·,;0•t,•Jti•{ ·····i .·n:lJ?r . }u> ........... ·. :,(j 71 5 A~~~~I },~Rt;f •·.c1~~2fSf .~drEf:fl t~s2t"f' .z· · ·· ·sE~IBORIAL NEWSLETTER DFTS-03069 THE SUPREME COMMAND of Shrii ShrH Anandamurti HE MAN who performs Sadhana twice T a day regularly, the thought of Parama Purusa will certainly arise in his mind at the time of death, his liberation is a sure guarantee. There­ fore every Ananda Margii will have to perform Sadhana twice a day invariably. Verily is this the Command of the Lord. Without Yama and Ni­ yama Sadhana is an impossibility. Hence the Lord's Command is also to follow Varna and Ni­ yama. Disobedience to this Command is nothing but to throw oneself into the tortures of animal life for crores of years. That no one should un­ d·ergo torments such as these, that he might be enabled to enjoy the eternal blessedness under the loving shelter of the Lord, it is the bounden duty of every Ananda Margii to endeavour to bring all to the Path of Bliss. Verily is this a part and parcel of Sadhana to lead others along the Path of Righteousness. DFTS-03070 CONTENTS ' ...... The Renaissance �1an of the Nevi �\Jorld .. .. ... ... .. .... ...... 1 " •• Our Un; versal Fami ly .. " . ... ".". ". II •• " ••II" /) ••• \I"It II � ••D ••• •• " • • " \1 . 11.0 7 Women - l'Jageless Slaves of the Viprian Era . ... ... .. ..... ..00 •••• 1 0 On Becoming Self Directed ................ 1I8o.Glo•••• e ••••o . .... o ••• ••oo •• •• 15 ... Making the Outer and Inner Person One� . .... .. ... ... .............. .. 22 sel ecti ons from Sri Rabindranath Tagore ....... ........ .. .... ....0 ... ..24 ex ce rpts from P rob 1 em of the • •••••••••••••••••••••.• • ••••••• • ••••••• 2 8 Le tte rs fran the Earth II II • II II • II II II II • II II II " • 10 • II ., ••• II • II � • ell.II II II • II II " • II • II II 0 II II 36 Ka rma Rasa" .•• II II II It II " II II " ••II II II II • II II • II II e II II " II II • II • II II • II II II II "•e ., II II 0 II II II • II II II iii8 40 Addresses. II •• II II II.",,,II II II "IIII II II II II II II II • II II II II " • II II II II II II II II II"II II II"II II • II " II II II.II II II 44 ANANPA PURNI MA: (I CIY'v1Mt:"RJAN DARKNtSS5) /-tOw MUC.H DENSF: 11 MAV Bc} THE" c RiVVJ50(\j DAviN MUsT FO{...LOvv', THe: FfSNDS OF Ht::LL MAY f3U{<.ST I'N l-OUD l-AUGHTf;:R.; gUT THEIR EVERYTHING MUST WAt/£ If\! VOID WIT/·f SUNRISE. THE BEAMS OF RJGHT60U5/1jE':SS iH lei< STAtJDII\G (S/-iDJ.1ritVA) 5HA!.l- PISP'i=f..L Narwm-l 1HE" N }GHi of pANG'S of HUMANITY. IS II DE5TINc:.D iN HUMAN LIFE. Shn'; 5111'";/ Ano.ndafV1urfii// May /7) / q 73 The Cri mson DaVin May, 1973 Ananda Marga monthly sectorial newsletter - vol.2, no. 5 Yearly subscription � $4.00 Ananda Printing, 1401 N. Hillside, �Jichita, Kansas Appli cati on for seco nd class rate . @ Ananda i�arga Yoga Society, 1973 is pend1ng 1n H1ch1ta, Kansas. DFTS-03072 -6ticU:1g down J.nto :the c.en.:teJt 06 an .-<..Jt{il C.OlOM me pWtpte. 6toating on. a me.ttow wave 06 ,the Oc.ean c.otOM me jOfjOUil. f.ludmg down ivLto :the. ce.n.:teJt 06 th-W mind c.otoM me oJtcmge. 6.toaung On a deJ!..i c.a,te &ou.d 06 h2fLven C.OlOM me w(",ae. :the f.l0fi;tne-6J.J 06 the if&L6 pe:tat iJ.J neveJt ha-'tdened b'Gc.at.L6e 06 YOM ,6mite. the meUw) wave 06 :t11('_ Oc.ecm iJ.J neveJt haM:l bec.al16e oil YOM touch. :the c.mte,'(, 06 th-Lo mind ;--6 new_ft IAJahou,t a Mng bec_al16e o;l YOM voic.e. :the delic.ate c.J!..o u_d 06 heCWeJl iJ.J ne VeJL fr{Ued wi:th :thu.n.deJt and ti.ghtning bec.aM e () 6 YOM u.ndeJlil,fandmg. :to You., Babajil. :tlu..-6 pwzp.te., joyow,, ohcmge, and wh-Ue, na,Ln.bow ,{ f.>u.Jtttendu Layout ------------Bhaktidevi Cover-----�----------Parananda -- ______ ./\n an da DFTS-03073 Shri P @R .. Sarkar: THE RENAISSANCE MAN OF THE NEW WORLD! -- Acarya Lalan THE VISI ON WHEN THE AVATAR COMES LIKE � WE TO BELIEVE THA.T HE WILL BE NOT ONLY THE RELI- GIOUS GU IDE; BUT THE POLITICAL LEADER� THE GREAT EDUCATIONIST; THE REGENERATOR OF SOCIETY, THE CAPTAIN OF CO­ OPERATIVE INDUSTRY, WITH THE SOUL OF THE POET SCHOLAR AND ARTIST. HE WILL BE IN SHOJ{f THE SUMMARY AND GRAND TYPE OF THE FUTURE INDIAN NATION WHICH IS RISING TO RESHAPE AND LEAD THE WORLD. --shY'i Aurohindo The New World is in the throes History shows that at the time of Spi ritual. Rebirth. Something is of every great crisis and confusion, shaking the human race from its time­ the eternal