PUB TRADES DIRECTORY, 1916. PUB 613 Henley Arms, E. Homsey, 268 Albert road, North·Woolwich E Lord Raglan, Albert William Hollingbery, 34 King street, Hsmmer- Plongb, R. E. Burleton, 90 Stookwell road SW Herne Arms., Frederick Harrington, 18 Herne Hill road SE smith W Plough, Mrs. Emily Austin, 3M Homsey road N Berne S&vern. Joseph Highfield, Forest Hill rosd, East Dulwich SE Lord Raglan, Jsmes W. Oooper, 158 Blll"I'Bge J."'Olfl, Plnmstead SE Plough, Harold Coxen, 196 High street, Ola.pham SW Hero of Switzerland, A.rthnr Bansom, 142 Loughborough rosd, Lord Ranelagh, Richard Yorwa.rth, 63 Verona street, Battersea. BW Plough, Marlow Hym,.n, 23 High street, Homerton NB Brixton SW Lord Stanley, Rowland Seward Gmy, 31 Hinton rd. Heme Hill SE Plough, A.ugmtns G. Mann, 381 L<>rdship lane, East Dulwich SE Hever Castle, Mrs.ElizabethThomM,lRD'Eynsford rd.Camberwll BB Lord Westbury, Miss A.nnie Dickin, 418 Wandsworth road SW Plough, Charles Martin., 66 Ooldbarbour lane, Camhe.rwell SB Holly Bllllh hotel, William Brown, Holly mount, Hampstead NW Lord Whitworth, Richard James Simpson, 37 Charles st. Wlwch S_g Plough inn, John Bennett, Wimbledon roa.d, Tooting Graveney SW Holly Tree, ThomBI! Rester, Dermody roa.d, Lewisham SE Lord Woli!Bley, A.rthur Wm. Braddy, 76 Brocldey road. Brockley SE Plough, Fredcrick Peter La.ngford, 599 Harrow road W Hollydale tavern, Richard C. Roll, 115 Hollydale rd. Peckham SE Lothian Arms, Miss Beatrioo Jane Carey, 11 Lothian rd. BrixtonSW Plough &Harrow, Waiter Pailes, 122 King street, Hammersmith W Hop Poles, J. Flaming, 17 & 19 King street, Hammersmith W Loughborough hotel, Benjamin Waiters, 39 Longhbro' rd. Brxtn S"\\' Plough & Harrow, A.rthur WilJjam Clu.y Thomaa, 65 BatterBea. Park Hope • Anchor, William Frank Farmer,l23 Acre la. W.Brixton SW Loughborough Park tavern, GeorgeEdwards, 305 & 307 Coldharbour road, Sonth Lambeth SW Hope&: Anchor, Charles W .E. Fletcher, 20 Waterloo st. Hamrsmth W lane, Brixton SW Plume of FeatherB, ChB&. Willlam Tidey, 282 High st. Plumstd BB Hopl', Frank Newton, 49 High street, West Norwood SE Lugard, John Sealy, Lugard ro~d, ~eckham SE Plume of Feathers, James Lawrence, 19 Park pl. Greenwich BB Hope, LeW18 Tiller, 24 Bt. Peter's road, llammenumth W · Magdala hotel, William Talbot, South hill park, Hampstead NW Poole"s Park tavern, Artbur Seear, 4.5 Poole's park, Finsbury Pk N Hope; tavern, George An sell, 1 Bellevue road, Upper Tooting SW Magdala tavern, Mrs. Mary Ann Cason, 211 Lordship lane, E::~St Portland Arms, Mrs. Sarah J. Warner, 40 Portland place 110uth, Hope tavern, Waiter J. Ferris., 73 Loampit vale, Lewisham SE Dulwich SE South Lambeth SW Hope tavern, Mrs. Agnes & Geo.Smith,'261 York road, BatterseaSW Mail Coach, Ja.mes Smith & Co. 28 Uxbridge road W Portland hotel, Henry Parrish, 77 L<>ndon street, Greenwich SE Horn11 tavern, Charles Seccombe, 40 Knig-ht's hill, W. Norwood SH Maismore Arms, Harry Wa.tson, 104 Peck ham Park rosd SE Portobello .Arms, Mrs. Eleanor Sa.rah Marshall1 248 Kensa.l road, Wood tavem. J'ohn William Pryor, 25 A.lexandra villas, Maltman & Shovel, Isaac JB&. Russell, 6 King st. Hammersmith W Kensal New Town W Finllbury Park N Manor Arms, Wm. Jn. Thornton, 