No.lO November 6,1985 lEdiloasl It's late Sunday night, and this is my last piece of writing as a 3 The Australian Film industry: Revelations of a Semper Editor. As a last Editorial, I suppose I could either slate Successful Producer by GAVIN SAWFORD all those people who have annoyed me during the year, or I could say something dramatic about life, the universe, and all things 4 The Union's Education Resource Officer, cosniic. But first I've got to have a cup of coffee... LAURELLE WOOLETT, discusses Staff Before I start rambling on, I'd better just thank a few — no, a LOT — of Development people who have helped Gavin, Lenore and I put Semper together. The two most fantastic people in the world have to be Louise Larder, our typesetter, 5 Won't Get Fooled Again: Tlie Trials and Tribulations and Matt Mawson, our layout artist. They have put up with our of Triple Zed by KEVIN VELLNAGEL idiosyncracies, our egos, our tantrums and our (I'm saying no more). Next year, Matt is leaving. I wish him luck, but it's not really necessary as I 7 EXPO: The Courier Mail Connection. know wherever he goes he will be successful, and I hope next year's editors are kind to Louise. MOOMINTROLL MEDIA SERVICE expresses What really makes life wonderful in the Semper office is to have a group of its concern. A.K. PRIOR looks at P.E.P. School regular, reliable and readable contributors. This year has never been Funding smooth sailing, but when it comes to contributors we have been very lucky. 9 The Paisley Conspiracy by RICHARD CONRAD Well, enough ofthe thank-you's. Now to write an Editorial. This time I'm A survey of Semper Readers — iS Anybody not even going to bother putting my prejudices inside an argument, I'm just going to inflict them on you ... Reading This? — by LENORE TAYLOR 10 Are you hip? Do you have an identity? Find out TEN HATES with Semper's Subculture identilcit • Smoking. It is the vilest habit known to mankind, and I will not be satisfied until it is totally obliterated. To those who kept leaving their 11 Out of this world? LUCASBERGER reports on tailings all over my desk, may you die a slow and cancerous death. Brisbane's recent science fiction convention • Amateur politicians who are sure all arguments can be divided into either a 'Left' view or a 'Right' view and will argue that Anarchy is not 13 Operation 'Sink Noah'. Dob in a straight on deregulation and Order not authoritarianism. May they have to edit their November 13th. Suggestions from the MEDIA own ramblings. LIBERATION FRONT • The makers of Sacko instant coffee should be made to read our rejected articles for making coffee that tastes like cockroach teabags. 15 Gross Miscarrfage of Justice — BRETT • The next door neighbour, who will without doubt start his lawnmover at WALKER reports on the Ananda Marga sunrise tomorrow. conspiracy case • Telecom, for allowing people to make inane phone calls to the Semper office this late at night. 16 WOMEN'S RIGHTS writes • All those students who voted me into this position last year. 19 Letters and some wordy rephes • Food from the Student Union's Coffee Shop. May those raw vegetables, imitation meats, cheese-less nachos and over-heated pies be force-fed to 20 What's On — Semper's exclusive guide to having the perpetrators before the place gets closed due to lack of customers. fun while preparing to gross fail • Lecturers who believe they are the umpires in a competition to gain different levels of status rather than knowledge. May they be happy in theii 23 Semper is pleased to publish the winning entries knowledge that what they know is very hard to know and only discussed with those who know. in this year's Warana short story competition — • People who actually read Semper Editorials. I suppose you're expecting Growing Pains by MARGARET VERGE something intelligible?! Triptych In Sand by HELEN HORTON • Advertisers who buy so much ad space that we're forced to print a 40- page edition. The Baits In Queensland by BETTY BIRSKYS KEVIN VELLNAGEL A Day Down the Coast by P. McMANUS 27 Communicate or Die - STEPHEN MACKERRAS interviews Noni Hazelhurst APOLOGY "Semper hereby unreservedly retracts the statement referring to Paul 29 Hunters and Collectors talk to SIMON Lucas which appeared on page 5 ot Semper dated 8th October, 1985 HOUGHTON and sincerely apologises lo Paul Lucas for any embarassment such publication may have caused him." 32 Brisbane band On Edge tell CATHY BOMAN about their aims and aspirations 33 Book Reviews APOLOGY AND RETRACTION 'Warw/c/c Newspaper Pty. Ltd. wisties to point out that it is merely the 34 Film Reviews by Peter Davies and friends printer of the publication 'Semper'. It takes no part in the writing or composition of the paper The company