Ukrainian Academy of Sciences International Centre of Physics Dofolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics Ukrainian Physical Society fc PHYSICS IN UKRAINE International Conference Kiev, 22-27 June, 1993 Proceedings Contributed Papers Nuclear physics Kiev. Bofolyubnv Institute for Theoretical Physics, IW3 Ukrainian Academy of Sciences International Centre of Physics Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics Ukrainian Physical Society PHYSICS IN UKRAINE International Conference Kiev, 22-27 June, 1993 Proceedings Contributed Papers Nuclear physics Kiev, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, 1993 The proceedings contain contributed papers submitted to the PHYSICS IN UKRAINE International Conference (Kiev, 22-27 June, 1993) and accepted by the Organizing Committee. The Conference Program includes the following topics: — Physics of elementary particles and quantum field theory — Nuclear physics — Solid state physics — Statistical physics and phase transitions — Plasma physics — Radiophysics and electronics — Low temperature physics — General problems This volume includes papers on nuclear physics. The book is a direct reproduction of camera-ready manuscripts presented by the authors. Editor Prof.A.Sitcnko Scientific secretary Dr.V.Zasenko © 1993, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE V.Bar'yakhtar - Co-Chairman (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), I.Yukhnovsky - Co- Chairman (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) ,O.-M.Bilaniuk (Swarthmore College, USA), R.Bilodid (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), M.Brodyn (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), L.Bulavin (Kiev University, Ukraine), J.Darewych (York University, Canada), V.Decyk (UCLA, USA), V.Eremenko (B.I.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Ukraine), G.Gamota (MITRE Institute, USA), W.Janischewskyj (Toronto Polytechnical Institute, Canada), V.Lytovchenko (Instituteof Physics of Semiconductors, Ukraine), V.Nemoshkalcnko (Institute of Metal Physics, Ukraine), S.Ryabchenko (State Committee on Science and Teci.nologics, Ukraine), A.Shpak (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), A.Sitenko (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine), O.SIobodyaniuk (Kiev University, Ukraine), P.Soscnko- Sccrelary (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine), S.Svvechnikov (Institute of Physics of Semiconductors, Ukraine), I.Vakarchuk (Lviv University, Ukraine), I.Vyshnevsky (Institute for Nuclear Research, Ukraine), Ya.Yackiw (Main Astronomical Observatory, Ukraine), A.Zagorodny - Secretary (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine), l.Zalyubovsky (Kharkiv University, Ukraine) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE A.Sitenko - Chairman (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics), V.Andreev (Kiev University), O.Kalchenko - Vice Chairman (Institute for Nuclear Research), S.Kravchuk (Main Astronomical Observatory), S.Lukashenko (Institute for Nuclear Research), V.Lukashenko (Institute of Physics), I.Mryhlod (Institute of Condensed Matter Physics), B.Nesterenko (Institute of Physics of Semiconductors), O.Pushkash - Secretary (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics), A.Rudchyk (Institute for Nuclear Re- search), Ye.Rudenko (Institute of Metal Physics), P.Ryabko (Institute of Metal Physics), A.Shalayev (Institute of Metal Physics), O.SIobodyaniuk (Kiev University), I.Soloshenko (Institute of Physics), D.Taraschenko (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), V.Verbitsky (institute for Nuclear Research), O.VIasenko (Institute of Physics of Semiconductors), A.Zagorodny - Vice Chairman (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics), V.Zasenko (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics) CONTENTS Babich L.N., Tmtakovsky V.K. On elect.roe>:< itation of O+ states iu nonspberical deformed even-even nuclei 7 Balko В., Kay I.W., Neuberger J.W. A feasibility study of nuclear superfluorescence 11 Dekbnev S.M, Ismatov E.I., Kim G., Khugaev A.V. Structure of the ground state of nucleus 13C with 2p-shell 15 Berezhnoy Yu.A. Intermediate energy particle interaction with atomic nuclei 19 Bezshiyko O.A., Degtyarev A.P., Michnitskiy I.B., Prokopets G.A. Non-exponential effects of fast neutrons transmission 23 Bybtrenko A.V., Okhrimenko I.P. The coupling of cluster and quadrupole channels in 20Ne and its inftuenceon the continuous spectrum structure 25 Chidupkii S., Haysuk I., Lengyel V., Pctrccky P., Salak M., Szaniszlo L. Th<? ap[)iication of hypersphorical functions inethod to the three-quark problem 29 Durcwyrb J.W., Polozov A.D., SiUmko A.G. Fermion-antifermion quasibound states in the Yukawa model 31 Evlanov M.V., Sokolov A.M. Diffraction fragmentation of exotic neutron-halo nuclei 34 E/.hov S.N., Maximenko G.V., Prokopets G.A. On calculation of the cross sections