Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 5-2-1960 The rsinU us Weekly, May 2, 1960 Catherine A. Nicolai Ursinus College Kathryn Moyer O'Donnell Ursinus College Gail Ford Ursinus College Richard F. Levine Ursinus College John Swinton Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Nicolai, Catherine A.; O'Donnell, Kathryn Moyer; Ford, Gail; Levine, Richard F.; Swinton, John; and Morita, Gerald, "The rU sinus Weekly, May 2, 1960" (1960). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 362. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/362 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Catherine A. Nicolai, Kathryn Moyer O'Donnell, Gail Ford, Richard F. Levine, John Swinton, and Gerald Morita This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/362 BYE, BYE eeklp LEOPARD ! Volume LIX MONDAY, MAY 2, 1960 Number 18 Carol Taney Wins Dr. Lachman Talks V M R Mel Dormitories Elect Officers· At MSGA Banquet ern organ uns I e Eikner is Hall Boa(d Head Alexander Award Carol Taney, a freshman phy­ On Wednesday evening, April sical education major, was 26, in the President's Dining Hall, In 4-13- - 6 .to Set Record . Sallie Eikner was elected pres- Mary Dassler; Second Floor hall awarded the Alexander Award the Men's Student Government Ident of the Hall Board at a chairman, Ruthie Fatscher' at the WSGA Banquet Wednes­ Association partook of its an­ Vern Morgan ran the mile in seconds last quarter is fast meeting of all newly-elected dor- Basement hall chairman, Susi~ day night, April 27. This award nual banquet. President Helff­ an amazing 4: 13.6 at Swarth­ enough for a four minute mile. mitory presidents on Wednes- Knowles; Senatior First Floor is a two week camping scholar­ erich, Dean of Men Whatley, and more Wednesday, and the rec­ Morgan's main problem now is day, April 27. As president Sally and Basement, Sue Ether; Sen­ ship at Merronvista Camp, Ossi­ Dean Pettit, were the guests of ord breaking event has caused to reduce the time on the middle will represent the Board ~n the ator Second Floor, Kathy Draeg­ pee, New Hampshire, an Ameri­ honor while Dr. Charles Lach­ quite a stir in track circles, for two laps, and this Vern hopes WSGA Concil. It will be her re- er. can youth Foundation Camp. man, Vice President of Ursin us, it was the fastest time in the sponsibility to keep all women Stauffer Hall-president, Sally The camp's program is for the was the guest speaker. Dr. Lach­ East and Eastern seaboard students informed about WSGA McSparren; secretary, Marcia purpose of challenging young man addressed the gathering on states among small colleges and rules and activities through their Kressler; treasurer, Nancy Ellen people who are potential lead­ the topic, "The Drifting Ameri­ was also a new Middle Atlantic hall presidents. Sally, a junior Van Buskirk; First Floor hall ers in the way of Christian cans". His speech called for a States record. After questioned French major from Broomall chairman, Sue Wilding; Second leadership in every area of life. harkening back to the days of about the record shattering mile Pa., adds this honor to a host of Floor hall chairman, Carol Emphasis is placed on Physical American rugged individualism effort, Morgan replied, "I am de­ other activities which include Borthwick; Basement hall chair­ Development, ReligiOUS Expres­ and was also a warning against finitely going to try for a four Sextet '61, French Club PSEA man, Joann Lewis, Senator, First sion, Mental Growth, and Social insidious groups operating with­ minute mile by next year." Messiah, member of th~ juniO~ Floor, Carol Mallick. Awareness. Carol was chosen by in the community, industry and Leading from start to finish, prom ~ourt! junior advisor, and Paisley Hall-president, Gail the presidents of the YM-YWCA, the church and advocating Morgan easily outdistanced the the sWlmmmg team. Ford; secretary-treasurer, June MSGA, WSGA, IFC, ISC, fresh­ subtly the prinCiples of Com­ field. Crossing the finish line a The results of dormitory elec- I Schachterle; First Floor hall man class, heads of the Soph munism. full 15 seconds ahead of Swarth­ tions held last week follow: chairman, Sharyn Sands; Sen- Rules Committee, and the Fac­ Jim Sandercock, presidept of more's highly touted freshman Clamer Hall-president, Jane ator, First Floor, Vicky Hoffman; ulty Advisor. the MSGA gave a special thanks middle distance runner Creagh­ Johnson; secretary - treasurer Senator, Second Floor Barbara Carol partiCipates in many to the graduating