US006945850B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,945,850 B2 Perrey (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 20, 2005 (54) SAW BLADE WITH ABRASIVE SURFACE 3,914,906 A * 10/1975 Barnes ...................... .. 30/514 4,369,685 A * 1/1983 Trigg ...... .. 76/112 Inventor: DavidCL Jefferson AI Perrey, City MO (Us)Brush Creek 4,675,975 A * 6/1987 Kucharczyk. .et . a1.. ........ .. .. 29/566 651’09_8832 ’ 5,018,276 A * 5/1991 Asada ....................... .. 30/347 5,115,796 A 5/1992 Schweickhardt ....... .. 125/13.01 . _ . 5,239,978 A * 8/1993 Plangetis ........ .. 125/16.01 (ak) Nome‘ sublecbto any dlsclalmer: the term Ofthls 5,518,443 A * 5/1996 Fisher ................. .. 125/15 Patent 15 extended or adlusted under 35 5,529,528 A 6/1996 Young 6161. .. 451/28 U-S-C- 154(b) by 181 days~ 5,704,828 A * 1/1998 Young et a1. 451/461 5,868,125 A * 2/1999 Maoujoud .... .. 125/15 (21) Appl, No_; 09/777,333 6,039,641 A * 3/2000 suug ......................... .. 125/22 (22) Filed: Feb 6, 2001 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (65) Prior Publication Data GB 2195099 A * 3/1988 ......... .. B24B/21/00 US 2002/0106983 A1 Aug. 8, 2002 * Cited by examiner (51) Int. c1.7 .......................... .. B23F 21/03- B28D 1/02 Primary Ex“mi””—DaVid 13' Thomas (52) US. Cl. ................. .. 451/28- 125/1301- 125/1601- (74) Attorney’ Agent’ 0’ Fi””_Lathr°p 8‘ Gage LC 125/21; 83/835; 451/540 (57) ABSTRACT (58) Fleld 0f 41561é2i’7g6’2g; The present invention relates to a saW blade for cutting and 540 ’541 ’548_’ 125/’12 1’3 01 ’15 i6 01’ ?nishing the surface of a Work piece. The saW blade having ’ ’ ’ ’ '18 ’21_’83/é35’ a set of teeth disposed about the outer edge for making a cut ’ ’ in a Work piece and an abrasive secured to the lateral surface (56) References Cited of the saW blade. The abrasive extending laterally outwardly from the surface of the saW blade and providing a ?nishing U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS effect on the Work piece as the abrasive Widens the cut 118 800 A 9/1871 Green beyond the cut of the saW blade teeth. Amethod for cutting 1 139’817 A * 5/1915 Smith and ?nishing a surface of a Work piece utilizing a saW blade 1,269,653 A * 6/1918 Smith With an abrasive secured to a lateral surface of the blade and 2324323 A 10/1950 L10yd_YOung _____________ __ 51/195 the abrasive extending beyond the cut of the saW blade teeth. 3,615,309 A * 10/1971 Dawson ........ .. 3,898,148 A * 8/1975 Sam ......................... .. 204/215 4 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Sep. 20,2005 Sheet 1 of3 US 6,945,850 B2 l L d ///////////// F M 2 U.S. Patent Sep. 20,2005 Sheet 2 of3 US 6,945,850 B2 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Sep. 20,2005 Sheet 3 of3 US 6,945,850 B2 US 6,945,850 B2 1 2 SAW BLADE WITH ABRASIVE SURFACE insufficient set, cutting a defective Workpiece, or forcing the blade into the Workpiece. Efforts to reduce saW blade kickback include Te?on FIELD OF THE INVENTION coating to reduce friction, heat, and resin build-up. Other The present invention relates to WoodWorking blades, and measures include ?tting table saWs With splitters and With more particularly to saW blades incorporating an abrasive anti-kickback ?ngers. A splitter is a ?at plate, preferably surface for simultaneously cutting and ?nishing the surface made of steel, Which projects upWardly from the saW table of a Work piece. The present invention also relates to and lies in a common plane With, and to the rear of, the saW adaptations to saW blades that minimize the potential for the blade. The splitter is positioned adjacent to the saW blade Workpiece being kicked upWardly and rearWardly toWard the 10 and the side of the splitter immediately adjacent to the saW operator abruptly With great force and speed, commonly blade has an arcuate contour Which corresponds to the curve referred to as “kickback.” of the periphery of the saW blade, so that the splitter extends partially about the circumference of the saW blade. