November 15,1976, Retriever, Page 1 university 'retriever news volume 11 number 11 november 15, 1976 Servomation Questions Campus Beer Sales by Leslie Matzinger . ., . , ., ..,..' Controversy over the location of the sale Pete McCullough, expressed hIS opmIOn faCIlItIes for servmg beer in the Commuter co.mmuter CafeterIa. To WhICh Mr. ShIes of beer on campus arose last week in a that the Rat was an out of the way pl~ce Cafeteri.a. Mr. Stiles replied "Yes, saId "Yes, becau~~ the vol~me of sales meeting prompted by UMBC' f d _ and that attendance among commutmg because it would put the Rathskeller out of would be greatly mcreased. vice Servomation s 00 ser students was poor anyway. At this time, business." "Then you'd have 10 reduce your price at A~cording to Sa'lly Giffen, Vice Chan- Jim Fuller, ~irec~or of Student Activities, M~. Fuller then asked if it would be the ~al ?,lso,';, said M~. Fuller. Mr. Stiles cellor of Administrative Affairs, there are asked Mr. Stdes. If there was ~~y reason pos~Ible to keep .beer at 35 cents a. glass reph~d, Yes. SometIme la!er, after th.e no set of regulations directing the who, why Servomat IOn never uhhzed the durmg the day If they served it m the meetmg, . Mr. Fuller promls~d t~at If what price, when, and where of beer sales. ServomatlOn open~d a b~r"lme m the Represented or present at the meeting Commuter CafeterIa, they d ma~e mor~ were Campus Security, RHC, Book Store, money then.yo~ could ~hake a slick at. Food Service (Servomation), Director of The me~~mg s attentIon turned to th.e Siudent Activities, Vice Chancellor Sally accountabIlIty ,of beer sales; who has It Giffen Veterans Un'on D' t f and who doesn t. An 11 per cent tax must Busine~s Services, and \h~ SG~~c or 0 be collect~d at all events inclu~ing con- Servomation has the complete food, certs, mIxers, lec~ures, mO,'lIes, cof- beverage, and vending machine contract ~eehouses, an~ meetmgs, at WhICh alco~ol for UMBC , which, however, does not IS sold. B~t thIS beer sale~ tax, accordmg specify alco.holic beverages. Presently anv to the Dlrect?r of SpeCIal Events, ~as sl udent group can sell beer with proper never been paId on SGA events. Accordmg authorIzations and licenses, and Ser- to Mr. Fuller, he was unawar~ that we had voma1ion has claimed this is a breech of to r~lax the be.er at sale ~Im~ because cOhtract . Bill Stiles explained that when n~thmg was saId when gUldehnes. were there is an affair on campus which serves laId down last year. The R;at, also, dId not alcoholic beverages during the hours collect that tax .for the f~rst pa~t. of the which the Rathskeller is open, they are in semest~r. Mr. StIles expla.med thIS m part direct competition with each other, by s~ymg that ServomatlOn tax la~e~s sighting an example a while ago where the read .he law wrong and thought they dldn t Rat lost $200-$300. He makes it clear that have to coll~ct tax on be~r ~ales. he wa~not referring only to student func- Serv.omatlOn wants stnct mterpretation tions, but to all events on campus, faculty of theIr contract , and complete control and otherwise. over all beer sales except that portion A misunderstanding arose after the controlled and accounted for by .the SGA. Vet eran's Union held a beer sale without It wa~ even suggested that the mIxers and going through Servomation. A pubmghts, sp?nsored by the SGA, be run representative from the Veterans Union, by ~e~vomatlOn. The prop~sal included Richard O'Neill heads table at beer policy , discussion Burton provldmg the beer and puttmg everyone ",,,Je1nt Go Il.ernmelnt A II~~ C II"J ~~;V(:~~~o~~s th~~:::N~UI~h:~en~;~ StuUt II VI III lillIan e c.lfJuerway ie~~s~db~n~tTf:nh~e~~f~,~ash:~k~~hf~t~~ by Jeff Bloyer President and orI'gl'nator of the I'dea, serVIces,, promotion and tenure reaction.b f "I'dk' have. dto see the guidelines First steps toward the organization of a The goal of the proposed allI'ance I'S two- proce d ures, and policies dealing with e Aftore rna mgh a d.lU bgment." Stu dent Government Alliance were taken fold . The organization can provide a power Jewish holidays. ~r muc e ate, the unanimous at meetings held on November 6 and 7 at base for student proposals. In this way, a deCISIOn reached was that there had to be the College Park campus. The means of "amplifying the student voice" Possible solutions for these problems one policy drawn up, covering the whole organization, when formally im- will be secured, Roger Bone, Director of must wait until the formal structure of the scho~l, ~hich incorporates every rule and plemented, will provide ties between the Student Affairs