University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-25-1921 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-25-1921 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-25-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/426 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY " CITV EDITION MCMWINfi JOTTRNAT: EDITION ALBUOUEKO.IJF,w i YKAK PAGES TODAY IV HlltTV.RK('0U f Q PACKS TODAY IV Dully by Currier or Mull. n:,c a Month VOL. CLXXI. No. 86. 18 TWO SECTIONS New December 25, 1921. Albuquerque, Mexico, Sunday, IO TWO SECTIONS HlnglP Copies R( DELEGATES AR E All TRAVEL III A QUIET CHRISTMAS 25 DEAD, SCORES On This the Promise of Universal Peace IS IN PROSPECT FOR Holy Day PRESIDENT AND WIFE DIVIDED AS 10 II E REACHES War-Wear- y INJURED, HUGE Gomes to the of the World Washington, Dec. A quiet Peoples Christmas at the White House was in prospect tonight fur FUTUR IE STAMDARD I'resldent and Mrs. Harding. The president it is expected, PROPERTY LOSS n &arihPec-Good'iWg- fl will attend services tomorrow at p-Q- Toward Calvary liaptist church and will Planes Have All the Con- return to the White House for Menglj a dinner, which it is understood 0F1I1ES veniences of Passenger will ho entirely private and In- TOLLfSTOl formal, l'arcels and packages Speed of 130 which have been received this of Trains; Some Members American Miles week, however, aro evidence Eastern an Hour Attained. that the of will Arkansas, Upper - Discour- thoughts many Group Appear- he with the Harding household Mississippi and Louisiana (By The AmHwInlfd Frran.) on Over the of Christmas day. A huge in aged Prospect Paris' Dec. 24. Ample proof turkey gobbler, left over from Its Path; One Village An Early Settlement. that travel by air has now reached Thanksgiving gifts, which has Leveled, the same luxurious standards as held a status of pet in tho Reported Whito J FRENCH travel by land was given In the House grounds during APANESEAND the intervening weeks, COMMUNICATION WITH seventh annual aero salon held ; dining BLOCKING COMPROMISE sumptuously every day from here. taliln scraps and luncheon rem- DISTRICT SHUT OFF No longer need prospective ai" nants furnished by guards and British Accept American travelers hesitate for lack of con- - police Interested in his fate, was in good shape for VJ(JV.ICU I1UIICI ol Willi Proposal: France Refers veniencc, comfort and, experts say. a tonight also from fire and sudden demise. In roasted Physicians and Nurses, safety. Danger form, according to the kitchen It to Paris: Stands j Japan engine trouble has been reduced to Houad. he will have the place Has Been Dispatched to for a minimum by the latest inventions of honor tomorrow at tho Whito In aviation. Promoters of eontl- - t House dinner. the Stricken Area, Th nental air transportation guarantee (Uy Pre.) Jn (Py The AMitrlated ) Washington, Deo. 24 the As- smootner travel through the air (by at a speed of 125 miles an hou.' New Orleans, La., Dec. 24. sociated An ef- Press). American than is possible to experience on ITALIANS ARE Twenty-fiv- e dead, scores injured fort to compromise tho submarine even the slowest of trains. and huge property damage is the controversy failed of Immediate The airplane will play a most storm east- success con- toll of a which struck today before the arms important part In the Red Crosi toro ference naval committee when work of wars. ern Arkansas last night and future Air operat- DENIED RETRIAL and Japan refused to depart from the ing rooms with full equipment through upper Mississippi 3' ratio proportion of submer-sible- s and air ambulances for less urgent Louisiana, during the early hours for her fleet and French ac- cases are a practical reality. Sev- of today, according to incomplelo tion was deferred pending advices eral hundred machines were shown information from tho devastated from Paris. to IN MURDER prove this, one a complete aero CASE areas tonight. Wires are down and When the committee adjourned hospital, accommodating two pa- after four hours debate to meet tients on stretchers, a doctor and virtually all communication with again next Tuesday, some members an the storm area is shut off. v 'assistant with complete oper- The of Union of the American group appeared ating necessities. Including a table. Sacco and Vanzetti Lose village Spencer, discouraged over the prospect of The parish, Louisiana, about 150 miles biggest stabilizing appliances Their from was almost entirely an early agreement on submarines, permit the surgeon to operate First Skirmish in Monroe, nlthough are to con- leveled with a loss, it is