13 Mitcham lane, Streatham SW Powerful, George Gomm, 11 Ohapelstteet, Woolwich SE Horse & Groom, A. H. Catherwood, 60 Blackheath hill, Grnwich SE Manor House,Mrs.Amelia.C.Swinyard, 316Green lanes,FinshuryPkN Prince AJbert, Rose & Oo. 49 Hare street, Woo1wich SE Horse & Groom, Robert E. Dear, Ga.rratt lane, Wand'!worth SW Manor tav. Wm. Michael Francis Stevens,llRectory rd.Stk.NwgtnN Prince Albert, Charles R. Denn, 34 Councillor st. Oamberwell SE Horse & Groom, Robert Button, 60'J Woolwich road, Charlton SE Ma.rlborongh Arms, F. H. J. John.<;On, 67 Sed~~;moor pl.CamberwllSE Prinoe A.lbert, John A.ttwell, 72 Royal hill, Greenwich SE Horse & Groom, T. F. B. Underwood, 68 Heath st. Hampstead NW Marlborough Head, Mrs.H.E. Shenston, 74 Marmont rd.PeckhamSE Prince A.lbert, William A.. Pickstock, 119 A.lbert road, Peckham SE Horse & Groom, Frank Heywanl, 60 Streatham High road SW Marquis of Lansdowne, Harry Sampson, 48 Stoke Newingt<>n rd N Prince Albert, Fredk. Robertson, 33 Victoria rd. Stoke N ewington N HorseShoe, Frederick Wm. Fmnklin, 160 High street, Putney SW Marquis of Lorne, Thomas Saward, Dalyell roa.d, StockwellSW Prince Alfred, John Corcoran, 16 Haines street, South Lambc>th SW Howard Arms, ThomasGeo. Lewis, 21 Howard rd.Stk.Newington N Masons Arms, Sidney Victor Bailey, 169 Battersea. Park road, Prince A.llred, Joieph Robert Cutler, 178 Sydenham road SR • Imperial, Alfred Wakely, 67 Hornby road & 64A. Blakesroa.d, Peck· South Lambeth 8W Prince Alfred, Mrs. Edittl Mary Pealling, 139 Marlborough road, ham BB Ma.wbey Arms,Herbt. Wm.Prouse, 7 Mawbey st. South Lambeth SW Upper Holioway N Imperial Arms, Robert Ernest Fairbairn, 577 King's rd. Fulha.mSW Melbourne Arms, Hu~hMa.c Donald,81 & 83 Sandy hill rd. Plumstd SE Prince Alfred, Thom8Jl Hall, 89 Raglan rosd, Plumstead SE Ingleby Arms. Mi'lll Margaret M.A.Hella.rd,36 Grove rd.Holloway N Mid Kent tavern, Edward Harold Wam~r, 4 Railway approach, Prince A.rthur, Louis John Parrish,173Greenwich rd. Greenwich SB Invemllllll Arms, Rlchard Self, 27 InverneBS place, Pluirultead SE Lewisham SE Prince of Orange, Rehm &: Driscoll, 189 Greenwich roa.d SE Invitation, Thomas Wellsted Miller, 39 Auckland road, Battersea SW Milk wood tavern, S. W. Carter, 63 Milkwood road, Herne Hill SE Prince of Orange, Alien Rider Marking, 244 High Bt. Plumstead SB Ironfounden A.rms, Sidney Ashford, Norman road, Greenwwh SE Mitford tavern, Thos. Gordou Lashmar, 133 Amhurst rd, HcknyNE Prince of Prussia, Robert Penney. 50 Benhill road, Ca.mberwell SE lvanboe hotel, John Thomas Walker, 28lvanhoe rd. Oamberwell SB Mitre, Thomas Henry Cribb, 145 High street, W oolwich S ~ Prince Regent hotel, Peroy Geo.Tyler, 69 Dulwichrd.Heme Hill SB Jack Straw's CBJltle, Cope & Clark, Hampstead Heath NW Mitre, Harry Durrant, 139 Tunnel aven.Blackwallla.E.Greenwch SE Prince of Wales, Fredk. W. Baker, 33 Wilcox rd. S. Lambeth SW Jeffreys Arms, James Barnes, 27 Paradise road, Clapham SW Mitre, Edward Malyon, 62 Patmos road, Brixton SW Prinee of Wales, Wm. Blenzoorg, Lea Bridge rd.Lower Clapton .!SE Joiners' Arms, Thos. JMwd. Cross, 35 Denmark hill, Camberwell SE Mitre, JosephGeor!'