explained. organization has been developed however. r~stflCIt~n., It. was the initial feeling. of ,- campus governments of each of the four The second benefit offered by the Initial discussions of these sitootions at the RIchard 0 Nlell and Sally Giffin that Mr . branches of the University of Maryland proposed alliance is that it will provide a meetings at College Park lead Matson to Fuller's office should take responsibility system, according to Cheryl Matson of forum for discussion of problems common the realization that, "We weren't going to for 1his. UMBC's Legal Aid Office. to the four campuses, "The goal of the get anywhere without the power base it- "No w,ay," responded Mr. Fuller, He The meetings were attended by alliance is primarily to give (the student) self." Roger Bone explained that the cited several reasons, one of which was representatives from College Park, more input into the total university system formal basis for the organization would Ihat it was inappropriate for the Director UMBC, and the University of Maryland at and also for the student leaders to receive allow the ties between the university of Student Activities to write a beer policy Baltimore. Representatives of UMES the benefits of work the other campus divisions to continue despite changes in for the whole school. Secondly, he had his expressed total endorsement of the idea organizations have done," Matson sum- campus administrations. policy, drawn up last year for his students, but were unable to attend because of marized. signed by the administration and Ser- · t I 't' I ts d Current proposals offer each campus the dIS ance. m 1a · agreemenf th 11' were rnad th e Examples of the type of problems which right to send six representatives including vomation officials- . or e cons ruc IOn 0 e a lance an e will be considered by the alliance when it Sally Giffin consented to having her f th · f dt I t t' t 't "Th II' necessarily the presidents of the individual se't 1ec If t'IOn 0t e egad' IOns 01 . t" e a t lanced is finally implemented, include concern student governments. These proposals are office draw up a draft of the policy 1 se IS a remen ous mnova Ion m s u ent for Veterans' problems, tuition increases sometime next week at which time it will governance," added Tim Kernan, SGA the availability of adequate counseling' subject to the ratification of the governing be reviewed, signed and soon thereafter bodies of the separate campuses. put into effect. The new policy is expected 10 sharply regulate who may sell beer specify what channels must be gon~ Chancellor Gratuities Monitored In Future 1hrough, and ban the sale of beer by personnel t () the universit y. "The student groups during the regular school by Matthew Neels deal of controversy arose about the day. Aft er numerous "misunderstandings" dis posit ion of some of his home furnishings agreements are sometimes put in writing evolving from former chancellor Calvin which were valued at 10,000 dollars, and sometimes not ; as was the case of the Lee's use of expense accounts, Sallie several thousand dollars of non-university former chancellor. In the fut ure, however Students Speak On Giffin, Vice Chancellor for administrative related telephone calls, which had not been an attempt will be, made to have all affairs stated that, "The use of expense paid. He has since paid back all of the agreements clear from the beginning," money owed to the university according to said Ms. Giffin. Chancellor When Dr. Herbert Brown, Chairman of Ms. Giffin. : "What had happened was that Eleven persons sat before 17 members of Lee had said that is was in his agreement 1 he Board of Regents, was asked about Ihe Search Committee for the Chancellor to take some of the furniture with him." chancellor gratuities he replied, "I do not on Friday, in what was designed to be an However, according to Richard O'Neill of know why you fellows want. to worry about open speak out on the qualities of UMBC's the business office, "no written record of all that stuff, there are too many good next Chancellor. any chancellors' fringe benefits has ever Ihings at UMBC to write about.".A recent been seen down here." The furniture from article in Ihe Diamondback, College Dr. R. Lee Hornbake, Vice President of Ihe former'Chancellor's house will be put Park's newspaper, stated that Robert L. the University explained that 158 ap­ in t he special collections room of the Gluckstein, Chancellor of the University of plications have been received so far for UMBC's Chancellorship, saying "That's Library.
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