“Good governance obtains when those who are near are made happy and those who are far off are attracted." — Confucius Weber State University Policies and Procedures Manual (documents.weber.edu/ppm/) Utah Code Ð Title 53B Ð State System of Higher Education Ð Chapter 01 Ð Governance, Powers, Rights & Responsibilities (www.le.state.ut.us/~code/TITLE53B/53B01.htm) State Board of Regents Policy (www.utahsbr.edu/policy/r220check.htm, www.utahsbr.edu/policy/r223.htm) Standard Six — and our Board of Trustees, as well as other university administrators. Governance and Administration Board of Regents (6.B.) I. Purpose/Description In accordance with the Utah Higher Education Act of 1969, we are governed by a Board of Regents consisting of 18 members Ð Governing Systems (6.A, 6.B, 6.C, 15 Utah resident citizens appointed by the 6.D, 6.E) governor, one student member nominated by the student body presidentÕs council and The Utah System of Higher Education selected by the governor, and two non-voting includes the State Board of Regents and 10 members from the State Board of Education. public colleges and universities (one applied This board closely follows Utah Code Section technology college, three community colleges, 53B-1-104 four comprehensive primarily undergraduate (www.le.state.ut.us/~code/TITLE53B/htm/53B institutions, and two research universities). As 01006.htm), which provides guidance to the provided in our Governing Documents and board regarding membership, student appoint- shown in the organization chart, Weber State ments, officers, committees, bylaws, meetings, University, a primarily undergraduate univer- vacancies, and compensation. The sity, is governed by the State Board of Regents Commissioner of Higher Education serves as Standard Six — Governance and Administration 303 Standard 6: Figure I. Board of Board of WSU Organization Chart for Governance Regents Trustees President* F. Ann Millner Assistant to the Assistant to Director Director University President for President’s the President Internal Audit AA/EEO Counsel Council Diversity Professional Staff VP for Chief VP for Advisory Interim VP for Interim Administrative Information University Committee Student Provost* Services* Officer Relations* Affairs* Jeff Livingston Norm Don E. Victoria Toni Weight Tarbox Gardner Gorrell Classified Staff Advisory Committee ¾ ¾ Academic School & Academic Support Colleges (Applied ¾ Services Science & Technology, Financial ¾ Arts & Humanities, Services Executive Bookstore Business & Economics, ¾ ¾ Committee Education, Health Budget & ¾ Campus Recreation ¾ Faculty Senate Professions, Science, Institutional Administrative ¾ Alumni Career Services Social & Behavioral Research Computing Sciences) Relations ¾ ¾ ¾ Housing Services ¾ ¾ Facilities Systems & ¾ Continuing Education Alumni/ Management Network Judicial Affairs WSUSA ¾ Development ¾ Management Development Legislative Enrollment Services Services ¾ Human Resources ¾ Council (Academic Advisement, ¾ Psychological & Quality Technology Registrar, Admissions, University Counseling Support Services Bachelor of Integrated Communications ¾ ¾ ¾ Services for Studies, Financial Aid, ¾ Intercollegiate Telecommuni- International, Assistant First Year Experience) University Attorney Athletics cations Multicultural, Veteran, ¾ Development and Women Students ¾ ¾ General Sponsored Projects ¾ ¾ Douglas C. ¾ Printing/Mail Web Administrative Shepherd Student Services Development Richards Honors Programs Support Union ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Library Public Safety Student Activities ¾ ¾ ¾ Student Government Teaching & Learning Purchasing ¾ Forum ¾ Student Health Center ¾ & Health Education WSU Davis *New Individuals Since 1994 Administrative Standing Committees 304 Standard Six — Governance and Administration the chief executive officer of the board, and the Dan James, Ogden, UT (2005) board elects a member to serve as chair. The Jewel Lee Kenley, Layton, UT (2007) appointment of a new chair every two years Barney Chapman, Pleasant View, UT provides opportunities for the board to review (2007) its performance and make necessary revisions. Catherine Ortega, Roy, UT (2005) Kathy Peterson, Ogden UT (2007) Board members (see Figure I on page 2) act as a committee of the whole and through two sub- Our chair of the Board of Trustees is the exec- committees: Academic, Applied Technology and utive officer and serves for two years. The Student Success; Finance, Facilities and beginning of a new chairÕs term is an opportu- Accountability. Board membersÕ duties, respon- nity for the board to evaluate its performance sibilities, ethical conduct requirements, organi- and make revisions as needed. Our Board of zational structure, and operating procedures Trustees advises the president and has the are defined in Utah Code