m — aTANCHEOTEH HBRALP. Taemim. Sept. 36. 19W > - * B l lorirctwtyM gtyuwytottgw SPORTS FOCLS w olf rMSALuMCHCOrt . Ass«iMM«r»-Pull ttmo- TvoMtov ttifv Prtoev /^ort fMio. sntoR port CemiwwG wwrt » ; » 9 : 3 8 l H o u n v JWPiiiWo a. wi.9MB.nt0r R b c %m o Ohio arwwtuinw . Apply hour, inponflvo poy, b«- •M k top poof Moncnostor Country rtPHta. A Ooy^ O M K , ov«r- Vitow f Rocfcvfllo V n w O u b . M M IO . ffmo. A p p ly A M P C on o n o i g u M k s eipctronics, MoworO ^Ort flow fMek parson - 1 4 Mtfwmoono ffom ipm- 4pni. Nlonooy thru Good JoO Opoortunmpsl ^rMay. UnMoOMolrucks, Cuirofiftyoecppttnoappn- Wttcwno ahotvps and itpht Mltons fbr our NOrsp*s MltarJM rtork. Con Ar- AMP frommo class mot ranfirntoN. jHjr Onw, Monchosfor win bppm soon. Also folr- wi^nMRraf' 1 M htM fb r mtorvtorr. Ino oppliootlons for C itA ’s. VPs e9fer pxcpltont sat' slartlno rolPs unit bpnpf- u o f w n t o p i ^ ns. Plposp contact; Olroc- N b W » to o tor of Starr Opypiopmpnt AWIllWWlto. M i 5 *' *-PH - Mpodows at Crpsttipid Convolps- W^rasfvs^Vi Monor Is spMdno e AN fbr cpnt HomprPpnwood I.— iii<> ton limp li-y supprvisor Mo m t . Monday mrouuh PndOy. 7om-3pm at MS- iHaiifhrfitrr) V ,''r;hP':lJr J r)( \J ’ ^ , HrralJi oositlon. AN/LPN orp t-So oiso nppdpd fbr port tfmp 5151. e o E . Of OPT <npm positions, on Cook-NPPdPd Immp- o l w flip 11-7 shift. ExcPllont •l«tOrMlA.Mi. Ppy rolps ond bpnpflts. dlotely fbr Day Core Can­ ‘ em m Wwdnwsday, O tt. i , C o n M rs. G ibbs at 647- tor m Monchpstcr. somp pxppripncp prpforrpd. - \ d f^ d . 3 0 C « n f » Must llkp chlldron. Hors Automotivp mpchonlc - tom to 1pm, Monday RVIMUVUI. COff Pull timp. Good wopps. ihrouoh Frtdoy. Coll 646- Ifoollh Insuroncp, poldvo- 7m . 'Wlftf :v r 0 , F fO # s cotlon, uniforms, holi- vTOCTlrw. f ^ # » - TOrtV. vnvrciOT^ Election ruling Ooys and sick Ipovp. Ovpr . nmp ovallabtp. Coll Lor­ Free Psfimofes S ^ ry’s Sn-ITW. d o n ve rii Drivar wonted to drivp to o m .'Si A m o s lotp modsi automobile to Proposed opproprronon to BArcoiton Specroi niorldo In exchonpe for DGAtWG-vIfAyiliSiVor...provei.----------------- P^iecft - Pond XI - Hondtcopped Cnnoton keeps Coventry NAT plane ticket bock and SK» 9R» •XTrtf CUfll Rll yQUffVfr os i ...... i h , w is-sr............................ nQVni1||F/^ CII0PM tm M ».e t and Service Spcrotory needed plus oos. Coll 646-9137. OM iboRp It t& m 4d fbf thPfP'i nm*«Hd 4Krt to bo financed by o state Oront tor now cor doolprshlp. ftottoone^^ fd entoy otto oiMtM tb SSy C E Various duties Incfudinp fttosOpbttCtoiisVdvfMvbf Vr^-TSSTTSTtSSTSiTT... data entry, oreetmg custo­ osp. sell itiem with owbwt council running mers, onswerlno phones A ad. >iSSi%St nimp. Full or port time Date Processing Depart­ posnion available. A p ply ment - 2nd shift supervi­ KSgr w rW w TiW 23 By George Loyng van resigned following a dispute lb person to service man­ sor. Proofs and tronstt. to bo nnoneod by o State Oront. Herald Reporter over an attempt to appoint Pater­ ager Bob Reilly Oldsmo- Computer experience Mle JSt Adams Street helptol. Supervisorles du­ Proposed aporoorianon to edvcotron Soecfaf son as a replacement for Pesce. Morlonetfe Theater. .S lM .t» HARTFORD — Democrats Rose Then in August, Republican Monchester 649-1749. ties. Coll M6-5773. HOMES fo be financed by a ©rent &om me Connedicvt FOHSHLE HLE i n p o r Comnnfstlon on fhe Arts. Fowler and Elizabeth Paterson Mtchael Cleary resigned because Dofo Frocesslng Deport- sbonM remain members of fhe ot what he said was difficulty In T P I Proposed opproprlenon fo educotion Special merrf - Proof Operator. FOR SPARKLING wood­ Manchester- 3 bedroom - _ - - iirtji >^ecouW #422, Covenfiy Town Council because dealing with Democratic Chairwo­ Monday thru Friday, Lots for sole. Bolfon- Chtflet-Southern Ver­ Town Manager Harold Hodge had work, file, gloss ond Raised Ranch In excellent Bulldlng lots whh view. ..S13,4N.« man Joan Lewis. His departure left Spm-lOpm. Saturdays 12 Wanted. Certified ort condition, dining room, 13 mont. Foil Folloge/Ski to be flnoneed by o Stole Oront.Or the legal authority fo apixrfnt them Doinfed surfoces, odd ldS,000 and up. We also Seoson. 4 bedroom , 7</7 fhe council wMh only tour members noon to 3 pm. Mature leocher, i doy per week, 5 X IS flreplgced family £J*!52S^ «8.ProprMdion to Bducotfon Special to the posts, the state Elections — one short of the number needed person, we will train. Call three tablespoons of custom build homes. Coll baths, call M3-2M3. Proleets - Fund 4i - M ------ ‘ ~ ' classes, small groups. w oshing soda to o ouort of room , 7’/i boths, 2 tone M6-5200. ler educotion Enforcement Commission ruled In to legally conduct business. 