MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1912 NUMBER 34 VOLUME XXXVII ,oooo,»9<.ooo<.o«» Don't forget tiie sale, at Ketchum's. W. D. Brown of Grand Ledge Is put• Upton Piano Voting Contest Closed. ting lu a new elevator for the Mason G. S. THORBURN Tlie contest for the $400 Upton At Vandercook's LOCAL NEWS | ^ | A carload of feedlni: cattle for siile. Elevator Co. * J. N, TlIOUUUKN. lianu, which has been conducted by SoOOtMKMlOOtKWtKMlIKKMHMMOOCKlDfHWOOiMIIXKK^^ Last Thursday afternoon Judge Col• jongyear Bros, for the past six niontiis, M^ple Street Grocer Everything goes at cost, until ali is 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar for 55c, lingwood granted Adrian C. Curnell of closed last Wednesday afternoon at sold, at Ketchum & Go's. 33lf 3:30 o'clock. The contest Has been with $1.50 other groceries. Libby's Corned Beef, can 20c 77 Lansing a divorce from Dora D. Cor• c CAMPAIGN OFFER 25c The L. A, S. Of Eden will meet at nell. spirited and represented a great deal Gasoline, per gal-- 15c Veribest Lunch Tongue, can..20c (if liaid work by tlie principal contes• the Church Aug. 28tli for tea. 2 cans Pink Salmon 25c Mrs. A. G. Bidl has purclia.sed of tants, who are glad it lias come to an Libby's Potted Ham, can...5c-10c Fur the purpose of getting tlie Dem• Furnished rooms for student.". Mrs. Mrs. C, E; Sayre the house wiiere slie end. Following are the six prize win 3 lbs. Seeded Raisins • Wc Helmet Brand Salmon, can 13c ocrat into as many homes as po.ssible J.E. Conner,Cherry St, Git, phone 124. lives on eastOak street, consideration • we will send it to new subscribers ners with liieir votes: First, $400 Up• 3 bottles Catsup. - 25c Red Alaska Salmon, can 20c An e.vtra long corset, especially $1,600, from now nntil Jan. 1, lOl.'l, for 25 ton iiiano, Mrs. Carrie L. Miller, 41, Cider Vinegar, per gal 2Gc Chef Brand Kippered Herring. 10c adapted to the present style of dross, 008,405 votes; second, $fiO typewriier. cents. This is a presidential year and Instead of being' a single man, as Good Broom :28c Sardines in Oil, can 5c a ciinipaign of tlie utmost importance 48c, at J. A. Cortrlght's. * was reporteti, Ray R. Sergeant, who Madge Rolfe, 20,205,030; third. $25 camera, Biancii Fanson, 5,004,825. Blatchford's Calf Meal. Sardines in Mustard, can 10c Is being waged and the Demoerat will Last week Mrs. L. H. Ives received was killed by the piano falling on him use Its best endeavors to keep abreast a check of $25 from an Oklahoma man• last week Monday, had a wife and fourtli. $15 camera, Nellie 'Bliikeslee, Sardines in Olive Oil, can- 13c 3,320,77.'): Ilftii, $10 camera. Fern Court- of the tlme.'^. The Democrat i.< the ufacturing company for writing an seven children in Wisconsin. line of lo(,s owned by Daniel Bateman, Sardines in Bouillon, can.. 13c right. 2,'i;i4,G45; sixtli, $5 trading book, only democratic paper published In advertisement for them. except wliere such sidewalk has al• MacLaren's Imperial Cheese-15c the county and has a record of lieing Judge Charles W. Wisner of Flint, Mrs. Bert Neills, 1,(173,190. The RebakahCotorie will meet witli ready been built, same to be dune in a llrst-clasa local paper and will be a life-long I'epubliciin, has come out Tills contest lias been'a trade win• Mich. Full Cream Cheese, lb.-20c Mrs. J. E. Co.\ Monday. All wishing tlilrtv days. kept up to its standard. From now for Roosevelt and Joiinson and has ner for tiie drug Ilrm of Longypar French's IVIustard Salad Dress• to go will meet at Taylor's Implement Moved and supported that tho reso• until .lan. l-st for 25i:. tied a red bandanna to liis automobile Bros, and they desire lo extend their lution ordering fidewalk built on east ing, .iar • lOe store atone o'clock. Potluck supper. TifE DKMOCitAT, Mason, Mich. as an emblem of his faith. thanks to the contestants and to their Ash street l)e adopted. Carried. Yeas, Stuffed Olives, jar 10c-15c-25c The coroner's jury on the deutii of friends who have aided them in tlie Aid. Deiin, Longyear, Millbury, Ray• W. J, Adams, as adjutant of Pliil Queen Olives, plain....10c-15c-25c Farmers, Take Notice. Ray B. Sergeant rendered a verdict contest. All who iiave purchased ner ;iiid Wliltmnre. We will pay 23c this week for bul- that ills death was purely accidental McKernun Piist, has received IS gov• triiding books have received tiieir Heinz Sweet Pickles, doz 10c ernment markers for soldiers'graves. Mi.ived iiiid supported that a license, tcr fat delivered at creamery In good and no blame could be attached to value in trade Willie aiding the con to lunn iii'itiey under Act Nn. 105 of Heinz Dill Pickles, doz 15c anyone. Twelve of tiieai are to be placed in testants to win tiie dlireretit prizes. condition, Mason Ciikamicuv Co. Maple Grove cpmetery, the balance Public Acts of the State nf Michigan 2-qt Fruit Jar Sour Pickles.