Agenda Item 6 Report PC 75/13 Report to Planning Committee Date 12 September 2013 By Director of Planning Local Authority SDNPA (Arun District) Application Number SDNP/12/01594/FUL Applicant Mr and Mrs D and K Searle Application Change of use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of 8 no. permanent residential pitches, play area and landscaping. Address The Former Petrol Filling Station, Land Lying South Of former A27, Poling, Arundel Purpose of Report The application is reported to Committee for a decision. Recommendation: That planning permission be granted for the reason and subject to the conditions in paragraph 10.1 of this report. Executive Summary The proposal is for the site to be a permanent gypsy and traveller site for 8 pitches. The application has been considered against the criteria set out on the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites 2012 and found to meet the criteria. The development is acknowledged to affect to some degree the character and setting of this part of the South Downs National Park in terms of its impact on rural tranquillity. Whilst it is acknowledged that this is a large scale scheme, in a rural location, it is considered that when balanced against the need for gypsy and traveller sites, and given the design, layout and appearance can be justified notwithstanding its rural location and countryside policies. The Highway Authority has raised no objection to the scheme. Comments and concerns raised by the community in relation to planning issues include the lack of need for such permanent sites, adverse impact on the landscape, overdevelopment and highway safety. This application is reported to committee due to the level of public interest. 1. Site Description 1.1 The application site is located approximately 2.51 kilometres to the south east of Arundel. The site consists of a former petrol filling station, which is located at the eastern end of Crossbush Lane, where it forms a cul de sac following the construction of the A27, which lies immediately to the south of the site. The site is located in the designated countryside with the southern edge forming the boundary of the National Park. 1.2 The site is currently a brownfield site having previously been a petrol filling station, most of the site is hardsurfaced, with the overall site area being approximately 0.325 hectares. Along the northern boundary adjacent to the highway there are two existing access points, with the rest of this boundary being defined by mature trees and hedging. The southern boundary with the A27 is defined by a bank with mature trees. The western boundary with 1 Pottery Cottages is defined by 1.8 metre high wire and mesh fencing. 1.3 Immediately to the west of the site is a group of terraced dwellings, and to the north east is a group of three detached dwellings. To the north of the site lies Poling Copse which is designated ancient woodland. 12 1.4 The South Downs Integrated Landscape Character Assessment identifies the site as being within the Wooded Estate Downland landscape character area. This area is characterised by large woodland areas with open agricultural farmland with scattered residential development. 2. Relevant Planning History 2.1 PO/4/03 - Provision of new service and MOT centre – Refused 04.07.03 – Appeal Dismissed 2.2 PO/1/96 - Outline application for service area including petrol filling station and restaurant – Refused 09.04.96 2.3 PO/13/87 - Outline application for proposed by-pass service station with workshop and fast food bar – 18.11.87 – Allowed at Appeal 2.4 PO/1/57 – Outline for petrol filling station – Permission 16.04.57 3. Proposal 3.1 This proposal is for the change of use of the land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of 8 permanent residential pitches. The application details that each pitch will be sold individually to those within the gypsy and traveller community. 3.2 The scheme consists of 8 pitches, with each pitch comprising a permanent and a touring caravan, two allocated parking spaces and an amenity space. The existing accesses to the site will be used, with a one way system in operation around the internal road layout within the site. The internal road would follow around the play area, with four visitor car parking spaces located by the western entrance, with a bin store located by the eastern access point. 3.3 Plots 1 and 2 would follow a general north to south alignment close to the western boundary of the site. Plots 3 to 8 would follow a general west to east across the site, following the general alignment of the southern boundary of the site. 3.4 The submitted landscape plan includes the retention of the trees and hedging along the northern and western boundaries. Further planting along the northern boundary is proposed to fill in any gaps of the screening. On the western and eastern boundaries of the site, a landscaped buffer zone is proposed with planting of native species of trees and hedging to provide screening of the development. On the southern boundary with the A27 an 8.5 metre wide bund is proposed, which would be approximately 1.8 metres in height at its central point. The bund is proposed to be planted on the southern slope with trees with gorse planting underneath. On the northern slope facing into the site is proposed native understorey planting. The buffer zone would be separately enclosed through a 1.2 metres high post and rail fence. The proposed play area would be a grassed area and left open for the use of residents only. It is proposed to utilise the existing hardstanding on the area where possible, although alterations will be made to this arrangement to provide adequate provision for surface water run off. 3.5 The application form and drawings are accompanied by: A Design and Access Statement Noise Assessment Contamination report extracted from the Arun District Council Review of the site of Gypsy and Traveller sites from the Baker Review 2009 4. Consultations 4.1 Highway Authority: No objection subject to conditions; the development will not generate a significant amount of vehicular movement nor have a material impact on the operation of the highway network. Whilst there are concerns about the sustainability of the site, as it is not in close proximity to services, it is appreciated that there might be other policy or considerations to take into account. 4.2 Environment Agency: No comment 13 4.3 SDNPA Landscape Officer: No objection subject to conditions 4.4 Arun District Council Housing Officer: Support, this will provide much needed gypsy and traveller provision within the district. 4.5 Arun District Council Environmental Health Officer: The noise mitigation measures in the submission with regard to internal noise within the buildings are noted. The proposed play and amenity areas on the site would still be relatively noisy given the location of the site adjacent to the A27. 4.6 Arun District Council Pollution Officer: No Objection subject to conditions. 4.7 Poling Parish Meeting: Objects for the following reasons: There is no strategic need for this site. The relevant authorities are currently preparing a Gypsy and Traveller Assessment Audit (GTAA) to guide development of this nature and no development should be allowed until this time. The site is contaminated and no mitigation measures are proposed There are no suitable shops, school or healthcare facilities within a reasonable distance of the site. The A27/Crossbush Lane junction is already dangerous and the extra traffic will make it worse Noise mitigation needs to be provided on the site given its location next to the A27 Details of appropriate services have not been provided; there is no mains sewer in the area. 5. Representations 5.1 Lyminster & Crossbush Parish Council (neighbouring parish council) – Objects for the following reasons: There is no need for this type of development, in addition this site was ruled out by the Arun District Council Baker Review into gypsy sites, on the basis of adverse noise impact on future occupiers. The additional information and reduction in units do not address our original concerns. The relevant authorities are currently preparing a GTAA to guide development of this nature and no development should be allowed until this time. The development does not comply with the emerging Arun Core Strategy, in that this is an extensive number of plots given the surrounding small number of dwellings The site is contaminated and no mitigation measures are proposed The site is not sustainable: there are no suitable shops, school or healthcare facilities within a reasonable distance of the site. There is no adequate provision for sewage disposal The proposal would have an adverse impact on the historical environment of the SDNP and biodiversity. 5.2 Arundel Town Council (neighbouring Town Council)– Objects for the following reasons: The proposal would have a significant adverse impact on the highway network Overdevelopment of the site in the SDNP Future occupants would be exposed to excessive noise from the A27. 5.3 Burpham Parish Meeting (neighbouring parish) – Objects for the following reasons: The site is contaminated and suffers from noise pollution There are no schools, healthcare or leisure facilities Access to the site is limited and extra traffic will be dangerous The plans do not conform with the vision for the SDNP 5.4 Wariningcamp Parish Council (neighbouring parish) – Objects for the followings reasons: 14 The amendments to this application has addressed none of our concerns with regard to the suitability of the proposal, impact on local residents and impact on traffic.
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