Betty McGuire, 2020 TCMH DAISY Alton, gets a very award winners 1 DAY ‘TIL special visitor honored Foreign & Domestic Christmas Family Owned & Operated since 1995 PEOPLE >> 3 HEALTH >> 9 2090 Clark Ave • West Plains 417-256-9452 599330b WEST PLAINS, HOWELL CO., MO | SINGLE COPY 50¢ Plus Tax THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 2020 117TH YEAR #255 /West.Plains.Daily.Quill /@wpquill /@wpquill CChristhristmmasas ssparkleparkle STAFF PHOTO BY KIMBERLY LANGSTON This house on Butler Avenue off of Bill Virdon Boulevard in south West Plains is aglow with lights and a projector and Christmas infl atables including a Nativity scene, elf, Christmas Tree and Santa Claus. Driving around town to view lights is a COVID-safe activity that families can enjoy from the warmth of their vehicles, maybe with hot chocolate thrown in. Though the weather has been unseasonably warm, expect temperatures to drop into the teens at night beginning tonight, returning to normal for late December, according to the National Weather Service. Free copies of W.P. council hires new fi re chief Letters to and Afghanistan. He began his code, the damage must be By Nicholas Haring emergency services career as $500 or more, or cause injury [email protected] an emergency medical servic- or death. He further explained SantSantaa es lieutenant for the Lafayette that a hit-and-run that doesn’t INDEX The West Plains Fire Depart- Fire Department in Lafayette, cause injury or death, or Records 2 ment will soon welcome a new Colo. causes damage valued at less available fi re chief after the city council Clark will be fi lling a vacan- than $500 does not fall within People 3 approved the hiring of Daniel cy left by longtime fi re chief the parameters of current city From Page One 4 Extra copies of the Letters to Clark, of Katy, Texas, during a Roy Sims, who retired offi cial- code, though it could still be Obituaries 4 Santa special section inserted closed session before its reg- ly in October. Asst. Fire Chief a state charge. Religion 5 into Tuesday’s issue of the West ular meeting Monday. Kurt Wilbanks had been serv- “This (ordinance) will allow Plains Daily Quill are available by According to city offi cials, ing as interim chief since us to more quickly prosecute Public Notices 6 request, free of charge, while sup- Clark is a 25-year emergency Sims’ retirement. hit-and-run offenses,” Monti- Classifi eds 6, 7 plies last. services veteran and has ex- celli told the Quill. The ordi- Amusements 8 Parents, teachers and commu- tensive experience working in PROPOSED ORDINANCES nance must be approved by the Health 9 nity members who would like a both domestic and internation- council after its second read- copy may request them by call- al fi re departments. Most re- During the open session ing before it can go into effect. Auto 10 ing 256-9191 to reserve a copy for cently, he was the crew chief portion of the meeting, West A second reading was made Letters to Santa 11 pickup, or dropping by the offi ce and acting assistant fi re chief Plains Police Chief Stephen regarding an ordinance to Sports 12 during business hours, at 205 for CGH Global in Bahrain, in Monticelli introduced a bill adopt stormwater quality and Washington Ave. in West Plains. the Persian Gulf, where he proposed to become an ordi- quantity measures to comply FRI. The Quill will be open from 8 oversaw daily operations, crew nance which would add the act with the Missouri Department a.m. to 3 p.m. today, then closed schedules and training in sup- of leaving a scene of an acci- of Natural Resource Munici- 38 in recognition of Christmas until port of U.S. military opera- dent, also known as a “hit-and- pal Separate Storm Sewer Sys- 24 Monday, when regular business tions. run,” to city code, making it a tem Phase 2 Program. hours resume from 8 a.m. to 5 Prior to taking that position Class A misdemeanor. The stated purpose of the ©2020 Phillips Media Group p.m. through Wednesday. Busi- in 2018, Clark worked as fi re He explained to the council ordinance to establish min- All Rights Reserved ness hours will run from 8 a.m. chief for Stratmoor Hills Fire that the police did not have imum stormwater manage- to 3 p.m. New Year’s Eve, and the Protection District in Colora- this charge as part of its city ment requirements and con- offi ce will remain closed New do, and as chief of emergency code and currently have to fi le trols to protect and safeguard Year’s Day. services for Suncor Energy in it as a state charge, which can the general health, safety For more letters to Santa, turn Commerce City, Colo. take longer to prosecute. and welfare of the public re- to Page 11 of today’s Quill. Addi- His emergency services ca- He said the closest thing the siding in watersheds within tional letters were printed on Page reer also includes internation- city has on the books allows city limits. 