Jl ¥ ^1 TRANSfX13 ) [\i% \ill4M -— THEN M YSTICISM 1 .vtlJH <? . onnrui VOL. 11 NO. 3 DECEMBER 1988 EDITOR IN CHIEF & DESIGN DIRECTOR: BOB GUCCIONE PRESIDENT: KATHY KEETON cDITOR- PATRIC: ADCROFT GRAPHICS :j!RECTOR PRANK DEVINO MANAGING EDITOR: STEVE FOX ART DIRECTOR: DWAYNE FLINCHUM CONTENTS PAGE FIRST WORD The Future of Space Allan McDonald 10 Technology OMNIBUS Data Bank 14 COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence 20 FORUM Results oiihe Interspecies Nina Guccione 22 Communications Experimen SPACE NASAs Recycling Program Randall Black 24 EARTH Arlificia Islands Dwight Holing 26 STARS Neplune's Mysterious Moon J. Kelly Beatty 28 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Brain-controlled Computers Darrell E Ward 30 ARTS High-tech Jewelry Nina Guccione 34 MIND The Politics of Alcoholism .car' Rachel Goldberg 42 CONTINUUM The Truth About the 45 Right/Left Brains, etc. TRANSCENDING SCIENCE Mystical Experiences Dennis Stacy 54 HOW TO HAVE A Mind- expansion Exercises, Keith Harary and 137 MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE plus an Interview with Jane Bosveld Joseph Campbell SILVERBIRD Pictorial: West Germany's John W. Anderson 63 Spaceplane ON THE EDGE Fiction Sharon N. Farber 70 LOS ALAMOS WHIZ KIDS Classified Children: Coming Nolan Hester 78 of Age in New Mexico p LONG DAY'S JOURNEY "he ""iysiology of Ronald K. Siegel 86 INTO FRIGHT Hallucinations STAR TECH CL'ice 'ools to- the Year 2000 92 FLEDGED Fiction Carol irmshwiller 96 INTERVIEW AIDS Expert Luc Montagnier Thomas Bass 102 ANTIMATTER NASA and UFO 109 Invest cations, etc. GAMES Origami Architecture, plus Scot Morris 156 Computer Gaming with Chuck Yeager LAST WORD Humor: Psychic Abuse <:-iihv "homock 162 She " represents the "Venus of inalLtd., 1965 Broadway the future," says artist k POSTMASTER Send Jean Francois Podevin, who created of Alien Troy stribured in the USA, Can; lit lor China Sky's upcoming record *7 7QE, England Entire cor from CBS. The figure is an expression o! technology, humanity, and nature— with a dimension ot mystery 2 OMNI . Thanks to NASA's most recent success, Aftef the space shiifle ChaMenget was lost, mourned the death of our future it e we crew members. Our hopes If the upcoming age of space engineer- the seven explore other, worlds ing is going to be great, however, the and dreams'lo responsibilities of tomorrow will be even seemed bleak at the time, and our missions into space came to a standstill. greater. I believe it's time for engineers as both' professionals and citizens Even now peoofe are still wondering accident could have '.to take 'a more active role In the decisions how the Challenge! Discovery that space technology creates. happened. The success of Engineers are more aware of the risks, puts' us back or- track, but every Ameri- that the costs, and the feasibility of certain- can citizen needs to understand technologies and should also be invoiced a risk is still present. what : s the in the decisions as to how these break- ... I have often been asked Ihrougns are applied. Our progress criterion for determining whether the shuttle solid in space is indeed a tech no logic a: feat, redesign of the space answer this bu: there are more issues at hand than rocket Poosler is safe. My to been: lust a technical challenge. difficult question has always Professional engineering associations h when today are a sadly underdeveloped, there has 'oeen sufficient testing and design 'hat I .' source of expert counsel, it is essential analysis of trie new am It myself. But there is no for such associations to be actively wiliing to fly in let wife represented on national steering' V: way that I would ever my or : mission into committees, planning commissions,'.. children ! y on a shuttle at . .. .. , , ; . p sit first flight of the DC-3 occurred FIRST rational and affordable national space The o be developed and put into 53 years ago Today airplanes are 20 times saior man cars There Is. however, action. It only makes sense that those commercial air IAJDRD who are on the forefront of space devel- an accepted danger In opment should be among the people ve sir! have accidents. allow ourselves By Allan McDonald who choose ihe direction our space With spaceflight, we must levelof'.,; program will take. theii.me to develop the same knowledge. The space ^Space engineers can We aiso nee:.! !o Know when it is besl experience and space shuttle is lhe most complex machine develop a strategy for to use 'obotic explorers. Every help mission. is mission presents a calculated risk, ever built by man. arid every ;. sending a manned but we need to determine when that flown on the .ragged edge of design, . to and danger is too great lor man and when a and technology. Rouune access mission to Mars or take part . "' robotic instrument can do 'he job as from space is a legitimatetgoaT-feut ;•;.. fn putting together : not short-term one. • ; well. Should we spend more energy a : a feasible plan that will send designing and