SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY (Here in books onlyare mentioned. Journals and periodicals referred to have been mentioned at the relevant places in the thesis. Their separate list is not given.) SECTION A : BiBL 1.0 GRAPHICAL Gallup, Donald, T.S. Eliot : A Bibliography (1952. London : Faber and Faber, 19 69) Martin, Mildred, A Half-Century of Eliot Criticism : An Annotated Bibliograp h y 11916-19 6 5)^ (19 7 2, L on d on : K a ye anTFard'', 1973). S1.CT.I ON B : MA J_gR WORKS BY I.._S, ELIOT LLe Sacred Wpod (1920. London; Methuen, 1976) For Lancelot Andrewes: Essays on Style and Order (London : F"aber""an'd" Faber", igjQy^ S_e_I.?-!?..1 jd Essays (1932. London : Faber and Faber, 1980). lb..? Use of P .o.e t r y a.O_d the y s e of C r it i c_.i..s_m (1933. London : Faber and Faber, 1975) bJ..l..?.I. Sj:.CaD5.e Gods :A P..r„i.m_er of M.pc!er_n Heresy_. (London : Fiber and'?'aber7 19 3 4). CjDllected Poems (1909 - 1935) (London : Faber and Faber, i 9 3 6 ) . Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (London Faber and Faber7 ig'sg")"; ' The Idea of a Christian Society (London : Faber and Faber, 19 39) " • N.0t..e..s T0wards the Definition of Culture (London Faber and Faber, 19 4 8) The Complete Poetry and Plays (1909 - 1950) (London : Faber and Faber, 1952 ) Q..n P .P...e. ..t r y a n d Poets (1957. London :Faber and Faber, 1979) 428 Q.ol.l..?...?ll.d PJ_a.yj (London :Faber and Faber, 1962). Collected Poems (1909 - 1962) ( 1963. London : Faber and Fa be 77197 7) K.n..ow..L?.d..9j? ^.D..4 ^.AP..?j..i3.R9.3. ID Lb..? P..b.1.1.0.§..?.£by of F.....,H... Bx..3-il.]...?..y (London : Faber and Faber, 1964). To Criticize the Criti_c and 0thejr Writings (London : Faber and pabe7", Y9 65). " ""' P.o..?J..§ W.r....i...LL?..n i.D L^l..Ll.y Yp.yjtji ed. Valerie Eliot (London : Faber and Faber 19 67). Lb..§ C_o.!!!.P.I.e. t..e Poems and PI ays of T., S_,. E J _i q _t (1969. London Faber and Faber, ). S_e .l...e.c..t e d P_r.o s e of T . S . E J .j q t ed. Frank Kermode (London : Faber and Faber, 1975). SECT ION C : y..O.GRAPHI.E.S Ackroyd, Peter, T . S. Eliot (London : Hatnish Hamilton 1984). Bergonzi, Bernard, T.S. Eliot (New York : Macmillan, 1972). Gordon, Lyndall, Eliot's Early Years (Oxford : Oxford Uni­ versity Press, 197 7) Gordon, Lyndall, Eliot's New Life (Oxford : Oxford Universi­ ty Press, 1988). Sencourt, Robert, T.... S.. E .1 i _p t : A M e j_.q i r ed.Donald Adamson (London : Garnstone Press, 1971) Spender, Stephen, Eliot (Glasgow : Fontana, 1975) S.E.C.T Ig.N p : WOR.KS ON AND R.E.L.AT I,NG T.P Jj^,,, ELIOT Abrams, M.H., The M.i..r..rqr ajid t_he Lj.tP (1958. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1981). Abrams, M.H., N_.a. ..tu r a 1 Ly.RJLI.D-.a..L .y...r.. a 1 i s m (London : Oxford University Press, 1971). Abrams, M.H. ed, E.n 9.1 .i s h R.o.m a n t ic Poets (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1975.) 429 Alldrit, Keith, Eliot's Four Quartets : Poetry as ChaMber Music (London : Wotjurn Press, 1978). Babbitt, Irving, Rousseau and RPm a n t i c i s m (1919. New York : Meridian Books, 1955). Baker, Carol, The Echo ing Green (Princeton; New Jeresy : Princeton University Press 1984). Bayley, John, The Romantic Syr viva 1 (London : Bedient, Calvin, He Dp t_h e P,pJ_ i c_e in D1 f _f ere ri t Vices : The Waste Land and Its Prpiagpn.i,st (Chicago : University of C: h i c a g 0 P re s s , 19 86). Bergonzi, Bernard, ed; T . S . E l..i..o.t j, Four Q u a..r t. e t s : A Casebook (London : Mactnillan, 1969). Bergonzi, Bernard ed, The I w_e.n t ie t h Century Sphere Hist or y 9.1 kit.e..r.3.ture Vol. 7, (London : Sphere Books, 1970) Birje-Patil, J; Beneath the AAl.er.t.Le.e (New Delhi : Macmil- lan India 1977). Blake, William, Cpjp 1 ete W,r,.l_till.9-§ ed; Geoffery Keynes (1957. