Your local source since 1951. A WUt PPOR1S company A publication $1 I Thursday, October 17,2013 I CHICAGO SUN-TIMES niles.suntimes.com Nues Herald-Spectator u « GO THE BEST OF HORROR AND FESTS INTHE SUBURBS MOMMY» ADD FUN TO FRIGHT Keep calm andcarry on THIS HALLOWEEN I Holocaust Museum exhibit shows Britain's vital role in WWIIiPAGE 6 Nues Herald-SpectatorI © 2013 Sun-Times Media All rights reserved I your #1 source for high school spa SCORES GAME STORIES IPLAYER PROFILES I VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS High School Cube News, Sun-Times Media's new high school sports website, launched this week. It's the latest evolution in Chicago area prep sports coverage. High School Cube News will integrate all the SOefrTLog -li highlights and live games from HlghSchoolCube.com with the u LS NO..L>kOm comprehensive coverage formerly provided by Season Pass. T500000 J.sIa ..LdQ 0959 0000Oo 6.03i>IJ:NA $JJ$ 5TD-3sUO1 Go to hiqhschoolcubenews.com or click iig scoI 'SPORTS' on your local newspaper site. 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(847) 520-6100Products & info at BannerPlumbing.com KITC 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2013 I A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL Contactus THIS BUSINESS NES CUSTOMER SERVICE WEEK Local small HERALD-SPECTATOR AND DELiVERY Tà.thy P Knigtl, CEO, Service sr $iòscrIIsns: biz makes Wrapports, LLC 877-855-7722 national top Jim Hickey, General Manager, [email protected] Sun-Times Media Local customei' Service Heirs 100 list Mon-Fri.: 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Rsbsrt K. Elder, Editor in Chief, Lifeway, a Morton Sat.: 6:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun-Times Media Local Grove food manufac- Sun.: 8 a.m.-noon turer, made Forbes ADVERTISING IYWeeIdYDeIIVery Magazine's list of the DIsplay: 847-486-9200 800-945-5000 top small businesses ClassIfied: 847-486-9200 [email protected] EDITORIAL in America. 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MARINO REALTORS Qniuj' 5800 Dempster - Morton Grove (847)967-5500 21. (OUTSIDE ILLINOIS CALL I-800 253-0021) The Gold Standard www.century2l marino.com CHARMING BRICK GEORGIAN! HOUSE BEAUI1FUL! Skokie. Just Listed1 Well mainTained solId bnck 7 room Georgian in quiet & Monten UnceGorgeous updated 7 ioem bock Hi-level wiffi loads of updates coTyenientty Caled stea close to schools, poiles, shoppIng, bus, Sain & Edens Himughout! Gourmet tchen with Grande ceuotens & stainless steel appliances Highway1 Hardwood floors, lange lieng room + sepanate dining roost 3 bednooms opens to living roots/dining room combination wilLi refinished harVweod floors & I ¼ boWs. FinIshed basement with ret room. 2 car detached gatage Updates Lower level family room, full bath, laundry/utility room. Oeersded 2 cii garage include. furnace 5 yeans old and root 3 years old. Mece nght fl and en)oy' Located with storage & fenced yard Updates include: hot water heater, hardwood ffosrs, in Nitos West High School DistriCt #219!! Won't Last Long $229,000 windows, circuH breaker, sump pump $209,000 or as we like to say "gather round" Nothing Bundt Cakes is now in Skokie! FREE Bundtlet When You Purchase a Bundtiet EVERYThING YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FORE IMPECCABLE SPLIT-LEVEL WITH SUB-BSMT! Skotije.ImpeCcable 10 P00111 - 2 story bosse io move-in condition1 4 bio, 2 full Nsrthbmok, Poce Slashed! Mint condition 9 room Spit-level features a huge 80' lot 97l9SkokieBlvd Skokie,1L60077 e (847)763-5000 baths. Huge eat-in1chen w/maple Cabinets, Grande, stainless steel appliances: + upgrades galore! Open Ilnorpfan lmpnoeements new in 201 1 include stainleos steel appliances ir gorgeous GrooVe Htchen w/custom cabinets + bneakfasf bar island haodwood floors, icIng in with wood-bumiog fneplace. Sepana.te foenial dining Erpcein i t/17/i3, birdS raise csxts,es paersusrstrtee. Cusessol bei comcilsiodssit'r sanyothe' ratier. room, main floor family room, detVoff/50n bi Finished bsrot whet room, 2nd Hardwood Huero throughout lower level family im New front load washen + dryer in Ren. 