LIBERATION FRONT VOLUME - H. No. 4. DECEMBER, 1987. AND WHEN THE GIRL -CHI'LD WHO IS KILLED, ASKED (ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT) THAT FOR WHAT SIN SHE WAS SLAIN LIBERATION- FRONT HIDAYATULLAH MATEEN EDITOR -IN -CHIEF: B.A; LL B; LL. M. AFGHAN NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION INCLUDING AIR POSTAGE CONTENTS Page ANNUAL :US $ - 50 1. Afghan Problem in the THREE MONTHS : US $ 15 end of 1987 4 ANNUAL RS.. 50.00 2.A.N.L.F. Celebrated THREE MONTHS : Rs. 1 0. 00 Eid -i- Milad- un -Nabi 8 3.War in Afghanistan 10 Subscription to the "LIBERATION Dr. George Collins FRONT"isconsideredpurelya 4.Worldwide Demonstration contributiontotheAfghan Jehad against Soviet invasion 15 againsttheSovietinvasionof an Islamic,Non -aligned andsovereign 5. Soviet use Chemicals in Afghanistan: state of Afghanistan. Hidayatullah Mateen 17 Kindlysendyour 6. Rope carrier on Kunar River: subscription Inaugurated ordertotheMagazine'saddress. 21 7.Violation and barbarism retaliated LIBERATION FRONT with generosity: H. Abu Irfan 27 P. O. BOX 377 8.Jihad Fronts in brief PESHAWAR , 28 PAKISTAN 9.Global views on Afghanistan 33 Published ByCultural And Publication Committee Afghan National Liberation FrontPeshawar P. O. BOX- 377 DECEMBER, 1987 3 LIBERATION FRONT EDITORIAL. AFGHAN PROBLEM IN THE END OF198T THE INVASION, LOYA- JIRGA. UNITED NATIONS - RESOLUTIONS, MUJAHIDEEN LEADERS. AND REAGAN GORBACHEV SUMMITS! As a matter of fact The Soviet military intervention in Afghanistanhas been started from the coup d'etate of April 1978, in which the Sovietdirectly interfered. The Soviet Jet bombers flew straight -way from Tashkent air base and shelled the Presidetial Palace in Kabul- killing Daud Khan his family, security guard and some of the cabinet ministers present in the Palace. The Soviet troops were also airlefted in Kabul and Bagram Air -port on the same night of 26th April 1978. Thus, the Soviet forces took over the power on 27th April 1978, proclaiming Taraki as the puppet President of the socalled Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. However, the Russian administration could ndt satisfy with the policies of Taraki, Hafizullah Amin, and therefore, removed them one after another and paved the way for their direct military intervention and control of Afghanistan. On December 27, 1979, at 7.15 P.M. the Soviet troops that had been airlefted into Kabul, including AN -12, AN -22 and 357th Mechanized Rifle Division, made acoordinat- ing attack on key governmental installations of Hafizullah Amin, and two orthree more battalion. of tanks further moved towards the Darul -Aman Palace, where Amin withhis security guard had earlier moved on December, 22. The wing of the Palace was destroyed, the Soviet troops intered killed Amin and wiped out his security guard, on the rediculous plea that Amin had invited Soviet troops to defend Afghanistan against the foreign aggressors. The Kremline interest was neither involved in Taraki, nor in Amin and had no sympathy with Babrak, but the real goal of tiie Soviet . Leaders was to bring Afghanistan by any possible means under the sphere or their direct control. The Soviets conception in regard to Afghanistan was similar to that ofBukhara, which the Soviets invadldd conquered it in 1920. without any sufficient resistance from its people and ,ao` froî t th neighbouring states to oust the Soviet troops. In this respect,it has been (by a Pad' ani student who was studying at Moscow University that "In 1979, wh oil Afghanistan, a Russian student asked his professor to comment on the Afghan pro em. s reply was simple "Our troops were able to conquerAfghanistan with in a w . k ", profess /said. But after a year, Soviet Leaders themselves realized theirblunder the invasion of LIBERATION FRONT DECEMBER, 1987 Afghanistan, when they faced with tough resistance and received heavyblow from the Mujahid nation of Afghanistan. However, 27 April 1978, and 27 December 1979, are markedas the most unfortunate and dark days in the history of Afghanistan. LOYA JIRAGA: NAJIB ELECTED PRESIDENT: The announcement of Loya Jirga (Great Council),the election of Dr. Najib, as the President of Afghanistan, and the approval of the constitutionfor the country is another ridiculous and shameful declaration by the puppet, andunconstitutional Soviet backed regime in Afghanistan. Loya Jiraga (Great Council) in Afghanistan, accordingto the constitution, before the Soviet military intervention, compreised the membersof Parliament and the Chairmen of the Provincial Council, and the King or President hadalso the power to nominate and include some tribal Chiefs' elders, Professionals, spirituals andintellectuals to the national councils'. Loya Jirga was summoned by the Royal proclaimationor Presidential decree, to pass the constitution, elect head of the State, or to declare war or