INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Chair 1 2012 Newsletter New Faculty 3 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUC KY HISTORY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES History Under- 4 grads Travel Bluegrass Sym- 5 posium From the Chair: In Memoriam 5 Arrivals and Departures including Camp Nelson in tion to his students, his in- Former Faculty 6 I am very happy to share Kentucky. sights into Early Modern Rus- News with you the many exciting sian culture, and his mischie- vous grin. Current Faculty 7 things that have been hap- News pening in the History De- partment this year, during There have also been some Current Student 11 my first year as department very significant changes to News chair. First of all, we are our staff. In January we said Awards, Degrees 12 poised to welcome two new goodbye to Carol O’Reilly, and Honors faculty members, plus have our extremely dedicated a third previous hire join us, budget officer of 12 years, Alumni News 13 making a total of seven won- who was so very helpful to derful new faculty members our faculty in myriad ways. in just two years! She was last sighted with a suitcase on her way to Flori- After three semesters away da, so retirement seems to on research, we look for- be agreeing with her. Dean of the College of ward to having Awet Weld- Arts and Sciences: Congratulations to Tina Mark. L. Kornbluh emichael, a specialist in East A specialist on Early Mod- African History, begin teach- ern History, especially early Hagee, our former graduate Chair of the History ing at the University of Ken- Modern Spain, Scott Taylor secretary who has been pro- Department tucky as an assistant profes- previously taught at Siena moted to the position of Karen Petrone Budget Officer. Tina was sor in spring 2013. This fall College in New York. He Editors: he will be conducting re- has just been awarded an recognized this spring for 25 Gretchen Starr-LeBeau search on piracy in the Horn American Council of years of service at the uni- Karen Petrone versity, and is an indispensa- James Albisetti of Africa, sponsored by a Learned Societies Fellow- Gerda Henkel Foundation ship to write a History of ble part of the History De- Design: Fellowship. Addiction in Early Modern partment team. She is al- Krystle Farman Europe. We are all really ways willing to help faculty We are also delighted to looking forward to working and students solve problems, welcome two new tenured with Awet, Amy, and Scott. and has created a warm at- associate professors; Amy mosphere of goodwill in the Murrell Taylor, a specialist But, there have been depar- History Department. on the Civil War era, comes tures as well. We wish a to us from the State Univer- fond farewell to Daniel We would like to extend a sity of New York at Albany. Rowland who has retired warm welcome to Bridget She will now be much closer after 38 years in the History Ash, our new Graduate Sec- to her research sites on the Department of the Universi- retary. Bridget was previous- social history of the Civil ty of Kentucky. We will es- ly the assistant to the princi- War’s slave refugee camps, pecially miss Dan’s dedica- pal of an elementary school P A G E 2 The Chair’s Message Continued in Boise, Idaho; she and her Eric Christianson received a are very proud of your accom- family moved to Kentucky Great Teacher Award from plishments and look forward to when her husband took a the UK Alumni Association. hearing about your future suc- job here. In the short time Dan Rowland has been cesses. that she has been with us, named “A Teacher Who Bridget has already im- Made a Difference.” Jeremy Many Thanks! pressed everyone with her Popkin has been awarded a helpful and friendly demean- fellowship at the National Hu- Most of the wonderful things or. manities Center, and Sophie that the department does could Roberts has received a fel- not have happened without the And this year we have had lowship at the United States support of the History Depart- new arrivals of a somewhat Holocaust Memorial Museum. ment staff, our energetic and different sort. Professors creative Director of Under- Dr. Mark Summers Hang Nguyen and Paul Our faculty have distinguished graduate Studies, Phil Harling; cradling little Leila. Chamberlin welcomed themselves in their research our incredibly dedicated and their daughter Leila Nguyen endeavors this year. Jeremy resourceful Director of Gradu- Chamberlin on January 19, Popkin published A Concise ate Studies, David Hamilton; 2012. She can be seen fre- History of the Haitian Revolu- our executive committee mem- quently around the depart- tion; Ron Formisano’s The bers Kathi Kern and Gerald