Property or dUk -406 LE32A Return to Local Drivers Told To n! "Either slow your cars to the You can see we're heading "We've had cases can compute a car's posted speed limits where warned local drivers that the watches, or you'll be straight for a tragic accident." drivers actually "rocket" "enoscope" is being used more speed over a specife, area. walking instead of driving," Maj. The major also promised stiff through Capehart at 415 to 70 and more. in an effort to cut In placing this machine at par- Ray Ryan. Station Traffic Court punishment foe the night speed- miles per traveled routes, Officer, promised hour! flown or speeding. ticularly heavily K-Bayites this ers "that think Capehart streets Also sharing a seat on the safe The enoscope is a mirror de- local MPs are able to enforce week. are a proving ground for the In- driving "bandwagon," speeds and ticket any vio- Faced with the Sta- vice that measures distance posted an increase of 10 dianapolis race track!" tion Provost Marshal's office and, through the use of stop lators. to 15 violators each week the major said that the official warning "honeymoon" was over. "From now on we're going to either cut down on viola- tions or more people will be walking than want to," he said. Citing a one-week period, Maj Ryan said that on June 5-20 Per- sons faced him on varying charges. On Monday of this week 30 visitors came before his desk. "What scares me," he said. "is the marked increase in speed- ing violations! When you eon eider that school let out yes- terday and more and more kids VOL X No. 24 June 16, 1961 are playing in housing areas, U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE SAY, HAWAII State Governors Slate Visit En Route To Coconut Island Approximately 350 disti n- leeward side, arriving about 12 turn to KMCAS at 5 p.m. for guished guests - possibly in- noon. the return trip to Honolulu. cluding the governors of all 50 During their Coconut Island As a special attraction, the states - will pass through the sojourn the group will be Globe and Anchor Water Ski Air Station enroute to Coconut treated to aporoximatety five Club will provide almost con- Island on June 28, officials an- hours of continuous Hawaiian tinulus entertainment while the nounced this week. entertainment. group awaits water transporta- Guests of the Island's owners The guests are expected to re- tion to Coconut Island. for an afternoon of Hawaiian festivities. the group will be ferried to and from the Kane- ohe Bay Site by MCAS water Four New Contestants transportation which includes the Station crash boat and the same type craft from B011f- Entered In Queen Contest FOURTEEN. The guests are expected to mo- Balloting for the Navy Relief is also 17 years old and, like tor to Kaneohe Bay, from the Society's Water Carnival Queen Sandi Edgar, groduated last week moved into high gear this week from Kailua High School . she's the daughter of SSgt. and with the nomination of four more Mrs. Charles Menaugh. local beauties. Kathy Vogel - Daughter of The Water Queen, who will K-Bay's water ski empressario reign over the two-day July 15- MSgt. and Mts. L. G. "Sonny" SCHOOL'S OUT - DRIVE CAREFULLY 16 spectacular event in Ka- Vogel, Kathy is a Kailua school neohe Bay, will be designated . This "set-up" shot should serve as a grim reminder that more girl blond with blue eyes by penny-per-vote balloting and more children will be playing in K-Bay streets now that school a water sklier of note throughout this month. All former national Mixed Doubles is out for the summer. Don't let it happen to you,. companies. squadrons. and bat- Water Ski champion . won teries are expected to enter 60th State Overall Water Ski their favorites In this contest. championships . will represent This week saw the following VMA-214 in contest. Rifle Firing Hilites four new queens nominated by various K-Bay units: Jody Pelona - Nominated as Reservists' Training the official representative of per- sonnet of the HASCo. 2-4 Leathernecks of Honolulu's unoing through next Thursday , . Brown hair, brown 27th Rifle Company, USMCR, be- the reservists will conduct field eyes . won selection as Christ- it General gan their annual mastery of the training exercises on Kauai that Weede mas queen of St, Ann's High Mt rifle at the Puuloa Rifle will be climaxed by a colorful School in Kaneohe and is the Range this week during the first i luau. daughter of IstSgt. and Mrs. four days of their annual two-1 On return to Oahu the com- Brig. Gen. Weede Stanley J. Peloza . father is week summer training. pany will complete their an- el&SCo 2nd Bn., first sergeant. The le-Bay based 4th Ma- nual training by conducting a Marine Barracks. Returns To K-Bay Sandi Edgar - Graduated last is the official Parade at High School rine Regiment Pearl Harbor. Kaneohe Bay was scheduled to week rom Kailua host for the Oahn reservists . 