A Chronicle of Current Events A Journal of the Soviet Human Rights Movement produced bi-monthly in Moscow since 1968 Issue No. 27 15 Oclober 1972 [Moscow] CONTENTS Repressions in the Ukraine [p. 278] . Searches, inter- rogations, arrests [p. 290] . The events in Lithuania [p. 298]. The persecution of the Crimean Tatars [p. 3021. In the prisons and camps [p. 303] . In the psychiatric hospitals [p. 312]. Letters and statements [p. 3181. Activities of the Human Rights Committee [p. 323]. New information on the Leningrad "aeroplane" trial [p. 325]. Materials from newspaper articles [p. 326]. The end of School No. 2 [p. 328]. News in brief [p. 330] . Samizdat news [p. 3381. Addenda and corrigenda [p. 342]. Corrections to Various Issues [p. 342 ] Publications in Western Languages on the Human Rights Movement in the USSR: Supplement to the Bibliography in No. 22-23 [p. 3451 Index of Proper Names [p. 353 ] Amnesty International Publications March 1973 I he Movement in Defence of Human Rights in the USSR Continues A Chronicle of Current Events "LITrpMe lun t1i mid to free- (low of opinion and ekpression: this right includeA freedom to hold opinnms witlumt interference and to seek, receive and impart infor- matifin and ideas throughas media and regardless Of frontin ers.- Uni ersal Declaration of Human Rights. Article I9 Issue S. 27 15 October 1972 I rylosco% I CON It N1 S [This is a rather literal translation of a copy of the type- written Russian original, which was edited anonymously Activities of the Human Rights Committee lp. 323I• in Moscow. It began to circulate there in samizdat on New information On the Leningrad —aeroplane" trial about 9 November 1972. The Russian text has appeared 1 p. 3251. Materials from newspaper articles lp. 3261. in full in Volnoye slovo. Samizdat. lzbrannoye, Frankfurt, The end of School No 2 1p. 3281. News in brief lp. 33(11. No 6, 1972, extracts have appeared in Italian in Russia Samizdat news 1p. 3381. Addenda and corrigenda 1p. 3421. Cristiana No. 127, and a German edition (minus the Repressions in the Ukraine 1p. 2781. Searches. inter- section "Satnizdat News") has been published by Amnesty rogations, arrests 1p. 2901. •Ilic events in Lithuania in Germany (2000 Hamburg 52, Beselerstr. 8). It should lp. 2981. 'Hie persecution of the Crimean Tatars [p. be noted that Chronicle 27 is the first issue not to be dated In the prisons and camps 1p $031. In the psychiatric roughly two months later than the previous one. The fact Imspitals lit 3121. I ietters and statements 1p. 3181. that the interval in this case is over three months suggests a more irregular appearance pattern for the future, or even that the Chronicle might cease to appear, at least for a time. TH AR DI P B AT1ON Only the words in square brackets have been added by the translators.] The Movement in Defence of Human Rights in thc USSR. Continues A Chronicle of Current Events "Everyone has the right to free- dom of Opinion and expression: this right includes freedont to hold opinions without interfrrence and to seek, receive anti impart infor- mation and ideas through any medic, and regardless of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 Issue No. 27 15 October 1972 [Moscow] CONTENTS [This is a rather on of y of the 'nen Russian origin on y Activities of the Human Rights Committee [p. 323]. in Moscow. It began o c at on New information on the Leningrad "aeroplane" trial about 9. November 1972• The. Russian appeared [p. 3251. Materials from newspaper articles [p. 326]. in full in Volnoye slovo. &made:. lzbrannoye, Frankfurt. The end of School No. 2 [p. 328]. News in brief [p. 3301. Nry 6, 1972, extracts have appeared in Italian in Russia Sumizdat news [p. 338]. Addenda and corrigenda [p. 342]. Cristiana No. 127, and a German edition (minus the Repressions in the Ukraine [p. 278]. Searches, inter- section "Samtzdat News") has been published by Amnesty rogations, arrests Ip. 290]. The events in Lithuania in Germany (2000 Hamburg 52, Beselerstr. 8) It should [p. 298]. The persecution of the Crimean Tatars [p. 302]. be noted that Chronicle 27 is the first issue not to be dated In the prisons and camps [p. 303]. In the psychiatric roughly two months later than the previous one. The fact hospitals [p. 3121. Letters and statements [p. 3181. that the interval in this case is over three months suggests a more irregular appearance pa future. or even that the Chronicle might cea to app least for a thne. FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION Only the wo bracke v added by the tors.] Repressions in the Ukraine' Oleksandr Serhiyenko (see Chntniele No. 241, a teacher of drawing in a school, who after his dismissal from the From June to September 1972 trials took place ill the school had worked as an