Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1952-53 The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 10-24-1952 The thI acan, 1952-10-24 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1952-53 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1952-10-24" (1952). The Ithacan, 1952-53. 4. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1952-53/4 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1952-53 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. "ITHACANS" ATTEND CONFERENC~ TOUCHDOWN TWIRL FOOTBALL GAME SAT. NIGHT TONIGHT 8:00 AFTER FROSH FROLICS PERCY FIELD SENECA GYM atan Ithaca vs. Lockha ·en V,>I. 24, No. 4 Ithaca College, Ithaca, N. Y., Friday, October 24, 1952 IC Elects Eisenhower by 3 - 2 five "Ithacan" Editors I.C. Students and Faculty Attend Press Conference Al N. Y. 's Hotel Staller Favor '' Ike" by· 126 Votes · Five members of the lthat•an sta'.t by Jim McGeever are attending the Associated <'ollegi­ According to the results of the Straw Poll sponsored by The Ithacan, Dwight D. Eisenhower will be the next occupant of th_e White House. ate Press Conference beinJ?; held at General Eisenhwoer with 357 votes to 231 votes for Adlai Stevenson, was the Statler Hotel in New York City, the choice of the st~dents and faculty. The following is a break down of Oct. 23-25. The delegates arc: how the votes were cast: .Joe Palmieri-Editor-in-'.'hief Grand Totals: Votes .Joan N. Staub-)lanaging Editor Cast Percentage Eisenhower 61 Phil Corse-Business ~.lanager 357 231 Stevenson 39 Sally Breit-r-iews Editor Female: Eisenhower 69 .Joel Levy-)Iake-up Editor 139 62 Stevenson 31 The Itlmc1111 is a n emher of tll'i )!ale: Eisenhower 55 Associated Collegiate Press. This is 209 168 Stevenson 45 the first time any of tile staff ha~ a:­ Percentage Total Votes !or Percentage tended the conference. The moue:, Department: Voting Eisenhower Stevenson Eisenhower Stevenson used to finance the expedltion was o'i­ Physiotherapy 47 23 17 57½ 32¼ General College 67 67 56 55 ·15 tained from ad\'ertisin!; clpne in th" Business 76 55 45 55 45 lthn<'nn. Physical Ed. 71 81 53 60 40 "This is the first time," said Sen. Nixon froin the Ithaca Red Wagon, ~lusic 71 99 42 70 30 The managing editor of E~1111lrt• will " ... that I've ever spoken from a Truman platform ... with a piano Faculty 23 13 64 36 open the proceedings Thurs.. Od. on it!" It should be noted that the senior class of the Physiotherapy Depart­ 23, at 1 p.m. There will follow a co:11- -Photo by Rovrrztinr ment could not vote as they are in New York City. One vot~ was cast for plete program covering the editorial. Freud. Ten ballots did not indicate the sex of the voter. Smee the total business, and other aspects involved vote was large the effect of these ~exless ballots in the final breakdown in journalism. Included among other 4500 Republicans Hear Sen. Nixon Assail was negligibile. The departments included under General College are: speakers will be )Ir. Thomas Barn­ Radio, Drama, Speech, and Liberal Arts. hart, a professor of journalism at thP. Truman Administration As Corrupt University of )linnesota. )Ir. .John Sen. Richard Nixon, Republican Scott, an editor and correspondent for Analysis of Election vice-presidential candidate, assailed Football, Music Selling The most interesting trend in the · Time magazine, wilt address the group Kostenko, Ackerman the Truman Administration Sat., Straw Poll was the tendency of women at a banquet Oct. 24 at the Statler Oct. 18 at the Lehigh Valley Station for "Touchdown Twirl" to vote for General Eisenhower. Of Hotel. Vignette Co-Editors in Ithaca, N. Y. It was the first of his Immediately after Frosh Frolics, the total votes cast by women 69% Plans are under war for "\'ignette," whistle stop campaign speeches .Joe Palmieri, editor, commented: "I Oct. 25, the Ithaca ('ollege )!arching were for Eisenhower, as opposed to the college literary magazine, with the think we will obtain a wealth of through upper New York State. An en­ 55% by the men. Among the theories appointments of the editorial staff. Band will sponsor a dance, "Touch­ knowledge by attending this confer­ thusaslic throng of approximately 4500 advanced to account for this trend Dorothie Kostenko. Editor; Pat Acker­ down Twirl," which will be open to ence, and I hope that next year more people were out at 8:40 a.m. to greet were the uniform and career of Gen­ man. co-editor; John <'iaboiti. Busi­ students will be given the opportunity the Senator and hear him speak on all students. The dance will be held in eral Eisenhower. \Vomen may find Uis ness .