F_ USAID - TUNISIA COMPLETED PROJECTS 1957- 1968 I tLI. L"eattnehed €omilation representt an effort to provide a rief a-wwmay ead 6)luatio- of al projeets JpIti 'ed md Completed by USAD (and Its predecessor agenies) In mmsia between 1957 ad 1968. Every" effort hs been mde to desoribe s aomwartely as possible the var ,.uw projects viderbakandwig this 9eiod an thze basis of the flies currentlyhua/-d available at USAID/Tim!sia%. mrch 19m is Imsed an reorts preaxed at the time of the projectst Coup!etion or I/n 1966D when the inltial effort was mder­ durig the latter par of CY 1968. Completed Projects SAIDTai-usia 2957 - 1968 6a1 1-180-01 Aid to Comercial Pisheries 6A:i26-0 Nrheting Survey 664- 0c Workers Taining for Key S flas 66-- -79o0oo Training in INblia end Du3zess Administration 66415-230=co6 Ceramic Development & Dons=tration 66-n- 99 007 Avudo-Visual Eqvdyimeat 66 nu1 ,oooS 6cC Agriatu al sstenssa (Streagthening AgricLdturl Servie 66i&4l3q0i3SO TMining in Raloead Repfir Shope 664I170=100t1e Sl feety Program 664-ui6 aoon ERural Teacher Training 6624a11-92o013 Iadustz,121 Lean ?und Adviscr 5TB 66l4o11-130-015 BMan~a Demonstration 664-U-~33007 Advisor to Tunisian Naticr1 Railrad 664-3fl42o-0l9 Assistance to Xr'r1eation Crops 66 -i 30=027 Crp Production Iproeament 66-nlo66aO01 TnsIan University Study Team 664 - 0=50=022 Gernmant Manpouar Siuney 664-32 .0-023 Trade Union Leadership Training 66&-ni-no-=0A Agrieutural Leader Team 66-1Ait6di5 Diad-o=Vi lMM Center 66k=finl3o0=26 a&p Strengtheningof Animl Production 664 U-2l30=07 Poltry Improemant 664-:ll2600C8 ]Pesh Fruit&Vegetable Marketing 66ii=720-031 Training in Nationfl P a ing 664-3= 290=032 frAstrial Develent service 66Jf7lJ45 033 Training of social Security Specialists 66i-r-%69O-03Z.0 Eelsh LangnageiTinlig (3ourgdba School Ofg 664;-n -269-o33 Ladntrial Crafts Cettew 664pl2-l2o-o36 Water Remaources for DrIlling 50 Wells 66I-ufl3.O37 A-C Frtat & Vegetable Produetion 661,-zi=2o-3-0o 664-21i-130-038 Key-Insectoiks Cotrol 6l"f1-110-039 ArieulturalTaning Survey Team Xe~%_ 66fl4- 3oI4O crass~and Xpprovement 664-n-no-oka Support for the Superior school of Agriculture 66ht-n46o-&.5 marapoer InfrmatIoa & Employment srvices 664ua730soh6 Imgrinjment, of Genrnt tfigeting &Accounting 66I4flo73O0.047 Assistance to the Fonetions Plabliquae 664-n-c"01-o.8 Technical Film Library 66l4-fl-270-050 Nmwgement Services Ceater, 66l-52-1o~.5l :Industrial Iftrgement Training 66 =l5-=280o- Participznt Training for Industry7 EGbinfie25oao54 DeBalinization of Erackish Water 66'4-ml-370=057 CSiUII Aviation Impmrwcait 664o-fi 20s3 XIprov-ement of Cued EfLMDa 664-n-no-a~o6o Netsaous Irrigation 66~&~2-22-o~aIrwiation of the Kairothi V~I= 664!-1-120063 Draime of El.Asib Pin 66"5-;-6.o-okt4ria= Oocuaptiosa1 TMuigig Center 66k4l-kOn-0065 JEaablishiUg Wo?erst Education Center 6642=8zo-o67 A&3 .RtaX and Udrban zoig 66!ti -690-69 erstnaction of Scieiatinftc Tech, &Vocatiov *e. Bdgsa. 