From the Librarian Jesus College, Turl Street Oxford OX1 3DW Tel: (0)1865 279704 Email: [email protected] Web: www.jesus.ox.ac.uk Fellows’ Library books, pamphlets, and journals not yet catalogued online Approximately 80% of the 11,500 books in the Fellows’ Library have been catalogued on SOLO, the library catalogue covering the majority of library collections of the University of Oxford. The rest are listed below, in highly abbreviated form. If you wish to consult any of these books, please email [email protected] for further details. This list was derived in 2014 by Emma Jones, graduate library trainee, from shelflists compiled by Sarah Cobbold, former College Librarian. Descriptions are incomplete and inconsistent. Underlined text usually refers to the lettering on the spine. Books printed up to 1500 can be found on the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) and books in English (or published in the British Isles or North America) up to 1800 can be found on the English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC). The card catalogue in the Fellows’ Library gives the most complete information about the collections. Owen McKnight Librarian ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12 vols. of Almanacks 18 views at Stanton Harcourt 20 blackletter leaves -- a section from Bk 3 ‘de negotiis gentis’ of Digestum vetus. 1498. (Includes letter re identification from Bodleian: cp GW 7749) 9/10 William III. Act for disbanding forces A., J. -- The sacred prerogative. 1680 A., R. – A letter to a friend. 1661 Abstracts of certain Acts of Parliament Abulpharagius [Bar Hebraeus, 13thc.] – De origine Arabum Académie française — Dictionnaire... 1814 Account of the societies for reformation of manners. 1699 Acis & Galatea Acts of the General Assembly of the Clergy of France....1682 + [etc] Acts of the Parliament of Scotland Adams, J. Index villaris or, An alphabetical table of all the cities in England and Wales. 1680 Adams, John – An essay concerning self-murther. 1700 Addison -- Works Additions to the Domesday Book. Liber Censualis + ? Aelian ed. Lefebvre -- Varia historia Aeschyli Tragoedia Stanley Aeschylus ed. Stanley -- Ainsworth – Commentary on the Pentateuch and Psalms Airay, Henry – The just and necessary apologie of Henrie Airay... 1621 Alberti di Villanuova, Francesco d' – [Dictionnaire françois-italien] 1811 Aleyn – The history. 1638 Alfieri -- Prose. 2 vols. Alfieri -- Satire ; Misogallo Alfieri, Vittorio – Tragedie di Vittorio Alfieri. 1838 Alison’s Hstory of [Europe during] the French Revolution Allen, J. – Synopsis…sive…de morbis… 1719 Allestree, Richard -- Works of the author of the Duty of Man Altham, Roger, 1658-1730 -- A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, …, on January 30th 1702 + [etc] Amari, M. – La guerra del vespro siciliana. 1843 Ambassador. 1603 Ancient laws and institutes of England. 1840 Anderson, Robert – Eight cases of conscience. 1674 Andrews, Lancelot. The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large. 1675 Andrews’ Sermons Andry de Bois-Regard, Nicolas. An account of the breeding of worms in human bodies Angli vita. Hobbes, Thomas –Thomae Hobbes angli malmesburiensis philosophi Vita. 1681 Answer to a treatise written by Dr Carier. 1616 Answer to the animadversions on the history of the rights of princes 1682 + [etc] Apollonius, of Perga. [Cutting-off of a ratio], De sectione rationis libri duo ex arabico + [etc] Apologie of... sundrie proceedings by jurisdiction ecclesiasticall 1593. + [etc] Appendix to the Inquiry into the share which King Charles I had.... Appendix to the Report of the Commissioners 1800-1819 Apperley, Thomas, 1673 or 4-1735 -- Observations in physick Arago, M. – Lecons d’astronomie 1845 Aratus in English verse by Dr Lamb Aratus trsl. J. Lamb Arbuthnott – Tables Archaionomia, sive De priscis Anglorum legibus libri 1644 Archivio Glotto logico italiano. 16 vols. Arderne, James, 1636-1691 -- Conjectura circa [epinomen] D. Clementis Romani + [etc] Argument re standing army. 1697 Arguments of the Quakers. 1698 Aristotle ed. Ramsauer -- Ethica Aristotle ed. Zell -- Ethica Armstrong, R. A. -- A Gaelic dictionary ... 1825 Arnall, William, 1699 or 1700-1736 -- Animadversions on a reverend prelate's remarks upon ... A bill to prevent suits for tythes + [etc] Arrowsmith, John -- London atlas of universal geography. 1835 Articles, canons etc. 1663 Articuli Eccl. Angl. 1562 [Copious ms notes at front] Ashby e.a. – Excavations at Caerwent... 1907 & 1909 Atterbury’s Sermons Atwood -- Jus anglorum 1681 Atwood – The superiority and the direct dominion of the Crown of England over the Crown of Scotland. 1704 Auckland, William – Geology and mineralogy. 1836 Aufrecht & Kirchhoff – Die umbrischen Sprachdenkmaler [2 pts in 1 vol.] Auld lawes Austin’s Meditation Austria Kalender 1843 Azor, Juan, 1536-1603. Institutiones morales...Pts 1, 2 & 3 B.R -- Adagia Scotica, or a collection of Scotch proverbs + [etc] Babington, Gervase – Babington’s Works Bacon – Novum organum [=Instauratio magna pt 2]. 