soul-current of the world less s mber of reason. Everywhere expressed itself through l u a Universal the fixed and the familiar surface Man. who with his force of person- of thoughts is cracking. Hegel's cri­ a Iity and a new phi losophy, saved ticism of reI igion has proved the the world from the blind bigotry and relativism of all the supposed abso­ arrested the decl ine of ethical val­ lute truths of religion. It has des­ ues. When the West was suffering troyed the dualism of ecclesiastical from spiritual dispair, Christ came decrees of spirit and body, in which as a Saviour. History always pre­ unrea 1 so I ace to the man has been sents one great problem for each era offered to offset the real misery to solve and it is the universal man of life. The Positivist's analysis who understands the di lemma and di­ of reason and language, Ins tead of mensions of the epoch. The mass has resolving the enigma of man i.e., always been blinded by the mental what is truth , has landed him( into fog of the past intellectuals, and the world of agnosticism) . Bertrand has kept marching towards moral pre­ Russell has rightly said� liThe pre-· cipice. Thus the emergence of Christ sent time is one in which the pre­ was a benign boon to Europe which vai ling mood is a feel ing of impor­ was suffering from the barbarian tant perplexityll. captivity. The World acclaimed him DFTS-03074 RENA ISS AtKE NAN. can t. be fulfi lied. Shri Sarkar's 'Spiri­ tual Humanism' is applicable uni­ versally to metaphysics, reI igion, science, ethics, logic, economics, politics, arts, etc. In fact, it as the deliverer. So vJith Marx. His covers the whole range of thoughts phi losophy of proletariat dictator­ and ac tion. In the Hest, humanism ship was considered to be the pivot got its expression in the philosophy of the vJOrld's socio-economico pol­ of Pythagora's Homo Mensura ., man itical equilibrium and an indispen­ is the measure of everything. Marx sable tool of history. Marx was a was also a great humanist, but his universal man and he gave the me's­ humanism suffers from the fallacy sage of material renaissance to the of incomprehensiveness, His concep­ worl d. tion of ma n is faulty. As a humanist Even ts of his to ry have proved he thought man to be a natural being. th at the world needs more than a Aristotle thought him to be a pol i­ universal man: it needs a "Renais­ tical being. Man is neither a natural sance Man", Universal men have res­ being nor a pol itical being; he is cued people from the wai I of mis- a cosmic being. The Humanists were eries, but have not brought axtens i ve not infallible. M,:.:ny philosophers peace to the suffering ma nkind. It of humanism had shovm generating is the Renaissance Man who alone can .insight and wi�dom in freeing phi]- lead mankind from the torment of osophy from theology and in forsak­ life to the effulgence of Divinity. ing scholasticism. But Humanism di­ Shri P.R.Sarkar has emerged as the vorced from spi rituality is eventual "Renaissance Hanll of the New vllorld: butress to the repressive theology. at th is historical time; \vhen the The ISpiritual Humanisml of Shri world is passing through a psychic Sarkar is a blending of the spiritual crisis and a mor'al chaos. and the pragmatic. It is a Ilsubjec­ His tory ha's wi tnessed the mush-­ tive approach through an objective room growth of many concepts of life. adjustment". He says, "Morality is The realism of England culminated the base, intuition is the way and into conservatism. Idealism of Ger­ 'life divine is the goa1." He pro­ many reached its logical conclusion pounds that humanity is not confined in Hitler's Fascism. �1arxism of Rus­ to the mundane world only. To make sia has no doubt created ma terial life richer and fuller, man will wonder in the world, but ha s stunned have to plunge into the world of pure free th inking. Plato has said that intuition - "Cosmic Consciousness", no greater calamity can befall on Thus, the philosophy of Shri Sarkar man than the privation of free think­ is a Science of psycho-spiritual ing; the whole Russian communist power which wi II lead man from psyche world has become the grave-yard of to the Self, from the dual ism of human I iberty and free thinking, mind and sou l to th e Oneness of Spir­ Man exists, but does not liveo Marx­ it.
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