\Janager; .Jacqueline Kelly, Cir­ of going to the conference. I regret the corrnption in the present adminis­ Seneca Gym from 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. uniform and background attractive. culation )!an age?'; and Bob Belfance. tration and the Communist infiltration that everyone on the staff will not with music by Andy Dougherty and The men who voted included some have the opportunity to attend our Publicity .\Janager. .\Ir. William Ter­ in the State Department. his orchestra. Girls have 1:30 a.m. per­ veterans and many potential veterans. first affair." williger is the advisor. The pro-Republican gathering re­ Army life and an Army offic('r would This year's "\"ignette," will be in missions. There will be a donation of ceived the Senator with cheers and be Jess likely to attract this group. printed form rather than the mimeo "We Like r-iixon" banners. Nixon lash­ 50 cents per person. The committee Adlai Stevenson has campaigned on copied form of last year. ed _out at the Truman )Jew Dealers chairmen are as follows: Social Chair­ a Jess emotional level than did the The editorial staff hopes. by me:in, 100 Testing Centers when he said, "Seven years ago when man-Jerry Usdane. Ticket ('ommittee General. Women arc inclined to be of a forth-coming contest, to obtain a II Truman took over the administration more emotional than men ancl there­ . 115 . high standard of compositions. The -Douglas Little, Decoration Commit­ T o G1ve erv1ce he had everything on his side for fore Eisenhower's campaign llll'thods contest will start soon and is open to tee-Bob Williams. and Bond rommit­ peace and prosperity. What's he done'! would ap11eal tu them to a gT,'ater de­ Exams -December 4 all students. The editorial sta:f will Today we Jost our military superiority tee-Lois Guthrie. The chaperones for gree than the campaign waged hy c-hoose the manuscripts to be accepted. whereas before the rommunists "Touchdown Twirl" will be )Ir. and The number of students taking the Stevenson. numbered 9 to 1 in our favor, they now Sdective Service College Qualification .\!rs. William Terwilliger and :\Ir. and The .\lusic De1iartn1ent slu,w,•d t.lic number 5 to 3 against us. That's tl)C Test will swell to approximately half )lrs. Howard Rarig. greatest majority for Ei~,·nhu,,er. Absence Committee record and nothing can change it, )Ir. amillion with completion of the third Radio, Drama, S1icech. all(! Lil>t'r.il Atcheson's excuses, )Ir. Stevensons' The setting for "Touchdown Twirl" s,,ries of tests to be given Dec. 4, l!l52 Approves Plans for Arts. as a group, was almn~t cllvic!ed jokes or 1'rnman's lies, nothing can will be done in blue and gold forming and April 23. 1953 at 100 testing in it ·s vote•. Both of th!'se ,;ections l'hange the record." an appropriate background o[ football centers throughout the country. Class Attendance an• forms of art, yet tiH'Y showed a The college- committee on absences On the Red seepage in the State and musical symbols be.cause u[ the d(•cidecl differen<'e in political tempt>t'. In announcing dates of the third has approved the following plan to Department, :-.:ixon stated that we The students in the .\lusic De11an­ series, :\1ajor General Lewis B. Hershey close coo11eration betwet>n the )!arch­ go,·ern class attendance: were UJJ against "ruthless, shrewd men ment are reeruitcd from the widest said that 413,395 students have already ing Band and the Football team. "Students are expected to attend of the Kremlin and we seem to under­ g_eographical area as compared to tlw _taken the test. He reported that the ch1~scs regularly. If, for any reason. estin,ate them. We need able, shrewd other departments. The second group Educational 'festing Service of Prince­ the student must be absent from class men to deal with them." The Senator of students find their center of inter­ ton, New Jersey again has been desig­ he is expected to consult the instruc­ declared that we haven't won a ('Oil­ have to mount a great offensive, a est in Xew York ('ity. ·1;his is due to nated to prepare and administer the tor immediately about making up the ference in the last seven years and moral and spiritual offensive, and Wl' the fact that till' city b the c-enter ut test on the basis of submitted bids and work missed. Instructors have the the "Communist containment" school need a moral and spiritual base to radio and theatrical life. ~!any 01 to send each examinee's score to authority to accept or reject student of Atcheson and Stevenson shows no mount it on; we have to sweep out the these students come from the N, w selective local boards.
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