![CHA-CHE Commercial. DIRECTORY, 1918. CHA CHE 333 (]Handler & Barker, Upholsterers, 138 Gipsy Hill, Norwood BE19- Chapman John, Tobacconist, 32 St](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
CHA-CHE COMMERCIAl. DIRECTORY, 1918. CHA CHE 333 (]handler & Barker, upholsterers, 138 Gipsy hill, Norwood BE19- Chapman John, tobacconist, 32 St. Mary street, Woolwich BE18 Cha.rlton Goorge Henry, greengrocer, 171 Mount Pleaswl lane, TN 509 Sydenham Chapman Joseph, butcher, 168 Northcote road, Eattersea SWll & Upper Clapton E5 (Jbandler Bros. builders, 6 Charlwood rood, Pntney SW11S 11 The Terrace, Merton road, Wandsworth SW18 Charlton Hy. Geo. chandler's shop, 92 Avenue rd. Camoorwell SH5 Qhandler George & Co. builders, 480 Up. Richmond nl.Bames SW13 Chapman Joseph,insurance agent,261 Woolwichnl.Grnenwlch BB10 Charlton Herbert, watch & clock repairer, 38 Clapham Park nl BW4 Chandler & Sons (Waiter H. Chandler), auctioneers, 106 St. John's Chapman Lemon George,dining rooms, 2 Colegrove nl. PeokhmBE15 Charlton J ames, chandler's shop, 5 Thornsett rd. Wandsworth SW18 hill. Clapham Junction SW11-T N 432 Battersea Chapruan Leona.rd,confectioner,62 Pllliillltead road,Plumstead SE18 Charlton Roland Arthur Goorge, boarding hou.se,156 Loughborough Qhandler Alfred, pianoforte tuner, 72 Church st.StokeNewingtnN16 Chapman Leonard, tailor, 262A & 262B,King street,Hammennuith W6 road. Brixton S W9 Chandler Annie (Mrs.), confectioner, 96A, High st. Pntney SW15 ChapmanM.news agt.273Cavendish rd.BalhmSWU-TN 6!3 Bttrsea Charlton Sallester Frances (Miss), teacher of mnsic, 42 lhersleigh (Jhandler Caroline(Mrs. ),chandle!"'s shp.47Poole's pk. Finsbry Pk N4 ChapmanMary(Mrs.),feather Cleaner & drssr.ll9 Hill st.Pckhm SE15 road, Battersea BWll Chandler Charles. hairdresser, 41A, M,.rmont road. Peckham BE15 Chapman Macy Ann(Mrs.),newsagt.l5 Bt.Ann's hi. Wandswth SW18 Charlwood Chad~ builder, 76 Manor lane, Lee SE12 Chandler Edmund, confectioner, 9 Milkwood road, Herne Hill SB24 Cbapman Mrs. fishmonger, 156 Wirtemberg street, Clapham BW-i Charlwood Frederick Henry, builder, 329 High road, Lee SE12 Chandler Frances(Mrs.),aparts.21St.Julian'sFarm rd. W.NorwdSE27 Chapman Mrs. music teacher, 204 Harry road, East Dulwich SE22 Charman Henry & Oo. (Henry CharmanJ,grocers, 102 TeWBOn rood, ()handler Frederick Harry,metal engraver,l24 High st.SydnhmSE26 Ohapman Penelope (Miss), beer retlr. 65 Langford rd.Fulham SW6 Plumstead SE18 Qhu.ndler George Emest, butcher, 8 South Hill park, Hampstd NW3 Chapman Robert, tailor, 6A, Gonion road, Stoke Newington N16 CharmanArthur,decorator 79 Prince George rd.StokeNewingtonN16 Chanrller Henry, t.ypist, 27 Railton road, Herne hill SE2l Chapman Thoma~(Mrs.~. confectioner,88 Nutbrook st.PeckhmSE15 Charman Clement, dairym~ 66 Gordon road, Peckham BElli Ohandler James, pianoforte tuner, 101 Avenue road, Camberwll SE5 Chapman Thomas Harns,confectioner,52 London nl.Forest HI SE23 Chatman Ernest, dairy, 26 Friendly ~t. Deptford New Town SR8 Ohandler John, fruit grower, The Orchard, Kid brook la. Bla.ckhth SE3 Chapman Tom Dan, Wheatsheaf P.H. 163 Goldhawk road, Shep- Charman George J W!l. grocer, 33 New road, South Lambeth SW 8 Obandler Joseph, cycle maker, 303 Brockley road, Brockley SE4 herd's Bush W12-T N 83 Hammersmith Charman Joseph. grocer, 184 Munster road. Fulham SW6 Qhandler William, confectioner, 12 High street, Lewisham