Friday, SeptemberNEWS 17, 2004 Technique • Friday, September 17, 2004 • 1 “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” Why can that professor See if Tech can keep up its win- fail you with impunity? ning streak against UNC this ECHNIQUE Tenure explained. week. TVolume 90, Issue 9 • 36 pages • ONLINE www.nique.net page 16 page 31 FOCUS SPORTS Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 Opinions 10 · Focus 13 · Entertainment 21 · Comics 28 · Sports 36 Tuition increase likely Regents expected to okay midyear tuition hike “If I were a Why tuition will probably go up next semester By Haining Yu betting per- Assistant News Editor son, I would The state legislature changed a payroll probably say policy that effectively cut $180 million Due to Gov. Sonny Perdue’s from state agencies. there will decision to recall a “payroll shift,” Tech, along with the 33 other be [a mid- The University System now faces a $68 year tuition million shortfall. institutions in the University increase].” System of Georgia, is now poised To offset the shortfall by laying off to see an unprecedented midyear —Institute personnel, the University System would increase in tuition this spring. President have to fire roughly 1,700 people. At the Oct. 12 and 13 meet- Wayne Clough ing of the Board of Regents that A tuition hike is the remaining option. will take place on Tech Campus, Chancellor Thomas Meredith State funding levels per Tech student over the last five years will most likely recommend a possible 10 percent increase in tuition for next semester. The increase, if approved by $14,000 the Board, will be the first time that the state of Georgia has seen a midyear tuition hike in its schools. $13,500 The “payroll shift” originally planned for this fiscal year would have deferred the final June $13,000 2005 paycheck for all Georgia illy Rabbit, Jobs employees until the beginning SAre for Kids: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 of July. The annual Career Fair came See Tuition, page 9 to campus this past Monday and Tuesday, draw- ing well-dressed Senate campaign begins students armed By Michael Handelman Graduate students vote for can- day at the picnic, we have had a with resumes. The Contributing Writer didates within their respective moderate response so far, and Trix Rabbit was on schools. that is consistent with what we hand to represent The campaign period for Graduate students who sought see,” Norville said. General Mills on Graduate Senate elections is a seat in the Senate had to fill out Although this year’s trends the floor, while a now underway. Online voting an application verifying their in application turn-ins are Michelin employee begins Mon., Sept. 20 and runs eligibility. While a publicity consistent with previous years, demonstrated until midnight Wed., Sept. 22. campaign composed of banners, there may be an extension to a Segway at his Response to the call for Senate newspaper advertisements and e- the deadline to submit applica- company’s booth. candidates has been “moderate,” mails was conducted to advertise tions. According to Norville, a according to Internal Develop- candidate sign-ups for the elec- determination is made “[if] we’re ment and Elections chair Pelham tion, the graduate student picnic going to fill a significant portion Norville. garnered the most enthusiastic of our senate seats…and if we A fixed number of Senate response. didn’t, we’d consider extending By Stephen Marek / STUDENT positions are available to full- “Since the majority of people PUBLICATIONS time students in good standing. have picked up a packet on Fri- See Senate, page 7 New lab researches early cancer detection Alumnus killed in Iraq fighting By Alexandra Pajak me.” Contributing Writer The OCI lab is located in the Tyler H. Brown, a 26-year-old Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioen- Tech alumnus, was killed this week The Ovarian Cancer Institute gineering and Bioscience. in fighting in central Iraq. According (OCI) Lab opened Sept. 8 at Tech. Benigno, a gynecological oncolo- to the Defense Department quoted Drs. John McDonald, Ph.D. gist, has worked in Atlanta for over in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Benedict B. Benigno, M.D., 25 years. Brown was a first lieutenant in the supervise the research goal of the The development of a reliable diag- Army. institute: developing diagnostic tests nostic test for ovarian cancer stands as Brown served as student body and treatments to better detect and a primary goal for the new lab. “One president in 1999-2000. He earned fight ovarian cancer. of our primary objectives is to de- a dual degree in Management and The opening of the OCI lab velop a single, easy-to-use blood test History, Technology and Society. followed the appointment of Mc- that could be part of