tain to his present high position Inn i . EVIDENCE army circles. Is so well known that ADVERTISEMENTS SHOWS It needs no comment. CLASSIFIED s Alexander Brodie, for thirty years 1 CTASSTFTED VERTTfiEMEMTS PAYABLE IN A I VANCE an Arizona frontiersman, after having ALL All been twice chosen as governor of that territory. Is at presen i occupying an TO BE important government position. FOIt RENT. ftvenoom brick cot- U,PI Llewellyn became district attorney tage with modern conveniences, elo' of New Mexico. In II. H. Tllton. room 19. Grant bldg. Sherman Hell has played a conspic- five-roo- m brick uous part In the affairs of Colorado. FOR RENT A house, with bath and cellar, stab Id A ROUGH J. H. McCllntock Is the present Store PERSONAL PROPERTY IOAXS... RIDER Globe connection, 1118 S. Ar- The and in postmaster at Phoenix. A. T. barns Lieutenant Hynning Is at the head no street. al of the Arlaona rangers. Money to Loan FOR RENT Furnished rooms for There are many others of the fa- On Furniture. Pianos, Organs. Horses, tight housekeeping. 30 N. Arno. mSj) mous In positions. Wagons and other Chattels: also on T- command lesser receipts, as FOR REN- Nicely furnished front Of the eastern contingent which salaries and warehouse room. Call at 22T, North Walter st President Has Taken Good went to the low as $10.00 ntid as high as 1200.00. swell ranks of this, the Loans are quickly made and strictly F (i R R E N T- - Newly furnished most talked about and unique military private. month to one 0U organization Time: One room, bath, all conveniences, 110, ever recruited within the year given. Goods to remain In your month. Hoard if desired. 803 N. Care oí His Comrades. borders of the United States, may be possession. Our rates are reasonable. street. mentioned men who have, made for Call and see us before borrowing. Fourth themselves a name familiar in athleti- Steamshln tickets to and from all FOR RENT New house, modern cs, In nnrts of the world. conveniences! "B09 S. Walter at. mJl society and the world of THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. finance. -- house- JUST A Rooms 3 nd 4. Grant Bids. FOR RENT. Rooms for FEW OF THE JOBS Wrenn, the Harvard quarterback. Is PRIVATE OFFICES. keeping, 584 W. Railroad avenue. m:il the twice champion player of tennis OPEN EVENINGS. FOR RUNT. New four-roo- m rouse VETERANS HAVE LANDED America. Dudley Dean. Craig Wads-wort- h, 305 Weal Railroad Avenue. With bath and electric lights. Corner Woodbury Kane, Horace Dev-ereau- High and Iron. If John Oreenway, Dave Good- JFO RESALE.. rich and a host of others are entitled FOIt SALE.--Snilt- h-I rentier type FOR RENT Four rooms for ilgnt Did it pay to be a rough rider? to recognition. They are for the most writer No. 1. Also line shotgun. 32? housekeeping; two rooms each. 1207 West Coal. m"0 S. Second st. tf When Captain Frank Frantz was part treading the paths of peace. NT appointed governor of Each, however, is more than proud FOR SALE. furnishings of FOR-ItE- Good office room: Oklahoma at a that is to wear Entire salary he entitled the rough four-roo- house, party leaving city. modern conveniences. New Grant of $3.000 a year, people of th rider emblem. building. Apply Moon's studio, tf territory began to believe that it did. Not invalids. 323 West Coal. mSO When Charlie Hunter, president of FOR SALE. ttdéboards, sewing FOR RENT Brick house with Roi-.- bath at 207 N. Fifth st. Maypard the National Rough Riders' associa- FINDS SKELETON OF GIANT machines, cheap. 4. Grunt tion, was named as clerk of the fed- Bldg. tf tlunsul. tf eral court at Oklahoma Cltv, a po- FOR sale. Second hand top bug- - FOR RENT Furnished room, mod- sition that curries with it fees amount- gy 211 Walnut. ern. 724 S. Second st. tf ing to and harness. North more than $10,000 a year, SAN harness, FOR RENT Two houses; straightened up FOR HALE Buggy and furnished. Auto, phone 013 or call and were 1009 N. Eighth willing to sunfesF that he was indeed Street, at 1101 S. Fourth st. tf fortúnate who followed Lieutenant FOIt SALE First class restaurant FOR RENT To persons wishing Colonel Roosevelt up San Juan hill in and lunch room opposite depot, doing private rooms with hoard. The ele- the lace of Spanish bullets, says the good business. Good reason for gant residence of Nathan Rarth. 