Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish Where Christ is Our Light February 16, 2020 lives. More information on the events and activities that we have planned will be in our bulletins in the weeks ahead, posted on our social media, and on our user-friendly website, www.stbridgetcheshire.org. Letter from the Pastor Here are some of the highlights of what we did as a parish family, which causes The Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans, KCHS for us to express our gratitude to God for His many blessings and pray for His continued guidance: 1. We began the year strengthening our presence on social media and utilizing the tools of today to effectively com- Dear Friends in Christ: Bishops, it says “parishes are communities municate the faith. 2019 Annual Report…This weekend I am of faith, of action, and of hope. They are 2. We welcomed to our parish family the pleased to present to you the 2019 Annual where the Gospel is proclaimed and cele- new Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdio- Report for Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish brated, where believers are formed and sent cese, Bishop Betancourt, who celebrat- and to provide you with a to renew the earth. Parishes are the ed Mass with our parish family and highlight booklet at the home of the Christian community; offered his blessing to those in attend- ends of your pews (or on they are the heart of our Church.” ance. the yellow table at Saint I am in awe when I reflect on how 3. We, once again, experienced the pain Thomas Becket) for you to our parish family is a family of and the disgust of the sexual abuse take home and read. I real- faith, of action, and of hope. As crisis as the Archdiocese released the ly do hope you will take the you look through the Annual Re- names of all those who were credibly time to read through one of port booklet you will see how this accused. A fulfillment of a promise these booklets as doing so is made evident in the many ways made to the people of God but one will help you to see how God is really at we come together. We come together for that, once again, caused us, priests and work in the midst of our parish family! spiritual and social events to strengthen our laity, to experience the pain of know- I will share some highlights with you at the family. We come together for various adult ing that this took place in our beloved Masses this weekend, but I would like to education programs, various ministry meet- Church. make a couple of significant comments at ings, and other times to grow together in 4. We saw the transfer of the beautiful this time as well. our faith. We come together to be formed Stations of the Cross from the Epipha- in the faith so that we can then bring that ny Church property to the front of St. I think it is safe to say that the calendar year faith into our world. We Grow and Go as of 2019 was a year of blessings for our par- Bridget School as a way of uniting us the theme for the as one family of faith; ish family in many different ways, some of Archdiocesan Synod which will be clear in the printed pages of respecting the histo- reminds us. We, as a ries of the former the Annual Report, others which are known parish family, are ac- only to God. parishes and building tively doing this each us up as one family As I reflect back on 2019, I am most grate- and every day in a of faith. ful to the Parish Trustees, the Parish Fi- multitude of ways! 5. We executed the sale nance Council, and the Parish Pastoral For that we give of the Epiphany Council for their extraordinary and invalua- thanks to God. Church and Property ble advice, counsel, and support. Whether We, as a Pastoral to Holy Theotokos and Saint Athana- it is in meetings, on conference calls, or just Team, are continual- sius Coptic Orthodox Church in May. after Mass on the weekend, the members ly seeking ways to bring our parish We wish them well in their new spiritu- of these councils are ever willing to assist in community together both socially and al home. We thank them for the making sure we remain a vibrant presence spiritually to grow together as a family. plaque in front of the outdoor statue of the Catholic faith in Cheshire. They are So many of the programs and events we of Mary recognizing the parishioners dedicated to their respective roles in helping offer throughout the year help each of us who worshipped there for 50 years. to build up our family of faith. to grow in our understanding of the faith We look forward to collaborating with A special word of gratitude to our Trustees, so that we may be nourished by word and them in 2020 and well beyond. Candy Nesbit and Mark Izzo, who were Sacrament to go into our world and renew 6. We said goodbye to Father Philip amazing in their availability and support the earth. Each of us fulfills this mis- O’Neill and wished him well on his throughout the process of selling the sion each and every day by the way we new journey with the US Air Force as Epiphany Church and property. I could live our lives, by the way our words and a Chaplain, and, we welcomed Father not have done it without them. I learned so our actions show others that God is pre- Anthony Federico as the new Parochial much from them throughout this process sent within us, and by the way we share Vicar of our parish family. We are and for that I am beyond grateful. The the joy and the love of Jesus with those blessed that our parish family gets the questions, the waiting, the back-and-forth we encounter. excitement, enthusiasm, and joy of of selling real estate is really not something To strengthen us for our role as mis- young holy priests in the early years of I was ordained for but with their guidance, sionary disciples I encourage everyone their ministry. support, and counsel we got through the to join us for our upcoming spiritual 7. We painted Saint Thomas Becket process. and social events in 2020 so that togeth- Church, carpeted both Churches and As I often quote at this time of year, in the er we can be strengthened by one an- the Education Wing at our South Cam- document Communities of Salt and Light by other and God’s Word to truly go forth pus, and repaired the masonry issues the United States Conference of Catholic and bring others to the Lord by our on Saint Bridget Church and our Par- ish Rectory. 2 8. We welcomed the Knights of Colum- possible for consideration. weeks of Lent. It will be an oppor- bus State Council and the Silver Rose Finally, I hope you will not only focus tunity for us as a family of faith to as we gathered to pray for a greater on the financial report but that you will reach out to others with the mercy and respect for all human life from concep- look through this Annual Report booklet love of God and to fulfill the call of tion to natural death. and see that we are doing so much as a Pope Francis to be instruments of mer- 9. We gathered to grow together as a fam- community of faith. We educate future cy in the lives of others. It is our hope ily at events like our awesome Parish generations, we gather in groups, we work that each weekend a basket will be in Picnic, the amazing Oktoberfest, and together to enhance our liturgies, and we front of the altar and at the time the the relaxing and enjoyable No Turkey reach out to those most in need. That is collectors are organizing the collection, Thanksgiving Parish Dinner. what makes us such a strong family of faith! our young people (and any “older” 10. We walked the path of re-accreditation May God bless our efforts in the years young person who wishes to come with our parish school throughout the ahead. Thank you for all that forward) will bring the particular item year culminating in you do to make Saint Bridget to the basket. These will occur as fol- the official on-site of Sweden Parish such an lows: visit with New Eng- amazing family of faith. Weekend of February 29 & March 1— land Association of Feed the Hungry—non-perishable food Schools and Colleges FINALLY, I wish to thank you the people of our parish items for the Cheshire Community in October. We also Food Pantry witnessed the extraor- family. I thank you for your dinary generosity of love and dedication to our Weekend of March 7 & 8—Give drink the John G. Martin parish family, for your great to the Thirsty—beverages (water, juice, Foundation with their generosity—especially financial coffee, etc.) for the Cheshire Commu- recent grant to St. Bridget School of generosity—which enables us nity Food Pantry $85,000 for us to purchase all NEW to offer the great variety of programs and Weekend of March 14 & 15—Clothe the Smartboards for each of our class- activities, and I thank you for your presence naked—new (WHITE) socks for the rooms.
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