ment, always surrounded by Tea Party: A Brief History also Smith; and our new Associate a bevy of adoring fans. On came out in 2012; Hang Chair, Gretchen Starr- June 17, 2012, Amari Book- Nguyen has been awarded LeBeau. I am indebted to all er Hampton Williams, son the Society for Military Histo- of you for making the job of the of Professor Jakobi and ry's 2012 Edward M. Coff- chair much easier. Cassandra Williams, man Prize for her first book “There is much came into the world. Hanoi’s War: An International Clifford and Jane Roy to be proud of in History of the War for Peace in We will all work hard to Vietnam. Several other books the History make Bridget, Scott, Amy, have been accepted for publi- Fellowship Awet (and Leila and Amari!) cation and are coming out Department this comfortable in their “new later in 2012 or in early 2013. Thanks to the kind generosity of Kentucky home.” We look forward to reading Clifford and Jane Roy of Green- year.” Paul Chamberlin’s The Glob- ville, South Carolina, the History Achievements: al Offensive: The United States, Department will be able to There is much to be proud the Palestine Liberation Organi- award a new history scholarship of in the History Depart- zation, and the Making of the named in their honor. The Roys ment this year. I would like Post-Cold War Order; Jakobi both received their Bachelor’s to share a few highlights Williams’s From the Bullet to Degrees at UK in 1969; Mrs. Roy here. Congratulations to the Ballot: The Illinois Black Pan- received a BA in History Hang Nguyen, ther Party and Racial Coalition and Mr. Roy’s BS degree is in who has been Politics in Chicago from Fred Metallurgical Engineering and promoted to Hampton to Barack Obama; Materials Science. Mrs. Roy be- Associate Profes- and Awet Weldemichael’s came a high school history teach- sor with Tenure. Third World Colonialism and er and Mr. Roy is CEO of Roy Francie Chas- Strategies of Liberation Eritrea Metal Finishing Company. The sen Lopez was and East Timor Compared. scholarship will be awarded to an named Provost’s out-of-state senior or graduate Distinguished Since the last newsletter we student each year. We are deep- Service Profes- have had a bumper-crop of ly grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Roy 2012 MA and Ph.D. sor, Ron Eller graduates including ten who for their support. Mr. and Mrs. Graduates-May 6, 2012 served as Arts received Master’s degrees and Roy join a growing list of friends and Sciences Dis- ten (!) Ph.D.s. Congratula- of the department whose contri- tinguished Professor and tions to the graduates! We butions sustain both our under- graduate and graduate students. 2012 NEWSLETTER HISTORY P A G E 3 Our New Faculty the decision to earn a PhD in AMY MURRELL TAYLOR her first book, The Divided Family in Civil War America, published by History. He attended the Uni- the University of North Carolina versity of Virginia, intending to Press in 2009. study medieval history, but Her National Park Service while his prospective advisor work also connects to Amy’s was on leave he took several current project, a study of the courses in early modern history estimated 500,000 people (about and found his field of study. one-eighth the enslaved popula- Scott’s first book, Honor and tion) who began fleeing slavery Violence in Golden Age Spain, was starting at the beginning of the published by Yale University war. Amy is helping us under- Press in 2008. Currently, he’s stand this critical population by working on a book about the examining who these fugitives history of addiction in early “Amy Murrell were, what they experienced modern western Europe, for which he was awarded a fellow- As a prospective Math major during their flight, and how they Taylor never managed to co-exist with the ship from the American Council at Duke University, Amy Murrell of Learned Societies and an Taylor never thought she’d be a military while living in Union- thought she’d protected Army camps, such as NEH Summer Stipend. About History major. All that changed, his new project, tentatively ti- be a History though, when, intrigued by the Camp Nelson in Kentucky. This project will help to show how tled A Genealogy of Addiction: subject, she signed up for a class major. All that the end of slavery included a Stimulants in Early Modern Eu- on the history of women taught rope, he says, “Tobacco, choco- prolonged, and chaotic, transi- changed, by Anne Firor Scott. “I’ve been late, sugar, coffee, tea, distilled hooked ever since,” Amy says. tion process during the war. Amy has spent a good deal of spirits like gin and rum, and opi- though .
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