ACTON • ALFRED • BUXTON • CORNISH • HOLLIS • LIMERICK • LIMINGTON • LYMAN • NEWFIELD • SANFORD/SPRINGVALE • SHAPLEIGH • WATERBORO FREEEVERY FRIDAY OMMUNITY NEWSPA YOUR C PER SHOP LOCAL www.waterbororeporter.com Locally owned & independently operated VOLUME 17, ISSUE 9 PO Box 75, North Waterboro, ME 04061 • 247-1033 • [email protected] FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2019 Locals help out at Super Bowl Massabesic Middle School teacher Patrick Parent recently received the 2018 Eberhard Thiele Environ- mental Educator Award from the Maine Environmental Education Association. Pat was awarded for his incredible passion and dedication to engaging his students in locally relevant and authentic science investigations. Pictured from left, Sarah Kirn, Dominic Parent, Nancy Parent, Patrick Parent, Meggie Harvey and Molly Auclair. See related story on Page 8. COURTESY PHOTO ELECTIONS & TOWN MEETINGS NEWFIELD Elections and town meeting March 9 BY C.J. PIKE sworn in, follwed by voting on of Newfield. the annual budget and town war- Some of the The Town of Newfield will rant articles. items on the have their annual town meet- Two items that will be voted town warrant are: ing and elections next Saturday, on by secret ballot in the morning an increase in town salaries by At right, Jeddy Nevells, of Limington, at Jonetta Patton’s Super March 9. Voting will be held from elections are: to see if the town about $8,000 – from $127,748.03 Bowl Party at her home in Atlanta where Patton tried and loved Peaches and Scream Jam, made with honey by Nevells at her store, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the West New- will vote to raise and appropriate to $133,920.07; to raise $40,000 Naturally Jammin’. COURTESY PHOTO field Town Hall, 23 South Effing- $500 for the general maintenance to be set aside for a new salt and ham Road. The town meeting will and operation of the library; and sand building – the Selectmen Y YNTHIA ATTHEWS The NFL chooses the place be held that evening starting at 7 to see if the town will accept the and Finance Committee recom- B C M where you prepare the food, and p.m. where winners of the town updated Inventory Section of mend taking $35,000 from tax the Nevells accompanied Chef elections will be announced, and Comprehensive Plan of the Town (Continued on page 4) A Limington business owner recently had the opportunity to Elliott to J’s Kitchen Culinary experience the Super Bowl be- Incubator, a full-service shared hind the scenes. Jeddy Nevells, kitchen owned by Jonetta Patton, LIMERICK owner of Naturally Jammin’ in the muscician Usher’s mother. Limington, with her husband While they were there, Patton in- Election March 8, annual town meeting March 9 Mike, joined a Food Network vited them to her home on Sun- BY C.J. PIKE man, Assessor and Overseer of the running unopposed to fill a 1-year chef to help cater a Super Bowl day for a private Super Bowl Poor. She has filled the position term on the Water District. Tailgate Party. party. Chef Elliot, Kah Burton (a The Town of Limerick will since June of 2018, when John Jennifer R. Morrell is running Years ago, Nevells met Food chef from Philadelphia), Jeddy, have their annual town meeting Medici, the former selectman re- to fill a 3-year term as a Trustee Network’s Chef Elliott Farmer at husband Mike, and Yves McKen- on Saturday, March 9, from 9:30 signed. Five people serve on the for the Limerick Library. Danae Portland’s Harvest on the Harbor, zie, Staff Assistant at the Georgia a.m. to 1 p.m., which will be held Board of Selectmen for the town, C. Secunde is also running to fill and they became good friends. State University College of Law at the Brick Town Hall at 19 Main and the others are: Gil Harris, Dor- a 3-year term as a Trustee of the This past fall, Chef Elliott got the in Atlanta and a good friend of Street. othy Richard, Roland LePage and Limerick Library. notice that he would be a partic- Chef Elliott’s, prepared 20 trays Voting will be held the day Joanne Andrews. Dominic P. Vermette is run- ipant in the Super Bowl Tailgate of collard greens and 5 trays of before on Friday, March 8 at the Stephen D. Malmude and ning to fill a 3-year term for Party and when he came to Maine smoked turkey. “Chef was asked Limerick Town Office at 55 Wash- Glen O. Wagner are both running RSU#57 Director. to visit Nevells’ store, he asked to prepare 2,500 servings,” said ington Street, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to fill the 3-year term position as Suzanne McIntire is running her if she’d like to join him. Nevells. Wendy Thorne is running un- a Trustee of the Limerick Water for a 3-year term on the Budget Food for the Super Bowl