arts & entertainment perspectives sports Downtown Monthly Despite an RLH ban, Soccer scores Gallery Hops draw students can’t resist late goal to earn eclectic crowds animal magnetism win Page B1 Page B5 Page B4 Press Box: Baseball heroes on the horizon Old Gold and Black Page B1 thursday, september 5, 2002 “covers the campus like the magnolias” volume 86, no. 2 New Greek policies alter social life Capital By Lauren Pressley man women to feel pressured or Old Gold and Black Reporter swayed by the different sororities fund up before spring rush,” she said. National Panhellenic Council Additionally, fraternities will be policy modifications instated this observing extended official party summer will change the face of hours. At 2:30 a.m., lounge lights social life on campus for both must come on and amplified to $600M Greeks and independents. Soror- music must be turned off. At that ities can no longer invite fresh- point the fraternity will have half By Chris Plumblee men women to off-campus par- an hour to clear their lounges. Old Gold and Black Reporter ties, a rule that will be enforced Fraternities will still be expected to a stricter degree than when it to stop serving alcohol at 2 a.m., In response to fundraising suc- was originally passed in the fall of according to North Carolina state cess in the first year of the the 2000. law. Campaign for Wake Forest: Hon- This policy change will come Richerson also said she wants to oring the Promise, the goal has into effect under the auspices of a dispel the rumor stating that fra- been increased from $450 million reorganized Greek life governing ternities will not be held respon- to $600 million. system. Tricia Richerson, former sible for problematic independent The change in the goal of the assistant director of Greek affairs, students at their parties. fundraising drive, which began in was named the university’s new “The fraternities will still be April 2001, is also a result of the director of Greek affairs over sanctioned for problems occur- university affiliation with Reyn- the summer. Director of Student ring at their parties whether the olda House in January. Development Mike Ford formerly offender is a fraternity member or The administration of the Reyn- held this position. not,” said Richerson. “Fraternity olda House is in the midst of their According to Richerson, two members have an obligation as own fundraising drive, centered more uniformed policemen will the party hosts to take control of on a new $12 million educational be added to monitor campus par- any situation before it gets out of wing. The fundraising efforts of ties on the weekends. “It is defi- hand.” the Reynolda House, as a part of nitely okay for a police officer to Richerson emphasizes that the university, are included in the enter your function, but that’s not many of the regulations with totals for the Reynolda campus. the true goal of these two police which university fraternities and “We’re now about six months officers,” Richerson said. “They’ll sororities must comply are ahead of schedule,” said James be walking the Quad, they’ll prob- national rules. Her job will be to Sarah Leer/Old Gold and Black Bullock, director of the Honor- ably come straight up to the guest reinforce them on campus. Brothers of the Sigma Pi fraternity huddle as they offer bids to rushees Sept. 5 on the Quad. ing the Promise campaign. Bullock log where people are signing in “My ultimate goal this year is Recent changes in Interfraternity Council and PanHellenic management could soon mean added that despite the success, he and be walking around the patio to work directly with fraternity changes in Greek life as the campus knows it. does not think it very likely the uni- outside the party.” and sorority presidents to adver- versity will raise the goal again. Richerson also plans to create “We really need to have more tise the good things their orga- Richerson said, “Bringing new the Student Life Committee, and “With the economy in the state an All-Greek Council, install new options for women interested nizations accomplish,” Richerson Greek organizations to campus is then on to the national Pan-Hel- it’s in, we’re very happy where party regulations and look into in Greek life,” said Richerson. said. “We have seen two frater- a very long process that requires lenic Conference. we are now,” said Bullock, adding the possibility of two new national “Last year there were really nities leave campus in the past approval on several different Richerson assumes that by the that, while the administration of sororities coming to campus. too many girls rushing for six months, so the men espe- levels.” end of spring semester 2003, we the campaign would love to sur- Richerson said of the