JUNE 1973 85 cents volume 3, number 19 CARL GOLDBERG MODELS THAT ARE REALLY Semi-Scale Beauty in a Great Flying Model! GREAT TO FLY! Tough, Roomy Cabin and Front End, For 2 to 4 Channel Proportional. Steerable Nose Gear. Span 62". Weight 4V4 - 5 lbs. For .35 to .45 Engines. FEATURES: • See-through cabin, with die-cut plywood cabin sides • Shaped leading edges plus sheeting '/jA SKYLANE • Cleanly die-cut parts that fit For Single or 2 Channel, • Clark Y wing section, hardwood Pulse or Digital. Span 42". struts Weight 22 oz. For .049 to • Steerable nose gear, formed .10 Engines. $ 9 .95 main gear THE FLYING FALCONS More Falcons have been built and flown in the past 10 years than any other 1-Piece Full-Length Sides R/C. For values and features in a functional, rugged airplane, your best bet is a Falcon. Every design element engineered for simplicity and fast-building. FEATURES: All Deluxe, with top quality fittings Cleanly die-cut ribs, fuse sides, Now With 1-Piece Full-Length Sides. Takes 2 to 4 Channel Pro­ Coil-sprung nose gear. formed formers, etc. portional. Span 56". Weight 3 '/2-4Vi lbs. For .15-.19- 35 Engines main gear FEATURES: New simple “ Symmet-TRU” wing • Semi-symmetrical wing section Shaped and notched leading and construction • Coil-sprung nose gear. trailing edges formed main gear J & S K y iA R * : • Shaped and notched leading and For Single or 2 Channel, F A L C O N 5 6 $19.95 trailing edges Pulse or Digital. Span 37". The Medium-Size Trainer. Takes Single to 4 Channel Proportional. Rudder- • Cleanly die-cut ribs, fuse sides, Weight I 802. For .049 formers, etc. Engines. $8.95 Only or Multi-Training. Span 56". For .15-.19-.35 Engines. • New simple "Symmet-TRU” wing construction SR . F A LC O N $36 95 The Standard Big Trainer. For 4 Channel Proportional. Span 69". For 35 to •ol) tngines. C k o e s t iw q $2995 The GoodyearHnnds/Par RarprRacer With FnmiøhEnough Ju ^F A L C O N $7.95 Area and Stability So You Can Fly It! For 4 Channel Proportional. Span 54"; Area 540 sq. in.; Weight 4V2-5 lbs. For .19-.40 Engines. FEATURES: ^Engines'31"6'' ^ ^ °Γ 2 Channe'’ PU'Se °Γ Dígital· Span 37"· For • Shaped leading edges plus sheeting • Symmet-TRU wing construction • Full-length sides, sheeted trailing edges * · * -«■ • Cleanly die-cut ribs, formers, etc. • Formed spring aluminum landing gear ,OOK «HAT A MODEL» i „ W * >·» « “ “ • Semi-symmetrical wing section. RANGER 42 - H995 \■ -ha« - ?S’ longrøV ButΛ withL h Vthe help ....... The Versatile Almost- accomplished twe - d start AVAILABLE IN CANADA Ready-To-Fly Fun Model. Takes Single Carl Goldberg Models Inc. again.” Dr. Cecil L Wiley 2546 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 to 4 Channel Propor­ Wilmington, Caht. tional. Also Free 0“ d!?! 25t ,or 8 Pi- Illustrated Cata- P.S. R /r μ1' ΐ · . Recommendations in Starting in Flight. Span 42"; Weight 26 02. For .049-.10 Engines. want and rJ i» r E,xplana,lon of R/C Equipment If not available, w rfte X e c t^ ííd 35etemS you ana Radio Control Definitions. (75C outside U.S.). Minimum offer g i ° Ρ" l,em Name________ CARL GOLDBERG MODELS INC Address_ City____ 2546 WEST CERMAK ROAD « CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 State -Z ip. WINGMASTER A NEW KIT FROM KRAFT A new concept in R/C flying. Build it in 5 hours. Fly it for less than $200.00 total investment including all R/C equipment. RADIO: 2 OR MORE CHANNELS WEIGHT: 4 TO 6 LBS. WING SPAN: 56" POWER: .40 TO .60 t f i ' L J COMBAT FLYING CLASS PYLON RACING "CUSTOMIZED” WINGMASTER Wrile for Free Catalog 450 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE, VISTA, CALIFORNIA »2003 World's Largest Manufacturer of Proportional R/C Equipment HADEI THE IDEAL R/C TRAINER FOR .19 .29 ENGINES UP TO 3 CHANNEL RADIO EQUIPMENT LENGTH: 42” *23,s EASY TO BUILD Sturdy, built-up balsa construction and light wing load­ WING SPAN: 57” ing combine in the Kadet to produce a perfect sport WEIGHT: 4 LBS. or beginners’ model. The flying performance of the high-lift, flat-bottomed airfoil is responsive to control and inherently stable. A tricycle landing gear helps ground handling, take off and landing characteristics. Handy Pnnted Faselage Sides — Build In­ KIT RC-31 We predict that this compact bundle of dynamite will ternal Structure Directly On the Wood. quickly become THE standard RC Trainer. Molded Plastic Engine Cowling. Formed Nose Gear with Shock-Absorbing Coil. Torsion Bar Main Gear. Hardware Package Includes Nylon Nose Gear Bearing. Nylon Control Horns and Molded Nylon Surface Hinges. Die-Cut Plywood and Balsa Parts. Top Quality Balsa and Hardwood. Designed by CLAUDE McCULLOUGH Full Size Plans. Complete Illustrated Building and Flying Instructions. s u ; Λ\ΛΧΙΜ Λ ΓΠ Μ Ί\< ; CO..............iW oiifcziim n, low » The MODEL BUILDER 1 NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT.. The ODEL U l 1900 E. EDINGER AVE., SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92705 The MODEL BUILDER is published monthly. Regular sub­ scription rates are S8.25 for one year and S14.00 for two years. Add S2.00 per year for subscriptions outside of U.S. and Canada. Add S1.50 per year for Canada and Mexico. Please enclose check or money order. Do not send cash. Name _ Address City S t a t e --------------------------------------- -------------------------- Zip el uefeij ( ) One year at S8.25 ( ) Two years at $14.00 Begin with €161 'Aei/i ui paddiqs aq //im anssi iSJij 90/66 VD 'euV eiueg 'jaBuip3 3 0061 '3NUOamV :uuv 'ί/ΞΟΉΠβ 1300IAI 3dl 0 1 luasaq p/noqs sjapjp) • · · (■ pali aui saumbui ja/eag) ja/eap jnoA ie siuao 0 6 JOi pas saidoa /enpiAipui apqM '(sanssi g) jeaA jad 00 SS s! aiej uonduosqng • · · ■MSN }o qn/0 ieog ppopj aqi pue VVVIAI J0i leujnot \e\o -Olo aqi si 3 N iJ0 d iJIV 'uomppe u/ • · · auj/ lOJiuoD pue 'iqBflJ 39Ji '/ojjuoo oipej uo sapp je ajnieaj qi/M 'Aqqoq aqi jo saseqd //e sjaAoo uoueoi/qnd s/qi • · · auiz ■eBeui s/apoi/y g N d O d U lV uenejisn\/ jo j jow quis/p ’s p ai os paiutodde uaaq seq auizeBe//]/ y g a i i n S 13Q0IAI "DOWN UNDER” uiojj ømzB?e||\| §u!iøpom-iiB isaa em 2 The MODEL BUILDER T h e JUNE ODEL 1973 UILDER volume 3, number 19 STAFF CONTENTS FEATURES E D ITO R Wm. C. Northrop, |r. WORKBENCH, B ill N o rth ro p ................................. * ........................................... 4 GENERAL MANAGER Anita Northrop OVER THE COUNTER, B ill N o r t h r o p .................................................................................... 5 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Le Gray R/C PYLON, Tom Christopher ......... ..............................................................., ...................... |2 SECRETARY Debbie Hopper R/C SOARING, Le G ray........................................................................................ 14 SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER RADIO CONTROL REPORT, F ra n k S c h w a r t z .........................................- ......................20 Jo Ann Jones CONTRIBUTORS PLUG SPARKS, Jack Transue - -- -- -- - - ...............----------- .........................- 25 Tom Christopher MAIN SHEET, D o n P rough................................................................................... 28 Ron Evans HANNAN’S HANGAR, B ill H a n n a n ..................................... 29 Bill Hannan PEANUT GALLERY, W a lt M o o n e y ...........................................................................................30 Dick Mathis Walt Mooney SCALE F/F, F e rn a n d o R a m o s .....................................................................................................34 Fernando Ramos FREE FLIGHT , R o n Evans-*---------- --------- ...................................................................36 Γ rank Schwarts Jack Transue CON I ROL LINE, Dick Mathis & Dale K irn----.......................................................... 39 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES I ETHE RED CARS, Ted Maciag ----.................................................- .............41 EAST: Auke Venema, 79 Adirondack Ave. Spotswood, N.J. 08884 PHYSICAL FI I NESS, Bob Isaacson ...............- .....................................................................43 (2011 251 2860 WEST Bob Upton, 20626 Clarendon Ave. SCALE VIEWS Woodland Hills, California, 91364 AS-WI7, A s tro F l i g h t ......................................................................................................................... 16 (2131 883-7681 HEINKEL He 72B-2, Flying Scale News & V iew s ...................................- ....................4 4 Subscriptions $8.25 per year, $14.00 two CONSTRUCTION years. Single copies 85 cents. Add S2.00 for postage per year outside of US. (Except WACO YKS-6, B ill W a r n e r ............................................................................................................... 9 APO). Add 50.75 for Canada and Mexico. DRAGGIN’ FLY, D u a n e H y e r .....................................................................................................|7 Copyright 1973 The MODEL BUILDER. All O.T. ALBATROSS, G e o rg e R e ic h (P h il B e r n h a r d t ) .....................- ...................... 24,26 rights reserved. Reproductions without per­ mission prohibited. PEANUT HUNTINGTON H-12, W a lt M o o n e y .....................- .......................................... 30 Published Monthly by The MODEL BUILD­ SWAMP RAT, SLOW COMBAT, D ic k M a t h is .............................................................38,40 ER Magazine, 1900 East Edinger Ave., Santa Ana, California 92705. Phone (714) 547-3963 Cover: Bill Warner's 1972 Nationals F ee-Flight Scale Gas inner was this beautiful Waco YKS-6, built at 1 inch to the oot scale. This Ecktachrome photograph was Second Class postage paid at Santa Ana, Ca. taken cn a light overcast day at Orange County Airport, Santa Ana, California, along side of the Tallmantz Air Museum. That is Frank Tallman's Grumman "Duck" in the background. Photo by Bill Northrop. The MODEL BUILDER 3 Here are 15 of 24 identically marked Aeromaster Bipes that make up the "Hawk Squad," an interclub group that flies demonstrations in the Omaha, Nebraska area. They have been most responsible for bringing about the "First National Multiwing Championships," a contest lim ­ ited to planes with two or more wings, to be held July 7 and 8 in Omaha. More info in text.
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