Everything had to be delivered opposed for the position of Select- District. William B. Aronson is (Continued on page 3) Tailgate Party is organized by to the stadium on Saturday for Business Connect, a partnership security reasons, including their between the National Football own lunches and drinks. “Secu- NEW EVERY FRIDAY! League (NFL) and the Atlanta rity was tight,” reported Nevells. Super Bowl Host Committee. First, the car had to be scanned Find everything you need to know about Every month, the NFL came to before entering the grounds. Then Georgia to sample food from vari- a police escort, one car in front, YOUR local community every Friday! ous local restaurants and caterers. and one behind, brought you to FRee They chose Chef Elliott’s Collard the entrance. At the entrance, they LOCAL News • LOCAL eVeNTs • LOCAL FACes • LOCAL BUSINESSES WEEKLY Greens and Smoked Turkey. (Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 Friday, March 1, 2019 REPORTER Community Calendar NJROTC FUNDRAISER BENEFIT CONCERT Bar December. Newcomers are al- SPAGHETTI DINNER Friday, Mills Community Church locat- ways welcome. March 1 from 5-8 p.m. in Mass- ed on 13 Hermit Thrush Drive in WEEKLY YOGA CLASS- abesic High School Cafeteria. Buxton will be presenting anoth- ES Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 Adults $6, Students and children er concert in the BMCC Concert p.m. at Soldiers Memorial Li- $4, under 2 Free. Spaghetti, meat- Series on Sunday, March 10 at 3 brary Arts Center, 8 Hancock Av- balls, bread, salad and desserts. p.m. featuring Alexander Roman- enue, Hiram. Raffle prize drawings. For res- ul-Violin and Angela Olszta-Pi- MONDAY WRITERS at the ervations email jana.ratz1978@ ano. The program will include Waterboro Public Library, first yahoo.com. works for violin and piano by Monday of every month (when SPAGHETTI SUPPER Beethoven, Brahms and Clara the library is open) 6-8 p.m. All The five chefs on the catering crew, from left, Kah Burton (Chef from March 2 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Schumann. Be infused by the loft- writers are welcome. Bring a Philadelphia), Jeddy Nevells, Chef Elliott, Mike Nevells and Yves T. M.L.Day School Gym, Limerick iest hopes, the sweetest dreams… short piece to read and discuss. McKenzie (Staff Assistant at the Georgia State University College of Road, Arundel. Spaghetti, two Be inspired by the greatest poet- POETRY WORKSHOP, Law in Atlanta, a good friend of Chef Elliott’s.) COURTESY PHOTO sauces, salad, rolls and breads, ry in music to welcome the de- Limerick Public Library, 2nd homemade desserts, drinks. His- lights of Spring. Admission $10 Thurs. of every month at 6:30- SUPER BOWL turkey on top, “it was busy, busy, torical Displays, 2019 Raffle Cal- per person. FMI: 807-0821. This 8:00pm. All poets from beginners busy!” They served many famous endars available. $7 per person, is a Benefit Concert for Leavitt’s to advanced are invited to bring (Continued from page 1) people, from sports figures to Children 5 and under Free. Pro- Mills Free Health Clinic located an original poem to discuss. comedians to actors. Nevells es- ceeds to benefit Arundel Histori- at 63 Main Street, Buxton. FMI ATTENTION WANT(ED) had to show their credentials, an timates that 1,200-1,300 people cal Society. call 929-6455. TO BE ACTORS! Join the fun ID card for pre-game entrance were served at their table. Tick- THE RELAY FOR LIFE OF YORK COUNTY RE- and learn some “tips and tricks” with their photo ID. “Then you ets were $750 for this party. And YORK COUNTY will be host- PUBLICAN COMMITTEE at our “ Readers’ Theater” work- had to go through a security scan- there were other Tailgate parties ing its kickoff event at Duffy’s MONTHLY MEETING Thurs- shops. Then apply these skills in ner, like at the airport,” added as well. Tavern & Grill located at 4 Main day, March 14 at the Wells Activ- short plays at the Soldiers Memo- Nevells. “One of the safest plac- Afterwards, they were off to St in Kennebunk on Mar. 3, at 2 ity Center, 113 Sanford Road (Rte rial Library Arts Center, 8 Han- es on earth!” the private party at Jonetta Pat- p.m. This will be the launch of 109), on Doors open 6:30 pm for cock Avenue, Hiram. Presently In addition to delivering the ton’s and watched the Super Bowl the season for this local American socializing and refreshments, fol- meeting at 1 p.m. on Saturday food, they wanted to see the kitch- from there. Nevells brought her Cancer Society fundraiser. For lowed by a business meeting at afternoons, but call ahead for en they were going to be working Peaches and Scream Jam to share, more information visit www.re- 7 pm.
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