(e Newman, Church street, Greenwich BB Prince of Wa.les, John Ellas Brook, 294 Clapham road SW Jolly Butchers, Edgar Cherry. 204 High street, Stoke Newington N Mitre hotel, Arthur Graha.m Johnson, 130 Mite ham rd. Tooting SW Prince of Wales, William A.. & Mrs. Kate Buckland, 646 Garratt Jolly Gardeners, William Warby, 2H Garrutt lane, Wandsworth SW Montague Arms, Richard George Danels & Oo. 289 Queen's road, lam•, Tooting !,l W Jolly Ganleners, A.rthur Woolgar, 61 & 63 Lacy roan, Putney SW Peckham SE Prince of Wales, W. E.Ohapman,99 Union road, South LambethSW Kent Arms, Mrs. Marie Deunehy, 206 Albert rd. N. Woolwich E Montpelier, Oollins & Izant, !19 Queen's road, Pcckham SE Prince of Wales, George Norman, 73 Dalling rd. Hammersmith W Kentish Drovers, Henry Heaton Richards, 74 High st. Peckham BR Montpelier, Frederick E. Pow, 43 Cbonmert road, Peckha.m SE Prince of Wales, Alfred Aylett Moore & Thomas Ca.ndler, 147 Grey- Kertleld Arms, Charles W. Young, 16 Grove lane, Camberwell SE Montpelier, John Robert Stanley, 13 Brandon road, Brixton SW hound road, Hammersmith W King of B<>hemia, Mrs. George E. Sta.nier, 10 High st. Hmpstd NW Moore Park hotel. Jas. Geo. Evans, 110 Wood vale, Forest Hilllllll Prince of Wales, Mrs. Emily Molyneux ,49 Knatchbull rd. Cmbrwll SE King of Sardinia, Richard Simmons, 21 Somers rd. Brixton SW Morden Arllli! (The), Albt. Edwd. Smith, l Brand st. Greenwich SE I'rince of Wa.lea., Moiii! "ampson, i;!l Kyna._«ton rd. Stoke Newngtn N King William IV. Selman & Pollock, 155 Trafal~IU" rd. Greenwich BR Mostyn Arms, George M. Cooper, 93 Bramah rosd, BrixtonSW Prince of Wales, John Simmon•, 138 Up. Richmond road,PutneySW King William IV. Arthur A.lbt. Hy. Bailey, 354 Wandsworth rd SW :-.la.g"s Head, Herbert Monta.,oue Jones, 205 York road, Battersea SW Prince of Wales hr.tel, G. Whitehead & Sons, 467 Brixton road SW King Wllliam IV. Harry Soloman Lee, 419 Strea.tham High road SW Nag's Head, Charles Buckle, 693 Wandl:!worth road SW Prince of W a.les, William J. Richanl.s, 124 St.George'a rd. Peckha.mSE King'a Arms, A.lbert Fredk. Benton, 96 High street, Wandsworth SW ~apier Arms, Mrs. Emily Durham, 126 St. John's hl.Ba.ttersea SW Prince of Wales.David Fmnk Edwd.Hogben,48 South row, N. KensW ·King's Arms, ~dward Arthur Cook, New King's road, Fnlham SW Navy Arms, Arthur Henry Thom8Jl, 13 Samuel street, Woolwich BE Prince of Wales, Thomas Wright. 339 Battersea Park road SW King'~ Arms, William Gosheron, 132 Peckha.m rye SE Navy & Army, Albert W. Swayne, 12 Frances street. Woolwich SE Prince'!! Head. Percy Walker, l York road, BatterseaSW King's Arms, Joseph William Jex, 7 Dntton street, Greenwich SE Nell Gwynne, George Bishop, 541 King's road, Fulham SW Princess A.lexandra, Ed warrl Willows, 1 Perrersrd.Hammersmith W Killll'S Arm~, George E. Wa.llis, 71 Durba.m road, Holloway N Nelson, Waiter Benj. Burrow, 23 Kingsman street, Woolwich SE PrincessAlexandra,Mrs. MaryJ. Weaser,34Charnook rd.Lw.ClaptnN E L L King's Arms, Mrs. Maria Williams, 16 King William st. Greenwich SE Ndson inn, Mrs. Jaue Pitt, 600 Wandsworth road SW 1 Alexandra, Hd. Truckell, 1!lK St. George's rd. Peckham SE King's Arms, Fred Wisdom.
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