1620 Bacon -- Opera. Tom. 1 Bacon -- Sylva sylvarum [etc] Bacon -- Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum Bacon, Francis -- Sermones fideles Bacon, Francis – Baconiana, or Certain remains of Francis Bacon. 1679 Bacon, Roger – The cure of old age. 1683 Baglivi , Giorgio, 1668-1707. De fibra motrice et morbosa Bagshaw, Edward – Exercitationes duae: altera theologica... + [etc] Baiter & Sauppe – Oratores Attici. Pars prior. Baker, Robert – Cursus osteologicus + [etc] Bakewell, R. – An introduction to geology. 1833 Bale, John -- The pageant of Popes. 1574 Balzac -- Pere Goriot. 1835 Balzac – The prince. 1648 Bampton Lectures: 1814-1833, 1836-1848, 1849-1868, 1870-1878, 1879-1885, 1887- 1895, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1902, 1905, 1907, 1911, 1913, 1932, 1944 Baretti, G.M.A. – [Dizionario italiano] Baretti, Giuseppe – Lettere familiare. 1837 Barlow -- Brutum fulmen: : or The bull of Pope Pius V 1561 Barlow, William The summe and substance of the conference at Hampton Court 1604 Barnes Euripidis Tragoediae Euripides ed. Barnes in 2 pts Barnes, Joshua -- The history of that most victorious monarch, Edvvard III 1688 Barozzio da Vignola – Regoli delle quinque ordine dell-architettura 1620 Barri -- Painters voyage of Italy Barrow – Lectiones mathematicae. 1685 Barrow – Lectiones opticae et geometricae. 1674 Barrow, Isaac – Works Barry, Gerat -- A discourse of military discipline Baston -- 22 prints of ships Bauhin, Caspar, 1560-1624 -- De hermaphroditorum monstrosorumque partuum natura Bayle – Nouvelles de la republique des lettres 1688 Beard – Reformation of the sixteenth century (Hibbert lecture 1883) Beaumont – Bosworth Field. 1620 Beaumont, Gustave de -- L'Irlande : sociale, politique et religieuse. 1843 Beaumont/Fletcher – Fifty comedies and tragedies. 2nd folio, 1679 Bell, J. &. C. – The anatomy of the human body. Bennet, Christopher. Theatrum tabidorum: or, The nature and cure of consumptions Bentivoglio – Guerrea di Fiandra 1831 Bentivoglio – Lettere del cardinal Bentivoglio. 1830 Berlu, Jo. Jacob John Jacob -- The treasury of drugs unlock'd Bernard – Clavi trabalesor Nailes fastned by some great masters of assemblyes... Berry, William – Mythological and classical tables. 1840 Berry, William -- The history of the island of Guernsey... 1815 Bertrand – Traite de calcul integrale ; … de calcul differentiel Bescherelle – Grammaire nationale de France 1840 Bescherelle, M. – [Dictionnaire nationale] 1845 Bibl Cyssegr-lan ; sef, Yr hen Testament an newydd. 1852 Bibl cyssegr-lan. 1847 Bibl cyssegr-lan 1630 Bible. 1795. Vol. I: Genesis-Solomon; Vol. 2: Isaiah-Revelations Bible. N.T. Greek. -- [He Kaine Diatheke.] = Nouum Testamentum. Estienne, 1576 Bible. Vol. 1: Genesis-Malachi; Vol. 2: Esdras-Revelations Biblia sacra. Wallice Bibliotheca parochialis, or, a scheme of such theological heads. 1697 + [etc] Bilson’s Survey Biondi – The banished virgin Bishop of Salisbury’s fast sermon before the Queen. 1690 Black -- Black's lectures Black-letter fragments -- from Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea ?? Blackstone – Commenterie Blanc, Louis -- Histoire de la Révolution française Blancourt – The art of glass. 1699 Blondel – A treatise of the Sibyls. 1661 Blount, Charles – Religio laici + [etc] Blount, Thomas – Censura celebriorum authorum 1690 Blundevil – Exercises 1636 Boccaccio, Giovanni – Due illustri prose. 1826 Boccaccio, Giovanni – Il decamerone [I & II] Boccaccio, Giovanni – Laberinto d’amore... Boccalini – Advertisements from Parnassus. 1674 Bodleian Catalogue Boerhaave/Pitcairn -- Praxis medica Boerhaaveana, being a compleat body of prescriptions adapted… Bohtlingk, Otto von -- [Sanskrit-Wörterbuch] Bohun – A discourse concerning the origins and properties of wind. 1671 Boileau – The art of poetry. 1683 Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas – The art of poetry. 1683 + [etc] Bolton – the statutes of Ireland. 1621 Bolton ed. -- Nero Caesar Bolton’s sermons [etc] A discourse about the state of true happiness. 1614 Book of Common Prayer ‘for the use of the Church of Scotland’. Robt Young, 1637 Book of Common Prayer. Oxford, 1693 Book of Common Prayer. Oxford, 1784 Book of Common Prayer. Oxford, 1843 Borlase – Lathan Spaw in Lancashire. 1670 Bossuet -- Chefs-d’oeuvre de… 1846 Bossuet, Collection complete des sermons… 1808- Bossuet, Jacques Benigne -- Oraison funebre de Henriette Marie de France + [etc] Boston, Thomas – Pedwar cyflwr dyn. 1821 Bosworth – Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon language. 1838 Boteler – Six dialogues about sea-services. 1685 Bouchardat -- Chymie elementaire. 1845 Bouchardat – Physique
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