senior mem­ ton, and also chopped 15 seconds Marion Leahy; Senator, Barb~ Sheese; Senator, Thi;d Floor, and varied activities, among bers Lin Drummond, Tom off his previous best in one fell­ ara Shearer. Cathy Harrelson. which are hockey, basketball, Stoudt, Ron Shissler, and Don swoop. Vern's first quarter of Hobson Hall-president Lois ------ and softball. She is also a mem­ Watsop and to the former MSGA fifty-nine seconds is as fast as it Gilmore; secretary - tre~urer May Day to h ber of the PSEA and W AA. She Officers, vice president Heckler is anywhere, and his sixty-two Marion Behler; Senator, Jay e is associate sports editor of the and secretary Dick Mayes, Jim Walters. H ld S d Weekly and next year Carol will also introduced the new officers, Shreiner Hall-president, Bar- e atur ay be a So ph Ruler. vice president Mayes, and secre­ WSGA Installs New bara Eickel; secretary-treasur­ tary Brackin. Sandercock com­ "A Tournament for Spring" is Officers on Apr. 27 er, Carolyn Eickler; Senator, Su­ Pre-Med Society to mented that the MSGA had in­ Vern Morgan san Andres. the title of this year's May Day creased in prestige and that he Duryea Hall-president, Pa­ pageant. The pageant written by Hold Annual Elections Newly elected officers and to do by next year. The 4:13.6 felt it was nearing the point members to the WSGA Council tricia Hoehl; secretary-treasur­ Catherine Nicolai, concerns a where it could take more active time becomes more fantastic Joanne Knerr; Senator, Lodie lovely queen who was chosen This Wednesday, May 4, a spe­ were officially installed at a ban­ when compared with other mil­ er, cial meeting of the Brownback­ part in faculty committee deci­ quet held on Wednesday eve­ Kershner. from Collegevilleshire and is sinns. ers .. Roger Banister, for example, Rimby's (646) - preSident, feted by her loyal subjects, Anders Pre-Medical Society will ning, April 27, at 6 p.m. in the at the same age (20) with a lot be held at which time candidates Jim, who was MSGA President upstairs dining room of Free­ Ruth Ann Barker; secretary­ among whom are knights, peas­ (Continued on page 4) more training, keener and treasurer, Judy Schultz; Sena­ ants, a friendly dragon, and a for next year's officers will be land Hall. At this time out-go­ tougher competition, and much tor, Judy Hearne. playful bear. The pageant ends nominated. The meeting will be Hapgood and Fernandez ing president Gail Snyder pre­ more experience was running traditionally with the crowning at 12:30 p.m. in S12; all current sented the charge and adminis­ 942-president, Harriet Roth; members are requested to attend between 4:17-4:15. Although it secretary-treasurer, Susan Reid­ of the queen, who is Barbara Are New Head Waiters tered the oath of office to Sandra took Bannister four years to Brecht, a senior. to fill the necessary quorum to Motta, next year's council pres­ er; Senator, Sandy Robinson. validate the nominations. All Larry Habgood and Bob Fer­ break the four minute mark, 944--president, Sallie Eikner; Selected to narrate this year's ident. A highlight of the eve­ Vern's goal is to break the magic pageant was Pearl Cadmus. Pearl members are reminded to give nandez have been elected next ning was the awarding of the secretary-treasurer, Sandy Holl; careful consideration to all those year's head waiter and assistant mark in one or two years. Senator, Betsy Drake. a junior math major, is from YWCA scholarship to freshman, (Continued on page 3) Thorofare, New Jersey. juniors of the society who are head waiter. Announcement of Carol Taney. Beardwood-president, Carol eligible for nomination. Further- this was made at a banquet for Lee Koffke; secretary, Anita The efforts of approximately Among the other new officers Ai 200 Ursinus women have been more, it is important that all dining hall waiters held bn installed were Judy Nelson, vice- 'r Raid to he Held Morrell; treasurer, Pattie Whit­ those who have not paid their Tuesday, April 26, at 6:30 p.m. tick; First Floor hall chairman, coordinated under the able di­ preSident; Sally Andrews, secre- Tomorrow at 2 p. m. rection of Mrs. Connie Poley. She dues should do so on or before in the upstairs cUning room. tary; and Ruth Fatscher, treas- was assisted by Marla Shilton, the day of election of new offi- These offices are filled by an el­ urer. Sallie Eikner received the President Helfferich announc­ Co-Captains and Four manager, and seven committee cers on Wednesday, May 11.
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