This publication is a product of Security Research and Information Centre (SRIC) of New Waumini House, 5th Floor, Waiyaki Way, Westlands, Nairobi - Kenya. © 2014 by Security Research and Information Centre. All rights reserved. No part or section of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording or photocopying form without written permission of the Security Research and Information Centre (SRIC). Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the informa- tion contained herein, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of the information contained within. Books may be obtained free of charge by contacting SRIC at: New Waumini House, 5th Flr. Westlands. P.O Box 66199-00800, Nairobi - Kenya Funding The Activities that led to this publication were funded by the Catholic Organiza- tion for Relief and Development Aid – CORDAID while UNDP through National Steering Committee on peace building and conflict management (NSC) supported the review of reports, update of findings and actual publication of this book. Published: 2014 ISBN: 9966-7148-0-4 THE NORTHERN FRONTIER: NATURE AND CHANGING DYNAMICS OF CONFLICTS IN MARSABIT COUNTY 3 Table of Contents List of Abbreviations List of Abbreviations 5 ADB - African Development Bank Acknowledgement 7 A.I.C - Africa Inland Church Map of Counties in Kenya 8 ALRMP - Arid Land Resource Management Project AMREF - Africa Medical Research Foundation AP - Administration Police Chapter One 9 CAFOD - Catholic Agency for Overseas Development Statement of the Problem 10 Conceptual Framework 11 CCF - Christian Children’s Fund Objectives of the Study 12 CDM - Catholic Diocese of Marsabit Methodology 12 CEMIRIDE - Centre for Minority Rights Development CIDP - County Integrated Development Plan Chapter Two 13 CIFA - Community Initiatives Facilitation Assistance Background Information of Marsabit County 13 CJPC - Catholic Justice and Peace Commission Colonial Period 13 CODEP - Community Oriented Development Program Post-Colonial Period 13 COPA - Coalition for Peace in Africa Socio-Economics 13 CORDAID - Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development The People 14 CYU - Chemichemi Ya Ukweli DFID - Department for International Development Chapter Three 17 DAI - Development Alternatives Inc. Colonial Background: Movements, Settlements and Grazing Areas 17 CDF - Constituency Development Fund DC - District Commissioner Chapter Four 23 Causes of The Conflict 23 DFSC - District Food Security Committee National and Regional Politics 23 DO - District Officer Culture, Identity and Supremacy 27 DSG - District Steering Group Cultural Practices and Identities 29 DSIC - District Security Intelligence Committee Resource Based Conflicts 29 DMO - Drought Management Officer Maikona-Kargi 30 DMT - Disaster Management Team Sibiloi-Illeret 30 DPC - District Peace Committee Retribution 32 EMOP - Emergency Operation Plan Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons 33 ERS - Economic Recovery Strategy Weak Security Apparatus: Nprs And Early Warning System 34 FDP - Final Distribution Point Weak Early Response Mechanisms 34 FHI - Food for the Hungry International Economic And Social Factors: Marginalization 34 GER - Gross Enrolment Water Supply and Sewerage Services 35 GTZ - German Technical Assistance Education 35 GEF - Global Environment Facility Road Infrastructure and Transport 36 Other Potential Conflict Issues 36 GSU - General Service Unit GOK - Government of Kenya Chapter Five 38 IPAL - Integrated Project in Arid Lands Interventions 38 ITDG - Intermediate Technology Development Group Chapter Six 40 (now Practical Action) Conclusion 40 IDPS - Internally Displaced Persons Recommendations 41 4 THE NORTHERN FRONTIER: NATURE AND CHANGING DYNAMICS OF CONFLICTS IN MARSABIT COUNTY THE NORTHERN FRONTIER: NATURE AND CHANGING DYNAMICS OF CONFLICTS IN MARSABIT COUNTY 5 KARI - Kenya Agricultural Research Institute KFS - Kenya Food Security KHRC - Kenya Human Rights Commission KNA - Kenya National Archives Acknowledgement KNCHR - Kenya National Commission on Human Rights KNFP - Kenya National Focal Point KNUT - Kenya National Union of Teachers KP - Kenya Police KWS - Kenya Wildlife Service KRCS - Kenya Red Cross Society ecurity Research and Information Centre (SRIC) would like to acknowledge the invaluable contribution, LATF - Local Authority Transfer Funds assistance and cooperation of a number of institutions and individuals for their support in various activities MIC - Marsabit Interfaith Council Sleading to the publication of this report. We would like to thank CORDAID for funding the initial activities and MIDP - Marsabit Integrated Development Programme United Nations Development Programme (UNDP, Kenya) through National Steering Committee on peace building MLFD - Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Development and conflict management (NSC) for supporting the analysis, update and publication of this report. MPF - Marsabit Pastors Fellowship MOH - Ministry of Health Our sincere gratitude goes to the people of Marsabit County especially the respondents, key informants and those MWADO - Marsabit Women Advocacy and Development Organisation who participated in focus group discussions. SRIC takes cognizance of their sacrifice and time in activities leading to MT - Metric Tonnes this publication. Special mention goes to the Diocese of Marsabit and DPC’s for their support during numerous field NARC - National Alliance Rainbow Coalition visits and focus group discussions. NCCK - National Council of Churches of Kenya NER - Net Enrolment We wish to commend both present and former SRIC staff members for their dedication and commitment in the NPI - Nairobi Peace Initiative entire process of developing this report; the late Col. (Rtd) JAN Kamenju, James Ndungu and Francis Wairagu NPR - National Police Reserve for conceptualizing and carrying out the initial activities of this report, Singo Mwachofi, Manasseh Wepundi and NSC - National Steering Committee on Peace Building Camlus Omogo for their valuable comments and insights in shaping the structure and content of the report. and Conflict Management NSIS - National Security Intelligence Service By extension we wish acknowledge, the current SRIC staff members for their invaluable contributions during OP - Office of the President the analysis, update and report writing. Special mention goes to Col. (Rtd) JAW Kitiku for overall coordination PISP - Pastoralists integrated support Programme and leadership, Kyalo Musoi and Thomson Muthama for their various roles in analysis, updating and general PPG - Pastoralists Parliamentary Group development of the report. We thank Johnstone Kibor for his comments and observations that greatly enriched the PSO - Pastoralist Shelter Organisation content and substance of this report. Our appreciation goes to Sarah Wangui, Leonard Omogo, Jane Wairegi, Anne PEACENET - Peace and Development Network Warui, Carol Samoei and Philip Munyasia for offering constructive inputs at various stages, which have improved REGABU - Rendille Gabra Burji and shaped the quality of the final product. RMLDF - Road Maintenance Levy Fund PTN - Peace Tree Network Last but not least we extend our appreciation to Mr. SK Maina, NSC’s coordinator and Mr. Dickson Magotsi for their OXFAM - OXFAM support during the entire process. Finally SRIC thanks Mr. Ruto Pkalya for editing the report. OLF - Oromo Liberation Front SALW - Small Arms and Light Weapons SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation SRIC - Security Research and Information Centre SS - Sphere Standard TSACCO - Teachers Savings and Credit Cooperative OCPD - Officer Commanding Police Division CBOs - Community Based Organisations FBOs - Faith Based Organisations SUPKEM - Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNEP - United Nations Environment Program UNESCO - United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 6 THE NORTHERN FRONTIER: NATURE AND CHANGING DYNAMICS OF CONFLICTS IN MARSABIT COUNTY THE NORTHERN FRONTIER: NATURE AND CHANGING DYNAMICS OF CONFLICTS IN MARSABIT COUNTY 7 MAP OF COUNTIES IN KENYA CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Turkana Mandera Wajir west Pokot Samburu Isiolo Baringo Laikipia Siaya Meru Homa Bay Bomet Garissa Nakuru Migori Narok Machakos Kitui Lamu Kajiado Tana River Taita-Taveta Kilifi Kwale Map of Marsabit County showing the Main Township onflicts among pastoralists’ communities in deepens the state’s penetration of the society 2. Areas Kenya have been an enduring phenomena Cunderpinning their relations owing to the Approximately 50 years after independence, the socio-economic, political and environmental contexts Northern Kenya and the upper eastern Region remains they find themselves in. Politically and economically, largely detached from the rest of the country. In the people living in the periphery of the country have case of Marsabit County, which is the centre of our over the years expressed their dissatisfaction with focus, one notices what Kurimoto and Simonse, (1998) exclusionary state policies that have failed to capture refer to as the classical retreat of the state and the their aspirations to the extent they feel marginalized in superficiality of, first its existence and second, its lack many ways. of penetration 3. In this light, violent and sometimes indiscriminate interventions by the security forces in Since independence, Kenya like many other African the form of recovery of firearms or livestock appear very countries,
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