artist and restorer. The judge Ukraine of participants in the national and demo•ratic was Yu. I. Matsko.' By court decree the trial was held movement. -Elie prosecution's case was based chiefly on in closed session: not even Serhiyenko's mother and wife Nainizdat, and Occasionally on verbal utterances. The article were admitted to the courtroom. During the first two of indictment was article 62 of the Ukrainian Criminal months of Serhiyenko's detention in an investigation cell Code (equivalent to article 70 of the Russian ('ode). The attempts were made to extort a public repentance from investigation had commenced in January-March 1972 (see him, but to no avail. Chnnticle Nos. 24, 254 At the trial of Serhiyenko three counts were held against TWO of the arrested persons, engineer L. Seleznenko him. and poet Wilcola Kholodny," were released before trial Proof-correction of 33 pages of text from the book after they had published statements of repentance in the Internationaliwn or Russifratkm? by Ivan Dzyuba (the press. Kholodny's letter to the editor of literary Ukraine book is 500 pages long). Serhiyenko was not acquainted (7 July 1972) c)ntains not merely his repentance but also with the author of the book. Fle had found the work the names of the people through whom he fell -under the interesting and made notes for hls own use as he read it. pernicious influence of bourgeois propaganda and . the The court classified his markings as editorial corrections writings of so-called samizdati and Serhiyenko was charged with complicity in the creation After the publication of his stmement in the paper of an anti-Soviet book. The court regarded this episode 12(thiwycha lutzeta on 8 July L. Seleznenko was imme- as the main point of the indictment. diately released and reinstated in his job at the Institute Oral statements critical of the -international of Oil Chemistry [in Kiev]. assistance given to Czechoslovakia". These were not con- firmed by the testimony of witnesses. Statements regarding the right of the Ukraine to self-determination. Trials in the Ukraine [—Kiev] The defence demonstrated the groundlessness of all the [a)] In June the trial took place of the 40-year-old points of the indictment (the absence of any "agitation and propaganda", the contradictory nature of the witnesses' testimony in some cases and the complete absence of A useful new background essay, mostly devoted to this subject, has appeared in Ethnic Pressures in the Soviet testimony in others) and requested that the accused be Union, Conflict Studies No. 30, Institution for the Study of released or the classification of the offence altered from Conflict, London. The essay, by Dr. Victor Swoboda, Is article 62 to article 187 [-I] of the Ukrainian Criminal called "The Western Republics". Also notable is the stepped- Code (equivalent to article 190-1 of the Russian Code). up Soviet campaign against moderate tkrainian nationalism abroad. See, e.g., L. Topolchuk's book Z. falshyvym The sentence was 7 years of strict-regime camps and 3 mandatom: Yak Lebed poshyl, U durni S. &Meru. Kiev, years' exile. An appeal court upheld the verdict of the 1972, and Yu. Rvmarenko and V. Cherednychenko's article, regional court. "Ukrainsky burzhuainy natsionalitm- /naryaddsa ant,t,- komunizniu" in Kommunist Ukrainy, No. 10, 1972. Notable among western reactions to repressions in the Ukraine was _ a long letter of protest in Du' Times, 3 Fcbruary 1972, from I 1 prominent writers, artists and intellectuals, including Y. In the Russian copy which reached the west his name was Menuhin, J. 11. Priestley and A. J. Ayer.1 typed wrongly as Vasyl Heorhiyenko. See p. 123 of Amnesty On these two see No. 26, note .14, and No. 25, note 9, edition.1 respectiv.ely.j Presided at two other Ukrainian political trials See Chronicles 8 and 24.1 278 279 the People" by Dontsov." "Instead of a Final Speech" by a 54-year- [14 The irial of Ivan Ermilorich kovalenko, V. Moroz," and others. According to evidence given by Chrwacle No. 241. old teacher arrested in January (see Z. Franko, Antonyuk had photographed issue No. 3 of the took place on 10-13 July. The judge was Malsko. A charge Ull and had the film conveyed to Czechoslovakia via A. was brought under article 62 para. 1 of the Ukrainian Kocurova. Antonyuk denied having transmitted the film. Criminal Code. Regarding witness Lobko," who gave evidence in favour The court held the following episodes against Kovalenko: of Antonyuk, the court made a separate decision that 1. The confiscation from him on 12 January of the proceedings be instituted against him for his sharply- by I. Dzyuba: works: Internationalism or Ramification? worded speech which it considered "cimtempt of court".
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