energy dependence and the spectral distributions for (n, xn-y) reactions in the neutron energy region 12-21 MeV 38 Filippov G.F., Dotsenko IS. The interpretation of a nuclear model of two axial rotators based on the microscopical approach 42 Filippov G.F., Dotsenko LS. The properties of nuclear wave functions in microscopical model of two axial rotators 46 Filippov G.F., Vasilevsky V.S. The iriuence of collective modes on the reaction 3He(t,et)d at low energy 50 Fursnyev A.V., Tartakovsky V.K. On excitation of anomalous parity states in electron scattering by light nuclei 54 Gitlko V.M., Kolomiets N.F., Kndmmgra A.A., Mikhailenko li.V., Yakovlev K.I. Compact neutron generators for applied research 58 Gulko V.M., Kolomicts N.F., Mikhnilonko D.V., Yiikovlcv K.I. Miniature accelerating tubes for generating neutrons 62 Ismatov Ye.L, Kenxholmcv Sh.K. and Chcstiokovn V.D. The time evolution of nudcou spectrum in residual excited nucleus . G6 Ivanchenko E.A. "On nonlinear dynamics and conservation laws in magnetic systems with spontaneously broken symmetry 70 Ivanitsky P.G., Kor/.h LA., Sliscuko V.I., Krateuko V.T., Vasilkevich A.A. The slow neutron spectroinetry investigations low energetic exits in condensed matter 74 Khnrchcnko V.F. Theory of the effective interaction in few-body systems 77 Kolotyi V., Isnycv A., Kukchouko A., Knshnir I., Khnldin S. Fast neutron spectrometry with time of flight method on isochronous cyclotron U-240 81 Kor/Ai LA., Mishchmko V.A., Pnscchuik M.V., Prnvtlivy N.M., Sklynv N.T., |F<*/orov Л/.вП Nuclear data for reactor structural materials and fission products 82 Kor/Ji LA., Mishrhcnko V.A., Pnscrlmik M.V., Prnvtlivy N.M., Sktynr N.T., [Fnloruv M.P] Study of mechanisms of fast neutron interactions with oven-even middle mass nuclei 86 Lvvitshov V.P. Inconsistency between theory and experiment for n + T system 90 Miilysuv.h O.M., Tnrtnknvsky V.K., Kw/Aovsky LV. Theoretical studies of radiative Nd-capturc 93 Mixshknrov Yn.G., Ktishchy E.L Dynamics of interaction between light ions and I2C at. intermediate incident energies 96 Muxur V.M.,Sokoluk LV.,Bi#m Z.M. Excitation of nuclear isomers in (7,7')'" reactions whithin 4-15 Mev euergy riuige 100 Molcv A.S., l\iv/,ui<licuk<> A. V., Onyshchcnko G.M. Nuclear rainbow phenomenon in quasi-elastic processes inducwl by '•'lie ions on lightdrfonued nuclei 104 Nvmots O.F., Pnvlotiko V.N.. РщМсЬ V.M., Komnrov V.V., Popom A.M.. Knrmnnov F.I., Shnhlov V.L. Nuclear systems in external fields 108 Glklu.sxky VS. Modern state of tiuio analysis of tunnelling processes Ill Osovskii V.D., Ptushinskii Yu.G., Svkrctnyi V.G., Chuikov B.A. Physical aspects of adsorption on metal surfaces 112 Pukvopivny V.V., Ogomduikav V.V. 3iiu:utrou niechaui. n» of cold nuclear fusion 113 Pushkash A.M., Shupoval D.V. mid S'nnenog I.V. Invasion potentials in three-nudeon problem 117 Iiuilchik A.T. Current problems of heavy ion nuclear physics and possibilities of their solution in Ukraine 121 Shnpovnl D.V,, Sinwnog I.V., Sitenko O.G., Dnrewych J.W. On the spectrum of integral operators with logarithmically divergent norm 125 Shevdieuko V.A. The :mc';;ar electronics development in the nuclear physics laboratory of the Kiev university 129 Siuicnog I. V. Model-independent description of nuclear processes with few-nucleon systems 132 Smumog I.V., Steshenko A.I., Avramcuko V.I. The theoretical value for the border of nuclear stability in region of light and medium nuclie 136 Trofimenko A.P., Pisanko Zh.L, Kupravu O.M. Information system INIS and possibilities of its Uuses 139 Vishnevsky I.N., Zheltonazhsky V.A. High order effects in nuclear-atomic processes 142 Vlasov M.F., Gritzay O.O., Kalchenko O.I, Koloty V.V., Prokopets G.O. Ukraine national nuclear data centre 146 Zailca N.I. Polarization phenomena in mean energy nuclear physics 147 Zalubovskiy I.I. Physicists training in the north-east Ukraine 151 Zahibovskiy I.I., Rudychev V.G., Pismeueskiy S.A., Pyshkin V.B., Chugunov V.P. Developments in the field of electron linear accelerators and investigations of the radiation-matter interaction as a basis for effective use of radiation technologies 155 ON ELECTROEXCITATION OF 0+ STATES IN NONSFHERICAL DEFORMED EVEN-EVEN NUCLEI Babich L.N., Tartakovaky V.K. Taraa Shevchenko Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine Between nuclei states with equal spins and parity the longatudinal Coulomb monopole transitions EO can take place [1, 2]. The monopole transitions in nuclei are caused by Coulomb interaction between nuclei protons and external electromagnetic field of atom shells electrons or charged particles which bombed the nuclei. That is why the probability of Coulomb monopole transitions depends on electric charge distribution in nuclei. Thus, the EO-transition in nuclei investigations are very helpful for nuclei structure study, and, particularly for the purpose to determine
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