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART A splitter is as thick as, or is slightly thinner than the saW 15 The smoothness of a cut in the Work piece is generally a blade so that it ?ts Within the kerf made by a saW blade as function of the siZe of the teeth, the con?guration of the a Workpiece is fed past it. A splitter prevents the kerf from teeth, and the number of the teeth per unit of circumference closing around the saW blade so that the body of the saW on circular saWs and per unit of length on reciprocating saWs blade is prevented from binding against the sides of the cut and band saWs. Generally, a ?ne-toothed saW blade Will Workpiece. Kickback ?ngers typically consist of a pair of make a more ?nished cut than a coarse-toothed saW blade. elongate paWls pivotally mounted at one end to the splitter The latter hoWever, provides a more rapid cut, and is and spring biased to extend doWnWardly and rearWardly therefore preferable in many applications. Depending upon toWard the saW table. The paWls are attached to both sides the Workpiece, saW cuts made therein may have to be sanded of the splitter and include teeth formed in a loWer edge. The teeth point rearWardly so that the paWls do not grip a smooth or ?nished by an abrasive tool, such as sander. This 25 step adds to the cost of making the saW cut in terms of Workpiece as it is fed into the saW blade. In such a normal additional equipment being required, the costs attendant a feed situation, the paWls pivot upWardly and ride over the Workman sanding the cut and additional costs associated upper surface of the Workpiece. HoWever, if kickback With completing the ?nished product. If it Were possible to occurs, the sudden upWard and reverse movement of the eliminate the extra step of sanding the cut surface in the Workpiece causes the teeth to dig into the upper surface of Work piece, signi?cant savings could be realiZed. In some the Workpiece and the paWls pivot forWardly to jam the cases sanding of the cut surfaces after the cut is completed Workpiece against the table, thereby preventing its reverse by attempting to remove the splintered Wood from the edge movement from continuing. of the surface Will result in a rounding of the edge and a A disadvantage With these anti-kickback systems is that, under certain circumstances, the teeth of the kickback paWls degradation of the aesthetic quality of the ?nished product 35 and hence its value to the ultimate customer. do not engage a Workpiece in a kickback situation. This may Highly skilled carpenters and cabinet makers make their occur When cutting plastics or Wood laminates Which have living by creating joints in tWo or more pieces of Wood smooth, relatively hard upper surfaces Which cannot be appear seamless. The key to producing the seamless joint easily gripped by the teeth of the paWls. Another situation occurs When a relatively thick Workpiece is used Which lies in the quality of the ?nish of the Wood surface produced 40 by the cutting tool. If the edges of the joint surface are torn causes the paWls to pivot upWardly suf?ciently that the teeth and ripped by the cutting blade, the joint gap in the joined are orientated at an angle Which makes it dif?cult to engage pieces of Wood Will appear large and unprofessionally done. the upper surface of the Workpiece. Efforts to minimiZe torn and ripped edges of the Work piece Accordingly, there is a need for an anti-kickback system Which can accommodate Work pieces made of plastic or by improving the quality of the blade have included preci 45 sion cutting of blade bodies from hardened steel and the Wood and many other materials and can accommodate Work utiliZation of laser technology to cut expansion slots. The pieces having varying thicknesses. Furthermore, there is a expansion slots are considered to be one approach to elimi need for an anti-kickback system in Which the Workpiece is nating blade distortion caused by centrifugal forces and not damaged by teeth or other gripping means if a kickback thermal expansion stresses. situation occurs. Another major concern With the current state of the art in Various attempts have been made to incorporate an abra cutting tools, particularly With saW blades is kickback. sive or a sanding element With saW blades and to a much Anyone Who has been involved With WoodWorking for any lesser degree rotary bits. extended period of time has experienced saW blade kick US. Pat. No. 1,139,817 details a saW blade With an backs. SaW blade kickbacks can be very dangerous, and 55 abrasive attached to both sides of the blade. This patent happen so quickly that it is impossible to react before injury discloses a saW blade having teeth that are co-planar on each occurs. On a table saW, the Wood is throWn back violently. side With the outer surface of the abrasive material. The On a radial arm saW, the blade climbs quickly out of the cut. description further provides that if the set of the teeth is not On a hand held circular saW, the saW is pushed back out of suf?ciently great, then the abrasive disks have to enter a cut the cut.
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