makepeace. Being a Soviet puppet and unconstitutional head of the State, howDr. Najib is com- petent to ,convlij.ya. Jirga (National Council) to elect himself President of Afghanistan. Moreover, who are remaining in the country to attend National Councilssuch as convened by puppet Najib? as the whole of Afghan intelligentsia have partly been killed,imprisoned by the Soviet puppet regime in Kabul and partly are living inexile in Pakistan, Iran, Europe and in the United States of America. Since the Afghan Mujahid nation has declared Jehad against the Sovietinvading troops in 1978, more than 1.2 million Afghan Mujahideen have beenmartyred, injured and disabl- ed, and 5.5 million more have fled the country and have sought refuge inPakistan and Iran, and the country has been turned into a bloody scene, by the Sovietexpansionists.It was a disgrace to Afghan Traditions to convene Loya Jirga while 120,000, Soviet Troopsare present in Afghanistan. The meeting convened by Najib, cannot be called a LoyaJiraga rather than a meeting of the paid servants of Soviets for the appointment of Najibas the puppet President of Afghanistgan. Since the puppet regime in, Kabul under theCommunist system of govern- ment has denied the right to life, liberty, security di personand freedon of expression to the Afghan Nation, how it is possible for the memberof National Council to go against the wishes of the Soviet puppet President in Kabul,the socalled Loya Jirga, the election of Najib and the passing of constitútion are thereforeillegaland unconstitunioal. THE UNITED NATIONS RESOLUTIONS: This is the ninth time since 1979, thatthe General Assembly of the UnitedNations has debated and passed the resolutionsin regard to the problem of Afghanistan. The Afghan Mtijáhid nation thanksall those member States who havesupported the resolution in the United Nations, particularly the Islamicrepublic of Pakistan whosegovern- ment, since the Soviet military intervention has stronglysupported the Afghan Mujahid nation in the-international arena. LIBERATION FRONT 5 DECEMBER, 1987 This year the resolution introduced by PakistanMinister of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Zain Noorani, sponsored by 48 Islamic andnonaligned countries and supported by all freedom- loving nations secured 123 votes in 159 membersAssembly, calling for the politi- cal settlement of the Afghan problem based on theimmediate withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, and the return of the Afghanrefugees to their homeland in "safety and honour." The delegation of the Mujahideen leaders called the resolution," the conscience of the world ". However, thé adoption of a resolution with absolutemajority of 123 votes in the 159 members Assembly, and calling unanimously onSoviet to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, proves beyand doubt, that theSoviet military intervention in Afghanistan is a clear violation of the charter of theUnited Nations. But, despite the passage of nine years, since itsmilitary intervention, Soviet has ignored all the resolutions adopted in the UnitedNations. It is therefore, believed that the adop- tion of resolutions and calling the Soviet forthe withdrawal of its forces is not the construc- tive approach to the settlement of theAfghan problem. If the 123 States who have supportedthe resolution on Afghainstan, sincerely desire th withdrawal of Soviet troops, Soviet is notsuch a mighty power of the world to ignore the demand of 123 member States, of UN, anddelay the withdrawal. of her troops from Afghanistan. The Mujahid nation of Afghanistantherefore, strongly appeal to the memberStatesof the United Nations, those who arein favour of the Afghan problem, to besettled, to bring political and economical pressure onSoviet, and use force against the invaders toevacuate Afghanistan immediately. MUJAHIDEEN LEADERS: A delegation of the leadersof Afghan Mujahideen consists ofPeer Sayed Ahmad Al- Mojaddedi, Maulvi MohammadNabi Muhammadi, Gailani, Hazrat Prof. Siöghatullah by their re- while Prof. Burhanuddin Rabóaniand some other leaders were represented, presentatives visited United States of Americaunder the chaimanship .of Maulvi Mohammad authorities, and to Younus Ithalis, to discussthe Afghanistan problem with the concern convince free world to support the Afghanproblem in the United Nations. kind of The delegation representing AfghanMujahideen and Muhajireen, received every assurance of support forAfghan Mujahideen, fighting Sovietforces, from the freedom -lov- It was pledged that the assistancethey providing for the AfghanMujahideen ing nations. would be able to will be strengthened rather thandiminished so that the freedom fighters continue their Jehad and tofight effectively for thé freedom of their country. In an interview they said "TheRussians
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