"'4"." ,...~ \p L I, I·. • '• > '' . ·' f' <§reenhelt Planainc Co1111ission 1-tes,' "l·o~,,~,: On las Station Site; CiJe .Reas.on$:. by Rhea G. Kahn! • · ' ·. ·· The Maryland National Capital Par)( and Planning COmn~f:. ' Rion laat Wl'ek turned down Greenbelt COnsumer Services~ ...-rope);,+, ltws .· Btt~itw ed gll.R station site on Southway. Thei~mm1ss.ion recoJn:4)end~.·· . to the County Commissioners, who wiU make the actual dGc·i iriint~ AI INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER n!'l zoning, that thE-y deny the petition ot>Greenbelt Land Itr~tnr·o"e.;:, rM·nt Corporation for rezoning of the p~el of. land ,.ubfished Every Thursday By Trte OrMnbelt Cooperative Publishing Auoci~ttion.:... Inc. 10 Court and the National Guard AnnoJ!Y from·~·•id4entjaJ Vol. 20, No. 32 Greenbelt, Maryland. Thursday, Marc-h 16. 1956 Tt-n Cents rnrrrl"'l. This rPrnmm('nciation tot- ,.,;..· "----------~~-~: lr•••rd by ont- day the vote of surroun~ilngs to sometbin{t ·. -· Grr,.nbPit city ('OunciJ tt' recom- commeJi~lal nature; and the .. mf'nd approval of the petition. but imity. 0. •. the re$ldentlal · lllblla•oe Clu~ lrive licks Off; •·Uh "restrictions." The council's the north Ube 10 Court:• wlltiJOlltt: AGENDA '\•otr •·u not known to the com- an adcluate butrer strip ll.. te. !t\1rtiltia< .; mlasion when It took action, ac- the di«erent ·uaes of Jand~ $2 M.. llenllip F• For Services eordinc to Warren Glauque, Cblet' the r-~a.inder ol GreenMI~ · The Greenbelt Volunteer· Flre DepiU"tment and Reecue Squad REGULAR MEETING rlannlnc Engtn-r. :Ma.Yoj; Tholt)as .. ( ;u~.. Jl1in1g,; ....:........ .._... being ~,nformed' o~ tbe .P.~.uu~:'.~.: Inc. will kick-otf its annual Ambulaace Club Membership Drivo RNuons for denial, according to comntla!illon action, said be:'-.."'"n' th!e week-end. The drive will be conducted from March 18 through Council of the City of Atulatant Planner Richard A. that tb~ propos!'<) site waa no~ Kai'ch 31. During this peiiod every family in Greenbelt wtll bo Ciuc:-k.rr of the commlulon, include: sfstent ;With thi! original p •• C91ltacted by a member o! the Are department· and re8CUe squad Greenbelt that a ftJiing station on that site Green~lt and. l!iakJ tbat the, or a member of the ladies auxiliary. Eaeb canvuaer wUJ have a • ould be baalcally out of line with councill: was (lOJlfused ·when the original C'Oncept for the de- ners H&le Walk~r and Roger: supply of membership cards and they will iaaue a card to eadl fam. March 19, 1986 ily upon receipt of the $2 membership fee. Payment of t.hia mem- '\•l"lopment O( Gre-enbelt; trafftc COX at'. the Jut mi~ute. , .. co!'lge-atlon at that point, which they did not · object to : • . sl~. ' : bership fPe mtltlea evt"ry member 1. ~tr .. unc OlliW to Ordrr will bC' co:mpllcatt>d by the new lo- (Neither was directly: qu~ne.¢ · of the famUy to all or the emer­ u tion or the Baltimore Parkway by tbe , councU.) . , p ,· • , L•stner Protests %.. Hoi! C.U gency · IM!rviccs providttl by the int«'rchanart>; a potential traffic GCS To Pursue i .. , . orll(anizatlon as oft~n as n4!'C'E'Mary 3. M I n u t to s of J•n-,·ioWt hazard cr4•at.ed by the fact that the Greenbelt Consumer services;;' ' Right-ol-way Delay during the yt.'ar. Routine trans­ Frank La.stnl'r, county commis· north Southway passes over a prospective proprietor of·the·ftllin~Ji": · portation Is avallablr if lll'l'nngt"d M•·•·Un~e• sion:.>r, has protested to the U.S. 11Jight rl&l!. which would block the station, still feels that "!t j·s in the. for at ll'a.st twf'nty·four hours in Department of Interior for its de­ 4. l'rtlth•n,. and ~UC'.tl>tlll \"ic~W or IUJyonr t-ntering Or leaving best interest of the community,.,. advance. A ac:ht'dule of feetJ !lu lay In granting a 30-ft.. thr. ftllin1= stAtion; the etrect of according to Acting General Mana-}.' rl~rht-o~­ bef'n ratabll•hcd for non-m.-mbC'ra .l. W r i t t <' a ()Ofnnw.nk-a·· way along the south side of Gr('cn­ rhRnglnlf the character of the en- ger Ro~rt Morrow, and "will .co11- 'l . and thrat" fN>t~ will· be cha.raro Uon" ·bfolt road from Edmonston to t r10.ncc to Gr.