SINGLE USER product. Materials provided on CD NOTES are copyrighted by World Video Bible School® and MAY NOT be used, reproduced, distributed, republished, displayed, broadcast, hyperlinked or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, electronic transfer, installing on computers, recording or the use of any information storage and retrieval system, outside of the following permitted use limits: The REGISTERED USER may copy the contents of this CD to their hard drive and store the CD as an archive. If using more than one computer (i.e. home & office), you may copy it to each computer. The REGISTERED USER may print unlimited copies of any and all materials contained on this CD, from their computer for personal use or use in teaching classes, provided World Video Bible School® is given proper credit and materials are not resold. BE ADVISED that WVBS may, at their sole discretion, employ text marking and detection techniques to identify the original purchaser of pirated electronic or printed copies of this material. More importantly, remember that you will answer to God for every word and action (Matthew 12:36). Please consider your actions carefully and proceed accordingly, with a clear conscience. CHURCH HISTORY This set of notes is designed to be used by non-credit students of World Video Bible School and correspondent students enrolled in the Video Bible Institute (VBI). VBI students should pay particular attention to the syllabus. Students not taking the course for credit may bypass the syllabus and use the notes as they see fit for their spiritual enrichment. ® 512-398-5211 (voice) World Video Bible School 512-398-9493 (fax) 25 Lantana Lane [email protected] Maxwell, Texas 78656-4231 www.wvbs.org TABLE OF CONTENTS Syllabus. ....................................................... Page 1 Miscellaneous Matters.................................................. 5 The Establishment and Spread of the Church................................ 9 Foretelling the Falling Away............................................. 1 1 Eras of Church History................................................. 1 5 Reasons for Studying Church History...................................... 1 7 Writings of the Post-Apostolic Age........................................ 1 9 The Apologists....................................................... 2 5 Church Problems in the Second Century................................... 3 3 The Roman Emperors. ................................................ 4 1 Early Departures in Organization and Doctrine of the Church. 5 3 Events Leading to the Edict of Milan. ..................................... 6 1 The Fourth Century, Part One . .......................................... 7 1 The Fourth Century, Part Two . .......................................... 8 1 The Seven Ecumenical Councils......................................... 8 9 Significant Leaders in Early Church History. 101 Transition from Early to Medieval Church History.. 121 Christianizing the World............................................... 141 The Uniting of Church and State. ....................................... 149 Gregory the Great.................................................... 161 Feudalism.......................................................... 167 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED Understanding Eastern Orthodox Christianity............................... 177 The Crusades....................................................... 193 Scholasticism....................................................... 203 New Religious Movements............................................. 217 The Decline of the Middle Ages......................................... 235 SYLLABUS I. GENERAL INFORMATION. A. Instructor: Wayne Burger. B. This course consists of 40 lessons on 14 DVDS. C. Each class is approximately 38 minutes long. II. PURPOSE. A. To know the facts of church history in their time frame. B. To recognize religious trends and their results. C. To be able to recognize and correct unlawful trends in the church today. D. To be able to teach these facts, trends, consequences and corrections to others. III. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS. A. Required. 1. Bible (ASV, KJV or NKJV). 2. 40 video lessons. 3. Spiral bound class notes. B. Optional: See list in lesson one. IV. MEMORY WORK. There are no memory verses from the Bible for this course. However, there will be many names, dates and facts to memorize. The tests will be very technical. If you wait until the night before you take a test to study, you may very well fail – unless you have an outstanding memory. -1­ V. TESTS. A. There are two written tests. B. When you near the halfway point, contact us and request the mid-term exam. When you near the end of the course, request the final exam. When you receive a test you have permission to look at it and study it prior to taking it. C. However, when you actually take a test, you must do so completely from memory with no help from notes, Bible, textbook or tapes. VI. TERM PAPER. A. Write a paper on the early departures from the Gospel that culminated in the formation of the Roman Catholic Church. B. The paper should be a minimum of seven pages, typed and double spaced. If handwritten, the paper should be a minimum of ten pages, single spaced. C. The paper is due when you mail VBI your second test. VII. GRADING. A. Term paper and tests will be graded separately. B. Final grade is based on an average of all assigned work with the written tests counting twice. C. You may request that a grade be explained or reconsidered, but in any case VBI will have the final say. VIII. SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS. A. Read the course notes in their entirety. B. View each video lesson in its entirety. C. Submit a term paper (explained under point VI). D. Take two written tests (explained under point V). E. Have a combined grade average of at least 70. -2­ IX. CREDIT. A. Credit will be issued, including a certificate, only after all work has been successfully completed, tapes have been returned (if rented) and all invoices for this particular course have been paid in full. B. Thank you for studying in the Video Bible Institute, we pray it is a blessing to your life on your way to eternity! -3­ -4­ Miscellaneous Matters I. Discuss the Class Format and Teaching Style. A. The word “History” is spelled “His Story.” B. My lectures will be in story form. 1. I will not speak slowly enough for you to get every word the first time you hear it. 2. You ought to get the gist of the story and be able to get enough details on paper that you can later read your notes and understand that section of material or you may choose to return and watch this section of material again in order to gain a clearer understanding of that particular topic of Church History. 3. Of course, since you are taking this course by video, you can run the program back so that you can get all the information. II. Understanding Some Terms. A. “Century” – First century (0-99) – Second century (100-199). B. “Church” – After the first few years of church history (the New Testament period), I will use the word “church” in its broad sense, not as the exclu­ sive group of God’s people, born into God’s family through baptism. C. “Christian” – I will also use the word “Christian” is its broad usage rather than as its true New Testament meaning. D. Understanding the difference between the church in the “East” and the church in the “West.” 1. “East” was the area east of the European Continent with Constanti­ nople as its capital. 2. “West” was the area controlled or influenced by the church at Rome. (Europe would be in the Western church.) -5­ III. A Reminder. A. When one studies church history one looks at the high points and the significant events which occurred during a certain time-period. B. Many of the ordinary people - Christians - continued largely unaffected by the great controversies which were taking place during their day. They continued to live lives, which had been changed by Jesus, and continued to manifest Christian truths daily. C. The historian, by the nature of his sources, looks most of the time at the great lines of development, the changes and the people who made an impression on the historical record. D. The historian must be concerned with the broad lines of general develop­ ment, but that is not to say that everyone was affected by those controver­ sies during the times they were occurring. E. Often, it is many years later that historians look back on certain events which occurred and certain issues that were discussed and discover how significant those events were in terms of history. F. During the time the controversy was occurring, many or most people probably did not realize how significant some of those controversies and events really were. G. Many of those things that seemed to just be what was happening, shaped the future of the church. IV. Our Plan for Teaching. A. The first lesson will be on the establishment and spread of the Lord’s church that we read about in the New Testament. B. In the second lesson we will look at the passages in the New Testament that foretold the falling away from the faith – thus establishing human denominations. C. In the third lesson we will break Church History down into various eras. 1. The subject of Church History is a big subject. 2. We have nearly 2,000 years of history of the church. -6­ 3. Church History scholars break those years into four big sections of time. D. In that same lesson I will give some information as to why we ought to study Church History. E. I will then begin to teach material related to those four eras. F. There will be several lessons in each of those eras. V. Books Which May Be Helpful. A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs (A Reference Guide to More Than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers) by David W. Bercot, Peabody Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1998. Church History Early and Medieval by Everett Ferguson, 2nd Ed. ACU Press, 1985. Church History, Reformation and Modern by Everett Ferguson, 2nd Ed. Biblical Research Press,1967. Early Christians Speak by Everett Ferguson, Sweet Publishing Company, 1971.
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