reg- the sororities that we have on cially really need to work on their At this point Richerson has will most likely have one new pass the new goal of $600 million, a ulations prohibiting freshmen campus.” image.” secured the approval of the uni- national sorority. She also expects formal increase is very unlikely. women from off campus soror- In regard to the possibility of versity’s Pan-Hellenic Council. arrival of a second within the next ity parties, “We don’t want fresh- two new sororities on campus, The next step will be to go through two years. See Greeks, Page A5 See Fund, Page A5 Sig Ep hearing moved to Oct. 30 Gladding to head Old Gold and Black Staff Report Sig Ep members with one or both misde- a former Animal Control employee, could meanor counts of animal abandonment not be located in time for the hearing. Members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon or allowing livestock to run at large. Four Severo was unable to comment on the fraternity were given a continuation members were charged with animal aban- continuation of the Sig Ep’s hearing. up Reynolda House on their hearing that was scheduled donment only. These charges came as Several attorneys for the Sig Ep mem- for Sept. 4, according to Tim Severo, a result of a party at Tanglewood Park, bers, including Ken Tisdale, Chuck Alex- assistant district attorney of Forsyth Samuel Gladding will serve as where a pig was allegedly left after every- ander and Kurt Stakeman, were unavail- “I do not believe (the County. one else had gone. able for comment. interim director of Reynolda House Their hearing is postponed until Oct. According to District Attorney Tom The 23 members of Sig Ep will also face university) is actively seeking a 30. The Forsyth County Animal Con- Keith, the hearing was continued due to charges from the university on an indi- until the reorganization is complete permanent director right now. I don’t trol Department charged 19 individual the absence of a key witness. The witness, vidual basis. By Will Wingfield and Jamie Dean know what the plan is.” Editor in Chief and Old Gold Samuel Gladding and Black Reporter Associate Provost and Interim Director of Reynolda House John Hallmark Neff, director of Reynolda House since February 2001, resigned unexpectedly in May. Until a permanent replacement is found, Sam is actively seeking a permanent director Gladding, associate provost, will be serv- right now,” he said. “I don’t know what ing in the capacity. the plan is.” Judith A. Smith, the museum’s coordi- Last January, Reynolda House Inc. nator of marketing and public relations, signed an affiliation agreement with the told the Winston-Salem Journal that the university. Although it remains a sepa- museum’s staff was “in shock” after hear- rate, non-profit corporation, the agree- ing of Neff’s resignation. ment stipulates that the university now In a statement released by the museum, has the right to hire and fire the museum’s Neff said, “I have the greatest respect for executive director. The university’s board Reynolda House and its many contribu- of trustees also elects the museum’s board tions to this community. It has been a of directors. pleasure to work with this hard-working In the museum’s March newsletter, and gifted staff and the Reynolda docents Neff said, “We are enthusiastic about this who are unique in their dedication and formal affiliation … we are confident that service.” the new relationship will enhance our pro- According to Mary Craig Wilson, a grams and our ability to serve this com- public relations assitant at Reynolda munity and beyond.” House, Neff has recently been appointed Neff took office in February 2001, suc- to be director of a museum in Naples, ceeding Elizabeth Morgan and Marjo- Fla. rie Northup. Northup co-directed the “We are fortunate to have had the ben- museum since the retirement of the first efit of John’s expertise,” said Barbara director, Nicholas B. Bragg, in August B. Millhouse, the president of Reynolda 1999. House. Under Neff’s one-year tenure, the A permanent replacement for Neff has museum raised just under $800,000 for a not been found, yet. As interim director, 29,000-square-foot educational addition Gladding is responsible for managing the to the museum. According to Gladding, museum and its personnel, art collection, final arrangements for the procurement of and programs. “It’s considerable,” he says the $12 million necessary for the project of the task noting that he still performs have been made. “I don’t know what Zach Klein/Old Gold and Black his duties as associate provost for the uni- the construction schedule will be,” he Hang it up versity and professor for the graduate says.
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