Rapport Annuel MANITOBA ARTS COUNCIL CONSEIL DES ARTS DU MANITOBA DU ARTS DES CONSEIL Annual Report ARTS COMMUNITY ARTS publics. and clients with dealings artists in the schools, and touring. and schools, the in artists To demonstrate honesty in all our our all in honesty demonstrate To assessment, professional development, development, professional assessment, GRITY E NT I arts training institutions, professional professional institutions, training arts organizations; including funding for for funding including organizations; through fairness and equity. and fairness through I NTERVIEWS: NTERVIEWS: and groups individuals, for excellence To honour the uniqueness of our clients clients our of uniqueness the honour To of demonstrated or potential artistic artistic potential or demonstrated of CT E SP RE Council supports the professional arts arts professional the supports Council MA goals. our of of Understanding with the Province, Province, the with Understanding of URI To our clients and to the fulfillment fulfillment the to and clients our To C Memorandum the with accordance In E NT E OMMITM M C IER Mandate A U DESIGN BYTÉTRO publics. and clients our with diverse people and communities. and people diverse To work in cooperation and partnership partnership and cooperation in work To province-wide participation that spans our our spans that participation province-wide ONSULTATION C The arts landscape is characterized by by characterized is landscape arts The to our clients and publics. and clients our to excellence; and excellence; Mission Valeurs information meaningful provide To an essential component of educational educational of component essential an OMMUNICATION Le Conseil des arts du Manitoba La vision, la mission et les objectifs du C est un organisme indépendant du as promoted energetically are arts The Conseil des arts du Manitoba seront guidés long-term. and creatively broadly, think To gouvernement provincial qui se consacre par les dix valeurs essentielles suivantes: expression; cultural NNOVATION à l’excellence artistique. Nous offrons I EXCELLENCE and artistic of range a value Manitobans un large programme de subventions actions. and thinking our In Faire preuve d’excellence dans les arts et where: life community of heart the at arts by RSHIP DE A destinées aux artistes professionnels LE et organisations artistiques. La mission dans l’administration et la prestation de about brought spirit creative a with province In dealing with our clients and publics. and clients our with dealing In du Conseil des arts du Manitoba est de nos programmes. a envisions Council Arts Manitoba The NCY E RANSPAR T promouvoir, de préserver et de soutenir DIVERSITÈ Vision les arts en tant qu’éléments essentiels à Encourager l’intégration des arts dans arts. the of and in all the people of Manitoba. of people the all la qualité de vie de tous les Manitobains la vie et l’inclusivité au sein du secteur inclusiveness greater foster To arts as essential to the quality of life of of life of quality the to essential as arts RSITY E et Manitobaines. artistique. DIV preserve, support and advocate for the the for advocate and support preserve, administration and delivery. and administration Vision TRANSPARENCE promote, will We organizations. arts and In the arts and in our program, program, our in and arts the In Le Conseil des arts du Manitoba imagine Faire preuve de transparence dans nos artists professional for program granting E NC E LL E EXC une province à l’esprit créatif stimulé par relations avec nos clients et nos publics. broad-based a offer We excellence. government dedicated to artistic artistic to dedicated government la présence des arts au cœur de la vie Le A de R S H I P values: core 10 following the by guided arm’s-length agency of the provincial provincial the of agency arm’s-length communautaire où : Faire preuve de leadership dans nos be will Council Arts Manitoba the of The Manitoba Arts Council is an an is Council Arts Manitoba The The vision, mission and goals goals and mission vision, The la population apprécie une expression idées et nos actions. Mission Mission Values culturelle et artistique variée; I N N O VAT I O N les arts sont vivement encouragés en tant Faire preuve d’ouverture d’esprit, de que composante majeure de l’excellence créativité et d’une vision à long terme. en éducation; C O M M U N I C AT I O N le paysage artistique est caractérisé par une Fournir des renseignements d’importance participation à l’échelle de la province qui à nos clients et à nos publics. inclut les divers habitants et collectivités. C O N S U LTAT I O N Travailler en coopération et en partenariat Mandat avec nos clients et nos publics. Conformément au protocole d’entente conclu avec la Province, le Conseil ENGAGEMENT soutient les activités artistiques Nous engager à respecter nos professionnelles des personnes, des obligations envers nos clients et à groupes ou des organismes faisant atteindre nos objectifs. preuve d’une excellence artistique RESPECT