664 ,10640070Asilnting Tunisian Te-t h04IZ Pflpeartion 6.6kfl'.k~n02 EI.mcnarySchool ASai1tiie 6641-50-75Stweagthenillg Secondarzr Tdical,Education ­ 66 -2-320-07-3*, Rod Ymproventent ProJot 66b4y.e-2J2O.79 Dragme and Irnorowent of the Plain Of Selimia laierd$a 66,11280080- " .Beilized Training of leetrical Engineer 662412,~ baMnage of the Sidi Ynqadow iegion 661 ka12n120e82 Dkrame of Ron Arada PMain 46ks22aa120-083 - Drainage of Sauk Es 5efW -Pkdhi 66k~4se-nloo8h Drainage or Bled.El Gh'orf1 6W i-2--5 1rw.ovtsion of Equipment '- Minenmancei of Prtiii bVtJnage catI 66Z-3 O-o5rrigtion of Cued fe PRmter * 64132O9O87 -Irrigetion of Sidi Baon z±&P4a'n & oaittg 664: 12-690 08M v 3L ment for Sejezifiq TeAlalCTa-,Ahi &Vo:,iS Xmditutions &Proving .tJUde rground Water -w. ,-C -6~2:70O090 .@Oyn Tr~ee Watexleg E _mneat 664,n 3ao2o00, lfrimge of Sebkba 2136 r&.flain 66642.520-093 , r,.oving Water Suly-o for Rfl..estic &AIMI U8se 664.4i2ao94 9i.Eu$&ipnA-t of Smafl Water wefLp in Central &-Southex~n \Tunisfr. 6kefa12e09 flcodControl of the Bayech River 6i-iW52OeO96 /.'impotdng Djsdetda Water"Sujj.y 16442-i2-OO97 Ez plova tion of Undertound %ter Resources of th Gabts Area 664-232-30-09 Irrigation of the Sbliba.Regia * 6032e120..099 Newzel Don Zelfa Irzigatica project "66 - 2-32olo1 Draluage of the SoliMM Vzaiu 66t e.f-p-O-lQ2 Mr'zovemat of IrrigztIon Facil~tiee of Presqut'1io of' Kebili 64te-2l2O 3 Development of Small Water sorees 66t*-I2-L4go-1oI PA1 Reonwnie Daeeownet Tbrougb Work Relief 66 -3¢2ao 5 La Souhra Irrigation 664-n-225-lo6 Ertension of Tunis-La Baa Telephone Lines 6W4 -3-220-107 Thmee Hydro-Eletrie Sureys 664---oiOo8 Bado lood Control 6641-690109 Montfleuy School Domitory Project 66El-n- 0-fl0 Aecjaisition of xydravue Eqipment 66&n-5204Oflll Iu aovement of Dionastir Water Supply 661 5280412 Practical Ehperience for DMgineering Gzduate 6a6-2-22ol 664w,2-20-3-l ectrifictoaControl for =gathe V fs Bllge kof Area2nftii EL Djem 66-2-170-315 A-G _eOfe.estatlon of Seleated Areas 664,nm-i -16 Soil Surveys of Sel*ted &rao 664-12-5go-117 LiatIonal Blood Bant 6i-2-120-IB -Develoyment of Enfidaville Domain 66f4-i2-32o-fl9 Deueloyrent of Privat Wells and Cisters E64-lleloo -- ITa.sion of Foreign 1suraeries 664-n-o-nZ edjerda Valley Develpmeat 66-3 IMPovement of Regcml elephone Networks 664-L1-660-323 Teacher Tvaining 664-in=990-324 Hotel TranndnLourism Developmet 661-la-120-125 Development of Oedn74.2h Basin 66f-LI-170-126 Beforesttion of the Blogcds 6614-a320-327 S1R-Water SUOPpl 661 3.2-520-328 A-E Urban Water & Sege Systena 664-A2-6o9o-229 A-H Tech, & Professional School, Construction & EquiL-pent 664-n1-290-3 Modeirization of Topoapblo Services 66olln-79013l Assistance to Tunisfta Gveement in Recruitment of Technical Personnel (Ladgham Plan) 66-22 0-13 A-E mectrification Program 66h-soS-Ol33oFod Protection of 6 6 lokcmie 4-.1520=P--134 mnoving Water Sug!lr. of the Central Sahel 66I4sfla39oel35 Egineering Studies PdZb Works 66&fni-32o.-136 Zaad Bo'tmda Studies 664-n-66o-157 TfaM.ing for Bsiness Careers 664-n-a34s 0 13 Poept .improvement. - Mahdia 66 - -225o139 Com-munications mprorvemeat - P.ToT, 664-2-120-342 Agricultural Stud Engineering Pfame 66412-22-4k~ A-H Combined SmanL frrigatie &land Developaent 66i42fl01t = Agrionitural school Dze'eiopinn 66b-4i-3lh116 Tranalportatioa CRoad Constvaction Equimaert) 66b-31-2-90147 Agricultural SuppMort Eqintdot 64-213o.