building equipment to The future, of. spar- ' 7 And when' does a boundless as anything! know. Its a new colony of replace astronauts' mission require the skills and intellect of a possibilities are unlimited and its rewards: into outer space3 need, however, Earthiing? human being" I? la our responsibility to' abundant. What we ' professionals willing tc . dedicated ir order to get the , are job done right .and protect pur astronauts, accept a wider sphere of responsibili- ties responsibilities that should naturally . atthesarne time Alter ah, choosing tne nest combriailon cr abilities to fit a go along with a profession that.affects::' lives. given situation :s what engineers are so many v . / -z trained to do. We are on the threshold of a commer- the: one: '-,./, Not only will the increased participation cial space market as vast as of tne or engineers help work out sortie of that began with the development incredible field of opportu- the kinks in our spaco program, bu" it airplane. The Ameri- will also create a greater opportunity to nity thai is opening up for many 'i . ..ii accomplish our goals -r.cye quickly. -I i !!,; Engineers can help develop a strategy intense international competition to - microgravity tor sending a.manned mission to Mars, develop launch vehicles, satellites, tor instance, or ia.-=c part in putting manufacturing, communication together a feasible plan thaiwii: send a advanced propulsion, robotics, and new colony of Earthlings into space. applied artificial Intelligence, Engineers also have a responsibility Our recent success in reluming ihe marks to make sure the public is educated space shuttle to active 'light of in both the ores and cons -hat go along the beginning of a new era space orbrte- with extending our world into space. exploration. It Is 'fitting that the Every engineer understands that a Discover-/ was the vehicle chosen ; r space disaster of one kind or another Is for this first mission, for t will be most ': ' of i all era discovery.OQ . an , , ' ' standing 'has not yet penetrated the.- public sphere. The average citizen as ail >.,>' .,'.'. ..- .-. .. well as the' media expects' our 'space program to be 100 percent successful and 100 percent safe. and Discovery space shuttles. — — — CONTRIBUTORS onnruii ' dilemma. a world statute that forced disturbances or electrical impulses in in from the rain, causing quite a Imagine won a Nebula award, you to stay within 100 miles of your the brain'' Michael A. Persinger, head of Kate Wilhelm Science Fiction Writers of birthplace and banned all types the neuroscience laboratory at Lauren- given by the tor her story "Forever Yours, of communication—television, telephone, tian University in Ontario, has devised a America, 1987. newspapers, even mail service. For "magic hat" said to induce mystical Anna," published by Omni in July Stoker award, given by the most of us this would be little better than experiences in his subjects. The Bram of America, went to prison. For the last part of this century Ronald K. Siegel, a psychopharma- Horror Writers Ft. Martin for "The Pear-shaped we've had access to virtually the entire cologist at UCLA, is one of the world's George Ft. October 1987. planet, with a few people traveling leading experts on hallucinations. In Man," published in authors and our beyond that boundary into space. And "Long Day's Journey into Fright" (page Congratulations to the Datlow. with the dawn of the New Age, there 86) Siegel writes about his work with fiction editor, Ellen In "Silverbird," the pictorial on page are those people who have felt a far patients who suffer from these sometimes are greater connection—one with the heavenly, sometimes hellish epiphanies. 63, you'll learn how the West Germans cosmos as a whole. Like any scientist, Siegel methodically going to bring the world closer with Having a mystical experience studied the symptoms of this phenome- the development of their aerospaceplane. will travel at of Mach 7, seven teeling connected to something greater non. Setting up situations that mirrored It a speed of sound. America than oneself—may be attained by the circumstances present during his times the speed vehicle the following the 12 exercises compiled by patients' hallucinatory episodes, Siegel promises an even faster — will fly at Mach 25. But Keith Harary in "How to Have a Mystical found that he, too, experienced shifts X-30, which theirs Experience" (page 137). You won't in reality. Asked to investigate a case of it looks as if the Germans will have off before we do. need any special props or training —just a man accused of kidnapping and the ground American ingenuity is evident in a a little uninterrupted time. The benefits murder, Siegel underwent a dangerous vary from understanding how your experiment to help the court determine new type of jewelry—and the boxes to it (Arts, "Baubles, Bangles, and identity evolved to infusing your life with if the man was sane.
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