CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Serit'~ - II KARNATAKA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK MANDYA DISTRICT PART XII - B VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT "\OBII \ N-\l\1BISr\N Din'dor of Cl'lI~lI~ Opl'ralioll!<., Ka"lIalaka 77' KARNATAKA ADMINISTRA TIVE DIVISIONS 1991 leO Ie' Where the name of the district I taluk differs from that of its headquarters town name the former appears within brackets. ARABIAN 5£A Bansalore is the headquarters for 8angalore North und Bangalore South taluks lind also (or BlfnBlllore lind BlIngliJore Rurlll Districts. T·Tumkur o 13. " .. BOUNDARIES :- STATE .. DISTRICT. TALUK .. HEADQUARTERS :- 12 STATE .. DISTRICT. @ TALUK .. *o K1LOMETRES 60 :zp 'PY )0 4f I 74° East of Greenwict'l 77' Based upon Survey of Indio map with the permission of the S.rveyor General 0 f India. © Government of Indio Copyright, 1994. The terrilorlal water. of Indio ••tend into lhe sea to a distonce of lwelve naulical miles mellSured from the appropriate bose lin •. CONTENTS F< m.EWORD \ 1 PREF/\('E \'11 \,111 1)\11'( mTANT STATISTICS 1:1. - Xli ,\i'\ALYTICAL NOTE .:',"\ PRL\IARY (_'ENSLI~ ABSTRACT E\pl.lIlalory Nolc~ 31 - 34 A. Dj~l riel Primary Ce 11~1l" Ah~l ract 3(1 - .+7 {i) Villagc.Tll\\n Priman ('cn~lI~ Ah~tr,lct /\lph;thetical Li~( llJ VilLtge:-, Kri"hn;1I ;Ijpcl CD. Billd, 51 ."i:-: Prinldn l'ell:-'ll~ />..h-'(I ael 1...:.1 i"hnarailll'l (·.f).Rlnd (.1) ()() Alph<thetical Li:-,( oj Village~ - i\laddur C.D.Blnd, 10., 11)7 Primary Cen"u'-. Ah"tract - l\laddur C.D.Block I()~ - 1.:'7 Alphahetical Li:-,( of Village:-, l\Lt1a\ alii CD.Block 131 - 1.1,5 Primary ('en:-L1:- Ah:-.lract - l\1ala\alli CD.B1ock 1.1,() - 15') t\lphahetical Li:-,( of Villa!!e~ - I\lall((\'a ('.D.Block Ih.~ - HI7 Primary (\;n~L1" Ab"tral·t ;VLtndya (',D.BI(iCk 1(,1' II) I Alphabetical Li:-t of Village~ N;tg;lInang;lla CD. Block 1'15 - .:'()-l Primary Cell~ll~ Ah:-,lracl N;tg;lInangala C.D.BhH:J,. .:'l)( I .:'.+() t\lph<thetical Li:-,( pI' Villagl':-' Panda\apllra C.D.Block .2:'~.' - .:'57 Primary l'en:-'lI:-' Ah~lract Panlia\'apllra C.D.Block 2)~ - .:'XI Alphabetical Li~t of Vjlbge~ - Shrirangapatlana C.D.Rlock ~S5 - .:'X7 Priman (·en"ll.~ Ah~lr;tc( Shrirang.tp,ttlan;t (,DBI(ld :'.\X .:'1)1) (ii) Town Prim<ln (\;mll" /\h~lracl (\Vard\\i'-.e) Alphabetical Li:-.t of Tl)\\llc. ill till' Di:-.lriCl )1) :; Bclabvadi (MP) ,I )-l 3(J7 Iklluru (MP) .,()-l 3()7 Krishnarajpd (]\IP) ,I J.+ - 3117 Kri:-,hnaraja:-.agar;t NOlified An:.a (NAC) .'( ).+ - 31)7 ;';laddm (TMC) .1,( ).+ .'1l7 (iii) \1 ti I \ ,till ( [ 1\ t ( ) ,()\ ") I I \ldllkolL (MP) ,0\ )] I 1()\ ") II l'II1lLI\dpurd (Tt\l() )()'-\ ) I I .... hm ,1l1l!,dP,lll,tl1d (Tt\ll) \Idlllhd ( Ml ) 13 Dl<.,(nLl PnI1Mr) l L11"1l" Ab,,(rdll lor .... ChLdllkd (d<.,IL<., ( Dl..,lfld Pnnldry l Ul..,U.., Ab..,lrdd lur .... ChLdukd Tllbe'> AppLndr" II Ll<.,l 0/ \ChLlllllLd (d<.,(l.., <lnd ""lhLdllkd TI IlK" \PI'L nd]'\ III PuhllLllHlll Ptlll (IV) FOREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is continuing si~ce then with some innovations/ modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Govt.!Union Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districb. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, academicians. and researchers. The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and Village and Town Directories including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third part, Part C of the District Census Handbooks comprising administrative statistics and district census tables, which was also to be brought out, could not be published in many States/UTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features alongwith the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tchsil/town level were provided in Part-B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy cenlres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme, a Statement IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In this Statement details on civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of Class I and Class II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation and another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in Statements IV and V respectively. The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed III 11),IS 1. However, the format of PCA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classification presented in the 19R1 Censu~. In addition to this, the sex-wise popUlation in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the first lime with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rates as all children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Censu". It is expected that the above mentioned modifications will help the planner~ in chalking out mme effective developmental programmes. (v) One of the most important innovations is the ]')1) I Census is thc Community Development Block-level prescntati(m of data in the Village Directory and PCA in~tcad ()r thc trauiti(ll1ai Tahsil{faluk/PS level prcsl:l1tatiol1. It is expectcd Ihat the rre~l:l1talilll1 of Village Direclmy and PCA data al CO.Block level will hdp the planncrs in formulation l)f miero-lcvd devclllpmcnial plan~, a~ the CD.Bloek is the lowest administrative unit for deydopmenlal rIanning. In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planner~ and researchers intending to usc Village Directory/PCA data, either from the magnetic tapes/lloppies or from the puhli~hed records, hoth the computer and manual codes for each village have oeen provided for the I(NI Census along with the corresponding codes of 1981. This publication is a joinl venture of the Stale Govt./UT administration and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under the direction of Ms. Snoha Namoisan, Director of Census Operations, Karnataka on oehalf of the State Govt. administration which has hornc the cnst of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of the publication was initiated by Dr.K.P.lttaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri M.M.Dua, Joint Director. For the sake pf uniformity in presentation of information/data and for preparation of analytical note derieting the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/n\)n-CcnSlIs data, a model District Censlis Handhook from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.K..Iain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S.). This ta~k was carried (Jut by Shri A.K.Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by S/Shri V.K.Jain and Hariram, Investigators and ~taff. Technical guidance in the preparation of the maps was initially provided by Dr.B.K.Roy, formcr Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Gh\)sh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map). I am thankful to all those who have contributed to this project. )'lew Delhi A.R.Nanda June ll, 1992. Registrar General, India (vi) PREFACE In the foreword to the )IN 1 senes of the District Census Handbooks, Sri A.R.Nanda, LA.S., the Rcgistrar Gcncral and Ccnsus Commissioner, India, has traced the history of the District Census Handbooks. He ha" abo succinctly cxplained the scupc and coverage of thc District Census Handhooks. Thesc volumes contain the salient data on the popUlation for every village and town as revealed by the 1991 Census.
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