démontrée ou potentielle. Ceci inclut Respecter le caractère unique de nos le financement des établissements clients en étant justes et équitables. de formation artistique, l’évaluation INTÉGRITÉ professionnelle, le perfectionnement Faire preuve d’honnêteté dans nos professionnel, le Programme des artistes rapports avec nos clients et nos publics. à l’école et les tournées. Table of Contents 1 MANITOBA ARTS COUNCIL annual R EP ort 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 9 1 LETTER TO THE PREMIER 2 REPORT FROM THE CHAIR AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 6 GOAL 1: ENCOURAGE ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE 7 GOAL 2: PROMOTE THE ARTS 10 GOAL 3: SUPPORT CULTURAL DIVERSITY Letter to the Premier 11 GOAL 4: INCREASE ARTS EDUCATION 14 GOAL 5: MANAGE RESOURCES 15 525-93 Lombard Avenue ROLAND MAHÉ: MANITOBA ARTS Winnipeg, Manitoba AWARD OF DISTINCTION RECIPIENT Canada R3B 3B1 16 204 945 2237 COUNCIL AND STAFF 204 945 5925 17 FINANCIAL REPORT 25 GRANTS LISTING September 14, 2009 The Honourable Gary Doer, Premier and President of the Executive Council Dear Sir, In accordance with the provisions of An Act to Establish the Manitoba Arts Council, I present this report on behalf of the members of the Manitoba Arts Council, covering the activities of the Council from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. Sincerely, Dr. Judith Flynn CHAIR 2 MANITOBA ARTS COUNCIL ANNUAL REPort 2008 / 2009 Report from the Chair and the Executive Director Art It’s what’s inside a strong Community Arts and cultural activities are the heart of MAC also consults in discipline-specific a community. The arts make communities forums and makes presentations to the more attractive places to live, bring a public and to groups of artists in every DR JUDITH FLYNN DOUGLAS RISKE community to life, build interpersonal arts discipline. This year MAC held a CHAIR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR connections, attract tourists, and assist consultation with the Franco-Manitoban communities to compete economically arts community, in part to announce the around the world. The town of Morden launch of the New Brunswick/Manitoba Art is an excellent example of a community Creative Residency program, which It’s what’s inside built on a strong arts foundation. Morden gives preference to Franco-Manitoban Manitoba received the 2008 designation as a Cultural applicants for the first two years. These Capital of Canada for a town under 50,000. consultations are ongoing, and invaluable MAC held its annual Board retreat in to us in our own program development In 2008/09, the Manitoba Arts Council Morden last fall and helped mark this grand and assessment. achievement by hosting a public reception (MAC) awarded over 500 grants totaling Our arts education, residency, and touring to celebrate the Chautaqua Spirit Festival. $8,143,989.00. These grants supported programs, and the juried arts shows, a wide range of arts organizations and The MAC board and staff visited a number have engaged northern and remote individual professional artists living and of other communities on a series of communities in Manitoba for over 25 working in our province. All aspects of Listening Tours. We travelled to Neepawa, years. This year MAC staff convened community life valued by Manitobans are Steinbach, Portage la Prairie, Flin Flon, a Northern Arts Forum in Baker’s Narrows affected directly and indirectly through this The Pas, and Churchill to meet Manitobans for northern artists and organizations support: justice, education, health, the in their home communities to hear about and hired a new full-time Aboriginal Arts economy, and the environment. The Arts their priorities, dreams, visions, Program Consultant. These initiatives help are at the centre of healthy communities, and aspirations. All Manitobans expressed increase access to our programs by artists a vibrant creative economy, a strong passionate interest in trends and issues that and organizations who contribute a unique workforce and a productive education connect to innovation, social inclusion, voice and artistic practice to Manitoba’s system. They are the heart of a province and a creative economy for the future. rich cultural landscape. that is recognized as a centre of excellence and is connected to a global environment. Our consultations with artists and MAC’s communication initiatives organizations are extensive. Each year, continued to support the work of Council we convene a multidisciplinary Arts in sharing information regarding MAC’s Advisory Panel to inform us of the current programs while emphasizing the value and future issues and opportunities in of the arts to Manitoba communities. the arts. In 2008 the Arts Advisory Panel A new website is under construction completed its three-year term, and in the and MAC is completing work on a DVD fall of 2009 the community will elect a designed to celebrate its 40th anniversary.
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