422 Kansas City Journal. selling. Address ft. D. Journal. a3 North Sixth street, has been neatly Pirante M. D. G.iylord, well min- furnished and started as a first-cla- ss and Hunter are not the only the known FOR SALIO Cheap, range, heater, private boarding and rooming house. ones who profited by the Cuban cam- ing man. is In town with a story of folding bed and two large rugs. 221 Large airy rooms, reception hall and paign, however. The records of the the location of some ancient Spanish a Edith . m30 parlors, double porches, large grounds. Rough Kiders' Association show that workings in Hie San Andreas moun- you want Ph on efi 3 8 . Ter ins reaaonrble. t f tains, the discovery of skele- FOR SALIO Anything of the eighty members of that famous and the way riding FOR RENT New four-roo- m eat ton of in one of them, says in of teams, mules, horses, regiment now living In Oklahoma and a man or driving horses. Inquire of C. W. tage. 412 W. Lead avenue. Indian Territory, more 2(1 the HI Paso Herald. He has photo- than per Hunter, Albuquerque Carriage Co., FOR RENT Furnished rooms bv Bent are at present holding federal graphs of the mines, showing all that .oner and Tijeras road. the day. week or positions. ho claims. First street month, also rooms two lots, una for light housekeeping. Mrs. Eva Had the question of Mr. Oaylord and associates discov- FOR SALE Cheap, Flaming. 113 whether It paid new improvements. West Lead ave. tf to be a rough rider put to ered these claims In Ash canyon in house tent and RIÓ been the Parea addition. Address T. C. Jour- FOR NT Apartments In Park regiment when it Mon-tau- k the San Andreas, and have been blast- View Terrace, eight first landed at nal. rooms eacn, mod- Point, where the sick and ing out the openings. He declares ern equipment throughout. H. H. Til-to- n, wounded suffered for the lack of al that the former operators sealed the FOR SALE -- Four good nativ1 room lj,(l ra nt block. most everything, the answer probably openings up, after working them, by lionas, well broken to harness and BAK FRIES. mixing pulverized lime plas- phone would have been in the negative. But rock and saddle. Inquire of Colorado BREAD, PI IOS ÁND tering it In 92-- CAKE8 De- time has erased the memory of those over the openings the livered to any part of the city, wed- hardships, and with the good fortunes form of cement. It is impossible to lo- FOR SALE Elegant new furniture, ding cakes a specialty: satisfaction unci advancement of the regiment's cate the openings, he declares, except corner S, Edith and Haaeldlne aye, tf guaranteed. S. N. Balling. Pioneer from the appearance of llakerv. 207 South First leader has come a turn In the affairs smoked the bug-harne- street. walls of the canyon above. In this FOR SALIO Good rubber tire of the men who stood ready to do gy and TOS S. Edith st. m31 BUSINESS OPPOHTI MTIES. and dare at his command. manner he and his associates have lo- SALE. Eight-roo- m brick OTOCK COMPANIES Incorporated. In Oklahoma and Indian Territory cated several and every time a blast FOR you was applied It hous all modern Improvements with If have stocks or bonds for sale today, it is looked upon as a good opened an ancient me try you. mine. one of It i ts, for 11,0,00. Inquire city let and sell them for thing to have been a member of the In them. had been three Kellogg, - sloped out a height 300 feel Market into George If. broker, 345 Eili- famous regiment. And that President for of cott Square. Hufl'.ilo. Kooscvelt has kept a watchful eye on and in some of them the ancient POR salió.- - A good medium site the members of his rough Is a mines had been tunneled for over 400 Iron safe. O. W. Strong's Sons. riders feet. PROFESSIONAL. fact evidenced by the recent and im- POR SALE Furniture, sewing ma-Roo- m portant appointments of The canyon walls are from 1,000 4, build-i- n ATTORNEYS. its members to chines, cheap. Grant to federal positions of honor and good 3.000 feet high, he says, and in Ing. 17 I! W. 1. BRYAN remuneration. many Instances the openings are lo- Attorney at Law. The cated one above the other. Ore found FOR SALIO OR EXCHANGE For Office In First National bank build-iQ- g. governorship of Oklahoma was v ,M. practically thrust upon Captain on the ground outside the workings city or ranch property, a ii 'w furnish- Albuoueroue. 12 Rest location in Frantz. He was never an office seek- assays from ounces to 28 ounces In ed rooming house. PHYSICIANS. silver, two None the city. Address F. J. this office, tf er, and It was with a great deal of re- - with ounces of gold.
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