reported, of negotiations while the machine goes through Their to Aside one urc. tinue. space at 100 miles an hour. There Fight Set Plan. The home of E. L. Shean, on Compromise were several air ambulances-wit- Verdict of Jury. four miles , The American compromise plan, space for two or four wounded Rayou Bartholomew, after effort northwest of Bastrop, Morehouse presented tho British soldiers. (Hy Tlie AHsiM'Intod was demolished. for complete suppression of sub- The last word In l'rn.) parish, completely deluxe air Dedhum, Mass., Dec, 24. Nicola Mrs. Mary Spain, wife of E. L. marines had been shelved propos- travel is a tremendous machine Sacco and Hartolomoo Vanzetti, ed no. 000-to- n Spain, manager of the Tiedale limitations for Great built to carry twenty-fou- r passen- convicted of the murder of a pay- Hritaln and the In- plantation on which the house United States gers at a speed of 130 miles m master und his guard at South were killed. stead of the American fig- stood, and six negroes, original hour. It Is. a veritable "air limit- Draiutree in September, 1920, lost e ure of 90,000 tons each, and vir- tho first Twenty-fiv- were reported Injured ed" with all tho features of an skirmish in their fight to In that neighborhood. tually status quo for the other American ex- set aside the ' transcontinental verdict, when Judge Three negroes were killed and .three powers. press observation Webster Thayer, in the criminal The British to except the plat- more than a score Injured when the delegation, falling form. It contains a bathroom, a court here today denied two of the storm struck two near obtain favorable action on sup smoking-roo- motions plantations with card table-- pending for a new trial. Greenwood, Miss., early pression of submarines, accepted comfortable chairs Certain iiuesllons raised on todiy. the. new lounge which points William Turner, a well known American reduction are made into beds for trav- of law, us to Insufficiency of the were also scheme. The French groun Indi night evidence tho planter, and four negroes el, card tables, a kitchenette, Ice- court ruled, did not killed on a near Marks,-Miss- cated that it would be unaccept- warrant a l. plantation box and stove. Room Is also pro ' .t . Ji ,.....ii, r ,. n .1:11 able, but deferred giving an opin vided for a crew of Tho easH has attracted wide at- ion Paris advices. three. Started In Arkansas. pending Japan Increased size In Is pro- - "" tention and has been the subject ot to have wings The storm is reported flatly lield out for the full 54.000 on radical demonstrations In tons in viaea an inte machines as a Europe, started in Crittenden county. Ark., submarines, the original means of Increasing Pome South America and .Mexico. Coun- where about a dozen American 3 ' stability. late yesterday, ratio plan. of the passenger machines have sel for tho convicted men were wero damaged. Italy Accepts. PRIZE GORM OF to file farming setthunents lookout cabins for observers and granted permission excep- Payne Harrison and eight negroes Italy accepted the compromise one machine has two tail seats for JIJDICI11D tions of tlie decision und signified are killed in that county plan, conditioned on a submarine AUSIL that they were ready to take the reported experienced air travelers. when a store in which fifty negro tonnage parity with France, the case to the supreme court. The de- taken from .Italian delegates that D I cision came the close farm hands had refuge ' contending SEN FOOD CECIL fiOFF IS nAMARF.S ARKFD at of argu- the HI, tons would be the correct GREETINGS SENT BY I ments on a. storm, collapsed. 50 supplementary motion A relief train was sent limitation for both France and for a new on Im- special PREMIER0F FRANCE Associated Press) Officials of trial based alleged from Monroe to Spencer, with a Italy. zz.?z. proprieties in the Jury room. This and nurses, of The French delegation Indicated ho postnffloe department left notion was taken under advisement number physicians that It would not oppose parity (U.T The Aaorinrd Vrem.) TO POOR TODAI TEST their desks convinced the court and to be equipped with hospital supplies. Dec. 24. SEHIFOR tonight j SUIT FILED by remained No have been received k with Italy in submarine as well as laris, Premier Briand luat tho America u lind dispoted of. reports issued the Christ- people from Spencer Hnca this train was capital ships bu' withheld approval today following to "mull Sacco and Vanzetti were con Pa- of of less mas greeting to the American beprnn practice' early dispatched, but the.
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