7 of Tuesday’s Quill and Page 5 al stints in the Green Zone of offi cers to give notice of an ac- of Wednesday’s Quill. Baghdad, Iraq, Saudi Arabia cident, but according to city COUNCIL, PAGE 4 Animal Control Offi cer Vannada off ers tips for those considering gifting a pet for Christmas mals from ending up in shel- intakes from individuals who ership? Animals require food, By Kimberly Langston ters. received a pet and were not ex- shelter, attention and medical [email protected] “Adopting a pet can be a won- pecting or able to take care of care, including vaccinations. derful experience for a family the animal.” Does the person rent a house When adopting or giving a pet and also for the shelter pet,” Vannada offered the follow- or an apartment? If so, are they as a Christmas gift, West Plains Vannada said. “Many people ing questions for gift givers to allowed to have pets? Some Police Department Animal Con- want to get loved ones a pet for ask themselves before adopt- rental leases allow no pets at trol Offi cer Brad Vannada asks the holidays, but most do not ing a shelter pet, which can also all, or only caged animals or that gift givers take the time to take the time to consider if be applied to buying a pet at a aquariums. Some renters don’t think about whether the recip- their family member or mem- store or getting a free kitten or have a yard for the animal to ient is ready, willing and able bers are ready for a pet. Every puppy from someone giving roam and play in. to care for the pet in the long year, shelters around the coun- them away: Is the receiver of W.P. Quill Daily term, in part to keep the ani- try become overcrowded from the pet ready for animal own- PET, PAGE 4 Tina Jones Heidi Rader Rhonda McFarland Clinton Howell Teresa Guilliams Tyler Asmussen Carrie Brassfield Vicky Combs Broker/Co-Owner Broker-Sales/Co-Owner Realtor®Sales Realtor®Sales Realtor®Sales Realtor®Sales Realtor®Sales Realtor®Sales 417-293-6602 417-274-6816 417-293-5172 417-270-0490 417-257-5478 417-204-2515 417-252-1086 417-293-3557 Happy Holidays From Our Family To Yours 601596s 1713 U.S. Hwy. 160 W, Suite 217, West Plains, Mo. 417-255-1500 www.movingtotheozarks.com [email protected] Records 2 Thursday, December 24, 2020 | West Plains Daily Quill West Plains, Missouri | westplainsdailyquill.net Ozarks Regional Stockyards Video Auction - West Plains, MO Tue Dec 22, 2020 Livestock Weighted Average Report for 11/24/2020 - (Preliminary) Livestock Weighted Average Report for 12/22/2020 - Final VIDEO AUCTION AUCTION The West Plains Daily Quill (USPS-675- This Week Last Reported Last Year This Week Last Reported 12/15/2020 740) is published Tuesday through 12/8/2020 Total Receipts: 1,002 3,186 Saturday, except all major holidays, Total Receipts: 1,934 1,068 0 Feeder Cattle: 1,934(100.0%) 1,068(100.0%) Feeder Cattle: 1,002(100.0%) 3,186(100.0%) New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, and 0(0.0%) Christmas Day by Phillips Media Group, Demand was good on a heavy supply for this Video Auction held in conjunction with ORS regular feeder cattle sale. The cattle off ered are in Missouri, Arkansas, Special Note: An additional 1934 head of feeder cattle were sold through the Video Auction. ORS will return to its regular sched- P.O. Box 110, 205 Washington Ave., West Kansas, and Oklahoma. Deliveries are Current through January 20, 2021. Current ule Tuesday, January 5, 2021 with a special pre-vac/weaned feeder sale beginning at 8:00 AM. Plains, Mo. 65775-0110, Phone (417) deliveries are cattle that will be delivered up to 14 days from the video sale date. Compared to last week, there were too few feeder calves across all weight ranges for an adequate comparison however un- 256-9191; Fax 417-256-9196. The pub- Current delivery is through January 5, 2021. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle dertones were mostly steady to weak. Demand was moderate on a very light supply. The last sale of the year at ORS included (46% Steers, 54% Heifers). Feeder cattle over 600 lbs was 81%. Feeder Cattle pric- Feeder Cattle, Video Auction and Slaughter and Replacement Cattle. ORS ended 2020 with a total of 174,675 head of feeders lisher reserves the right, at his sole dis- cattle sold which was 3.2 percent ahead of last year and 5 percent above the 5 year average.
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