646-S773. Coll 64»-mi. 2 cor garoge. Prl- Assoeicdfon RHeose Tin .S8AB.48 worm water and wash. No heat. to be flnoneed by eontr., Tom W eMon-’" a 2-1 vote this morning. On the advice of Town Counsel rinsing reauired. For vote % ocre lot. $l34,to0 HTES Chester education Astec.____ Auto Clean-Up person Painters wanted. Expe­ O. W. Fish Reofty. M3-1Sf1 The decision, which came in Abbot Schwebel, Hodge then ap­ needed. Approxim ately 30 rienced painters for full sparkling results when o r response to a complaint tqr Coven­ pointed Democrat Fowler to fill you have something to $71-1400.0 ProhSs^- ..SSS,41S.« hours per week. Apply In time employment. Benef­ R e n ia lt try resident Dorothy K. Wilmof. Peace's position. Although person only, to Oldies But its, vocoflons, holldoys sell, use a low-cosf od In Non-smoker lady coll to classified. Brand New LIstIngl Three ..t24A4e.« leaves Intact major decisions Fowler’s appointment gave the Goodies, 323 Center Street <fid company Insurance. family In Manche^er. shore ASonchester con­ council a quorum, Paterson was dom inium . 647-1294. the town council over fhe past two Manchester. Foy varies with ability Spacious oportm ents 6-3-3 months. also appointed by Hodge because a Vernon, by owner, lovely' and performance. Call room units. Separate utili­ emenf fev police- council member’s vacation at the 646-3117 for an Ranch on Cul-de-sac. New ties. Owner occupies 6 m ay be seen In the Wilmof filed the complaint In appointment. carpet and floors through­ Morchandiss time still left the panel with four room apartment. Has August, contending that the two present members. out, finished basement, woodstove, new kitchen, Mature working gentle­ ^ n c l t positions should have been locMIons which are access a ea ry 's position was filled In the Teocher Aide. 3 fo 5:30 screened porch, 2 car new both, new tumoce man willing to do some filled by the Coventry's Demo- pm, 5 doys o week. Small garage, oversiZed lot. and hot water. No leases. yard work tor lowdr rent. adeftien, hondlce usual way, with the council approv­ S132,«0 875-1174 evenings old In order fo cffltlc officiflifl or through 8 priverte school. Excellent Great Income producer. Kitchen prlveloges, park­ iFURHrrUHE special election. ing the nomination of Thomas W. working conditions. Call and weekends. S169,S00. Jackso n A Jack- ing neor bus line. Referen­ Sparkman made by the Republican 646-1610. Draftsman - Retired son Realty. 647-8400 or ces reauired. 647-9033. But the elections commission. Town Committee. layout seeks part time 3 to 4 bedrooms. Cape In 646-8646.0 Upholstered living room adopting---- V/® the w^..iav«aopinion VIof MtoIts VACL.U'execu aulef neighborhood. Good Lawson type chair with Tor4% ’6f.¥c% ".& Wllmot contended in her com­ work East of River. 25 Large Room tor rent, five“ director------- and' ■legal at counsel, plaint that under Section 9-222 of location, 1 car garage, South WIndsor-U A R close to bus'llnes and slipcover. Excellent con­ 8er,*ftfl Conneeflcuf fhls 2Sfh day of Seofem- years varied experience, 6 dition. S35. 649-9567. Jeffrey B. Garfield, dismissed the the Connecticut General Statutes, years recent. 648-4367. 8101,000. 649-8688. Call built. 8 room Garrison downtosvn. S70 per week, (MfMlt THU anytime. utilities Included. Secur­ fNfMPM88|im complaint on the grounds that the the vacancies should have been Mechanic/Welder. Full pr Colonial, 4 bedrooms, specific statute cited by Wllmot did stror part time. E O E M / F 633- family room with field ity and references re­ filled by candidates chosen by Large A Lovely I Spacious ITV/STEHEO/ Oidi. eowitfirfd i on titt not apply. The panel also ruled that th e 8 8317. stone fireplace, large din­ auired. 643-2659. u i nmmal §npmt elected officials or through a Real Estate 3 bedroom Raised Ranch ing room, eot In kitchen. I applimiges VOTIR It did not have authority to decide special election. That statute app­ Non 3 Part time drivers - wanted on a park like lot. Super deluxe carpeting. Many on another state statute Wllmot lies to boards' of selectmen — a location, great develope- flfB fbr South Windsor school extras. Asking S229,«I0. u AFAHTMENTS One O E w asher and dryer, used In her argument. designation Wllmot said also cov­ buses. Starting pay S6 per ment In South Manches­ A R Realty. 643-2692. deluxe model, large ca­ Folltiaini the commission’s de- sw ir HOMES FORREHT ers town councils. hour. Full training pro­ ter.
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