]. In particular, they dis- to its value at infinity ρ , except in the driving force cussed the role of the varying slope of the droplet, and of term of natural convection,1 ρ(c)g in the equation (3b) of thermal Marangoni flows induced in the droplet by the vertical motion. From the ideal gas law, the gas density latent heat released during evaporation. However, these varies linearly with the vapor concentration: papers either considered a plate geometry instead of a disk [26, 27], or started from dimensionless or simplified c ρ(c) = ρ0 ∆ρ ; (4) equations [28, 29, 19], which is why we prefer to present − cs the derivation in details. where ρ0 is the density of dry air, ∆ρ = ρ0 ρs the den- sity difference between pure air and air saturated− with 2.1 Diffusion-convection equations vapor, and cs the saturation concentration of vapor in We establish the equations to describe the flow in the air. Finally, the diffusion-convection equation for the gas phase and our analysis requires the following as- concentration field is sumptions. (i) The liquid-vapor interface is horizontal. @c @c 1 @ @c @2c u + w = r + ; (5) (ii) The flow of vapor is axisymmetric and in a steady @r @z D r @r @r @z2 state. (iii) Thermal effects are negligible. (iv) We use the Boussinesq approximation: the air density is assumed where is the diffusion coefficient of vapor in air. D 2 Let p = pstat + $ with pstat the hydrostatic pressure, 2.0 1.0 such that ρ g @p =@z = 0. The Navier-Stokes stat 0.8 equations (3)− 1 become:− 1.5 0.6 ˜ ˜ c @u @u @$ z 1.0 ρ u + w = + 0.4 1 @r @z − @r 0.5 @2u 1 @u u @2u 0.2 µ + + ; @r2 r @r − r2 @z2 0.0 0.0 (6a) 2 1 0 1 2 − − r˜ @w @w @$ ρ u + w = [ρ(c) ρ ] g + 1 @r @z − − 1 − @z Figure 2: Dimensionless vapor concentration map above @2w 1 @w @2w an evaporating disk in the dimensionless space (~r; z~) ob- µ + + : (6b) @r2 r @r @z2 tained from equation (12). White and cyan lines are the oblate spheroidal coordinates (κ, σ), for respectively con- We now nondimensionalize equations (2), (5) and (6) stant κ and σ values.
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