November 14, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1429 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CELEBRATING THE SUBMARINE University, Long Beach (CSULB), it is the first time to congratulate thirty individuals who took USS ‘‘DRUM’’ such program implemented on a college cam- their oath of citizenship on Friday, November pus in the State of California. 4, 2016. This memorable occasion, presided HON. BRADLEY BYRNE The 1960s was a decade of civil unrest over by Judge Joseph Van Bokkelen, was throughout the United States. In the City of OF ALABAMA held at the United States Courthouse and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Los Angeles, the 1965 six-day Watts Riot af- fected a number of communities of color. In Federal Building in Hammond, Indiana. Monday, November 14, 2016 1960, The California State Master Plan for America is a country founded by immi- Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Higher Education created a three-tiered sys- grants. From its beginning, settlers have come recognize the Submarine USS Drum for its tem to provide instruction in the state: Univer- from countries around the world to the United service to our nation during World War II and sity of California, California State University, States in search of better lives for their fami- subsequent years following the war. and the Community College Systems. The lies. Oath ceremonies are a shining example The Submarine USS Drum (SS–228) was Master Plan, however, resulted in a decline of of what is so great about the United States of laid down on September 11, 1940, at the minority enrollments. As a result, African America—that people from all over the world Portsmouth, New Hampshire Naval Shipyard, American academicians, civil rights advocates, where her construction took just eight months. and community activists sought to implement can come together and unite as members of She was launched on May 12, 1941. The USS strategies that would increase the number of a free, democratic nation. These individuals Drum arrived at Pearl Harbor in 1942, and she underrepresented students into institutions of realize that nowhere else in the world offers a was the first new submarine to arrive at the higher education and develop effective meth- better opportunity for success than here in base since the day of infamy, December 7, ods to address this imbalance. America. 1941. Upon her arrival to the Pacific Ocean, The event celebrated the legacy of Dr. On November 4, 2016, the following people, White and his colleagues for their blend of the USS Drum fought gallantly, earning twelve representing many nations throughout the scholarship, social activism, and mentoring Battle Stars over an illustrious four-year career world, took their oaths of citizenship in Ham- during World War II. Before the end of the which influenced and increased enrollment of mond, Indiana: Jose Luis Pimentel Moreno, war, the USS Drum sank 15 vessels with a African-American Students along with other total tonnage of 80,580. students of color within the LA County and be- Jonathan Pilario, Ruhani Sharma, Juan Following World War II, the USS Drum was yond. Cabrales Garcia, Ernesto Gonzalez Salinas, decommissioned. She was then deployed as a To honor the individuals and programs that Lamine Kamara, Marcelina Canales de Gar- reserve training submarine on the Potomac transformed the lives of countless African- cia, Mariya Thipkoi, Irene Elizabeth Andraus, River in Washington, DC. After a long deploy- American students that attended CSULB dur- Erika Mercedes Angel, Mishell Janeth ment, the USS Drum was set to be retired and ing the late 60s and early 70s; and to make Arichavala, Aloncio Antonio Arroyo, Izabela scrapped in 1968. this history and research available as an inte- Agnieszka Benjeddi, Sergio Calderon, Stepan In 1969, the USS Alabama Battleship Me- gral part of the African-American Legacy with- Famulyak, Catalina Gutierrez, Vania Nshuti in the Long Beach Community, Dr. White morial Park wisely added the USS Drum. The Kagabo, Aliya Adeena Khan, Hyesung Moon served as a member of the CSULB faculty Memorial Park was created in Mobile, Ala- Neidlinger, Herminio Padilla, Pinkalbahen bama in 1965 in order to honor all Alabam- from 1962 to 1968. During his tenure, he be- Sahil Patel, Khushboo Chirag Patel, Maria ians, living and dead, who have worn the uni- came increasingly frustrated by the Univer- form of all branches of the United States sity’s low Black student enrollment. He la- Rocio, Elisandro Sanchez, Karla Ibeth Sosa, Armed Forces in defense of our country. Since mented, ‘‘Here we were, right at the end of Grace Matawaran Stasi, George Strogilos, the USS Drum’s inclusion to the Park, she has South-Central LA and out of 15,000 students Erika Vazquez, Alexandra Betty Villamar Za- become an internationally known attraction. at CSULB, only 65 were black. It didn’t make pata, and Martin Zuniga. Additionally, she has been acknowledged as any sense.’’ Although each individual has sought to be- The original pioneers responsible for EOP’s the oldest surviving World War II submarine in come a citizen of the United States for his or implementation on the CSULB campus and existence. The USS Drum was also declared her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- a National Historic Landmark in 1986. expansion statewide are as follows: Dr. Jo- seph White, Assemblyman Willie Brown, Dr. tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, On behalf of Alabama’s First Congressional each is inspired by the fact that the United District, I would like to encourage everyone to Clyde Taylor, and Mr. Ernie Clark. Others States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- join me in celebrating the Submarine USS were invited by Dr. White who also contributed Drum on its 75th anniversary of being com- to the implementation of EOP and student scribed it, a country ‘‘. of the people, by the missioned into the United States Navy on No- support services for students of color on people, and for the people.’’ They realize that vember 19, 1941. CSULB’s campus include: Dr. George Demos, the United States is truly a free nation. By f Congressman Alan Lowenthal, Dr. Fernando seeking American citizenship, they have made Hernandez, and deceased contributors Dr. the decision that they want to live in a place 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF CSULB EOP June Cooper, Dr. Ora Williams, Dr. Enid where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment CELEBRATION Blaylock, and Anthony Wilkins. Despite all that has been accomplished over of the Constitution, they can practice religion HON. ALAN S. LOWENTHAL the years, the mission and goals still remains as they choose, speak their minds without fear of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- OF CALIFORNIA an ongoing journey. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f test should they choose to do so. Monday, November 14, 2016 RECOGNIZING NORTHWEST Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask you and my other distinguished colleagues to join me in Mr. LOWENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today INDIANA’S NEWEST CITIZENS to honor the California State University, Long congratulating these individuals who became Beach’s Educational Opportunity Program HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY citizens of the United States of America on which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. OF INDIANA November 4, 2016. They, too, are American Founded in 1967–68 by Dr. Joseph White, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES citizens, and they, too, are guaranteed the in- Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Psychi- Monday, November 14, 2016 alienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit atry and the first Director of the Educational Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with of happiness. We, as a free and democratic Opportunity Program (EOP) at California State great pleasure and sincerity that I take this nation, congratulate them and welcome them. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:10 Nov 15, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO8.001 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1430 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2016 RECOGNITION OF GOVERNOR ices to better the lives of veterans and their Barrera, Timothy Overcomer Cangmah, EDWARDS’ BIRTHDAY family members. The NVF operates a crisis Michelle Buenaventura Capatan, Emmanuel hotline that offers on-the-spot crisis counsel- Chigozie Chijioke, Jacqueline Esther Diah, Te- HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND ling and resource referrals for veterans of all resa de Jesus Alcaraz de Diaz, Guillermo OF LOUISIANA wars. Diaz, Veronica Fernandez, Raul Garcia, Clau- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shad has received many accolades for his dia Edith Hernandez Franco, Adolfo Her- efforts. He is a recipient of the Veterans Ad- nandez, Ahmed Hjayyer, Francisco Javier Ji- Monday, November 14, 2016 ministration’s Administrator’s Commendation & menez, David Leonardo Lagunas, Javier Lira, Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the VA Special Contribution Award and has Shaima Ramzi Musa, Vivian Thuy Nguyen, to recognize the 50th birthday of Governor been featured on many major television net- Kim Nguyen-Rienks, Elodia Ontiveros, John Bel Edwards of Louisiana. One of eight works and news programs including 60 Min- Nareshkumar Kantilal Patel, Kishankumar children, Governor Edwards learned the im- utes, 20/20, Dateline, Nightline, and CNN Nareshkumar Patel, Jinal Patel, Immaculee portance of helping others at a very young News. He also authored the book, A Captain Gakwaya Songa, and Valentina Trifunovic. age, which he’s shown through his profound for Dark Mornings, which chronicles his expe- Although each individual has sought to be- strength and leadership in governing our great riences during the war in Vietnam.
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