11858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 9 July 23, 2012 With the majority of his business in east- It’s exciting. This is the most exciting time Kenneth was born in Bridgeport, CT ern Kentucky, Westbrook soon discovered it in the history of mankind to be alive,’’ he and lived in Shelton for most of his was cheaper to get his instrument pilot’s li- said and puts his pencil down. life. He graduated from Shelton High cense and fly his men to Pikeville than it f School and the University of Con- was to drive, so he bought a six-passenger Cessna and began his career in the air, flying HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES necticut. Kenneth was an electrician the equivalent of eight times around the and worked for Sikorsky Aircraft. SERGEANT MICHAEL E. RISTAU world. But I speak about Kenneth today be- ‘‘On the weekend, I could take my family Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I cause of another job a different distinc- and we’d leave here at noon and be on the rise to pay tribute to the life and serv- tion that he held for a number of years: beach in Florida in five hours,’’ he remem- ice of SGT Michael E. Ristau, a native sergeant in the U.S. Army. bered. of Cascade, IA. He was killed on July Kenneth Saavedra, Jr., served with Spending time with his family was para- 13, 2012 in Qalat, Zabul Province, Af- the Army’s 1st Battalion, 102nd Infan- mount to Westbrook, though he admits he ghanistan while serving his country as try Regiment, including two tours of was a ‘‘strict disciplinarian.’’ part of Operation Enduring Freedom. ‘‘I believe discipline is proof that you care duty in Afghanistan, and served with about values that are important in life,’’ he He leaves behind his wife, Elizabeth, the National Guard for almost 10 years. said. ‘‘When my daughter Leann was born two sons, Hyle and Bradley, his par- Kenneth was an American patriot. He with Down syndrome, she thrived because of ents, Randy and Suzanne, and many selflessly dedicated his life to serving the help of her brothers and sisters. I stopped other family and friends. My prayers his country and never asked what he playing golf and our family did things to- go out to them as they grieve his loss. would receive in return. And after he gether and we traveled as a family. We tried By all accounts, he was a brave sol- came home from two tours in Afghani- to teach them the need for unconditional dier who was proud of serving his coun- stan, he continued to stay active in love. They went to church and learned to try. He had a long list of awards and pray. They still go to church.’’ veterans’ causes as vice chair of the In 1975, still with a passion for leadership, decorations, including the Bronze Star Teamsters Veterans Caucus Con- Westbrook was asked to work for the Cum- and Purple Heart, Army Achievement necticut Chapter 1 and an avid sup- berland Valley Area Development District. Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, porter of the Wounded Heroes Fund. Later, he worked to develop a stronger tour- with Oak Leaf Cluster, National De- This Saturday, Kenneth will be laid ism industry in the region. ‘‘We’d take our fense Service Medal, Afghanistan Cam- to rest in the Connecticut Veterans’ brochures and our booths and our pictures paign Medal, with Bronze Service Star, Cemetery in Rocky Hill with full mili- and travel to shows in Chicago and Indianap- Iraq Campaign Medal, with two Bronze tary honors. We owe a debt of gratitude olis and Cincinnati and Detroit and people Service Stars, Global War on Terrorism would come and see where to go on vaca- to Kenneth Saavedra, Jr., and to mili- tion,’’ he said. Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, tary men and women like him who Eight years later, Jeanne was diagnosed NATO Medal, Non-Commissioned Offi- have risked everything to protect our with lung cancer and, with little treatment cer Professional Development Ribbon, Nation, and served and sacrificed, often available, died August 2, 1983. Nine months Valorous Unit Award, Meritorious Unit at great cost to themselves. We must later, Westbrook’s son Don died after having Commendation, and Combat Infantry- keep faith with them and make sure an allergic reaction to a flu shot. It was a man Badge. that we leave no veteran behind. devastating time for Westbrook, who was Our Nation is truly blessed to have I want to offer my sincere condo- still working and taking care of Leann. patriots like Sergeant Ristau who vol- Though he continued to go to work every lences to Kenneth’s parents, Evelyn day, he admitted he fell into a deep depres- unteer to serve their country, prepared and Kenneth Sr., as well as to his many sion. ‘‘When a child dies, it pulls something to endure the daily sacrifices of a de- family members and friends who are out of you and you’re never, ever the same,’’ ployment and the horrors of combat, mourning his loss.∑ he said. and knowing that they could make the f Eventually, Westbrook was able to recover, ultimate sacrifice. About his military in part with the help of Susan Mitchell, who service, his family said, ‘‘Michael had a GARDEN CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA would later become his wife. ‘‘She helped me passion for the military and was going ∑ Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. through the most difficult times of the griev- to re-enlist.’’ They also said that ‘‘Mi- Madam President, today I wish to pay ing,’’ he said. ‘‘I was certainly not a very pleasant person to be around, and she told chael was always looking out for oth- tribute to the 125th anniversary of the me years later I was the saddest person she ers and helping them in any way pos- founding of Garden City, SD. Located had ever seen. I was so thankful to have a sible.’’ There is certainly no more self- in northeastern Clark County, Garden friend who knew what I was going through. less act than to give one’s life to en- City is a proud small town, known for She was my cheerleader.’’ sure that others may live in freedom. potato farming. Together, Susan and Westbrook have a We cannot hope to ever fully repay the The townsite of Garden City was es- son, Reuben, and though no longer married, debt we owe Michael Ristau, but as he tablished in 1882 on 40 acres of land do- remain friends. joins the illustrious ranks of our fallen nated by Clarence Hayward, an early After 18 years with the development dis- resident. Hayward was known as the fa- trict, during which he organized the first patriots from the birth of our Nation Tourism Industry Development Symposium to the present day, we have an obliga- ther of the town because of his stead- in Lexington, Westbrook retired in 1993. In tion to honor his life and his sacrifice. fast dedication to the well-being and advance of the new millennium, he organized We must always remember heroes like improvement of Garden City. It is said Vision 2000, an effort to define London’s Michael Ristau and never take for that were it not for his aggressive ad- goals and aspirations, many of which came granted the gift of liberty they have vocacy, Garden City would not be a to fruition. In 2010, he wrote a cookbook, won for us. town. ‘‘Grandma’s Heirloom Kentucky and South- The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul f ern Recipes.’’ He continues to live with Railroad was built in the town in 1887, Leann, ‘‘who babysits her dad,’’ and enjoys ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS seeing his other children, 13 grandchildren, bringing with it great prosperity. At and five great-grandchildren. He attends St. that time, R.S. Carpenter donated a 40- William Catholic Church. And he remains acre parcel of land located just south of deeply committed to London and his passion HONORING KENNETH SAAVEDRA, Garden City to the town. His wife is for progress. JR. credited with naming the town, an At the end of his interview, he outlines ∑ Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Madam Presi- honor granted to her by the railroad ways to think outside the box, drawing sev- dent, for a few minutes, let us recall a workers who were impressed by her eral adjacent squares on a sheet of paper and young patriot, a military veteran, and hospitality. She had a love of flowers asking how many are actually there. Point- ing out how several small boxes form several a Connecticut son who tragically and saw parallels between the townsite larger ones, he talks about the importance of passed away on July 15, 2012. His name and the Garden of Eden. expanding one’s mind. ‘‘You have to be open was Kenneth Saavedra, Jr. He was just The year 1887 was important in the minded, you can’t just be closed to what was. 29 years old. early history of Garden City. Besides VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:37 May 18, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\S23JY2.000 S23JY2 jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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