-25c Judge Wiest lias granted Mrs. Edna for tlip year 1911, be grunted tn .luhn Crates fur sale at the E'oundry, -^tf being for cemeteries In this vicinity. Pure Olive Oil, imported from Parker a divorce frnm Gi'son Parker Special Session Board Supervisors. J. Horlburtaiid that ills bond with H. M. Wllliaiiis as surety be accepted. Italy, per quart 80c See notice of 0, L C, swinc for sale, and Judge Collingwood lias performed Bert Wilhelm Of White Oak raised A special session of tlie board, to a like service fur Mrs. Barbara E. Dix• the steer tiuit brought the highest Carried. 'Yeas, Aid. Dean, Lung-, Holsum, Tip Top, Mother's, Bus• $1,00 fur lOc, 25c fur 19c, at Ketch- Investigate the condition of tlie coun• on from George K. Dixon. price for beef ever paid on the De• ty jail and take some action pertain year,Millbury, llaynerand Wliltiiiore. ter Brown, Cream and Salt Ris• um's. 33tf • Walter Travis of Wheeling, West troit market. It was a roan Duriiam Ing to tlie erection of the tuberculosis On nidtlon council adjourned until ing Bread, fresh every day. R, R, Rayner has erected a new coal Sept. 3.. J. C. Qutuiv, 01 ty Clerk. Va., and Dot Long of Fort Wayne, steer, weighed 1,400 lbs. and brougiit sanitarium, was lield Monday. Called Both Phones. slied just east of the old one. Ind., were married by Justice Adams $10 per hundred. It pays to raise'good to order by Chairman Taylor. Fol• stull. AURELIUS. Born, to Jlr, and Mrs. yVlll Lundy, last Saturday evening. They were lowing members were present: Blair, About 150 attended the second an• first ward, a daughter, Monday, connected withthe Robbins cii'cus. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barker of James and Joiin Brugan, Bement, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Brownlee, Cliristopher," Clark, Clem• nual meeting of tlie Barnes .-cliool dis• School books and .'^cliool things at Miss Julia M. Baldwin, for the past Lansing liave issued invitations for trict iis-iDCintiun at tiie sciionl house, tlie marriage of tiietrclaugliter Muriel ent, Edgar, Gunn, Hall, Hinman, VKTKKINAltV Longyear's, "a good place to trade," ' four years stenographer in tiie law Lane, Leeman, Lascniiy, Parker, one mile east of Aurelius, last Friday, olllces of Tuttle, MoArthur & Dunne- to Mr. Emil R. Jacobl on August 31st, Aug. 10th. After a picnic dinner tiie li. (4. H.dOltDOX, VKTlCllINAItV IMlVSr Dillard Onwar.d won second money at eight o'clock at their residence 017 Ramsey, Reeves, Rose, Reck, Spen• backe of Lansing, has been appointed meeting was called to order by W. H. D• CIAN, .SurKOOii and Deiiiist. NiRlit call! In the 2:09 piice at Jackson last Friday Allegan street. cer, Smith, Taylor, Tuoker, Thorburn clieertLilly answered. Hali iilioue 22S, Gltlzeiis57, secretary to Federal Judge Tuttle at iind Wellmaii, Taylor. Interesting speeciies were Itoohi U, Lawrunce hlock. iMasuii, .Midi. Ice cream social on tlie lawn of G Detroit and assumed her duties last Last even intr after the regular meet• Sup, Gunn moved that the clerk given by Hon. L. T. Hemans, Prof. M, Smith in Eden Friday evening Friday. ing of Phil McKernan W. R.C. a birtli- cast a ballot for the entire board for Wood ley and W. H. Taylor. Papers IJHNTISTS Aug, 23d, A COW belonging to E. D. Sanford day party was given In honor of nine H, B. Taylor for permanent chairman were read by Mrs. Jennie .Mclntyre, It. 0. v.. IliCNDlilUSOiV, Dentist. Over Cieo. New milcli cnws for sale. Inquire met with a peculiar accident. A members of the post and (;orps, whose for the ensuing year. Carried unani• Mrs. Kate Mead and Mlsa Meme Phil• D M. Wuhh'saud Foril Aseltliie's. of Frank Mayke, Eden. Citizens horse had been tied In the basement birthdays came in July and August. mously. ips. Recitations by Bernice Dlsen- A potluck supper was served followed rothf Ruth Hazel two and Lenore U. .JOS. S. HAWMCY, Dentist. formerly Phone 10(i-2i;is. 341 of the barn and fed some hay and Sups. Ro.=c, Tiiorburn and Clark D_ MackinaMl c Lsland iinil tit. Inimcc. Successor when the cow went up to the rack to by a short program. were appointed a comnilttee to inves• Douglas. Siiort talks by F. E. Searl to Dr.SimtilillnKantl Dr. LInsley. Lawrence blk, L. J. Plillleo's family will occupytiie get some of the liay the horse bit off a and several otiiers, followed by sports Andrew Sniltli of Lansing, charged tigate the conditions' at the county front.rooms over Webb & Wiiitman's part Of her tongue.
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