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1976). Blamiers, Harry, Word ynheard ; a Guide through Elipt.!...s Four Quartets (London : Methuen, 1969). Bolgan, Anne C, Wha.t The Thunder Rj.a.ll.y Said (Montreal : Queen's University Press, 1973). Bloom, Harold, Yeats (1970. New York : Oxford University Press, 1978). Bernstein, George, T r a n s f o r m a _t i p n s of R P_!T!. an tic is m in Y e a t s j Eliot and Stevens (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 19 7 8'). ' Braybrook, Neville, (ed.) T ..S_..' Eliot : A S y mp o s i u m for His Le..v..en11 eth Birthday (London : Rupert Hark-Davies, 1958). Brett R.L. Fancy and Imaginat i_o_n (1969. London Methuen, 1973) . 430 Brown, Martin, The Making of 1..^A.^ Ll.iP..L'...s Plays (London : Cambridge University Press, 1969). Bush, Ronald, T . S . E.1 J..o t : A s t y.dy i jn Character and Style (New York : Oxford University Press, 1983). Cahill, Audrey F, I ....S..; Eliot a_n_d t_h e Hum an Pi ejd i c a m e n t (Natal : University ofNatal Press, 1967). Chandaran, K. Narayan, S in 3.e r in the City. S t y d i e s in M P d e r..D American Poetry. (Hyderabad : A SRC, n.d.) Chiary, Joseph, I... S.. E1 ip t : P.ci.e t and P.] .a.y..w r i a h j: (London : Vision Press, 1972). Clark, Graham, ed. T ....S_. EJ_.i p t :..C..r i t i c a 1 A s.s e s s m e n t s 4 Vols. (London : Christopher Helm, 1990). Clearfield, Andrew, Mark, J..h.es_e Fj;i!..9.!!!.'?-D-^..s I h.ave 5ho.red • ..C.o..l..,.l.j3_9..e and M .0 .n t .a g.e in E a.r.Li? M o d e_r ji i s t P..o.e t r y (Ann Arbor, Michigan : UMI Research Press, 1984). Coleridge, S.T. The P..pe.ms of S....I,. Cple.r..ldge ed. E.H. Coler­ idge (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1912.). Coleridge S.T. Bigg rag hi a L ..i_t era ria ed. J. Showcross (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 190 7). Copper, John, I... ..S..; E1 i p t and the P.p_l. i t i c_s of V p ic e : The !?(.!I..9..yJ,e.,r},1; 9.1 Lb..!? Waste L._a_nd (Ann Arbor, Michigan : UMI iRe- search Press, 19 87) Cox, C.B., and Hinchliffe A., ed. T . S . E1 ip t : A C a.?? bp o k (London : Macmillan, 1968). Dante, Aligheri, The Divine (^.omedy trans. Henry Francis Cary (U.S. : Double day , f 9 4 5') Davidson, Harriet, T.S_. E.LiP..t an.d He rjeneutic^^ : A.b.s.ence 3ricl L.OJ...e...r..P.r...e. t...a..t ip n in The W a s t_e L..a n.d (London : Louisiana State University Press, 1985). Drew, Elizabeth, Ir...S.. Eiipt : T,h.e D,e.s.igr| pf His P..p..et.ry (1950. London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1954.). Eliot, Valerie, ed. The Waste L.a n d : A F a c s im i] e and T r a n - ?..c....r...1. P.t of 0 r ig in a 1 0..r a f t .s (London : Fat3er and Faber, 1971). 431 Eliot, Valerie, ed. The Let t_e r. s of T .. S., El.i..o t V oj _, 1. LlJMlll.?!.) (London : Faber and Faber, 1988) Ellman, Maud, The Poetics of Impersonal i ty ; T _. S. Eliot and Ezra P.pund (Brighton, Sussex : the Harvester Press, 1987) Ellman Richard and Fieldelson, Charles, Jr. ed. The MP..d_e.rn Tradil.io.n (1965 New York : Oxford University Press, 1977) Faulkner, Peter, llo d e r nj s m, The Optical Idiom Series (London : Methuen, 19 77)' Frazer, James, The Golden Bp_ugh : A Study in Mi!..g...i..c and Religion (London: Macmillian, Ist. ed. 2 vols. 1890; 2nd ed. 3 vols. 1900; 3rd ed. 12 vols. 1911-15) Frye Northrop, T.. S. EJj p t (London : Oliver and Boyd. 1963) Frye Northrop, ed. R p m a n t i_c i sjn Reconsidered (1963 New York : Columbia University Press, 1966) Furst, Lilian, Rpmanticism, The Critical Idiom Series, (London : Methuen , f959) "' Gardner, Helen, The Art of T. S. Eliot (1949 London: Faber and Faber, 1975) Gardner, Helen, The Composition of Four Quartets (London Faber and Faber, fg 7 8 ) " Garvin, Harry, (ed.) Rp m a njt i_c isjn_, Modernism and Pp.sl - m p_d e_r n - i sjn (London : Bucknell University Press, i980) George, A. G., T . S. Eliot : His M.i _n d and Art (1962 Bombay : Asia Publishing House, 1969) Gish, Nancy, Time in the Poetjy of T. S. Eliot (London Macmillan, 1981) " " " Gish, Nancy, The Waste LJD-?! • ^. P..Q.6J Q.I Me_mpry and Desire (Boston : Twayne Publishers, 1988) Gitting, Robert, ed. Letters Pf Jp.h_n Keats (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1970) Gleckner, and Enscoe, ed.
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