Root'Lotvoll Beverwick irins award named for A local manufacturer of spraying eqylpment, the Rool- l.owell Cofporatlon, has been spruce-up nametf to receive Kent County's Product-of-the-Year Award fol- The Chamber of Commerce lowing the judging of various Spring Spruce-up campaign that George Cook, local attorney, prodyt+)rodupts submitted by Kent will get underway in May is was admitted to practice to- manufacturers on Frl- one step closer to Incoming op- CoujUtV i fore the United States Supreme April 21sl. erative. Ben Beverwick, well- Court in Washington D. C. last known painting contractor, has .The product submitted by week. He was in Washington been selected to contract the Ryol-I.owell was the Atomist. an with other attorneys in a case painting of various business clectric motor driven space involving the Kent County buildings on Main Street. He sprayer designed primarily for Board of Education. was chosen on the basis of com- the application of insecticides petitive bids. ... for fly control. The Supreme Court will ren- der Its verdict on the one- Mr. Beverwick is a good Following a three year de- man, one-vote Lssuo as It ap- choice for the project. He is a sign and development "program, plies to this type of govern- color consultant for many large production of the Atomist began ment unit in the next few firms including Holiday Inns, in the Spring of 1966. It receiv- months. Meijer Markets and ' Thrifty ed immediate acceptance by the Acres and Eberhards. He can industry, particularly from dis- Robert Condon bring a vast store of experience tributors dealing in dairy supply and advice to the merchants. and sanitation equipment. Other Jim Allen. 18, who gave his joins airline He is also an ait instructor in Vol. 74—No. 3 THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1967 markets have continually open- address as 7911 Alden Nash, Al- Grand Rapids. ed for this electric space spray- to. but was found living in a Robert Lawrence Condon, It Is interesting to note that er. One of the most recent be- tent with two juveniieK on State son of Mr. and Mrs. William the Beverwick firm is not new Services Monday Final push on ing hospital disinfectant spray- Land north east of the city was Condon of Lowell, has Join- to Lowell. About fifty years ago L H. S. honor students for Williom Beckett ing. arrested last Wednesday. He ed Eastern Airlines as flight his father worked in Lowell cancer drive Root-Lowell markets the Ato- was given 30 days In jail by officer and has successfully painting the old mill by the riv- Funeral services were held on mist in two models: the No. Justice Fuller of Ada on a con- completed Intensive training er. Monday afternoon at the Roth The wind-up of the annual 1020 Snap-Fast which fastens on- tributing charge. The juveniles at Eastern's Flight Crew Funeral Home in Lowell for Cancer Crusade takes place to- to the top of standard one gal- were turned over to their par- Training Center in Miami, Merchants Cooperative ents. William N. Beckett, sr., of Ver- night. Thursday, April 27. when • lon containers, and the No. 1022 Florida. Many merchants are cooper- gennes Township. the many volunteers will com- Canister type which features its The boys were arrested He graduated from Ixiwell ating with the Chamber on the Mr. Beckett, who was 84- plete their rounds and make own unbreakable I'a gallon when the car they were driv- Spring Spruce-up and several years-old, died Friday. April 21. their final reports to their area container. High School and attended Grand ing was stopped because of a Rapids Junior College. Prior to have expressed interest in the In Butterworth Hospital in Grand captains. The Root-I-owell Corporation faulty tail light and a bottle project which will benefit every- Rapids. Coffee and cookies will be has been manufacturing spray- joining Eastern, he served in of wine was found in the car. the United States Air Force as one. The Chamber of Com- He is survived by his wife, served to the volunteers at the ing equipment in Lowell for ov- merce is urging all merchants Anna; two sons, William, jr., American Legion Club rooms er 60 years, and is a division a pilot. He is married and has one daughter and one son. who are planning to make any of Lowell, and Walter of Ber- by the Business and Profession- of the Root-Lowell Manufactur- capital improvements to sched- wyn, Illinois; four daughters. al Women's Club. This hard- ing Company. Lowell Police, reserves and Condon will be based in New firemen tumed