-1h Crop Development Assiaaes M-12--I0-Ag Diversion Dam for Water Spreading - la Metbzst% 66tF.2 20-15o Su mrmental Water Spp2 (Yasserine) 66$-n-66-153 U.S. University Educati 6641-12-170-157 Fitaion of*Sand Dunes 66.,2-520-159 A-C 2mpnovemeyt of Donestie & Rural Water Supply 6632..ano-16o Av%CE VembIned Flood Control & Drame 6a-2l-830-161 StbilIzed Soil Demostratiom 664-f-750166 Ipravement of Accounting Procedures (Assistance to U1170 Business Center) 6 -n-i0A1x7o Assistance to Coupezatives 6641-5-33o-17l Sooit de Fo derle et do Hgeanique (SOFME,=) 661-xn-26o0172 Ineresed A~icultural Utilimtion of Phosplate Fertilzers 661 &f-T20-173 2conomie Development Plamning Assistance 6A-56-230-174 SfiaX Gafsa COMrjny 66k~-R-99s-16 Emergency Relief The Mission's files so Iager coutain any mte Ias On this project; as a easequeces no report. could be preiAged. 66Lf-l..990-77 Disaster Relief 664-e2-420e1B0 OceeIrtioma1 Trainin~g Cates 64.2-23o-.68 &g~leicmlra School colatwlatin 664-52-230l3t& 300U ationals TURIStenne do Ce'flunose (BNTC) 664isif-6go-185 PwS~nry and Secoaflary Sttavl Conbtruction 66-,32-820n187 AlarosinRae.tee Relief (Tile II) 664-2s-220-193 Dev loun of Ousd Gabes 66224-20-194 Soil and Water Conservatml 664.22-170-201 R etaeio Program 6640-2-830-203 &Ea2Cooperative NoassIng 664xe330-A216. Tusan Disaster Relef 66-u23-.930-216 SoeIMt Tuuiso-Mndrieaine do Ddreloppment 66R.L.22-310c2P27 REtad Ccoastrtzctieu and Zzupovement 664-26-2-3o-25o He~dmatrie - fliflw-O.I Plant C66-E-oso) 66h-e2a 1704 52 Reforeatation Program 66ts.2a2-)22 531 Soea Conervation Param Project No.: 66-1l-180o-001 Project Title Aid to Commercial Fisheries Project Dates: 6/29/57 - 8/23/6,3 Contribution: U.S. (TC/DG) $126,000 (Countetpart/Grant) 370,000 GOT (Dollar equiv.) $1714,000, Objective The target of this activity was to improve fishing methods, expand existing fisheries to include new areas and/or species, and improve the processing and distribution methods as a means of improving the Tunisian diet, providing increased seasonal employment for a large number of workers and contribute to the generation of foreign exchange. Results Under the project, a U.S. Fisheries Advisor and a third-country fishing expert were provided, assistance was given in the design and installation of a fishmeal plant in Mahdia to utilize fisheries industry waste miterials, and the use of new equipment such as mechanical net haulers, echo sounders, etc. was introduced. In addition, U.S. and GOT funds were utilized for the pro­ curement of a dredge to maintain adequate depths in the lagoons, a sardine vessel and four trawlers. Evaluation The project was successful in demonstrating hat offshore trawl fishing was more productive than in-shore fishing, new types of underwater lights were superior to the old types, the introduction of mechanical net haulers improved operations, and increased catches of sardines became possible through the introduction of the echo sounder. Review (October 1968) The four trawlers, sardine vessel and dredge are operating well and serve the purposes for which they are intended.
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