'noble, ordyot Ihn bctkeeV 4510mO. Musi tre ckthred rii-ststto durh30 'onrush bistlotoSu horas. No ccoh vsak', mb-boni laundry w/pUyroon + separate wothaonnvstorage, new furnace, hot wafer ,- wood-burning fireplace: 2 zone heahn/cen52l air, bnck pahs, 2 t$ garage & heater, roof & selingi $ pedo offtchen, 2 car attached ganageb.................$420's carport fenced yard. Fairview Scheel Diolrtctll...................................$379,« NOTHINGBTJNDTCAKES. COM NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2013 I 5 COLUMBUS DAY SALENa!vigate your way to Savings appliances & electronics FINA L 3 DAYS! SAVE UP TO TAKE AN EXTRA (5 3.0 Cu. Ft. 26 Cu. Ft. Stainless Steel Washer . RW36)BW French Door Refrigerator R263BEAESR 6.6 Cu. Ft. SRP '799' SRP 2499 tElectric Dryer $54999 Gas &yer ayaiiabk a 17s AIR! addftiia cosi TOSHIBA TOSHIBA :,Il ,1II L 1080P L 120Hz =Tv i 79 249 HDTV SAVE 4r42" (I41.6 Gi*ì 42Th45o 24MONTHS SPECIAL FINANCING Offers vand Octobr 17- 19, 2013 I - Subf«1 to(ri'ppOY8l. Munu monthF iaymi? reqiced. Se ioefodai 2 - Ex1 5% owescktedptke rnstantci pouus 549? 5 upwc voir h.h. osgga. Excuscanput. tabts, canrs. Vzonweesspons. & 'fauucs that prctt dscntingon uiatera nc poliq UPPI ocoducTs. Wlpool biands.Iect'OIux taxh. 6 hrnds. & Ssung appans frtepl wh shown) ar smtd o 0% off. Picx pudases xduded. Offr cansi b (3'bed wnh thr h ggg ta'd d&aonts, rrn vad h. gregg nebns. Any thscourn, (3UpOfl O Oth(osoVOn& o1JerppIed a tmo pwthwwdI r,ice ycur pwhac ount nd m ecut i yout satyin m pwchamourn fo poa nng. 3ddes muiuers hai 'ct dia*rntin urr pece cky UPxoxis & k. ftsIpO tand 1oi* tadt feseticirvoctcòer 1719, 2013 6 THURSDAY, OCTOBER17, 2013 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION ML III SKOKIE Museum explores British home front during World War II Holocaust Museum takes KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON different look at war What The Illinois Holocaust Museum's new exhibition looking BY MD ISAACS at the British home front during [email protected]@SKReview_Mike World War H latest traveling exhibition Wheit The exhibition will be on display at the Illinois Holocaust Mu- in the basement of the museum Iftheseum & Education Center feels through Jan. 26. a bit different than others, that's Who: The exhibition was organized by by design. the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston Design, in fact, is an operative with support from Jean S. and word for "Keep Calm and Carry Frederic A. Sharf. The Golder Family On: Textiles on the Home Front in Foundation is lead sponsor all mu- WWII Britain" design of period seum special exhibitions. Additional clothing, beautifully-stitched patti- local support was provided by Rotar- otic scarves, home furnishings and jans for Peace. An Illinois Arts Council more. While the idea of bringing this Agency grant partially supported the exhibit to the museum initially exhibition. raised eyebrows - some won- Where The museum is located at dered whether it was the right fit 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie. for the museum - don't make the Informalion: Access ilholocaustmu- mistake of casting "Keep Calm" as seum.org or call (647) 967-4800. a mere fashion show or furniture display.
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