COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2003 SESSION OF 2003 187TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 46 SENATE HOUSE MESSAGES WEDNESDAY, June 25, 2003 HOUSE BILLS FOR CONCURRENCE The Senate met at 11 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. The Clerk of the House of Representatives presented to the Senate the following bills for concurrence, which were referred The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker to the committees indicated: Knoll) in the Chair. PRAYER June 24.2003 The Chaplain, Reverend Dr. STEPHEN R. MELTON, of HB 888 - Committee on Aging and Youth. Silver Spring Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsburg, offered the following prayer: June 25,2003 Let us pray. HB 276 - Committee on Consumer Protection and Profes­ Almighty God, thank You for this great Commonwealth that sional Licensure. we call home, and thank You for these who are chosen to govern HB 613 ~ Committee on Environmental Resources and En­ us, these men and women. They are in the midst of making diffi­ ergy. cult decisions, and so guide them, O God. Give them humility to HB 745 ~ Committee on State Government. know when to compromise. Give them inspiration so that the HB 885 - Committee on Banking and Insurance. choices they make may be so clearly right that all may sigh with relief. Lord, watch over them. Bring healing graces to those HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE among them and those they love who are ill. Bring consolation CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to those who are grieving, and bring Yourself to those who are feeling lost. The Clerk of the House of Representatives informed the Sen­ Bless them and bless all of us to Your service, and at the end ate that the House has concurred in the resolution from the Sen­ of the day, may we have a word of gratitude on our lips and a ate, entitled: sense of peace in our hearts. In all hope we pray, in all hope we pray. Amen. Weekly adjournment. The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Reverend Dr. Melton, BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED who is the guest today of Senator Stout. The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Bills numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which were read by the Clerk: (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) June 25.2003 JOURNAL APPROVED The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, the Senator THOMPSON presented to the Chair SB 846, entitled: Clerk will read the Journal of the preceding Session of June 24, An Act authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions imposed 2003. on certain lands owned by the Township of Willistown, Chester County, and imposing Project 70 restrictions on certain lands being conveyed to The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding the township. Session, when, on motion of Senator BRIGHTBILL, and agreed to by voice vote, further reading was dispensed with and the Which was committed to the Committee on STATE Journal was approved. GOVERNMENT, June 25, 2003. 696 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE JUNE 25, Senators WENGER, LEMMOND, LOGAN, COSTA, ORIE, LEGISLATIVE LEAVES WOZNIAK, KITCHEN, BOSCOLA, WAUGH, WONDERLING and CORMAN presented to the Chair SB 847, The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from entitled: Lebanon, Senator Brightbill. An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known Senator BRIGHTBILL. Madam President, I ask for a as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, further providing for sales and use tax legislative leave for Senator Helfrick, and temporary Capitol on washing, cleaning and waxing of motor vehicles. leaves for Senator Erickson and Senator Mary Jo White. The PRESIDENT. Senator Brightbill requests a legislative Which was committed to the Committee on FINANCE, leave for Senator Helfrick, and temporary Capitol leaves for June 25, 2003. Senator Erickson and Senator Mary Jo White. Without objection, the leaves will be granted. Senators DENT, BOSCOLA and THOMPSON presented to The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Montgomery, the Chair SB 848, entitled: Senator Constance Williams. An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Senator C. WILLIAMS. Madam President, I ask for a Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the period of limitation in the doctrine of adverse possession; and making repeals. temporary Capitol leave for Senator Tartaglione. The PRESIDENT. Senator Constance Williams requests a Which was committed to the Committee on JUDICIARY, temporary Capitol leave for Senator Tartaglione. Without June 25, 2003. objection, the leave will be granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Senator MELLOW presented to the Chair SB 850, entitled: An Act authorizing the City of Scranton and Redevelopment Senator PIPPY remains on military leave pursuant to Senate Authority of the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County, to transfer, sell RuleXXI(3). and convey certain Project 70 lands free of restrictions imposed by the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act. CALENDAR