every woman’s gy- He was a member of Kappa Alpha Donald as Tech’s new chairman of nocological check-up in the doctor’s fraternity and he was also enrolled the biology department. McDonald office to detect early stage ovarian in ROTC. Upon graduation, Brown formerly served as a geneticist at the cancer,” said Anne Morgan. Morgan was commissioned and served in University of Georgia. Already the works as the director of administra- South Korea before going to Iraq. head of the OCI based in Atlanta, tive and fundraising developments Information regarding the time and McDonald is also a member of of the OCI. place of a memorial service was not Georgia Research Alliance’s Bioin- McDonald said the new lab available at press time. formatics Committee. reflects continuing growth of Next week, the Technique will of- By Stephen Marek / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS McDonald said, “The OCI was Tech’s biology department. “It’s fer an in-depth look at Brown as well Researcher Lilya Matyunina trains new graduate student Masahin already established while I was as other students and alumni who are Kajita in the Ovarian Cancer Institute Lab located in the IBB. at UGA. The institute came with See Cancer, page 7 serving in the armed forces. 2 • Friday, September 17, 2004 • Technique NEWS From the files of the GTPD... Technique Online Voice your opinion! Last issue’s question received 107 responses. What do you think of Tech’s NCAA violation? Crime Reports Theft (continued) Controlled substances The NCAA is too picky. 9/8/2004 13:27:00 hrs. 9/10/2004 2:12:00 hrs. Who cares? - 4% Location: Woodruff Dining Hall Location: Towers residence hall It was only 17 out 894. What Incident: Offender arrested for Incident: Students in possession of shoplifting. drug-related objects. Not bad! - 14% violation? - 12% 9/9/2004 10:54:00 hrs. 9/10/2004 0:45:00 hrs. Forgery-fraudulent Location: Student Center Location: Freeman residence hall 9/8/2004 15:53:00 hrs. Incident: Report of a stolen bicycle. Incident: Report of alcohol posses- Location: 48 Fifth Street 9/9/2004 21:25:00 hrs. sion. Incident: Report of printing and executing counterfeit checks. Location: 781 Marietta Street Battery Incident: Report that a 1996 Honda Accord was entered and items were 9/10/2004 18:38:00 hrs. Tech was right in Theft taken. Location: Student Center loading 9/8/2004 7:51:00 hrs. dock self-reporting - 70% 9/10/2004 11:47:00 hrs. Location: O’Keefe main building Incident: Offender arrested for ob- Location: Skiles Incident: Report of stolen comput- struction of officer, simple battery Incident: Burglary: report of stolen ers and cameras. and giving a false name . checks. By Lauren Griffin / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS This week’s question: 9/8/2004 7:52:00 hrs. 9/10/2004 13:20:00 hrs. 9/11/2004 2:39:00 hrs. What did you do to survive your first week of tests? Location: Curran parking deck Location: Woodruff South Location: 1030 McMillan Street Tell us at www.nique.net Incident: Report that a 2004 Suzuki Incident: Report of stolen building Incident: Report of a physical GSX R1000 motorcycle was stolen. floor plans. altercation. Corrections • Last week, the Technique incor- rectly reported the major of a student who commited suicide. The student was a Chemistry major, not a Chemi- cal Engineering major. The Technique welcomes your com- ments and suggestions, as well as information about errors that call for correction. Messages may be emailed to [email protected]. Letters to the editor may be directed to the same address, or to opinions@technique. gatech.edu. NEWS Technique • Friday, September 17, 2004 • 3 Council Clippings Senate and House Representatives find account total smaller than reported By Stephen Baehl is, however, more in line with last News Editor year’s starting Prior Year account total, which was around $140,000. The undergraduate SGA meet- So, the SGA was left with about the ing began with what at first seemed same amount of money for Prior like a sobering report as Treasurer Year, which funds most bills, as last Ambika Bumb said the account total year. However, Bumb did caution for Prior Year needed to be adjusted. representatives about their spend- Instead of the roughly $260,000 ing. She said SGA has already spent listed as available in the account, about 13 percent of its money from the number was half that, along the the account for this year. lines of $130,000. The Capital Outlay account, The situation was not as grim as which is used to fund requests for it first appeared. The problem arose things like equipment that is meant from a miscommunication between to last a long time, is of the reported the budgeting office and SGA, said size, according to Bumb. “We’ve JFC chair David Andersen.
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