-en belt from pleasant tin uP. to pursue the matter · Wht'nevrr th~ rl'II'I:'Ut' IIQU8d IS caJl. Glenri Dale roads, he announc<'d 6. J\lonthl)' ·~ rd upon to furnish any IH"rvict>S to the County Commissioners:• Mora. : . Jut w~k. Acquisition of the he .cited the opinion, : which mr.mtw>rA of the A.mbulancc 7. SidnuaJk• In Subdh·l· speciflc~ly, Cl~ right-of-way Is needed, before the Hale Walker that locating ~e :tm~ : :· Club arc c-nUUr.d. MIJil,. t RC!MIIuUoa) Our t~eighbors state roads commission will accept 4b)'JtPn Va.r RIIM!IJ lng station there was in confonil-i, . · the road Into Its system for r«>pav· M. Dl~t<'W... BU5 Quco.tion­ Sl<:olnlk - 75118 i ty with his o~ginal concept of"( In\!IUd("d In thr JW~rvlceoa fumlah· lng anti' wldt>nlng. Sot a sound wae heard Greenbelt; he stated that GCS haC:t·! rd to ml~mbcrs of the Ambul!t.nce nnin• "The commission." said X ot a chlld IIUrred consulted a Washington traffic ex-,.' high~-ay Club arc> Flr-3t Ald. ust• or oxyg"n L&stner, "has drawn u9 plans t.o 9. ('on~idr·r R 4" \'l 111 in IC J:\'l'I')'OIIe was watebing MJUipmrnt. tranaportatlon and the pert. who said il;le filling :Station, • · build a 4·lane hlghway, but. can.­ Sbmdlntt Ru~Mi Klq: Richard the ThlnL would not materially incrOO.Se the-: loan of such Items IU whef;"l·chairs not go ahead without grtting thf' Everyont•. «'Xcept perhaps the and C'rutchrs. Of partlcula1· in· J 0. ( ·.,,.,.ld•·r IA'ndbtilt J\.,... traffic. problem at that point; and· additional land. r! thC' Inh•rior BC'rwyn OJ•f'rRtor who w~ putting t«'rrst to the• C'iti7.f>ns of GfN'nbi•lt ,..i .. tanr•· to Fir•• D··~. he said thf' 75-foot buffer zone to ; . Department rdusf's to grant the and n.~,.Mir' Squad in thrnuJ::h ll l~mg-distance call for he dedicated to the city .on tb,&·< 111 .tht' IU!c• of the• 'lX.)'g,·n r.qulpm«!<nt. right-ot-way, tht> alt.ernatlvt> 111 to Jhaildin~ Plant'. nw. A~kr<d hy th.- New Jersey op­ Alrrady t.hls )'(~llr the organization north. was adequ~te to sep~te the•· ... purchase a strip of land along the <'J'atnr if shr were watching "Rich­ dlfferent land m.es. · has UMl·d morr o~ygf"r. than was II. t:.· .. nlut ion · H•·rlarinl{ north side of Gref'nb.-:lt road from ani." nu!' locnl op...rator lamented · · Other Comments : ·.. , .. commmNI in th•· cah·ndar year 'lnrd1 2-i·SI Al!l ('tran­ I hl'lt "\\•t·'rt> not allowed to here." private parties." Lastner said he \'p Wc·t·k City 'Jllanager .Charles M~Donald' · 19r,:;. This itl"m alon<' adds up to • St>m,..thln•: should be done to cor­ was oppo11ed to using tax monPy · c:onsidf·rnblc- ('l!l;prnsc which is de· stated that all points raised by til~·· I ·• Un: i d.. r•n ~\\·inunin~; rr·i'l thi~o c1•nditlon -T.V. for T.o·~.> fo1• such a purpose when pubJ.ic froayed by the mrmbcrship fees or plan1lini commission had: been , ... landR arr! available, l'oul .\dntlu.ion J•ri<'N'. ... Or the poor kids who were th•• Amtmlanct~ Club mcmbtfrlf. thoroughly b.ro~ght out in ~e• cltr.- 'i :'! Lastnl'r sent copies of hi!' pro· st•ff•·ring a:; much as Richard's vic­ council heanngs. · · . : · . ·: :· Thf" fire drpartm•.. nt and rc•scue tims. \Vandt'ring about trom house test to Maryland Representatives Coun.ciJman &bert Hur~f' sai~f. '· squad has a prf'sr~1t str£'ngth of 5.'1 to holllil' looking for a wekomc 9.nd Sen:ttors in Congress. Two ot he WaS, : ~ot S!Ji'prised at the de,':" · mcmtwrs who arf' r('ady to ans~vt."r Special Cif:y Meetings sign. Ulf'Y were rebuf!'cd at every t!lem repllN:J that they arc taking .any typf' of emt"rgcncy caU twenty­ cision ahd felt almost certain · the the ma.tter up directly with In· door with "Go someplace else." In County CommisSioners woUJ~ a:fj;.. four hours a day. Since the local Put OU Temporarily unison thf>Jr'd moan, "Hut we were terfor Secretary McKay.· prove . the rezoning. · · "I i'. think ' organizdtion became associated Tlw dty eoundl. IM-caUSI:' of its t hrrr." · Th~ Greenbelt road has been In council :considered eveiy one <ot' with the Prine:£" George's County !wa"·~· :<chPdlll<' for lh<' pa;st several constant need of repair slnc:e the · In the midst of a bnttle scene, I their rea;sons>, and those Fire Board additional equipment Wo•t k~. postpont·d tWO or itS IICht'd• objectio~S: W~hfngton - Baltimore Parkway made a sta.rtling disco-..ery. I saw 1 can be dispatched from neighb<tr­ u!Pd :«po·eial Jnf'<'tings this -.·e-ck. were nbt overriding," he said. OJ)f<!ned In October, 1954.
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