Which was committed to the Committee on STATE HB 1105 CALLED UP OUT OF ORDER GOVERNMENT, June 25, 2003. HB 1105 (Pr. No. 2167) - Without objection, the bill was RESOLUTION INTRODUCED AND REFERRED called up out of order, from page 2 of the Third Consideration Calendar, by Senator BRIGHTBILL, as a Special Order of The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate Business. Resolution numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which was read by the Clerk: BILL REREPORTED FROM COMMITTEE AS AMENDED ON THIRD CONSIDERATION June 25, 2003 AND FINAL PASSAGE Senator BRIGHTBILL presented to the Chair SR 113, HB 1105 (Pr. No. 2167) - The Senate proceeded to entitled: consideration of the bill, entitled: A Resolution commemorating August 9, 2003, as Ohio Township's bicentennial. An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the composition and expiration of Which was committed to the Committee on RULES AND the Pennsylvania Veterans' Memorial Commission and for the EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS, June 25, 2003. administration of the Pennsylvania Veterans' Memorial Trust Fund. APPOINTMENT BY THE Considered the third time and agreed to, MINORITY LEADER And the amendments made thereto having been printed as required by the Constitution, The PRESIDENT. The Chair wishes to announce the Minority Leader has made the following appointment: On the question, Mr. James P. Cappucci as a member of the State Agricultural Shall the bill pass finally? Land Preservation Board. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of BILL REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE the Constitution and were as follows, viz: Senator SCARNATI, from the Committee on Labor and YEA-49 Industry, reported the following bill: Armstrong Hughes Orie Tomlinson Boscola Jubelirer Piccola Wagner SB 818 (Pr. No. 1031) (Amended) Brightbill Kasunic Pileggi Waugh Conti Kitchen Punt Wenger Gorman Kukovich Rafiferty White, Donald An Act amending the act of August 15, 1961 (P.L.987, No.442), Costa LaValle Rhoades White, Mary Jo known as the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, further defining Dent Lemmond Robbins Williams, Anthony H. "public work"; and further providing for duty of secretary. Earll Logan Scamati Williams, Constance Erickson Madigan Schwartz Wonderling 2003 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 697 Ferlo Mellow Stack Wozniak implemented a citywide program to collect shoes for the children Fumo Mowery Stout of Iraq called Steps to a Brighter Future. She established and Greenleaf Musto Tartaglione Helfrick O'Pake Thompson organized a Red Cross blood drive at Temple University. She is very active in the Big Brother-Big Sister organization, and she NAY-0 has received more scholastic honors and awards than I have time A constitutional majority of all the Senators having voted to mention here. "aye," the question was determined in the affirmative. As Miss Philadelphia she has been visiting every middle Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate return said bill to school in the area, sharing with students her message of youth the House of Representatives with information that the Senate empowerment to impress upon them that education is the key to has passed the same with amendments in which concurrence of their future and encouraging them to make the most of every the House is requested. educational opportunity, so that they can become the best that they can be and achieve their dreams. Winning the title of Miss SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Philadelphia earned Alicia an $8,000 scholarship, which Drexel GUESTS OF SENATOR ROBERT C. University offered to match if she pursued her graduate studies JUBELIRER PRESENTED TO THE SENATE there, and so she plans to do just that, with the intention of earning a graduate degree in communication, with one goal in The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from mind, Madam President: Alicia aspires to one day be the White Blair, Senator Jubelirer. House Press Secretary. She begins the competition for Miss The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Madam President, I am Pennsylvania on July 6, so I am sure we all want to wish her the deeply honored to introduce some very special guests in the best of luck. She is joined here today by her father, Robert gallery. Jodi Cessna, who is from my district and from the city of Zumpino, and the executive director of the Miss Philadelphia Altoona, has been selected as Mrs. Pennsylvania. She is here scholarship program, Agnes White. So we are honored to have today and will be competing in the national pageant in them here today, and I ask that my colleagues join me in Tennessee, and with her is her daughter, Sammy, and I ask all extending them a very warm welcome. Members of the Senate to please greet, congratulate, and thank Thank you, Madam President. Jodi Cessna for being our representative as Mrs. Pennsylvania, The PRESIDENT. Would the guests of Senator Stack please and her daughter, Sammy, who is with us here today. rise so we can give you a welcome.
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