Section 53B-1-103 powers and limitations outlined in the Weber (www.le.state.ut.us/~code/TITLE53B/htm/53B0 State University Policies and Procedures 1005.htm). This section of Utah law also Manual, PPM 1-02 and 1-03, and the State defines specific responsibilities of the Board of Board of Regents Policy (see Governing Regents, including these: Documents earlier). Our trustees have the fol- lowing statutory responsibilities: ¥ Institutional Presidents: Appoints presi- dents, evaluates performance of presidents, ¥ Facilitate communication between the determines whether to retain a president institution and the community (in consultation with institutionÕs Board of ¥ Assist with fund-raising and development Trustees). projects ¥ Strengthen alumni and community identifi- ¥ System Planning: Directs planning cation with the institution involving institutional missions and roles, ¥ Select recipients of honorary degrees and budget needs, new programs, program identify the commencement speakers reviews, distance and outreach education, statewide articulation of courses and pro- Our trustees have the delegated authority to grams. implement the approved institutional mission and approve the following actions, pending ¥ Budget and Financial Issues: Submits submission of annual summary reports to the system and institution budgets to the gov- Board of Regents: ernor and legislature, approves tuition and fee schedules, advocates higher education ¥ Institutional operating policies needs with legislature. ¥ Recommendations to design and construct facilities, and buy and sell property within parameters set by the regents Board of Trustees (6.B.) ¥ Research and training grants ¥ Institutional audits, academic program Our Board of Trustees 2003-04 has 10 voting reviews, and accreditation reports members Ð eight appointed by the governor, ¥ Academic program changes including new the president of the WSU Alumni Association, certificates, minors, and emphases within and the president of WSUSA (our student gov- existing programs; program deleted and ernment). The membership of the Board of program name changes Trustees and end of term is as follows: ¥ Financial reports, including lease agree- ments, budget transfers, salary budgets, Kyle Poll, WSUSA (2004) auxiliary and service enterprises, develop- Jane Brewer, Ogden, UT (chair) (2005) ment fund, and investments Mac Christensen, Bountiful, UT (2007) Tom Davidson, Ogden, UT (2007) Our Board of Trustees works as a committee of Chris Malan, North Salt Lake, UT the whole, as well as with these subcommit- (2004) tees: Standard Six — Governance and Administration305 ¥ Audit Committee Ñ reviews and approves Leadership and Management (6.C.) all internal audits and internal control processes Our president, hired by the State Board of Regents in October of 2002, has a full-time ¥ Business Committee Ñ reviews capital appointment at WSU and is regularly evaluat- project proposals, bids, as well as financial, ed by the regents to determine and facilitate internal audit, and athletic reports her effectiveness (www.utahsbr.edu/policy/r208.htm, ¥ Personnel and Academic Policy Committee www.utahsbr.edu/policy/r209.htm). On an Ñ reviews personnel changes (appoint- annual basis, our president provides the ments, retirements, leaves), academic poli- regents with her institutional goals; her per- cies, and academic program changes and formance is formally evaluated after the first reports three years of her tenure and at least once every five years thereafter. This formal ¥ Community Relations Committee Ñ advis- appraisal involves confidential interviews con- es on external relations strategies, reviews ducted by the regents with a wide variety of gift reports and WSU Foundation reports competent individuals who are knowledgeable about our presidentÕs work, including all vice ¥ Honorary Degree and Commencement presidents, deans, and Board of Trustees mem- Speaker Committee Ñ reviews and recom- bers as well as with a representative sample of mends honorary degree recipients and com- regents, academic and administrative depart- mencement speakers ment heads, faculty, students, and community and alumni leaders who are interested in and knowledgeable about the institution. Standard 6: Table I. Utah Board of Regents 2003-04 Membership. NameTerm Ends* Address Jerry C. Atkin 2005 St. George, UT Linnea S. Barney, State Board of Education No set term Orem, UT Daryl C. Barrett 2007 Salt Lake City, UT Bonnie Jean Beesley 2009 Salt Lake City, UT Kim R. Burningham, State Board of Education No set term Bountiful, UT William Edwards 2004 Salt Lake City, UT David J. Grant 2007 Cedar City, UT James S. Jardine 2005 Salt Lake City, UT Michael R. Jensen 2005 Price, UT Charles E. Johnson 2003 Salt Lake City, UT David J.
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