out for the Tor- York and will fly to many of ule them to coincide with this Mrs. Ethel A. Cox and Mrs. working group has sponsored the campaign. May is the best Patrick McGarry Chuck Grudzinskas Richard Lee Margaret Nowicki. both of Chic- cancer drive in Lowell for the nado alert and stood by ready the 110 cities Eastem serves in to take action if the Lowell 26 states, the District of Col- month for painting, for instance, ago. Illinois. Mrs. Edna Sim- past several years. for the weather is usually co- mons of Sunfield, Michigan, and If by chance you were missed area was hit. Chief Block warn- umbia. Canada. Mexico. Puerto ed citizens to take shelter when Rico, Bermuda and the Baham- operative. Mrs. Alice Rittersdorf of Lo- on this drive, please help put The Chamber would like to well. He is a'so survived by 28 them over the top. Contact any they hear a 5 minute blast of as. the" fire siren with no wavering. have the Spruce-up completed grandchildren and 44 great- member of the B&PW with your in time for the Holiday Ramb- grandchildren. donation. Research Is winning No all clear signal will be sounded, listen to your radio F. John Sawha lers Travel Trailer State Rally The Rev. Robert Webber of the battle against cancer. to be held in Lowell in June. the Lowell Methodist Church Where a few years ago one in for announcement for the con- clusion of the alert. gets degree If any merchants are interest- conducted the services. Inter- three cancer victims could be ed in joining in the campaign ment followed at Oakwood Cem- saved, the ratio is now iwo 1" The warning will only be and have questions regarding On April 15. F. John Sawka etery. three. sounded after a tornado is it. the man to talk to Is Larry The Victory Dinner will be received a BSE degree in In- sighted In Kent County or has dustrial Engineering from Wes- Wittenbach, chairman of the held on May 9th Any volun- touched down. event. teers who wish to attend, sec tern Michigan University. Doris Boyd for tickets. Mr. Sawka is the son of Mr. Jo Ellen Dalstra Martha Mooney Linda Dalstra and Mrs. Gerrit Hilferink of Cas- Lowell Police won another cade and a 1962 graduate of Area Catholic churches Jo Ellen Dalstra Patrick McGarry Michael Powers fool race Friday when a 16- Lowell High School. Mr. Sawka conduct fund campaign year-old ran out of police head- Jo Ellen has been busy dur- Pat's hobbies are sports and has accepted a position with is assigned to quarters and tried to escape. A. C. Spark Plug of Flint. Members of Catholic Church- ing her high school years. In cars. While he has taken the He had been picked up as a es in this area will participate aodition to on-the-job training, role of spectator at many of Mrs. Sawka. the former Mary- Viet Nam duty run-away by police and was be- ann Hoover of Lowell, also re- in the 13th annual Diocesan De- she has found lime to work on the school sports, he is a mem- ing held for his parents. Two velopment Fund Campaign dur- the Homecoming and Prom ber of the baseball team. He is Army Private First Class Mi- ceived a honorary diploma sign, friends who were with him at- ed by the president of WMU. inc the week of May 21. Committees. In the Latin Club, a member of the National Hon- chael G. Powers. 21. whose tempted to block the police at This annual appeal was init- mother. Mrs. Lucille M. Pow- These diplomas were presented Co-op Club and Pep Club. She or Society. Pat came to Lowell the door of the station and were iated by Bishop Allen J. Bab- ers. and wife. Ruth Anne, live Army raises at special exercises on Apiil is a member of the National High School from St. Patrick's arrested for assisting in an es- cock in 1955. Contributions to Honor Society, the high school School in Parnell. He plans to on Route 3. Emery Drive, Lo- 8th, to the wives of graduates 1 Keith Kropf cape. who worked to put their hus- the D. D. F. enables the Grand choir and the Pom Pon girls. attend Grand Rapids Junior well. was assigned to the 573rd Rapids Catholic Diocese to pro- She was awarded the National College in the fall and after Engineer Company in Viet Nam, Lonny Marty Eickhoff, 18, bands through school. two times Mr. and Mrs. Sawka will be vide funds for the education of Merit Society Letter of Com- graduating from there to go on March 24. and Ronald Ayers, 17, both of young men to the Catholic priest- Pvt. Powers, a bridge helper residing at River Forest Apart- mendation Jo Ellen plans to to a larger college.
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