SH13 Ohapman Waiter Edward, Prince of Wales P.H. 99 Union road, Charman Lydia (Mis!l), eoffee honse,71 South Island pl.Brixton BW9 Qhaning-Pearce Dav1d Arnold ll. n., B. B. physician & sur~eon, 7 South Lambeth BW8 Charman William, dairy, 6 Dorset road, South Lambeth SW8 Hopton road, StreathRm SW16-T N 30i Stteatham Chapman William, furniture dealer, 1i91 King's road, Fulham SW6 Chamock Krnest, clothier, 8 Camberwell grove SE6 Ohannell Geo.butcher, 4 Cricklewood brdwyNW2 -TN5832Hampstd Chapman Willia.m Franks, cycle manufacturer 225, mail cart dealer Chamock George, leather bag maker,31 Elliott rd. North Brxtn BW9 Qhanning House School for Girls (Miss Lilian Tal bot B.A.. head 225A, & bath chair proprietor ~25B,BalhamHigh st. Up.TtngSW17 Charon Chas. Edouard, builder, 147 Kinveachy gdns. Char!ton SE'i mistress), Ohanning honse, High street, Highgate N6 Chapm11on William Henry, confectioner,279 Bnttersea Park rd SWll Cbarrington, Sells, Dale & Co. coal merchants, 153 Falcon road, Channing Rosina (Miss), stationer, 86 Brayanl's road, Peckhm SE15 Chapman's Cash Oherniits Ltd. 298 Oavendish road. Balham SW12 Battersea SWll (T N 85 Battersoo); Pope's rood, Brixton SW9 Qhannon H. & Co. linen drapers, 48 Denmark hill, Camberwell 8E5 Chappell Bros. (A.bram & Uharles Chappell). builders, 304 &: 47 Bal- (T N 57 Brixton); 120 Norwood road, West Norwood SE:.!7 (T N Qhannon Bthel Florence Ada (Mrs.), Builders' Arms P.H. 12 Ham- ham High road BW17-T N 450 BatterEea 486 Streatham).: iWl Streatbam High road SW16 & Streatham Hill mer>UDith Bridge road W6 Chapl"ell 0. & Co. e~tate agents, 155 Le<J road, Blackhootb BE3 railway station Sternhold avenue, Stma.tham SW2 (T N il9 Qhannon James, confectioner, 48 Chapel street, Woolwicb SE18 Ohappell Francis & Sons,undertakers,l Bclmont hill 8E13 & «Burnt Btreatham) &: 84A, .End well rd. Brock:ley SE!; pier wharf, Water Ohannon Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Oxberry avenue, Fulhm SW6 Ash rd, Lee SE12 ('l'N 105 Lee Green); 10 Courtya.rd,Eltbam BE9 Bide, JeWB' row, Wanrlsworth SW18-T N 18 i4& 18<;5 Chann'>n Thomas, tobacconist, 156 Green lanes,Stk.Newington N 16 ( r N 149 Lee Green); 136 Rushey green, Oatfonl BE6 (T N 1078 Charrington Alfred, oilman, 237 High street, Plumsread SE 18 Qhant &: Son, laundry, Charlton lane, Oharlton SE7-T N 24 Wlwch Lee Green); Mo!esworth street,Lewidham SE13; 8 Dartmouth nl. CharringtonLo.uraEleanor(Miss),prof.ofmus.237Iligh st.PlmstdSE18 Chant Gilbert, oilman, 246 Perry n>!e, Forest Hill BE23 Forest Hill SE23 (TN 34il Sydenha.m); 41 Bydenbam rd SE26 (TN Charrington's (Mrs.) Home for Children (Miss l:l-inger, matl"on), Chant Susan Jane (Mrs.),apartments, 78Bramfield nl.BatterseaSWll 658 3ydenham)& 4 Well Hall par. Eltham SE9 TN 177 Lee Green Arona hollill', Roeharnpton lane, Roehampton 8W15 Chant-Moor George, Jinendraper,71 Spenser rrl.Btoke Newingtn N16 Ohappell John & Sons, undertakers, 308 Brockley road, Brookley Charsley Albert Edwanl, motor gsrage,12 Church ro&d,BrixtonSW2 Chanter Arthur Benjamin, tailor, 3-5 Granville gardens, Shepherd's SE!; 251 Lewisham High rd SE4lT N 1532 New CroBB); 180 West- Charsley Arthur, watch maker, 23 & 26 Clapham Pari: l"Oad::. N4 Bush green Wl2-T N 1206 Hammersmith combe W. Blckhth SE3 (TN 1181 Greenwich); 98 Kirkdale, Syden- Charsley Fre lerkk, dairyman, 45 LowdPn road, Heme full 8E24 Chantrey Frank Wm. newsvenrlor, 