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ER DEFENDANT-APPL;LLANT, PRO SE Sworn to and subscribed in my presence this ^ day of 20 Ozi LA- NTA Y PUBLIC JfiruNtFER M. p7YO In and for the State Of O^® ^hhlic MY CQmmissaon Expdras MaY 21,201,3 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF 01-1I0 STATE OF OHIO, Plaintiff Appellee, vs. : Case No. ^ ^91' Defendant-Appel laiit. AFFIDAVIT OF 1NDIGENCY do hereby state that I am without the necessary funds to pay the costs of this action for the following reasons: I am currently incarcerat d at the and I have been ^ incarcerated since,&/S. I work at the prison but receive only &;(f^ dollars per month. Pursuant to Rule 15.3 of the Rules of Practice of the Supreme Court of Ohio, I am requesting that the filing fee and security deposit, if applicable, be waived. AFFIAIvT Sworn to, or affirmed, and subscribed in my presence this day of ^^A& 20 /^^ JENNIFER M. OTTO, Notary Public _,^„K In and for the State of Ohio Notary ubl My Commission Expires May 21, 2018 My Co unission Expires: +f c;; ^ ^C) I tNote: This affidavit niust be executed not nioi•e than six months prio Court in order to coniply with fi.Ct. Prac. R. 15.3. Affidavits not in compliance with that by the Clerh,l IR AN. 0 3 Z014: CLERK OF COURT SUPREME COURT OF OHIO _ c'i;^',!1r^'^^i<^i ,.^ ^" ,•^?^G ^,-.^^ <^^ ^? _ ^''iY^^^-,E^.^'l^^,G= --- _ Gx -^'-c.. L^^;^,^'G^ fi.^ <„-^3.rC-^" ,^-.^ - __ ^^- f!L ieLI%L ^ , .^, . .^z^'^'3U 3 61;al 4? ^^ ,^ ^^ `r . ^!^?^^^G? 3^^ •'^-^ ..^/.-',s^C'Jl r .!% ; ^^^1G^ G^ ^.^^y^^^!G^`, ^^i^^l^ '^t^G^^`^^^^ G^^Pi!^?c7C'_ 3 ..._._.. _... ._ .. _ .. __ . _. ..(Y/ .___. _. _ . ' ^^^ ^^C.!^'^^L^ ^Z-G'^__^^ -^r^ ^-^ ^` _ 3^:".^%,L^^`cC^.^°^Q.^:^. _ _ _ , ,. 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