17 years old and has been The 27th is commanded by offer an official "welcome home" contestant throughout their training pe- to Brig. Gen. R. G. Weede yes- selected as the queen Maj. E. M. Anderson. USMCR, . Sandi's riod. terday when the 1st Brigade from HMR-161 and has a strength of eight offi- the daughter of GySet. and Mrs. Following zeroing commander returned to the Sta- first-day cers and 115 enlisted men. Mal. F. T. Edgar . has brown hair procedures the Reservists began Anderson is a lawyer in civilian tion following 10-weeks of tern' to her notary additional duty in the and eyes and, according firing the "A" Course - an in- life. His executive officer is mother, surfs from morning to novation introduced this year. Capt. R. L. Nelson. Western Pacific. Nr.rrnally. reserve units are re- At presstime Wednesday noon, qu;reu to qualify only on the Brigade officials slated that the nighhtaCharlene Menaugh - Will rep- "E" Course. general would receive full hon- resent "G" Btry., 3rdBn., 12th PMO 'Grace Period' in the balloting race Jody Petals' Yesterday the unit arrived at ors on Dewey Square. Marines K-Bay and began loading an Is Extended For I.ST for today's trip to Kauai for extensive amphibious land- All K-Bay Motorists !et training. Reginnine Monday and con- The Kaneohe Bay Provost NriarSh rr office this week re- minded local military and ci- vilian personnel that the report- A inn; of new license plates is a K-Bay Child -must" to their Pass Bureau. In order to help those local Was Poisoned motorists that have not report- ed this change, the PMO's Pass In an effort to halt the ; firtreao is offering a "grace increasing number of child- period." rPnO poisonings. the WIND- ISAR') MARINE each week In addition to the registration otters change. K..-Bayites were told that a box score of 'Inci- be re- dents" re; nrted at the Sta- any change in autos must tion ported. Included under this cate- Dispensary. The fol- motor lowing were poisoned by: gory are new paint jobs: Vitamins changes; new insurance policies, 1 etc. Antihistiniino 1 Ammonia Failure to report any changes Insecticides 1 can, and will, result in the issu- Provost Baby Aspirin 1 ing of citations by the TOTAL S Marshal's office, the spokesman said Kathy Vogel Sandi Edgar Charlene Menaugh Page 2 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII June i6, 1961 Chaplain's Corner r- FROM HABIT TO VIRTUE 4 it COL, W. R. CAMPBELL Commanding Officer By Chap. William J. McConnell LT. COL. A. L. CLARK Executive Officer The average person has been called a creature of habit and CAPT. ROBERT W. ARSENAlULT Information Services Officer yet as with other general state- --OBS ERVAT IOW GYSGT. JACK T. PAXTON Editor ments this is only partially true: Since most habits are acquired By GySgt. Jack T. Paxton SSGT. A. W. STEELE Assistant Editor by human activity It follows that SGT. WILLIAM H. STUCKEY Sports Editor they can be increased or lc Is- 4th Marine's Sidebar -- Last week's Page One article dealing with ened insofar as they can grow or the activities of the 3rd Bn., 4th Marines brought to light several The WINDWARD MARINE is published every Friday by and diminish. The more frequently a interesting tidbits. Seeing the bit about Sgt. Maj. 0. S. Fergie Jr., for the personnel of tke U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Navy man acts honestly the stronger IstSgt. Joe Rogaiski called and told us his experiences as a member No. 990, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif., under the becomes his habit of honesty if of the "Old Fourth" on Corregidor. According to the "top" he was a supervision the act equals or in of the Informational Services Office. Printed at the surpasses de- Navy mail clerk with liqCo. the same unit he's now attached Royal Printers gree the intensity of the habit and Publishers, Inc., Kailua, Hawaii, the WIND- to as first sergeant. "We were at one end of Malinta Tunnel and WARD MARINE is published with appropriated funds in con- already established. the other end. We were the first outfit to really formity Fargie's outfit was at with paragraph 17107, MCM. The WINDWARD MA- The man who pays a just the .Taps landed at both Monkeys and Culver Points." RINE debt with catch hell when receives material from the Station and 1st Marine Brigade great reluctance does Rogalski served with the Fourth from July 2, 1939 until his capture FMF, Informational of not increase his habit of hon- Services Offices and is a member and on May 6, 1942.
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