hereby irrevocably retracts the 36 Record Reviews by Peter Davies and friends statement referring to Paul Lucas which appeared on page 5 of the edition of 'Semper' dated the 8th October 1985 and sincerely apolo­ 38 More Reviews gises to Paul Lucas for any embarrassment such publication may have caused him." 39 Dirt — Especially grubby this time, seeing this is PAUL McMAHON our last edition Financial Managor (Warwick Newspaper Pty. Ltil] 40 Semper (and Courier Mail) cartoonist John Shakespeare has recently published a book ofhis work. DAMIEN LEDWICH reviews it. THE ANNUAL MEETING OFTHE UNION The Annual Meeting of the Union shall be held on Thursday, 5lh December at 6.15 p.m. in the E.G. Whitlam Room. The order of business shall be as follows: a. to consider Ssmpar Is a non-profit political and cultural magazine based at tho Uni of Qld. i. the Audited Balance Sheet and the Auditor's Report EDITORS: Gavin Sawford, Lenore Taylor, Kevin Vellnaoel ii. the half-yearly Financial Statements COVER: Kevin Vellnaflel, Damien Ledwich iii. the list of policy resolutions of the current Council LAYOUT: Matt Mawson b. to consider and adopt the Annual Report of the Union TYPESEniN6: Louise Larder (371 1611) c. to table the declaration by the Electoral Officer ol the result of the PRiNTERS: Warwick Daily News, Warwick Annual General Elections ADVERTISING: Tony Anderton (371 2568) d. to appoint the Union Auditors PUBLISHER: Brad Bauman, UQU President e. toappoint the Union Solicitors Contributions are welcomed, but no responsibility Is accepted for unsoticlted meterlal. Samper. Novembers, 1 sas The Australian Film Industry Revelations of a successful producer In 1971 one of the first uniquely Au­ Later he returns to "Wake In Fright", stralian films was quietly reieaseti in­ which was directed by a Canadian, Ted to Australian cinemas, and after six Kotcheff. "There's a lot of similarities be­ weeks withdrawn from distribution. tween Australia and Canada, the only dif­ One of the many Australians involved ference being that here it's hot and there in its production was Tony Buckley, it's cold. But I think Ted, being Canadian, got an eye on Australia in "Wake In who edited the film. Fright". Now, almost fifteen years lateranother "1 don't think that having a foreign di­ uniquely Australian film is about to be re­ rector either harmed or detracted, but ra­ leased into Australian cinemas. This time ther contributed. Much in the same way around the concept of a totally Australian that John Schlesingor (a British director) film is not nearly so alien as itwas in 1971, contributed to 'Midnight Cowboy' and and it is being launched with a considera­ saw a view of New York that no one had ble fanfare. And this time around Tony seen before." In many ways "Wake In Buckley has produced the film, being res­ Fright" was premature. It presented a harsh, ponsible for gathering together its $3.4 uncompromising viewof a contemporary million budget. The 1971 film that Buck­ Australia, while at the same time defla­ ley worked on was "Wake In Fright"; his ting, formostAustraliansquiterudely, the 1985 project, "Bliss". In many ways Buck­ great myth of the outback and it.s inhabi­ ley's time in the Australian film industry tants. reflects much of its troubled history, cur­ What Australians wanted from their fled­ rent dilemmas and future problems. gling industry was a "Picnic At Hanging The thriving and once highly praised Rock"; something obviously Australian, Australian film industry is currently at a but uncontroversial and safely locked in turning point, having reached something the past. Anything contemporary had to of a creative hiatus, and the direction it be comic and larger than life, exaggera­ takes now will effect Ihe nature of its out­ ting the Australian myth rather than exa­ put well into the next decade. mining it in a critical fashion. Hence the "Alvin Purple" and "Barry Mackenzie" se­ In the flowering of its first "Renaissance" ries, both of which are still among the top in the middle to late seventies the emer­ grossing Australian films, ging Australian film industry was compa­ The fate of "Wake In Fright" is sad but red to the German film industry of the somehow fitting for so misunderstood same period. There, a new generation of and abused a film. German directors, among them Werner Herzog, Wim Wenders, Rainer Werner "It played eight or nine weeks, and in Fassbinderand Vol kerScholonndorf, con­ actual fact its audience was building just fronted the social and political traumas of before they took it off. Word of mouth a post-war Germany in a series of brilliant had finally got out, Itwas losing money; and penetrating films.
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