164 Gillespie road, High bury N5 ham SE26 (T N 141 Sydenham) & 175 & 177 Trafalgar road., Green- Charsley Georga, watch repairer,355 Lonlship la. Ea.I~t Dui wich SE2:l Ohantry Richanl & Co. metal workers, 76 Brisbane street, Camber- wich SE10-T N 86 Greenwich CbiU"Bley Gilbert William ll.B. physician & surgeon, 34 West hill, well SE5-T N 1908 Hop Chappell Alfred Ernest, manager, London &; South West.ern Bank Sydenham SE:.16-T N 356 Sydenham Chantry William Edward, bookSeller, 339 Brockley road RE4 Ltd. 204 & 206 LOWrr Olapton road E5 Charsley Waiter, greengrocer, 268 Mitcham lane, Streatham S li/16 Chaplin Frederick fJharles & Sons, bakers, 16 Melbourne grove SE22 Chappell Alfred George,Earl of E3sex P.H.21 & 23 Stroud Green rdN 4 Chart Frank Arthur, Unity P.H. 2"..ltl York road, Batttlrsea. S Wll & 161 L<Jrdship lane, E~t Dulwich BE22 Ohappell John. drug stores, 38 Hindmans road, East Dulwich SE22 Chartres Mary Ann & Amelia (Misses), milliners, 217 Southampton Qhaplin & Tread. well, wholesale grocers, 14&14A,Allen rd.Stoke New- Chappell Robert Henry, fr e. I fuh shop, 380 Hurnsey road ~ 19 ~treat, Ca.mberwell SE"i ington N16--T N ll!l1 Dalston Chappell William, clothier, 48 & 511 Bell green, Sydenham SE26 Chartres Henry James, house agent, see Flcod,Chartres & Chad bum Chap in Chas. coach builder,201 Hormey roadN7-T N 164.4 Hornsey ChappellWm.Emest, teacher of mnBic,34 Con way rd.Plumstead SE18 Chase Alfred, tmilder, 44, Shipman roarl, Foreot Hill SE23 Chap! in Eleauor (Mrs.), apartments, 47 Norroy road, Pntnt>y SW15 Ohappenden E!iza (Miss),boarding house,ll Woo!wich common S.l<J18 Chase Frank, bookbinder, 191 St. John's hill, .Battenlea 8 Wll Chaplin Erne-t. green~rocer, 16 Old ridge road, Balham SW12 Oh apple & Utting, builders.24 W avertree road,Streatham Hill SW 2 Chase Raymond Henry, pawnbroker, 64 & 66 Plough road SW 11 & Ohaplin Frederick: Wi!liam, motor car garage, 40B, High street, -T N 1103 Brixton 1, a & 6 Stockwood street, Battersea BWll Hampstead NW3-T N 4904 Hampstead Ohapple Herbert Waiter, grocer, 110 WaterforJ road, Fulham S W6 Chase Robert, builder, 20 Tal m a road, Brixton SW2 Chaplin George, beer retailer, 62 Bird-in-Bush road, Peckham SE15 Ohapple Robert, outfitter, see Smith & Cbapple Chaston Arthur, coach builder, 1 Smedley street, Clapham SW4 Chaplin Henry, butcher, 78 Wells road, Sydenham SE21i Chard Charles William, florist, 15 Pavement, Clapham BW 4 Chasten Emma Jane Dalby (Miss),china dlr.3 Camberwell grove BE6 Chaplin John, market gardener, Park lane, Obarlton SE7 Chard Frank, fried fish dealer, 9 Canterbury road, KilbUrn NW6 Chasten Harry, butcher, 1G8 High street, Eltham SEll Chaplin Madame, costume maker, 3 Burnt Ash hill, Lee 8El2 Chard Henry F. tailor, 74 High street, Plurru;tead SEl8 Chate Herbt. Stanley .M. B, physu. & surgn. 138 Up. Olapton rd EIS Ohaplin Wm. insurance agent.l07 Evershot road, Tol!ington Park N 4 Chard Thomas A. decorator, 58 Pulross roaci. Stock well SW9 Ch~ter Alex. Ltd. wholesale cycle facton1,101 Uxbridge rd W12 ( r N" Chapman A. W. Limited, motor engineel"8, Ranelagh ganlens, Ful- Chard Will1am, house furnisher 8, & pawnbroker 10, Devonshire 1727Park) & 20Mossbury rd.Clapha!llJunctoSWll-T Nl604Httrfla ham SW6-T A" Nevajah, Ful "; 'l' N 1883 Putney road, Forest Hill SE:.!3 Chatfieldl!'nlk.El.grocer,& post o!f.
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